Star Wars 9 might even be WORSE than The Last Jedi(SPOILERS)

Kevin Smith was invited on set and now he's shilling for the new movie. He's hinting at Dumbledore's Army in space. The Jedi will be replaced by the Skywalker amy.

> "The way that Jedi has been used historically in these movies, including in the last movie – ‘the last Jedi, the Jedis must end,’ all that shit – what if that’s it for the Jedis? And perhaps the new religion are the Skywalkers? Didn’t that just give you fucking chills? What if it’s that?"

> Smith added, “Wouldn’t that be fucking dope? Like, Luke was so fucking important – like, I’m going to cry – to the universe, that from then on, they named the order after him. They’re all Skywalkers.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


One heart attack wasnt enough.

>Kevin smith dies and takes star wars with him
It's... beautiful...

Kevin Smith is not fun anymore

god that is so GAY and RETARDED. FUCK

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The new alien is cool

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>They’re all Skywalkers.
ding ding ding we have a winner
There's going to be a scene where Ghost Luke even says to Rey and her new order (none of whom are aliens by the way) "you are all skywalkers" as it pans over their perfectly hallmark-card diverse little faces

but no aliens

this lame series isn't going to last a generation, once the millenials and boomers die off, they're going to take Star Wars down with it, because its garbage..

>once the millenials and boomers die off
they'll remake the original trilogy

I think it sounds great. I think it's wrap everything up nicely.

literally just redoes the plot and aesthetics of the OT real quick

bunch of subversive shit and derailed space politics distractions and generally frustrating and kind of incoherent plot and weird fucking creative choices

literally about recovering the memory of the PTs and OT to broadcast the story of the Skywalkers across the universe to galaxies far, far away

sounds cool 2 me imhotep

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>Some random chick that never trained in the force decides to call her new cult "Skywalker" because lol merchandising.

>Some random chick that never trained in the force
luke had a road trip with a space wizard and then got bullied by a swamp monster for a week and he was the most badass jedi ever

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Something needs to be done about Kevin Smith. He's been completely insufferable since becoming a pothead. Also he needs to stop shilling his hideous wife and daughter.

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>the most badass jedi ever
a clone wars era padawan could wreck his shit

>He's been completely insufferable since becoming a pothead.
so forever?

prequels are caused by the faulty damage to C3P0's memory chip.

>He's hinting at Dumbledore's Army in space.
Ah shit. That sucks.

This is honestly the lamest idea ever and that's exactly why it's probably going to happen.

"Rise of Skywalker" basically either means this, or Luke comes back from the fucking dead

pick your switch I guess

the leaks the day of the trailer are real.

its about broadcasting the story of skywalker across the galaxies. skywalkers replace the jedi. jedi are dead. sith are dead. kylo probably dies. Emperor is like a force demon or whatever.

what a corporate whore piece of shit

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Are they forgetting that they just finished making Luke into a hopeless, selfish, sniveling nothing of a character?
Who's going to join the suck, lose and abandon everyone then retire in exile club?

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>making Luke into a hopeless, selfish, sniveling nothing of a character
did you even watch the movie?

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bitch didn't even show up in person, he died on the shitter while making a skype call

To be fair to the hopeless and selfish Luke they have they also made his entire life completely meaningless and just a massive failure in every way.
What an inspriring symbol for the galaxy to join.

It's Russiagate in space.

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>bitch didn't even show up in person, he died on the shitter while making a skype call
yup it's a retard

Both of those ideas sound fucking retarded.

>Let's make a Skywalker trilogy, but it's not really about the Skywalkers
>the True skywalker was the friends we made along the way

What's worse is that this movie is easily going to make one billion and drooling retards will clap and praise how "powerful" it is

>The new alien is cool
Really? Isn't that just Jabba wearing a space version of beats by Dre?

Yes Kevin Smith. 1000 generations...fuck the Jedi...Luke was important because why? He 2 fights? Anakin was far more important than Luke. What a normie.

I hate Kevin Smith so much. Studios just bring him in to shill like he's the ultimate go to expert on anything capeshit or sci-fi

>Filename: Spark

If the resistance blowing up a weapon that destroyed 4/5 panets a few days ago doesn't inspire the galaxy to fight back, then why the hell would a hologram do so?

>sends a force hologram to delay nazis for a few mins

he did die like a bitch you faggot

>then why the hell would a hologram do so
because it's Luke Skywalker and he's kind of a legend in the galaxy.

>Both of those ideas sound fucking retarded.
>Let's make a Skywalker trilogy, but it's not really about the Skywalkers
it's about the death of them and stuff. the pt was about their birth.
>the True skywalker was the friends we made along the way
death is coming kiddo

you just proved people that dislike The Last Kino are fucking retards

They are retarded, thanks for agreeing with me.

>it's about the death of them

So a shitty story about the "death" of a family that fans have loved for decades, got it.

>death is coming kiddo

You sound like a brainlet.

No. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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>the pretty makes it all okay

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>You sound like a brainlet.
I sound like the voice in your head

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>the last kino

im going to shit in your mouth, until you grow a fetish for it

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It's amazing how they actually did a worse job at creating and controlling an expanded universe that goes on after the original trilogy than the old EU.

wow ahahahah ebin picture you have there, on what subreddit did you find it *upvotes*

No, you sound like a brainlet who shitposts for attention.

Lets be real, the idea of the Skywalker religion replacing the Jedi religion is pretty kino and has real-life parallels.

the way of doing it supposedly with broadcasting it using the death star is fucking terrible


That's exactly what's going to happen, it's right there in the fucking title.

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It's incredible.

Only a prequel can save us. The next three movies will be about the premices of the empire vs the republic.

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and Leia and Han weren't? Luke's running away and failure as a teacher is part of the reason the first order were so successful.
Why is Luke's contributions so highly valued over everyone elses?
He made a hard but not impossible for normal pilots (his words) shot to destroy the death star...after Han saved him.
He then did basically nothing while Han, Leia, Lando and the Rebel fleet destroyed the second one...which had the emperor in, making Luke's personal victory mean nothing in terms of overall results.

>like, I’m going to cry
Why does Nu Wars seem to attract so many LITERAL manbabies? They all fucking cry at the thought of star wars characters doing anything. They could have Kylo Ren take a stinky shit for a full minute on-screen and the fans would cry and clap. No cuts, no breaks, no joking, just a shot of Adam Driver's asshole and shit falling onto the camera lenses.

So what they are saying is deep down everyone wants to be a white male?

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look at me
I am the skywalker now

>We Are V for Vendetta
Holy shit JJ

what the hells the skywalker religion going to be though. just drink some titty milk say 5 hail reys and your saved from the darkside?

lukes done nothing to inspire a religion

>replacing universal philosophy with something that is basically the cult of personality
Off yourself nu-male.

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He really wasn't. He didn't win a single fight since training with Yoda. Got absolutely wrecked by Vader who wasn't even trying, got shot by a shitskin on Jabba's barge, got wrecked again by Vader until he went beserk and then got wrecked by Palpatine

People like Luke for reasons other than him winning his fights.

I read this exact same shit theory here a few days before that podcast. Does Kevin Smith post here?


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They can do whatever. Not like I'm going to see it anyway. Frankly I hope they sextuple down on the stupid shit for this last one; I wanna hear shit like Rey disarming all the Knights of Ren and going all Vergil from DMC on them with like six lightsabers so I can laugh my ass off.

Disney is not going to waste decades worth of marketing by replacing Jedi with Skywalker

He wasn’t until this past decade or so

>People like Luke for reasons other than him winning his fights.
People like Rey for reasons other than not dying in her fights.

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the most badass jedi was prequel obi wan sorry sweetie luke was always a dork the cool character was han in the OT

have sex, please

its literally an elongated water bear

>continues to prove me right

lol last (You) you are getting from me. You better think of some really good bait for you next post.

>>He's been completely insufferable since becoming a pothead.
>so forever?

Rian's words? lel

It's not like it says "Jedi" on top of Luke or Obi-Wans toys

post nudes and I'll decide if I'll be your top or bottom then.

Let's be real, brainlets like you are doing to lap this shit up, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a horrible idea and ironically completely goes against their message of moving on from the Skywalkers.

show me one saga that did

>the leaks the day of the trailer are real.
> its about broadcasting the story of skywalker across the galaxies. skywalkers replace the jedi. jedi are dead. sith are dead. kylo probably dies. Emperor is like a force demon or whatever.
>Anonymous 04/19/19(Fri)14:57:56 No.113171836
One of the lead characters becomes Julian Assange and the New Republic is Wikileaks, I guess.

That comes as a legitimate surprise.

>You better think of some really good bait for you next post.

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>people liking Rey

Gotta need some citation here, senpai. There's a reason they're pulling out Lando and Palpatine for the last movie, no one and their mothers give a shit about Rey.

then he never "became" a pothead, he always was, you moron


I honestly never though I'd miss the old EU. It was 90% trash but the 10% was worth it. Now I can't care anymore at all.

Genuinely a terrible idea if true, as is the "Rey is Shmi" shit that's going around, but I have no doubt the film will be lore raping garbage no matter what. They are going to have Rey kill Palpatine FOR REALS THIS TIME WE SWEAR to finally finish undermining the other six films and metaphorically kill Luke and Anakin for good.

>everyone is also an autistic too-old-for-kids-movies shitposter like me!

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oh you will be my bottom


Come on, Palps going to be a brief vision or a holocron

Even Rey and Kylo together defeating Palpatine is way too much. Neither of them should be able to even touch him.

Even if he's in some extremely weakened state, they should be killed almost instantly.

>Spend an entire movie retconing Luke to be a spineless cuck who dies alone.

Kylo Ren was the only new character trending on twitter during the reveal.

Lando was a bit more above him and Palpatine was the most poplular.

No one gives a fuck about Rey and her literal who wannabe Han Solo lackeys.

Kill yourself queer, you never read the old eu.

Well, as much as it probably pains you to hear this Kylo is supposed to be stronger than Vader at a much younger age. I can accept it because he is Anakin's grandson and was trained by Luke and that is how you properly do a new generation character or "successor".

If Rey is merely helping Kylo by balancing him or something, I could get behind it. If it's just her defeating Palps or them combining their powers meh.

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This won't even make half of what Endgame does

It's just Jabba mixed with Jar Jar.

Kylo is a pathetic weak faggot who lost to 50kg girl with no training. Fuck off shill. Gyno ren, rey and the rest were all mistakes.

>Kylo is supposed to be stronger than Vader at a much younger age.
And Vader similarly had no chance against Palpatine. He had to die just to grab and throw him.

Rey was easily subdued by Snoke's telekinesis, she had no answer for that.

Neither of them know how to block lightning.

>50kg girl

>>We Are V for Vendetta
>Holy shit JJ
JJ, I am disappoint.

... well, isn't that true?

if this horrible shit is true I will chop my dick off

poo in loo

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I don't care what you think

What about droid jedis? Droids are human too.

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>If Rey is merely helping Kylo by balancing him or something, I could get behind it.
Nu wars fags were a mistake.

How fucking stupid do you have to be take a hugely popular pop culture term like Jedi and attempt to render it invalid and say it deserves to die off? I know these people released Last Jedi but they're going to outdo themselves

this shit is gonna get gud

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>Neither of them know how to block lightning.
You literally just put your saber between it and you. Shit, everyone but Anakin knew that.

I almost want to be a writer for this one just so I can throw in as much stupid as I want, fully secure in the knowledge those smoothbrains will gobble anything up so long as you couch it in enough progressive, psuedo intellectual garbage.
Shit like Rey becoming one with the Force and losing her physical form only to become a gibbering dark god driven insane by the sheer volume of input from every being in the galaxy.
The Emperor jacks Finns body.
Kylo Ren is sent back in time to become his own grandfather.
Holdo comes back in a ghostly rebel ship to kamikaze the Emperor.
Ancient aliens from beyond the galaxy show up in giant mechas to wage war on everyone.

Who gives a shit, right? Its Star Wars, it'll get eaten up regardless

This. Rey met him for one day, and for the most part he was an old coward who was hiding away from his mistakes. TLJ tells us that he did almost nothing in 30 years and tried to murder the son of his sister and best friend.

>Last film ends with Rey lifting half a mountain with little effort, a feat far surpassing anything any other force user has been shown to do before.
>Trailer for next movie expects us to be in awe that she can do a 15 foot backflip.

It's like trying to have us impressed that Legolas killed a goblin without having to aim after we've seen him kill the oliphant.

So you can accept Vader killing Palpatine, but not Kylo who is much stronger? What?

Kylo also has all of his limbs, so he should be stronger than Vader anyway. He blocked a blaster bolt in midair and in the novels he can stop a missile with ease.

We don't know if he can block lightning or not, because he was under Snoke's thumb and just let himself get shit on by him. He does wear a static-damping cloak though, he can just wrap it around Palpy's hands and Force-throw him off his ship kek

>Thinking that Onions Wars Episoyde IX: The Rise of the Basedwalkers would be anything other than sjw reddit trash.

I never, ever thought I would miss the Yuuzhan Vong, Traviss' Mandalorians, the Killiks, and Abeloth. Christ man I really tried to like the new SW. I did. But it's just too fucking bad. It's either committee made sterile shit or just your garden variety incompetent shit.

They don't understand how difficult it is to make a word that isn't comprised of two pre-existing words, and then have that word become a staple in the English language.

Umm no sweetie. She's Han Solo's protege, Chewbacca's new best friend and the last student of the great Luke Skywalker. Nevermind that Leia considers her the galaxy's only hope. She's pretty much perfect to be honest in every way

fuck is wrong with you guys. the whole point of the skywalker saga is that the preconceived notion of the way the force is used (light/dark dichotomy) is flawed.

>prequels - jedi are fucking wrong about everything and sidious takes over
>OT - "luke you have to kill vader he's done for" wrong again

a 'skywalker' won't have anything to do with worshipping the skywalkers. it'll be about following the teachings they have learned over 3 generations of struggling with the dark side. a skywalker will be a type of force user who can use both the light and dark side without being corrupted.

luke beating vader and throwing away his saber will be established as the defining moment for the new religion. its probably the best ending we could hope for at this point.

not sayin its perfect but try and propose something better after the shitshow rian johnson gave us

Kylo is the best!

>The Emperor jacks Finns body
directed by Jordan Peele

Yeah, i know youre just a bandwagon jumping hole who's only interested in shipping.

I like the concept. Fight me

doubtful this is real. no leaks about palpatine at all and then the same day we first find out hes back, the REAL leak comes out with palps in it? nah.

Why are nu wars fags so retarded?

And Kylo, the Skywalker, is the only one to suggest to throw away Jedi and Sith and is canonically the "focal point between Light and Dark".

So, it should be about him in the end. A Skywalker. Not some religion for literal whos made by literal whos. Thanks for clearing it up.

Remember when we thought the movie was going to be about a space holocaust machine powered by the souls of force-sensitive people or something (which was stolen from Knights of the Old Republic, I think)? Remember when we thought this couldn't get any worse?

So a religion based on killing children, not liking sand, doing your sister, and drinking milk from alien tits?

>a skywalker will be a type of force user who can use both the light and dark side without being corrupted.
When did the sequel trilogy ever imply that it's okay to use Dark Side powers without being corrupted? You sound like you're talking about your fanfic term Skywalker not how it's been presented in the actual movies.

he's not alive. he's just a force monster or whatever for Kylo

>skywalkers will be mary sue """grey""" jedis that are just so honest, good and progressive.

fuck you nigger

>implying the new movies give a single fuck about the old lore


I can't here you over your faggotry, sorry

Kids say they want to be a Jedi for halloween all the time

t. drooling retard

Just go watch Harry Potter for your boring ending.

He's definitely not as strong as Anakin. Anakin and Luke would both wipe the floor with his untrained, unbalanced ass. Anakin would show him the true meaning of the dark side. Also, Kylo Ren is not going to be redeemed in the film, he is completely embracing the dark side unlike Vader.

I know they didn't, which is why I'm asking that guy why he thinks Rey's Skywalkers are okay with using Dark Side powers. He pulled it right out of his ass

Oh christ. Was he crying again?

it is. ideally, he's the one who starts it. a good ending to a story about a family blessed with incredible power but cursed because of the way they got it (if the palps/plague dark side experimentation is how anakin was born)

who gives a shit?


People are still just going to call them Jedi.

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>He does wear a static-damping cloak though, he can just wrap it around Palpy's hands and Force-throw him off his ship kek

Now I really want this to happen. Would be fucking hilarious.

>Kylo who is much stronger? What?
kek according to that utterly retarded story group who couldn't keep the story straight for even 12 months

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>rename the order after Luke Skywalker
The one thing that Rian arguably got right was examining the pride and ego of the jedi. Which applies to Luke as well since he acknowledges that he allowed himself to be seen as a legend and status.

i just mentioned this in another post, but i am assuming that the skywalker is Kylo. obviously if kylo only ends up being the bad guy who loses to Rey again, the movie is totally fucked. And kylo is presented in a pretty sympathetic light despite using dark side powers and has advocated for abandoning the jedi and sith religions

WAIT! If "Skywalkers" are the new Jedi who are the new Sith? Sheevs?

>I really tried to like the new SW
If you didnt drop it after tfa youre part of the problem.

Well the official canon suggests he is, whether you like it or not.

Him being unbalanced has been an issue for him, but that's why I'm saying if Rey is there to help balance him as TLJ suggest, then I can accept him being more powerful than Anakin/Vader, especially because he hasn't lost any limbs.

do you have the leaks? i remember the dumb skywalker radio show part but i dont remember reading about palps being a "force monster"

He's presented as sympathetic because he's the son of two beloved OT characters. Not because the movie implies his Dark Side powers are being used for good and not corrupting him.

Truly a nu-legacy worth broadcasting to the galaxy.

It's shocking how utterly creatively bankrupt the minds behind this new trilogy are. They could have taken the story in any direction they wanted, and this is what we end up with?

JJ sets up the character to be related to Luke/the Skywalker family.

Johnson drops his pants, and takes a watery, greasy shit on that plotline.

JJ says "fuck it", and writes god awful shit making Jedi's into a cult worshipping Luke.

Yeah, fuck this. I'm not attending this funeral.

If you think this is bad, god help the franchise of Johnson is allowed to write a new trilogy, unrestrained by canon.

Just like how they kept saying Kylo Ren and Snoke aren't Sith, even though for all intents and purposes they functionally are and everyone still calls them Sith.

I hope you and your cunt of a mother both get cancer.

I might be on-board if Kylo is the hero in the end who starts this new "religion", but it's still an overall meh idea and they could do better.

Isn't this a cosplay event? Who's that toxic fan standing next to it?

The OT with modern effects.

idk i remember reading it's just like connected to kylo's part and he's not actually undead

Except Luke at the end of ROTJ already learned how to contain dark side without being corrupted. If he only followed traditional jedi teachings from Yoda and Obi-wan, he wouldn't go to the Cloud City and he would kill Vader because the light has to defeat darkness yada yada yada. He wouldn't try to turn him. And Anakin's turn proved that no one is always only evil or only good. The light vs dark dychotomy was already destroyed at the end of ROTJ and just because some retards simply don't understand it doesn't mean we need another movie to tell THE MESSAGE THAT WAS ALREADY TOLD MANY YEARS AGO. Stop supporting corporate cash grabs.

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Someone in the focus group between now and December needs to stand up and tell them a movie about a message being broadcast to the galaxy does not make any fucking sense.
They've completely shit over the worldbuilding to the point where only 12 Resistance members in the whole universe are good and everyone else is a brainwashed Trump/First Order supporter.

>He's presented as sympathetic because he's the son of two beloved OT characters.

Thanks for noticing that the writers made the conscious choice to make Kylo Ren the son of beloved heroes so that the audience inherently sympathize with him, making their job to make my sympathetic that much easier.

>How fucking stupid do you have to be
Nothing is more stupid than a committee.

Remember wgen you didnt pretend to be part of something you have no clue about?

The official canon does not support this in any way, that is 100% your headcanon. And again, Kylo Ren is going to die the villain in this film, he and Rey are not teaming up. They are cousins and the final duel is a ripoff of Jacen and Jaina's final duel in the EU.

That is so fucking stupid I can barely wrap my head around it. Who thought this was a good idea? I mean Yoda was more important and influential than Luke ever was but the Jedi never called themselves Yodas or any stupid shit like that.

Rey uses the darkside all the time the movies just never call her out on it. She's a cunt.

The post I replied to was implying his usage of the Dark Side isn't a problem and that the Skywalkers will balance using Light Side and Dark Side powers for some reason.
Luke in RotJ using force choke on Gamorrean guards was a much more nuanced depiction of a Jedi using the Dark Side and not being corrupted than Kylo is, who's usage of it is clearly taking him in the wrong direction.

Rian 'Hyperspace Ram' Johnson was already unrestrained by canon. He's damaged the franchise inside out because of that.


He's presented as sympathetic because he is and his struggle between Light and Dark has been his entire conflict the entire trilogy. Not sure if they are trying to imply Dark=good now, but it's not crazy to theorize about it given the way it's been presented in the ST.

Especially with the whole idea of Kylo and Rey representing Dark and Light respectively and the idea that they have to come together to achieve "balance" and defeat the ultimate baddy.

> Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4.06 BILLION to get into merchandising with boys as the target market
> George Lucas suggests Kathleen Kennedy be put in charge because he recognized her name from the early 80s when she fetched coffee and smiled
> cunt throws out everything that made the franchise worth over $4 billion and wants everything to target girls and takes the advice of a few ecelebs from fucking Milwaukee on who to pick the director of the first movie
> the movies diminished all of the OT characters into cameo roles that have zero effect on the all-too familiar plot laden with red herrings and shaggy dog stories
> KK constantly buts heads with directors while encouraging your gaggle of Twilight Moms and arrogant diversity hires to pick fights with the fans on social media
> access thirsty entertainment "journalists" get the gist and follow suit attacking fans for being sexist incels for pointing out the bad parts of the movies
> directors quit while KK's pet kissass is given a trilogy for completely fucking up what possible story the "trilogy" could have
> KK doubles the budget of a spinoff movie because she's too much of a cunt to take a joke
> all the toys collect dust on the shelves, killing entire store chains while the overall sale of action figures is up
> Milwaukee's favorite Jew is brought back to trick the audience again in hopes The Mouse can salvage this fucking disaster of a completelydirectionless trilogy
> movie is released, the bugmen are tricked again and now everyone's a Skywalker
> Rian Johnson's trilogy features a transgendered disabled Muslim POC called Skywalker because Xe's so awesome with the force

I've never wanted a movie to bomb so much in my life, but I know it will make its money back thanksto gullible numales that cry at movie trailers.

Kevin Smith was fun only once with Clerks, after that he was terrible

>ships nu wars characters
>accuses others of faggotry.

Yeah, he's SO successful he had to go back to the Jay And Silent Bob well again.

He's living proof that just because you read comic books, doesn't mean you can write them, or make movies about them.

JJ never set up Rey to be a Skywalker. Just because she's a perfect Mary Sue who everyone loves, including the Skywalkers, doesn't mean she's related to them.

If you actually listen to him, he says that this Skywalker religion thing isn't based on anything he saw on set, it was just a goofball thought he had after seeing the trailer. Why do you autists post retarded shit like this?


>Does Kevin Smith post here?

I love how everyone thinks they can just deflect criticism by calling it projection.

Yes he did. He is pissed that Rian changed it and has retconned it back in IX. She is Luke's daughter.

>the idea of the Skywalker religion replacing the Jedi religion is pretty kino and has real-life parallels
Does it? I suppose if you want to talk about Christianity, you're essentially turning Anakin and Luke into God-like figures. And if that's the case, that has really terrible ramifications for the situation with Kylo whether he lives or dies at the end...

That's not how the force works you dumb fuck.

I'm totally checked out. I hope they cast Brie Larson as the lead for the Old Republic trilogy or Episode X so SW can truly be dead like the MCU.


The official website suggest he is stronger than Vader, as if the movies itself don't make it obvious.

MSW spoiled that Kylo and Rey team up in the end and it's been confirmed time and again they are not related.

Take your meds, schizo.

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No, what they're saying is that it doesn't matter if they shat all over Luke and ruined his legacy and then killed him off like a bitch cause really we're all Skywalkers and he was nothing special

Yaphit Caterpillar

But what about the one on the right?

This. I don't understand how can people here have any discussions about those movies, the flat-ass characters without any depth and forced "darkness" like Kylo. HOW can you care? Does s o y make your brain shrink? How can you take anything about those movies remotely serious?

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>weird fucking creative choices
>snow planet is actually salt planet
Yew user, they really went out there!

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>as if the movies itself don't make it obvious.
The only scene he's shown as being powerful was the first scene of the trilogy when he freezes a bolt. Everything after that he's being a weak buffoon. Even Snoke is shown to die because of his own arrogance than Kylo's skill.

That's debatable seeing as the story bends over backwards to make Kylo sympathetic and show how uncorrupted he is despite drawing on the Dark for so long. He doesn't even have sith eyes or anything like that.

It's also worth mentioning that that nu-canon seems to be backpedaling on that a bit. In recent stories, they even touch upon Leia using the Dark Side to choke out Jabba the Hutt and her saying things like "I would kill everyone if I thought it was the right thing to do" or something. Not saying they are portraying this as a good thing, just that they are playing with the idea of Darkness being able to exist with Light inside people and not corrupting them.

>When school shooter Kylo started killing, at least 6 other students joined him immediately
So much for Luke being worth anything as a teacher

Thats kike filth that has no connection to the real star wars movies.

Well hopefully JJ can actually get some of this across in the movie instead of burying it in canon books and comics

No, he didn't.

God I cannot wait to watch you kill yourself when this movie comes out you pathetic tranny. I worked on set, there is no Reylo ending, they are cousins and she kills him because he once again doubles down on the dark side. You literally have no idea what you are talking about and are spewing fake leaks.

It does now, according to Disney.

>Everything after that he's being a weak buffoon
Because he encounters a formidable force user and is later injured. It helps to watch the film.

He did. It has already been completely confirmed.

Like I said, you don't have to like it, but it is canon.

>Nu-Star Wars trilogy begins in 2015
>Has a wealth of lore to build off of from the original and prequel trilogies
>The complexities of inter-galactic politics, the implications of a power vacuum after the Chancellor's death, the mystique surrounding the nature of the force, etc.
>Instead just repackage Luke Skywalker into a mouth-breathing British QT to be a role model for braindead American children
>Instead just repackage the Galactic Empire into a 2-dimensional First Order
>Instead just repackage the Death Star into Star Killer Base
>Instead just repackage Darth Sideous as Lord Snoke, then immediately kill him to make it entirely pointless
>Instead hire the biggest pseudo intellectual in Hollywood to incompetently stumble through directing your movie
>Instead socially engineer all criticism against your multi-million dollar project as bigotry

Kino will be in short supply these next few years, boys.

Kylo went on his rampage right as emo became a thing in the star wars universe, so they all wanted to be cool together

Then don't lie and say he's depicted as powerful and movies "make it obvious" when he loses to the only other Force user in the entire story and is made to look embarrassing against Luke in the next one.

Take you meds please. I won't ask you again.

I'm glad Snap is back

That wasn't me, I'm not interested in entertaining your butthurt like that other user. It's obvious and is canon, you don't have to like it, but that's your problem .

Never said it's non canon, that was another user, but if it's not clearly shown in the movies and has to be dug up from pamphlets and novels then movie failed and thus the majority of viewers don't see the true canon as reality.

It's surprising to me how they can actively hate their historic fan base so much yet keep making money by making their shitty movies 2 hours of virtue signaling. It's even sadder that idiots eat it up, while pretending to be "true fans"

>The only witnesses was the AT-AT pilots who saw Kylo cut down Luke, followed by Luke disappearing never to be seen again.
What a spark of hope

>giving a fuck about nu wars

Again if the canon can't show it clearly in the movies and needs nerdy losers to dig it up from the books, then the canon failed and majority of Star Wars viewers don't see the truth as reality.


I thought Kylo's entire character made it obvious and seeing as he is the main focus in this trilogy, I think it's sufficient.

That's been a theory/claimed leak since the title got announced. I simultaneously don't want it to happen because it's so fucking retarded and Luke would in no way want to put so much importance on his family name and let people basically prop himself up to be god; but I also do want it to happen so I can completely disregard the sequel trilogy.

>formidable force user
50 kg girl with no training. fuck disney wars.

No, it is shown. You just try and twist it to fit your narrative and ignore anything that contradicts it.

Luke's journey wasn't about winning fights. It was about Vader. Redeeming him. It was a classic Hero's Journey.

After that, his story should have been living a more normal life. Other characters would pick up the story for him. His ended when he burned Vader, as far as the overall story goes. A new trilogy should have nodded to the past, and forged a NEW story. Not a reheated puddle of shit with some fan service sprinkled on it, while killing off the beloved characters of the past. I wouldn't be shocked if the new movie has R2D2 and 3CPO being dismantled and left to rot in the corner of the Falcon, because they needed parts from them to give Rey exactly what she needs at exactly the right time, so she can effortlessly solve whatever problem she had nothing to do with, but can solve it with even less effort.

But NO. Luke is a white male and a hero for little boys, instead they shit all over him and made him a coward, made him unlikeable, a conflicted mess of pure drivel from the shit mind of a vagina writer's group lackey writer/director who's entire motive was to be subversive and undermine and destroy the character, simply to get a negative reaction from the audience, because he's a fucking suckhole hack and smug cunt who doesn't understand or respect science fiction.

And smug cunt fans like Kevin Smith will lap at the trough of shit and say "Mmmm! It's wonderful!", because they can attach themselves to a once great franchise like a fat leech, so they can brag about it on social media. Kevin might have dropped the weight, but he's disgusting in how hard he'll suck the ass of the feminists at Lucas to attach himself to a franchise he had nothing to do with creating.

theyre repackaging history. school textbooks are doing the same thing

>There were no witnesses of the battle at Thermopylae
wow why people were inspired by that

>and seeing as he is the main focus in this trilogy
He's not. Rey has had far more screentime in both movies so far. Maybe that will change, but only weird fanboys of his think he's the main focus through the first two movies. Blame Rian for wanting to go to Canto Bight instead of exploring Kylo.

kek, you're mentally I'll and got BTFO. You are going to hate this movie you non-fan subhuman. kys and I'm not asking.

It does show it clearly in the movies and seeing as Kylo is the most successful and popular new character, I wouldn't call that a failure.

He sits by while 5 planets were wiped out of existence in the TFA. Then when he *finally* turns up in TLJ, he's so late only 10 members of the Resistance are even still alive and sitting in a dead end bunker. Also he doesn't really turn up, it's a magic trick that causes him to die afterwards. Also no one saw his distraction except for a handful of the soldiers from the First Order. What a legacy.

Kevin Smith is such a pussy lmao

No, it is not, that's why you had to find quotes from some weird pamphlet to prove it to people in this thread. Fuck off autistic loser, just accept most people watching the movies aren't getting the real story at all.

Jj said kylo rest his helmet in the ashes of his victims. He's a fucking piece of shit.

>Like, Luke was so fucking important
This confirms my theory that they're going to hyper over-compensate from what occurred in TLJ and turn Luke into some godlike christ-figure.

>He sits by while 5 planets were wiped out of existence in the TFA
he doesn't know about that

>Kylo is the most successful and popular new character
Wow, you're telling me the son of Han and Leia is more interesting than Rose Tico, Rey, and Finn? What a great accomplishment by Disney that definitely means Kylo is a perfect character used perfectly in the movies. You're such a fucking brainlet retard eating up whatever shit they feed you.

Just kill yourself tranny. You won't be missed.

I'm quite depressed whenever I think about exactly that

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Finn had more screentime than Rey in one movie, but you would never argue that he is more important than her or important at all, so that's a weak argument in the first place.

>only weird fanboys of his think he's the main focus of the first two movies

Seeing as he's more popular than Rey and it's a very common idea that he is the main focus, I would say you are wrong there too.

It has nothing to do with preference, everyone notices in the writing that he is the center of everything and it all revolves around him so far. The climaxes of the movie are about him, the conflict is centered around him and even the Palpatine thing is bound to heavily involve him.

Rey is not a Skywalker, so she was never going to be more of a focus than him.

Lemme fix this for you.

>Nu-Star Wars trilogy begins in 2015
>Entire Star Wars franchise put on hold in 2019, because of poor performance.

Kennedy will be known as the woman who killed the biggest movie franchise of all time, in 4 years.

The next Indiana Jones will be..okay? Crystal Skull sucked. We'll see. But it will all be on Spielberg, because you know he doesn't listen to Kennedy and her SJW bullshit.

After that? Who the fuck knows. Disney might start selling off pieces of the studio to the highest bidder. Depends on who takes over from Iger.

That's Kylo not Luke. Do you have autism?

>the only white men are jews or married to jews

All they had to do is not hate the source material or the fans. I was never that big a Star Wars fan, but I'm even less of a fan of the Karate Kid movies. But that new show is fucking great. I'm interested in the direction it's going and I don't hate the new characters like I do the new ones in Disney Wars. Probably because the makers of Cobra Kai don't hate the old movies or characters. All Disney does is gush about the OT characters in conventions, but spend hundreds of millions of dollars to shit all over them on screen.

No, it is. That's why I have canon and official sources to back me up and you can only shitpost.

Kylo is a good character regardless of those things.

I think you have him confused with Rey. It's only shiteaters that claim she is a good character because "well luke and han and liea all like her and she has the saber!" rather than judging her on her merits as a character in her own right.


You were btfo tranny. Kill yourself.

Hey does anyone else remember the opening scene of TFA where Kylo stops a blaster bolt in midair using the force, something we've never seen any Jedi do ever before?
Remember when he lost to an untrained girl in a one-on-one duel a little while later?

>red stormtroopers
oh, the People's Republic won't like this...


Your canon is nothing without the "official sources" no one knows about.
The majority of the audience sees Kylo has an overemotional weakling who lost to Rey and Luke and blocked a blaster bolt in the very scene of the movie.
All you have is a scrap of official sources saying he's stronger than Vader but nothing in the movie supports that or even tries to, so if you went and asked a normal person coming out of The Last Jedi if Kylo is stronger than Vader, they'd laugh at you.
Go dig up more shitty sources no one cares about.

slurms mackenzie is stars wars canon?

>the retarded anti-kylo loser frothing at the mouth to hard to even read the posts they reply to
>immediately deletes it to try and save face

Embarrassing desu

Anyway, as I said before I'm not here to make you feel better about canon. Just stating facts.

>Spirit of a true Jedi

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Kylo is not a reedemable character anymore. He's directly responsible for the death of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. But he's worse than a villain, he's a whiny pussy who got defeated TWICE by the main character.

And I'm just telling you what normal people take from the movie as shown by JJ and Rian.
Back to your nerd books you sad loser

Didn't she choke Jabba with a fucking chain though?

Kylo never made any sense as a character. You just want to fuck him.

He's probably referring to the casino and tiddy milk

>Dumbledore's Army
I watched all these movies.
I read all those books.
I been to the theme park.

I have no idea what this shit is.

You were right Rian. The only way to escape the madness is to burn it all down.

Kylo Ren actually dies fairly early in the film. Adam Driver just wanted out, he negotiated a massive pay cut in his contract just to convince them to kill him off in the first half. He hates Star Wars, the role bores him, and just doesn't care anymore because working with Daisy is a nightmare. They have never gotten along, he cannot stand her. This is why he was not even at Celebration. At any rate, the final battle is between Rey, Palpatine, and the Knights of Ren inside a new superweapon ship that was being built secretly in a facility hidden in/under the wreckage of the crashed Death Star. Meanwhile Finn, Poe, Lando, and the rest of the Resistance and their allies are engaged in a huge space battle against the First Order fleet trying to protect it.

I love that Kylo somehow manages to be both a complete irredeemable asshole who killed three major characters (one being his own father and the other being a fucking SITH LORD) AND a completely unthreatening bitch boy at the same time. All this time and he still not intimidating in the slightest despite being a horrible murderer. That is just impressively bad villain writing.

This isn't your personal blog. Can you read? I'm not here to make you feel better, if you want to bitch and cry about it, you can write a letter to Disney that they will likely ignore. I don't agree with you and never will.

>Kylo Ren actually dies fairly early in the film.
incel, have sex please

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It may surprise you to know that the writers know this and intended it. He was never once written with a redemption arc in mind because he isn't getting one. He is fully committed to the dark side and chose the opposite path as Vader. He dies the villain in TRoS.

>i cant defend my opinions but i sure do love sucking disney cock.

Why do they to rape this franchise so much?

Aw the Kylotard loser is getting upset.
You can't agree with me because you're wrong, your "canon" failed to come across in the actual movies because JJ and Rian couldn't write Kylo properly. So the whole audience thinks he's a shitty wannabe and your pathetic little pamphlets saying he's stronger than Vader mean absolutely nothing. I hope you finally understand that and shut the fuck up now.

>might even be WORSE
Well of course it MIGHT

>And perhaps the new religion are the Skywalkers? Didn’t that just give you fucking chills?
I am a JEDI, like my father before me
sounds much better, because he's obviously a Skywalker like his father before him.

Oh look, it's a beige-y, earth-y colour again.

>what if that’s it for the Jedis? And perhaps the new religion are the Skywalkers?

Thats so terrible its probably true knowing these hacks.

You keep falling back on your disney canon argument, however the truest canon is still the movies and nothing you claim is backed up by the movies.

Scrotum faced like all the other ST aliens

Driver hates StarWars? Sounds he is like Harrison Ford, besides having a real actor career.

I had. What now?

g8 b8 m8

>The only scene he's shown as being powerful was the first scene of the trilogy when he freezes a bolt. Everything after that he's being a weak buffoon. Even Snoke is shown to die because of his own arrogance than Kylo's skill.
Yes and keep in mind that scene that happens first in the movie was actually shot last, very close to release date, they made some reshoots. I guess they realized Kylo was a pansy during the whole movie so they gave him a scene to shine only to turn him into a complete faggot after that. This is what happens when middle aged feminists are in charge.

He knows that Snoke and the FO exist, and that they're probably not the nicest of people. And that there are no other jedi to stop them.


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>what if that’s it for the Jedis? And perhaps the new religion are the Skywalkers?
I fucking called it and I was called a retard. Wel Yea Forums did that give you chills?

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>Thats so terrible its probably true knowing these hacks.
That's why I'm so certain the leak about "broadcasting Luke's final message to the galaxy" is true. It's 100% exactly something Disney would do and I'm all ready to see if JJ can fuck up worse than Last Jedi now.

>Rey is not a Skywalker, so she was never going to be more of a focus than him.
But the force is female. Is Kylo trans?

underrated post

disney wars being shit aside, you must be a complete retard to actually want star wars media to always revolve around the world he eternal jedi vs sith battle

the jedi are a fucking cancer on the galaxy that created their own worst enemy and all the havoc they brought on the galaxy
they'll probably just do Luke's reformed jedi order from the EU except Rey and Kylo will lead it and Luke's force ghost will be the spiritual mentor, it'd be the only way to unfuck his legacy after TLJ

This. Kylo is literally one of the worst and fake-deep characters I've ever seen. Rey is still worse though.

>I had
Why would you lie on the internet you dirty fucking virgin?

>the eternal jedi vs sith battle
Ideally we'd get one trilogy where are tons of Sith and tons of Jedi like KOTOR or Legacy and no more after that. The movies so far are just small scale stuff due to the Sith Rule of Two, they haven't done a true war

So Disney Star Wars is just this on a massive scale right?

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>Wide set, squinty eyes
>Earth tone skin
>Droopy mouth face

At least they're being consistent.

You angry, desu?
Stop seething and be more positive. Be a Chris, not a Brie!

No GT had some redeeming qualities

I can set you free of your virginity if you want.

He was never a fan before getting the role, he was indifferent to it at best and had basically never even watched the movies. His opinion is that it is only a series you can like as an adult if you have nostalgia for it from your childhood, and he doesn't. Now I'd say he hates it though because he hasn't enjoyed working on it very much and thinks the fans are annoying. The impression he has given me in the times I've been around him is that of pretentiousness if I'm being honest, but still a nice enough person most of the time. Keeps to himself a lot. Mainly just does his job so he can go back to his wife and kids as soon as possible, he spent most of his downtime while filming and doing press tours skyping them in his trailers/hotel rooms/etc rather than hanging out with any of the other cast and crew.

GT was better than Z (after Frieza) and super, while providing a satisfying ending to the saga. The universal spirit bomb scene is kino af.

Obi-Wan could sense the people of Alderann suddenly being wiped out, Luke could easily sense something 5 times as powerful.

>you must be a complete retard to actually want star wars media to always revolve around the world he eternal jedi vs sith battle
But the focus of SW has always been on how jedi v sith relates to the Skywalkers, not on the 'eternal battle' itself. All we really know from the movies is they've been around for millennia, there's a rule of two, and Plagueis MAYBE caused Anakin's birth. That's actually not very much. And how have actual sith been involved in the new trilogy at all?

Adam is based desu
at least he's not pretending to be a big fan of the series like Ridley and Boyega the shallow cunts, and he's easily the best actor of them all

This is literally the only good thing that came out of Nuwars, and it's still good only because you make a reference to a better piece of fiction.

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I don't agree with that guy that Luke was totally oblivious, but keep in mind Rian had him cut himself off from the Force so he may not have felt it like Obi Wan did Alderaan

> huge space battle against the First Order

And everyone that remembers TLJ will be watching and asking themselves "Why aren't they hyperspace ramming each other?" While useless bugmen cry and go "OMG! SO EPIC!" Then consume plastic toys shaped like what they see on the big screen with a bright lights and fast moving objects.

Dont need to, lost it already 15 years ago.
But i guess you just offer it to get rid of yours.
Like giving someone an alibi to get an own alibi.
At least you now have a positive thinking, mate.

>can't come up with a counter argument
>just call them a retard
What did he mean by this?

>more applause before he comes out than afterward
>JJ's "this is yet another amazing design...please clap guys"
Somehow Colbert was one of the least stingiest things on this panel. So glad they didnt invite Mark

Red Leader still alive?

His family has been harassed, stalked and doxxed by the Reylo fandom for the past 4 years.


I think that Boyega is honest in this point.

>lost it already 15 years ago

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Is that even mentioned in the movie though(not an interview or comic book, etc.)? Doesn't the force 'surround us and bind us'? Luke even tells Rey something along these lines in the film. The idea that Luke can un-Jedi himself is contradiction, especially when the film stresses how powerful he is using his 'force hologram'.

>buy and want to make 2 Star Wars movies a year
>can't design droids, spaceships, or aliens to save their life
Disney creativity

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I only watched it once so I swear heard something about being cut off, but it wouldn't surprise me if I picked up later considering how shit the whole thing is

I'd rather Rey be Shmi Skywalker than this shit.

I hope Driver shoots and kills a Reylo shipper for trespassing on his property. I would laugh so fucking hard at that.

Boyega isn't pretending to be a fan, he actually genuinely loves Star Wars. Dude's a nerd. He's good at being a hype man when Disney wants him to, but he actually doesn't like what Disney has done with the franchise aside from letting him be in it. He has read a lot of the old EU stuff and played some of the games. He'll never admit it publicly as long as they are giving him a paycheck because he wants to keep his career alive (they warned him to stop complaining about it on set once), but he was almost as pissed and depressed about Luke as Mark Hamill was. I overheard him once talking with another Lucasfilm employee saying he wished George Lucas would buy it back. He still enjoys playing his character though for the fun of it.


Why are you ignoring all the rumors that have been floating around about Driver's infidelity and that he likely had an affair with Daisy?

I was referring to the archetypal struggle of light against darkness that permeates the series, it works well in the OT as it's basically a mythological hero's journey, but it seems that afterwards the franchise never moved on and we're stuck with JEDI GOOD SITH BAD

the only piece of star wars media that manages to provide some valid insight and criticise the star wars mythos and dialectics of the force is kotor 2, and I wish the franchise took more of this direction
Kylo Ren is like a shining beacon amongst the grey blandness of the new trilogy because he's actually an interesting and nuanced antagonist, his chaotic neutral worldview challenges the star wars status quo, now that entire theme hinders on whether or not they'll make him into a generic villain in episode 9

That seething is pathological, desu.

So basically they just ripped off K-9 from Dr Who?

boyega is racist as shit tho

Because it sounds like bullshit made up by faggot Reylos.

pretty sure kotor 2 viewed the force as a entity with its own will, which is why kreia whined about it so often.

>the new religion are the Skywalkers

We can all be skywalkers now.

Yeah, those are the "fans" he hates most. He's never been thrilled about meeting fans, he finds it boring and can't relate to the sperg-ish ones trying to talk at him about lore, but those ones specifically make him feel gross and afraid for the safety of his wife and kids. He refused to do Celebration more because of that aspect than anything else.

yup, it was basically a plot device for Avellone to ramble on about how absolutely fucked the SW universe is by being thrown into an endless perpetual war

have sex already

Ken was too pure for Chevy

Thx, i had already.

Fucking terrible, isn't it?

I also like how Luke's been writing all this shit down, there's no fucking way anyone besides him could know the details of the Empror and Vadef's deaths. Luke's single greatest feat, took place with no witnesses but the audience. That's nearly true of his fight with Kylo, too. Rey wasn't there. The Resistance were busy making their escape, and the only witnesses were FO troops.

What "legend" is Rey even privy to? To the wider population, Luke's just a war hero who briefly tried to rekindle the Jedi Order. Disney and Abrams once again proving they're shit at world-building. Shocking, I know.


>besides having a real actor career
Are you suggesting Driver is the only one in Nuwars who has actual actor career? Oscar Isaac break-out role was in a Coen brothers movie; Driver's break-out role was in a fucking HBO tv show with the roastie Lena Dunham. Isaac also won more actual awards than Driver. They both went to the same prestigious acting school but that's about it. Some trannies here love to shill Driver as "ourguy", just because he has "too cool for school" attitude, but he's just a person who decided to be a part of something he never cared about. Daisy is indeed a fake fan, but Boyega and Isaac aren't, they liked Star Wars since they were kids. I don't care about their characters, but at least they're not hypocrites in real life. Some people pretend like Driver is really different than the other cunts in those movies, but he's about the same, just more pretentious and hypocritical.

"The Rise of Skywalker"
Don't the Chiss call their Force Sensitive Navigator Guild types "Skywalkers?

That's why Sheev was the big reveal of the trailer, theyre just trying to get people hyped up for prequel meme shit so that they buy a ticket to a movie about Luke's radio show.
Disney won't care that fans will spend the next few years hating and laughing at IX, they just want the money and for it to be over


lmao noob

But how is he related to Harrison?
Nice that he has a career besides Star Wars too.

Seems legit

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>A fucking duck