Video game franchises that should be adapted to the big screen

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>wanting (((Hollywood))) to ruin Fallout

This thread won't go well, but I agree
Also watch The Road

>implying Bethesda hasn't already ruined Fallout

Fallout would make a terrible movie for 2 reasons.

First of all, tbe Fallout universe and lore is based around popular/ cult post apocalyptic and sci fi movies like Mad Max, A Boy and His Dog, Toxic Avengers, etc. You're making a derivative movie from a universe that is already derivative of other films.

Secondly, Bethesda is a garbage company who currently own the rights to Fallout and would do everything they could to make it into a shitty blockbuster movie

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i want to see a brainlet tier fallout action movie with a retro 90's style

None. With the exception of Resident Evil it just doesn't work.

The video game franchises work in video games because the player is part of the experience, and you can't transfer that to the movie screen

You either don’t know what post-apocalyptic means or don’t know what retard means.

Fallout has been ruined for over a decade now retard

Sure, you can't kill something that's already dead.

Fallout is post-post-apocalyptic because it shows new civilization and goverments rising, at least until Bethesda fucked it up in 3

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Legend of Zelda.

Based brainlet

I literally do not think any production of this game into a movie would capture the aesthetic of the series (that has been ejected into space since 4 and 76)

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How far into a forest do you have to travel before you are leaving it?

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cast em

Oats did a good Anthem thingy.

Absolute kino cumming thru!

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New Vegas could be an excellent short series 10 eps or 20 over 2 seasons fleshing it out more.

>Fallout is post-post-apocalyptic

You are aware that "post-apocalyptic" has an actual meaning and isn't just some fancy term someone made up right? It means After the Apocalypse. Whether people start rebuilding or not does not change the fact that it is post apocalyptic.

Based condecending egomaniac

Yeah, it's already shit, they couldn't possibly make it any worse. And the CGI would actually look a billion times better than what we get with Bethesda. As long as they did an original story i'd watch it.

You are just mad cause I got dubs.

Got me there

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>Condescending ego-maniac
>"It's not post apocalyptic , it's post-post apocalyptic you retard"
You're a fucking room temp IQ mongoloid retard who needs to be sterilized for the common good of mankind.

No because he's baiting for (You)'s

>Hurf durf, ACKSHUALLY the Post in Post-Apocalyptic means "after"
Thanks asshole I had five years of latin in HS.
>If I don't know the genre it doesn't exist
Kill yourself you waste of space, there's a huge difference in setting between post-apocalyptic (Shit's fucked yo, see Mad Max and Fallout 3/4) and Post-Post-Apocalyptic (The Apocalypse came and went, people have rebuilt, New States and Goverments have Risen: Fallout 2,New Vegas, A Canticle for Leibowitz)

Get Laika to do it.

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Uncharted would just be an IJ rip off. So scrap that. Expansive games like Fallout, Mass Effect etc are just too big. Gears of War, Bioshock or Halo would need multiple big budget movies with the right director, which wouldn’t happen. GTA is too derivative of movies for it to work. The Last of Us is already pretty much a movie. So you’d have to pick something like Tomb Raider or Far Cry which are contained enough to work as movies. I would love to see a horror movie based on Alan Wake.

mortal kombat

>Toxic Avenger
>inspired Fallout
Nani the fuck
I agree with you on Bethesda though. They've tried twice now to make a "cinematic" story with Fallout 3 and 4, which are clearly trying to be blockbusters.