You have watched beyonce's documentary, right Yea Forums?

You have watched beyonce's documentary, right Yea Forums?

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Nah looks like we wuz quaynze shit

>the story of drunk and drugged whore coming back home after party last night

>reminder that the yass queen crowd is low iq:

I hate looking at niggers.

>a film by beyonce
>take yourself super seriously
>your music that got you famous is about dancing in the club and yelling at a boyfriend while you shake your ass
I’ll never understand people

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do all these people who worship beyonce, rihanna and similar tanlentless whores forget that they started their careers singing about how vunrable, happy, boys blah blabh blah because it was popular at the time, and now their jewish manager changed their persona into strong gangsta wymn
and americans take social and political queues from invented non-persons like this

god she's hot. Time for wyte boys to take a knee. I wish her music was better though.

have sex

I'd rather kill myself. Why is this worthless piece of shit talked about as if she' some genius musician? Her songs are fucking awful and even then she doesn't write a single note

one of the rules of music critics seems to be praise everything Beyonce does.

The only women above 30 that I care about in this world are my mother and grandmother.

I absolutely hate beyonce. Her songs are absolute shit and she is an insufferable self centered cunt.

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i wonder what huffington post thinks about it

I don't watch media with trannys in them

>Muh African heritage
>Muh home sickness

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>muh jews

I'm not a negro, so no.


Attached: beyonce-vs-mercury.jpg (595x647, 79K)

lyrics aside, queen had better music anyway

its a million times better than the greatest movie ever made by white men.

>I’m so proud of muh Africcken heritage
>that’s why I’ve spent the past decade getting progressively whiter and lighter

>Defending a homo paki britcuck with deformed teeth over a black queen
Truly the epitome of involuntary celibacy

Why do people call her attractive?
Literally every other r&b singer is hotter than her

Is someone not attractive if their peers are more attractive?

that's the thing
she isn't
she's mediocre at best

this low rent whitney houston has zero talent and is married to a gay camel

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

I haven't watched anything she's done since she tried to claim she was poor and oppressed by renting out the fucking Louvre.

I got home from the gym last night to my turbo-normie roommate watching it with his gf on the living room.
i sat on the couch with them with my laptop and browsed Yea Forums as we all watched it.
the show was fine. the bits in between the songs are unnecessary
didn't watch the whole thing since it's long as fuck so we went to sleep about halfway through.

still only one writer.

Doesn't she have someone filming her 24/7 because she's crazy and believes herself to be a literally divine being?

Stole Amerie's whole act

>And I don't like Star Wars
What did Freddie Mercury mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

>test made by white ppl says white ppl are the smartest
nah that aint it chief

She's a deity for coastal liberals.

I have zero interest in her, why would I?

>Doesn't like capeshit
>Doesn't like star wars
>Doesn't like disney cartoons like peter pan
Mouseketeers BTFO.

She sold out her race to make money.

She uses sweatshops for her clothes and then preaches empowerment to women.

Should literally be the last person anyone looks up to.