I found your better Hanna bro

I found your better Hanna bro.

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I do think she's cuter than Sersh, however the show itself is complete garbage. You can get basically the same story but with a better soundtrack and better villain by just watching the movie, and it's less than 2 hours long.

the only thing i remember about the movie is that there is this based fight with eric bana and thats it.

why turn this into a tv show? amazon prime must get their shit together.


the acting is good, I'm enjoying it.

I'm so bored and depressed I might just watch this show. I hope they didn't make her a lesbian because I can't not think of that as a huge cliché now.

It just seems unecessary. The only changes they make are racebending characters for no fucking reason, BLACKing the main girl and some stupid twist at the end.

>BLACKing the main girl
Oh fuck, come on! Is this required by law to allow making shows and movies now or something?

It was great but had to fucking stop watching at episode 5... i think. Not only because of why youd think but its still an entirely unrealistic occurrence. The amount its pushed is disgusting and probably even patronizing at this point.

The current head of Amazon Studios wants it to be more like Cuckflix, so yeah

Said no one ever, shill.

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I didn't like the movie too much but Sersha was definitely better for the role. Did they make her eyes bluer than they really are?

new Hanna be twice as cute as old hag Hanna.

But the new one gets blacked according to that other user.

Sersh's eyes or the ugly mystery meat in the OP?

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>ugly mystery meat
class A cutie
mystery meat

I think your confused over your love for Soirse bro. And she's literally the mystery meat MILF housefrou by now.

You can tell she’s Samantha Morton’s daughter.

couldn't they just have made it about survival instead of the muh CIA operator crap?

This was sersh on the days of Hanna promo
You're neanderthalfu could never be a match.

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No thanks I'll stick with my sweaty foot potato gf

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you're loss. I'm with new Hanna.

she craves dick in the show...but she fucks a black guy. In the woods

Yo I downloaded all ep's of 1st seasonm may ai see it or is pure dogshit?

Reminds me of that other British actress Jessica Barden. Does she do full frontal nudity like the aforementioned?

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>but she fucks a black guy. In the woods

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is good, ya

Ok I'm definitely NOT watching this show then.

BASED sersh defense force dabbing on this reddit roastie

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I keep seeing billboards ads for this with exactly OP's picture in my city and I have no fucking idea what this is even about

seriously I think this has to be the biggest waste of advertising money ever, I have no clue what this is and see nothing that would even pique my interest to the point of finding out about it


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the acting is good, and the psychological component is better than the original movie.
The Marissa character is exquisite.

The Erik Heller character is good as well, better than the Eric Bana pretty-boy.

stop it, shill

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It took Hanna and replaced 70% of the action with teenage angst and BLACKED scenes

>black hair
Why? She's an albino in the movie

nah the scene is insignificant to the story. she fucks then dump the nigger. the annoying poo girl however last very long throughout the series

How else would she get blacked? Based Bezos.

ok, i'll forgive this little indescescion, they're just kids.

In the movie, Hanna wants the annoying english girl, who happens to be , yep, an evil white woman. Lucky we got awoken by the series.

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Even so, not cool.

No, the original movie had a weak plot and flaws but I think Sersha and Joe Wright's direction made it work. The TV series isn't bad but feels like a water down and expand version of a flawed movie already to begin with. I hope s2 is better and they cut down the teen angst. Also TV series Sophie is godawful.

But why fuck a nigger at all? Especially since in the original film he was white and they didn't even fuck like why?

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get with the times, man
why u so racist.

This. They made the character more interesting in the movie specifically because she did NOT have sex.
>get with the times
It's well known that young people nowadays have less sex than young people did 10 years ago.

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White people having sex? It was mild science fiction not ridiculous fantasy.

Only reason to watch this is for Holder and Linden


no blondes allowed in current year

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It's boring. I watched it a few weeks ago and mostly forgot all of it. Season two will be shit without Kinnaman.

d-do u guise think there's real HANNAs out there in the wolrd running around gettn into cra-cra adventres n' stuff?

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One of the very few positive presentations of an albino in television or film and they just dismiss it for , why?

holy shit, super frumpy when not in character. jesus christ delete already.

Is she still a big Lez like in the movie?

Kissing girls and shit?

just watched first two episodes today and I dig it. Better than movie In my opinion.....


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Why did they downgrade new Hanna so much?

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DAS WAT I'M SAYIN' #brofist

Bezos may have blacked her, but still a gud show.



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this is definitely true. without their interactions between redhead and kinnaman

Byzantium probably would have work better as a TV show than Hanna.

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