Davos Edition
Forgive me for what you're about to read.
Davos Edition
Forgive me for what you're about to read.
Other urls found in this thread:
Did the Vale ever actually join the North? And why did they? Does Lord Robin just not exist anymore?
Where was Ygritte buried? Could she come back as a wight?
And now it begins.
Azor Theon
Best trailer ever.
He was my favourite character bros. why did you all hate him
>muh cartoon
Who cares we all live in a society anyway
I think Jon burned her body, sadly.
>Can you make this thread perfect for me, Yea Forums?
she was burned
but we loved him
He's busy milking tities
fucking hell we're at the point i'd prefer to have him back
will we see her again?
crossing the sea was a mistake
Petyr asked Robin for permission to bring the troops to the North to free Sansa (the scene with him pathetically sword training with the guy trying to foster him). He's autistic so he agreed to send them under the vague pretense from Petyr that Sansa is his cousin and he has a duty to help her hold Winterfell.
>Did the Vale ever actually join the North?
>And why did they?
LF told them to which was a power move to make Sansa into "Lord of Winterfell" but they crowned Jon instead.
Later they turned on LF because and because they've always hated him and because Bran ex machina told them that he was the one who killed Jon Arryn. Also, Royce is now in charge and he always wanted to fight alongside the Norf.
>Does Lord Robin just not exist anymore?
He is listed as a cast member for S8
>S2 Tyrion
>"I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid"
>S8 Tyrion
What went wrong?
How did this dude keep his dick soft during his standing nude scenes with Charlotte?
Holy fuck Jon and Dan have no chemistry.
Their scenes are really hard to watch.
ah yes let's write notval into the show and then kill her off at the end of the episode
definitely not TWD tier this show
They ran out of source material.
he bullied Theon Greyjoy, first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men and Protector of the realm; rightful Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.
>What went wrong?
It also doesn’t help that they’re both mediocre actors
They really needed to constantly push back against the character because he's such a jack-in-the-box. He was amazing though, but they "let him loose" and it was all over. Terrible mistake. He's one of those kinds of characters you constantly have to pump the brakes on to create a simmering, menacing tension (which the actor is best at) or else he does turn into an "outrageous" cartoon. The scenes where Ramsey is trying to be normal are actually his best, in my opinion.
HBO thinks that viewers would rather see CGI dragons than good dialogue.
>rapes the worst character in you are path
Your welcome
Stannis? Never heard of her.
why the fuck are they making dragonglass weapons instead of just arrows? Do they even know that that shit works ONLY on the white walkers and doesn't affect the zombies?
I don't think D&D do
>Davos was as close to a smile as Jon had ever seen him.
>Kneel and swear to The Lord Stannis, The One True King. Or you will be knelt.
Absolutely based
This, also how many white walkers are there? I feel like we have seen very few in comparison to the thousands of wights.
They still need a shit load of dragonglass weapons, and have them distributed stategically. They just need to show them also making a shit load of fire weapons, which they didn't do... instead opting for the smartest girl in the world telling people to cover plate with leather or some shit and bitching about dragon food.
Jorah Momo
Wait, maybe my memory is fuzzy but weren't Beric and Tormund at the wall when it came crashing down?
I guess we just accept they somehow survived and waited for the undead army to pass on by?
Needed more rape
Dragonglass destroys wights.
Tommen was too innocent and uwu
I really need to write a Vathek inspired GoT fan fiction about Tommen being saved from death and allowed to live in eternal youth surrounded other cute twinks in a palace above the clouds
God Dany was so cute in season 1. Wtf happened.
They were standing right on the stable part of the wall, shitty-disaster-movie-style.
They're going to make a lot of lances. And not enough arrows.
Which still living character is the most /ourguy/? Are there even any left? Jaime is the closest to /ourguy/ in spirit but he is still a gigachad
As a man who is right-handed and left-eye dominant, that picture still makes me cringe. I naturally started shooting guns left-handed without even realizing what I was doing until someone told me. Little Robert Arryn there won't hit shit doing what he's doing.
>out acted by Hound
>out acted by Henry
she was such a good actress back in s1, what happened :(
And who are you? the sole authority on acting performance?
They completely fucked her character around season 5/6.
It's hard to act when your character becomes a convoluted mess.
Maario Naharis
Is Tommen the smartest person is all the Seven Kingdoms? He got captured by the Starks, spied on them for a time even coming into contact with Robb's queen, then faked his own death and got back to King's Landing without absolutely no one including the Lannisters none the wiser.
Not the one you (You)'d, but that moment looked fucking ridiculous, they couldn't have escaped the fall at the rate the wall was being destroyed.
But then again, what am I even complaining about? If the show used to be not-retarded, then now it's writhing in shit, drooling and making retard noises.
>imagine she stands up and says something really cocky and arrogant to everyone, and they decide they aren't gonna let a little girl disrespect them like that anymore. so they put her on her knees and make her service every man in the room... it starts off tame with just a blowbang, but by the end she's got cocks pounding her every hole, a never-ending supply of men lined up, eager for their turn with her tiny, warm body. her mouth is filled to the brim with their semen, more than she can handle, but they make her swallow it all. her tight cunt filled with the loads of countless men, no doubt she'll bear a child - if she's even bled yet. after the night is over, she can't help but masturbate to the memories of being forcefully taken by all those strong, handsome men she previously talked down to. she knows it's wrong, but she feels a burning desire give up her title so she can take up work in the town brothel and feel that ecstasy again...
Maisie's acting has been objectively dogshit since s5. She played the mischievous tomboy well but cannot pull off a cold-blooded assassin. She is just cringey.
>and who are you
>what happened?
thy actually told her where her character was going and what she should become and she (and everyone else) became hyper self-conscious of it. In retrospect, each of the Stark children should have gotten a season off, staggered if possible, to account for their training and transformation.
I just assumed Roose was autistic tbqh
holy fucking teleport. How did this bitch get to citadel that fast? Putting CIA to shame.
he was chad
sorry to keep you waiting complicated business
lol, I wrote that. glad to see somebody likes it enough to repost
wouldn't Jon have the Droit du seigneur? the northernmen might be savages, but they still respect tradition
>poo pee, pee poo
Alright I have never read the books nor I intent to can someone tell me the big differences between the two?
Book and show and what the show did better
Who is the best acted and written character that is somewahat relevant and still alive in the show?
>hardmode no Jaime.
wait what? Is Sam in winterfell?!?!??! wtf is going on here
I just reposted it bro but if I get to live a comfy life in jail that'd be rad
What are the leaks?
the only thing the show did better was having all the child and teens aged up a few years. Arya being a teleporting magic ninja in a fairly grounded setting at like age 13 will be ultimate cringe
This is a screenshot I took of the scene where Sansa tells Littlefinger that Arya is a faceless man.
Does he smirk because he already knew that or he smirked because Sansa looked like she was getting more and more suspicious on Arya?
>how many white walkers are there?
as many as the plot demands
Did you even see the episode you retard or are you here just to shitpost?
That feel when Dragon Demands is an anti Trump progressive like Preston Jacobs and he asks you about your politics
Sam. His scenes were the only good part of the last episode
I'm watching right now and posting screen as I do, retard. when did Sam get to winterfell?
Tywin is 10x better in the show thanks to based Charles Dance
Ramsay is also better because in the books he is a fat greasy ugly retard and I like Theon becoming Reek better than them being different characters
Jon being at Hardhome far outshines the book as well
>not checking tabs and bookmarks
>not knowing that screen in the first place
>baiting me this hard
*ding ding ding*
Qyburn's actor is god tier.but i'm afraid his plot his simple
Characters like Theon,Jorah and Hound are about to be butchered.
Sam is the most faithfull to the books but the actor is shit. Qyburn is not relevant, Reek's character is just Arya tier with the teleportations and dialogue.
Jorah and Hound are fine.
based CIA
Have you read the Winds of Winter chapter where Arya assassinates Raff the Sweetling? She is no where near as cringey and anime-tier as the show
>asking someones identity on an anonymous message board
Kill yourself.
why was she so retarded
LOTS of pornographic content with dragons, they've gone full furfag. I'm an insider, trust me.
Why don't they just make one of these with Valyrian steel blades?
>didn't like Hardhome
Okay now you're just really being a contrarian
Robert took the crown, targs have no right to it anymore.
Euron kills cersei and sails to the edge of the world with everything that the sack of kings landing left to him.
Dany dies with Jon snow, tyrion dies
Jaime lives and goes back to cersei to witness his baby son brother be born and be born retarded and deformed, cersei dies because of the stress the deformed baby left in her. Jaime kills his brother out of mercy.
Bran wargs back in time and makes aerys mad also goes so back in time that he wargs into this guy that the children caught and then becomes the night king.
The night king sits on the iron throne and the people of westeros migrate to their original homeland.
The Jews won and everyone now is pro refugees.
Screencap this and screencap the Fucking screencap
Wtf how's there surgery for acne lmao
that was probably written close to eight years ago.
gurms writing quality will have SEVERELY worsened over the last 8 years.
What's wrong with Sam's actor? I think he's one of the only good actors left
If that's yours, I appreciate your commitment to the memetabs and bookmarks.
>this is one of the most important shows in America and who are you?
Dabid and Dan decided that dragon glass works on wights too as of Wight Hunt
last season
but he was already there last season lmao
This is a pointless discussion anyway since the final 2 books are never coming out
She thought she knew better than everyone because muh "I am a mother"
robert could only become king because he was loosely related to the targaryans and killed every other heir
It just feels like he belongs in a basement playing WOW and eating cheetos, rather than being a monk in a hellish castle in medieval times.
Valyrian steel and dragonglass both work on both white walkers and wights. In fact, I think it may have been implied in the show that one of the secrets to Valyrian steel is dragonglass in it.
>Jamie, Bronn, Sandor, and Arya go south to kings landing to assassinate Cersei
>Jamie goes because Cersei can trust him
>Bronn goes because Jamie's going
>Arya goes because shes ten times more useful as an assassin then a soldier
>Hound goes because hes got a hard on for killing his brother
>Few episodes later
>Jamie and co are killing their way through the red keep
>Clegane bowl happens
>The Hound kills gregor in the map room but has fatal injuries
>Arya finds him there, they have an emotional moment together, she gives him the "gift of mercy" and kills him. A call back to when she left him in the riverlands to die
>Throne room
>Jamie, Cersei, and Qyburn
>Cersei explaining her motives to jamie
>Jamie has a flash back to him killing Aerys
>Shows the full Kingslaying scene
>Jamie realizes what Cersei is
>Grabs sword and kills Qyburn
>Goes up to a pleading Cersei and stabs her through her stomach and his unborn child
>Soft piano version of "The rains of Castamere" plays as the camera pans over a:
>Dead Gregor
>Dead Sandor
>Dead Qyburn
>Dead Cersei
>Camera rises from the ground to show a weeping Jamie Lannister sitting on the iron throne
>Camera cuts to black then the credits
end of episode 5
pure kino
based dark-haired joffrey
When did you realise army of Darkness and Got are set in the same universe
why would you not reuse Dean Chapman?
He's cute
>maesters are monks
Well yeah Sam's character is a fat nerdy wimp. I think he plays him very convincingly
>End of episode 5
End of the season you mean.
>robert could only become king because he was loosely related
no lol. Ned could be the king if he had wanted it. Jon Arryn would be the king if he was younger.
I would have loved to see her married off to Ramsay
What happens episode 6?
>Brothers of the NW are not monks
You couldn't tell by listening to him? soi memes are real.
neither of them are
The whole "Robert is a usurper therefore Jon is the rightful heir" is so dumb. You might as well say Queen Elizabeth is the rightful ruler of the US.
Based trips
>show for years shows that shit like muh rightful heir and bloodlines shit doesn't matter and are literally meaningless because it's about the character of the leader and who the people CHOOSE to follow, with Robb becoming king in the north, a Lannister being on the throne, and a Baratheon killing a Targ to take the throne
>show decides muh bloodlines actually do matter because Jon is secretly the rightful heir, and that matters somehow when Bobby B took the throne from his gay family anyway
What do you think about this guys?
episode 6 is where the NK reaches kings landing and some main character (probably jon or dany) does some self sacrificing shit to save the day.
no matter what dany is going to go become a villan. Jaime gets the throne
wtf is this shit?
Bookfags, what do you think the fat fuck will do with Stannis, Rickon and the Jaime/Brienne situation?
It's modern art. You wouldn't understand.
Spider crab?
>implying he will finish the story
Ned pretended that being related to a Targ made Robert becoming king more legit and honorable
I'm not surprised that Dragon Demands is a sensitive basedboy leftist and I was wondering if he'd go so far as to take this much issue with my politics. Now I know
writer already explained it.
it looks cool and evil like an upside down cross
thats it
D&D did not know that. What was supposed to make the wights so dangerous is that they're reanimated corpses. Hacking them apart and burning them was the only way to do it.
But, you couldn't have the heroes cutting down billions of zombies each if that were the case.
they take a literal vow of chastity, obedience and poverty and go to the wall voluntarilly. The other option being death most times but still.
You're a retard.
There needs to be a plot arc how someone put wildfire everywhere and wants to burn King's Landing. Maybe they'll even do it and have Jamie do it to prevent everyone getting turned into more zombies.
imagine being this tourist
not to mention that he's currently going after Benioff for having the wrong attitude about brown women
Do blond people turn black haired instead of going gray like the rest of us?
Didn't you watch the latest episode? It was revealed that her name isn't Daenerys but Dan, and she is actually a he.
It's the current year, motherfucker.
He's still blond. Just very dark blond. And yes, it happens with age.
Rhaenyra has an army, goy :3
>smelting obsidian
They become less blond in the winter like everyone else.
I don't know why dragonglass kills wights in the show. It's stupid. If they wanted to make a big deal about how important dragonglass is, they should have shown a Walker actually being stabbed or shot, but not even reacting to it.
If you recall in Hardhome, they just had people hacking down wights by the dozens without dragonglass anyway. Like Tormund or this bitch who just stabbed them once or twice and for some reason they'd die.
it mostly happens with kids but Nikolaj was never fully blonde in the first place
Would be funny if the night king died in Winterfell.Both Night king and Stannis did not pass throught winterfell
just very dark blond... Like the balls of a donkey.
That's what I don't understand too. Either my memory is fucked up or you can't actually smelt it.
Dies in the Battle of Winterfell. Jon gets brought back to life when Melly burns Shireen to bring back Stannis
No idea. He has been irrelevant for far so long that I can't see him doing anything except die so Jon can be in charge once he is released from his vows
Jaime and Brienne escape
It's directly imported from The Elder Scrolls.
Stannis was a loser and I'm glad he is dead.
Fuck outta here with this nobody Baratheon that noone will remember.
Targs were attained for breaking feudal contract. Aerys' descendants have no claim anymore. Same way none of Jorah's kids would have claim to Bear Island (if he had any).
the night king wants to die , he's saying burn the weirwood tree he was created at
Guess you're the expert on donkey balls.
>It's a tricky material to work with!
Why couldn't we get 5 seconds of Ghost and Jon reuniting instead of that fucking pointless dragon flight scene?
Where the fuck is that direwolf
>Either my memory is fucked up or you can't actually smelt it.
Its literally impossible to do so.
Dragon Demands is a massive Stannisfags but even Stannisfags can be basedboy cucks
Most /ourguy/ character, living or dead?
They'd be better offf just chipping the pieces and make spearheads and arrowheads by the thousands. Then turn the rest into projectile for catapults and trebuchets.
The dragons ate him.
Thats basically it Jon being a Targ just gives him legitimacy to the throne so other houses and the plebs dont rebel.
The Iron Throne is up for anyone's taking if he can take it and hold it.
Mannis, Radmure A. Davis, Mace the Ace and Bobby B
Ahahahhaha the ultimate troll post
The costumers got lazy with him and Dinklege and stopped dying their hair.
When Sansa and Littlefinger talked about Lyanna Stark,she mentions that ''he kidnapped her and raped her'' and then you see Littlefinger looking into the ground trying to hide his reaction
hey GoTers, do you guys know about this cool channel called Alt Shift X? It's like all about the super cool things about the Game of Thrones books!
Looks like the karstark symbol
cast her
>Tell my mom at this scene how unrealistic and stupid it is.
>Immediately turns it around against me and starts telling me how people in the past werent sitting on their asses all day and maybe someone actually trained to be able to use dual wield
What does this fucking bitch want, I study on one of the hardest unis in my country, I work on weekends, I do sports regularly. Why is my mom like this and not actually supportive like Cersei or some shit?
>Dorne plotline is interesting and not shit
>Zombie catlyn stark
>sansa isnt raped by ramsey
>dany might have a secret nephew
>stannis is still alive
omg no he says Jon or Dany is Azor Ahai when MatPat said it was Jorah, I like him but he's no GAME THEORIST, right Yea Forumsros?
That's kinda mean if she just starts talking about your personal life from something completely unrelated
because she is a woman
Wait a minute... IT'S THE BLACK SUN!
The undead are actually an analogy for ebil nazis!
It all makes sense now.
>get further and further away from Cersei and their Lannister heritage
>stop being blonde
It's pottery
We need the Gendry on a boat pic updated by removing Gendry and placing every other character D&D just outright forgot existed on this last season, like Ghost and Edmure
You should dual-wield her tits between your cock, user
Fucking based mom, not her fault you can't handle the bantz
No more than your mom
that literal pic was posted on r/Freefolk yesterday my dawg
It's gonna be okay, user
Im really getting tired of her shit lately, its like this all the time. I try to spend time with her and she always finds way to poke at me. Also a reason I avoid family meetings, because the moment one family member targets you, its blood in the water
Have sex
I'm getting tired of your shit you whiny baby
back in the days where Trailer music was good
Sorry I don't check reddit
Also go back
lol get fucked who gets this upset over their mom calling them a basement dweller
Sex have
Is her hair growing?
no u your taste in jokes is the same
Stannis defeats Frey/Bolton army at Battle on the Ice with cunning plan and Manderly's reinforcements. Goes on to besiege Winterfell, which is brought down by internal fighting. Boltons defeated.
Rickon brought back by from Skagos by Davos to be new lord of Winterfell...at the same time Littlefinger comes with a bigass Vale army and a revealed Sansa to push her claim...at the same time Mel accidentally brings Jon back to life (his spirit was inside Ghost). Intrigue over three competing claims for Winterfell and control of North as a tenuous alliance builds to push south and reconquer Realm.
Brienne and Jamie are prisoners of LSH, who masterminds Red Wedding 2.0 in Riverrun at Devan Lannister's Frey wedding. Loads of Freys killed. Brotherhood+Blackfish is meanwhile ambushing train to take Radmure to Casterly Rock, and crannogmen attack Twins, free Greatjon and other prisoners. Mass rising in Riverlands, Freys killed, prisoners freed. Jamie gets away to KL in chaos, possibly because Brienne sacrifices herself to LSH or convinces her to let him go. Jamie has to kill Cersei, after all, before she can Mad Queen KL to prevent it falling to Aegon.
He wishes he could have been as Chad as Rhaegar and kidnapped and raped Cat
dyed his hair to camoflauge so peasants dont stab him on the road.
>you take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes, why is that ?
>because I have balls... and you don't :^)
>how did you survive a knife to the chest
>i didn't :^)
>what do dragons eat, anyway?
>whatever they want :^)
>Iive never ridden a dragon
>you learn by riding a dragon :^)
>what do I hold onto
>whatever you can :^)
>we could be a thousand years here :^)
>we would be pretty old
>it's cold
>so keep your queen warm :^)
>If you want a whore, buy one, ff you want a Queen, earn her :^)
>whores herself about 30 seconds after saying that
>they're stubborn as goats
>a goat bleets on screen
>she thinks she's smarter than everyone else
>she's the smartest person i know :^)
>you left me to die
>first I robbed you :^)
>always knew you were just another rich girl
>you don't know any other rich girls :^)
>*walks away*
>joffrey's wedding, dismal affair
>it had its moments :^)
>jon and dany make out
>drogon watches intensely
>jon look nervous
>glovers betrayed us
>*angrily throws his gloves at the table*
>theon rescues yara
>she headbutts him the moment she's set free because female dominance
Cersei said that you cazzie
Un-name me
baba jaga
ajen ajar
If you post this shit on Yea Forums again, it will be the LAST TIME YOU POST ON Yea Forums !
>If you want a whore, buy one, ff you want a Queen, earn her :^)
>whores herself about 30 seconds after saying that
This was even more retarded than the dragon flying scene.
>"How did you know my deadname?"
How can she name him if a man has no name????????
Checkmate, Dabid
>she headbutts him the moment she's set free because female dominance
>being too stupid to recognize a "that's for running away" moment
Opinion entirely disregarded.
>wants elephants
>cries after getting a trunk
>>joffrey's wedding, dismal affair
>>it had its moments :^)
hey i actually liked this one
do you think he put a finger in her bum?
More like everything up to his shoulder.
I honestly thought she would say something like “why did take you so long?” after the headbutt
>you left me to die
>first I robbed you
This is a reference to the Hound doing the exact same thing to the farmer. You are an actual fucking brainlet, kill yourself NOW
>Kept you waiting, huh?
Whatever happened to Jaqen? In the books he killed some Citadel dude and took his face I think, but in the show he just kind of disappeared. Was he supposed to be that old nigga in the Faceless Men organization?
Blond hair gets shiny and bright during the summer and near brown during winter. t. blond
Nah Cercei is a stuck up bitch who is shit in bed. I doubt she has ever given a blowie without Robert slapping her shit.
swords is it
They're wights, and yes, they do
And then he goes "kept you waiting, huh?"
if he didn't run away, he'd just get cut down by euron and yara would get captured but with no one to rescue her
theon was unironically correct to run
George RR Martin's writing vs DABID's dialogue
Soul vs Soulless
Motherfucker you went ahead while I was looking for a gif.
>Valar Morghulis
>incels unironically think stannis is getting the throne
ahahaha, probably think getting a gf is your birthright as well
Tyrion says it to her and then she says it back dingus.
Valyrian speech is gender neutral
Fuck no. We have never seen a character come back as a wight like that, vanish, then reapear. This isn't AMC'S The Walking Pile of Shit
He is Rhaegar,look at his white hair strands,how did that happen?It's clear he dyed his hair brown
He is Rhaegar Targaryan
Would have been good
Why does every single scene end with a character saying something and then walking off screen, leaving another character behind while the camera zooms in on their befuddled face?
>nightking takes king's landing and puts zombie stannis on the iron throne
>literally wearing the armour from Dracula Untold
Fuck off with this gay shit
>material looks flecked like it ought to
Just like stahlrim, only black, lol
Dragonglass is NOT obsidian. If it was, they would just called it obsidian, like they call steel steel and iron iron. It's something different and special
So go fuck yourselves
i miss drogo
they call it obsidian a few times
Why don't they evacuate and move further south?
Why take the battle at winterfell, a place not able to supply tens of thousands of troops?
they are the same thing.
Imagine not watching the show or reading the books yet posting here like you own shit.
>pic unrelated, you sickos
>The White Walkers are NOT the Others, if they were they would just be called the Others.
Sansa is a brain genius, that's why.
But they did call it obsidian, more than once, you dunce.
Winterfell is the greatest fortress of the North. Ned said once that 100 good archers could hold back 10,000 on the walls of Winterfell, or something similar enough.
Ned was a fucking dumbass.
Remember when 20 retarded Iron babbies took over it?
based good archers
They can't convince everyone in the North down to the riverlands to evacuate. If they just abandon everyone there the Night King can kill everyone there and grow his army tenfold. Better to face him in the north still before he can massacre everyone and become unstoppable
Mount and Blade mod
And remember how all the men in Winterfell left beforehand for Torrenh Square to go fight the ironbabbies?
inb4 they meet them in the field and don't utilize the deference capabilities of the castle.... again
Still, any castle can do the same I guess
still need food.
Leave a 100 archers at winterfell and move down then
>Things that D&D ruined:
I will start.
I expect them to just overwhelm them to the point they'll crawl up using their own hordes of undead stacked below, on top of each other. What, are they gonna risk a dragon to try and burn them there while the NK might just snipe them while riding his own dragon?
What's your opinion on Harrenhal, /got/?
Mount and Blade Warband!
either ACOK or AWOIAF
I kind of get what you're saying, explain more pls. You feel like he was too outrageous? How so?
what were they doing anyway if it wasn't to find that stuff? I forgot and why is that other guy so nonchalant like wtf the first men literally hid this
>trying to wait out an army that doesn't need to eat or sleep
>>sansa isnt raped by ramsey
Sounds like a con for me
there's really nothing that should be spooky about it, I think it's just coincidence and Littlefinger wins the Game
Game of Thrones from Season 5 on
off the table, i shabboze
based retard
>How so?
>Dorne plotline is interesting
They even got some guy to make original soundtrack and it's pretty gud desu youtube.com
it is though
Harenhall is the Dubai of Westeros. Some new wealth retard peasant wanted to be a great lord and build a castle nobody asked for in some shit land nobody wanted to live in and made it retarded big just to impress the elite.
If they don't the Dead at Winterfell then they can't hope to win. The Night King is only getting stronger, while they are weakened by the winter. Moat Caillin is a ruin. The NK will simply freeze the marshes of the Neck and run over the South.
They can try to hide in the Eyrie but the NK has a dragon. They can try to flee to Pyke but the Wights can walk underwater. Nowhere is safe, they have to fight and win at Winterfell.
Only a Brit, of a different Bong, that's all the truth I know.
>what were they doing anyway if it wasn't to find that stuff?
They were digging latrines.
>why is that other guy so nonchalant
He is just tired of life.
the costumes were nice, i guess
The best characters, but basically everything once they ran out of the fat man's books and got to create OC.
>Muh locked in a tower for a million chapters storyline
>Littlefinger not staying around to play games with Varys
>Tyrion's first wife
>Varys and Tyrion barely have any political maneuvering to do now when it's their entire characters
>Brienne has been absolutely aimless since she returned the Stark sisters and there isn't any zombie Catelyn
What about 20 good archers against 20 good men?
>the man from Asshai with the Dragonglass dagger
what did she mean by this?
>Look at how they massacred my boy
So is Radmure the only one with a legitimately great ending to his plotline?
>get hired to adabt a story
>fat men tells that he will finish the story easily
>fat man lies
>you now have to write in few months shit that the fat man could not do in 10 fucking years
It's totally easy, right?
To be honest retirement should absolutely be a thing in the White Cloaks. That old man was hogging a spot despite being shit at fighting.
they started creating OC in S1, and started creating a fucking lot in S2 onwards
It is total bullshit how DnD murdered off The Bold
It's off the table
Depends, does Ramsay have his shirt on?
Thank you lads, you are the real dragons
>fat man tells you the exact story of what happens
>even goes 3 seasons directing everything so you can take a fucking hint
>once the fat man is done, you just make up bullshit while barely hitting the major plot points given to you
>it turns out to be absolute shit because you aren't writers at all, you're "producers", which means you just give money to people to write the screenplay
>pat yourselves on the back because you think it's a good adaptation when you know nothing of the source material and just want to make some typical "good guy vs bad guy" story
For you
>showfag tourists
Why do are they so belligerent all the time?
>implying the dreadfort isn't better
New Thread:
>Madden 2004 Cheats
Absolutely based
He said that about the Neck, not Winterfell.
The mountain does something like this in the book
He was talking about Moat Cailin