Finally, someone standing up to these #MeToo bullies. I hope Sony pays.
Finally, someone standing up to these #MeToo bullies. I hope Sony pays
Other urls found in this thread:
>hug fans and deny signing gay homo shipping art
>gets labeled as rapist
Sounds like he has a pretty good case.
Stories about this dude being a creep are as old as the internet and told by a variety of sources. He's just buttblasted it finally caught up with him.
>linking to ANN
Stop giving those faggots clicks, learn to archive like this
Based Vic.
he's best known for voicing the character edward elric (fma) and broly (dbz)
quick rundown:
>cis white male va becomes somewhat popular and gains a small fan following
>a bunch of dubbing industry dangerhairs get pissed off that he is more popular than him and try to get him ousted
>make a huge #metoo stink about how he grooms his female fans and coworkers and rapes women by just being in the same room as him
>pic related is the english voice of dbz's bulma, she is among the industry "professionals" shrieking wolf and claiming that vic could not control his manly urges in her presence
>poor vic is out of work and not allowed to go to conventions any longer
>chat logs leak and yes, these pathetic people actually got together and hatched a conspiracy to dick vic because why not
>fans found out and autism is flying everywhere, lawsuit inc as you can see
the sjw infestation spreads anew
>chat logs leak
Where can I read these?
more please
Sorry I triggered your autism.
Channel Awesome is the gift that keeps on giving.
"being a creep" is not against the law.
You do know that ANN was one of those who spread the rumor of Vic being a sexual predator? Now they're obviously trying to act neutral since shit is hitting the fan. Why would you want to support them after that?
he's absolutely right though
More what?
ANN is Kotaku/CNN of weeb world
damn. how juicy were the leaks? i wonder if they are still doing the houston con coming up next month.
this is true. no matter how much lgbtqxyz/sjw cry and stomp their feet on the ground. being a creep is not against the law. period.
Funimation and all US anime localizers should be sued for changing the fucking script of every last damn anime they get to where fucking fansubs are better.
I hope he wins.
POST chat leaks
ANN is the one that shills netflix anime
I love real world legal shit like this but it always takes way too long to get anywhere.
The us judicial process should just be fully replaced with reality tv shows
99% of fansubs are keikaku.
*Editors note: keikaku means garbage.
also interested in this. pretty salty of them to signal guy out because they 'thought' he had a creepy vibe.
Wait, is that the actual dub? That reads like the Ghost Stories dub and that was supposed to be a joke
Funimation has a lot to answer for. Hopefully this trial will reveal their shady practises in general
It's real
it was from a 'closed group' on fb, people talking about shopping some pic of vic at a convention or whatever with his arms around a girl, they wanted to make it look more rapey like 'haha', someone calls them out on it and says this is serious shit you're talking about, also calling them out on the arrogance and stupidity of talking about it on a group on fb, closed or not, their general response is something like 'haha editing evidence was jk, but maybe we could do something else and how can you be supporting this disgusting man-penis-pig?' -- judging from the outcome the guy wasn't bluffing.
It's easy to find but writing this resume was still less of a bother than collecting and posting the pics. But note the twitter of one the people from the group: apparently they're trying to shake it off as a fake fb account, what a classic
he looks like a sexual predator. what kind of high profile job is lip synching to animu mouth flaps anyway
Better than whatever you do. Also what traits does a sexual predator have?
And Funimation was within its rights to fire him, and he is within his to sue. Glad we all agree.
>And Funimation was within its rights to fire him
Not if the termination was based on libel.
That's the thing, it's just stories and despite all of these stories nobody's been able to offer any proof. In fact some of the girl's he's alleged to have harassed and assaulted have said nothing of the sort happened.
Non-weeb here, please redpill me on funimation. All I know is they're the biggest anime dubbing company in America.
Anime VAs all need to be shot, they are a diamond dozen and need to be REMINDED
>3 videos by the same guy
Someone’s cashing in hard.
The people writing the scripts are indoctrinated with critical theory or their older VAs trying to reclaim some relevancy. Only good dub VA was Jessica Boone and she got out of anime dubbing and does Shakespeare producions in Prague now.
>diamond dozen
you're the only one that needs to be shot here bud
Hopefully he bankrupts those cunts
Well he can't bankrupt Funimation, they're owned by Sony. But the bitches might lose everything.
in English, doc
youre in every one of these threads
cope, tranny
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are ALL wrong.
In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
there's an user on here that fucked a VA slampig (girl that sings on library bards, is also the voice of that wrestler on street fighter V). think she also does some funmation.
they supposedly fixed it in the blu ray release but the damge is done
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
cope with being called out for not recognising ancient pasta, faggot
I remember a fan sub maid in japan then sent to the US via the net (a 6 hour download) and a priestess was praying to the campus directions
I fondle to the west, I fondle to the north etc
Isn't he a buttmuncher? I don't get it gays rape buttmunch all the time, it's why there's been no gay metoo besides Spacey, but he offended the jew which is why they took him down.
Also fuck dubs
He's a devout Christian.
I think he's religious and closeted.
Being in any industry where you regularly have to have contact with sjws is hazardous to your health, your career prospects and maybe even you life.
Just say no.
Literal fucking autism.
Based and redpilled
Is there any anime that is actually good?
How can someone write that dub without any hint of self-awareness?
Why do SJWs even want to get into anime if they think it and Japan are sexist?
So they can make it less sexist, obviously.
Forgot Steve Blum, Bryan Cranston and Mike Reynolds ya putz.
>Ghost stories I loved all those VAs none of them are involved are they? Ghost stories was too funny and makes me want to rewatch no matter how aged it may be at some parts
did not mean to greentext
But isn't that basically colonialism?
Do you expect SJWs to have an ounce of self-awareness? They're the biggest fascists and oppressors there are, despite claiming to fight them.
Try again.
Rekeita is honestly one of the most entertaining and charismatic commentator/streamer I've seen.
I was in tears watching his debate with Shane, a guy trying to get Vic kicked.
A business can fire anyone they want for whatever they want you fucking socialist
Well no, they can't. There are laws, contracts, regulations, a number of things that factor into whether its lawful to terminate someone or not.
Not in Texas. What was potentially illegal is firing him and implying it was because he was a rapist
All this board ever consists of is angry neckbeards and autists using television and movies as the loose basis for complaining about feminism or black people in movies or whatever. I don't understand why we don't just smash Yea Forums and /r9k/ and /pol/ together and be done with it.
He raped millions
this guy voice Broly and Rohan
t. pedophile
>for burgers touching you is rape
oh say can you see
LMAO. "Black people". What an oxymoron.
He also are a jelly bean that a female VA signed.
Stories with zero evidence, which means bullshit claims. Trying to push rumors as truths? That's 20 pure strikes.
Why does literally every whore with rainbow dyed hair lie so much?
It's basically science at this point that dyed hair causes you to become a lying cunt
imagine for a moment that you are a below average, lazy, out of shape and/or morbidly obese woman, user
>you have failed to measure up to other women your own age and your peers
>desperate for validation and attention from men but unwilling to better yourself in any way
>you dye your hair, wear clothes that are too tight for your refrigerator frame, bait betas online, and do everything that you can
>it's still never enough because you haven't married a millionaire yet and chad is too busy fucking stacy to talk to you
>you grow up with a massive chip on your shoulder and eventually get a cat/dog to fill the void before becoming a snarky middle-aged woman and then a bitter spinster
I dont think you know what oxymoron means
First Mark Waid, now these asshats. These are great cases to watch.
>chat logs leak and yes, these pathetic people actually got together and hatched a conspiracy to dick vic because why not
But why? Monica claims she still considers a Vic a friend and just wants him to seek professional help. Why on Earth would she personally sabotage his career, especially if she knew this can easily backfire and ruin her reputation as a valid witness to his crimes, as well as her career? It has force me to question the authenticity of the #metoo movement and whether women should be trusted at all at face value concerning sexual harassment claims.
Although he admits being in hotel rooms with women after they drank wine together voluntary. But i don't imagine him touching any one unless they look better then his wife pictured
>claim of sexual harassment
>instead of going to the police or proper authorities, they always fucking go social media
EVERY FUCKING TIME. Fucking niggers can't into due process. They could easily file a report,then go to a case.
Based Fuck foids
One of the reasons why I'm so skeptical of these accusations is the fact that despite the numerous claims that Vic has harassed women, (Ron Toy claims he personally knows over 100 women. 100 women were harassed by this guy for decades.) there hasn't been any police reports that verify it. You think if Vic was literally drugging underage girls, having them sleep at his hotel room and then raping them, that there would be concerned parents of these victims who kind would wonder where their underage child has went to and file a police report once they found out a famous VA raped their daughter. Or that their daughter would have confessed and Vic would have been arrested and incarcerated years ago if he truly raped any of them.
I have seen sex bots with less creepy faces.
They aren't accusing him of rape, they are accusing him of "rape". So he hugged some girls a little too tightly or said something a little too fresh.
One of the proof they posted was a 14 year old being hugged by Vic with her faced blurred. She sent the unblurred image to the press and said her mom took the picture and she asked for a hug
Seems pretty inappropriate to comment on how fresh a girls pussy smells.
None of them are fresh.
Shane was the guy that started to drink onions milk during the stream, right?
>MeToo bullies
But Metoo is the best hope we have to disintegrate Hollywood.
>cis white male
Who the fuck talks like this?
Is this tumblr?
Stop legitimizing millennial ebonics.
When Cis Het white men say Cis Het, they are doing it ironically or mocking those who made up a derogatory minority term for whats normal 99% of the time
>i'm going to be absolutely cancerous and act like a fucking retard, but itt's okay because it's le ironic
Cis Het White men can say what they want we created the world
Pretending to be a retard makes actual retards think they are welcome.
just watched this today bros (he is the VA for Broly)
i have never seen anything dragon ball related before and I completely loved how over the top everything was and the villains motivation being that he is a manlet was a plot point so absurd it is truly on the cutting edge of the current year
>Metoo was the best hope we have to disintegrate Hollywood.
fixed that for you
shits over senpai, retards ended up accusing so many people that it became like tv static and everyone tuned out
no one cares anymore
either go to court over it or shut up
If a high profile guy shakes a girl's hand too tight now it's sexual harassment user, keep up, and they could dig out pictures from 5 years ago with your arm around some cunt, say she was too afraid to come out at the time.
Even if the charges are dropped, you are now outcast, no one wants to work with you, people have cut ties with you, you're fucked.
And that's exactly why Vic is suing. They ended his career with baseless lawsuits, so now he is collecting the rest of his career money upfront.
*baseless accusations
go back to redd*t
i don't think you know what niggers mean, you fucking faggot
>but the roastie claimed
is that a femcel?
She says he's a sick man and needs help. She never said he's still her friend. She's also cancelled her appearances at cons after learning he was confirmed to also be attending.
What's with all these SJWs getting charged with CP?
How are they even getting caught? You would think they know first hand how rabid the people they are with are, you would think they would keep their personal shit on complete lockdown.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
They're normies user, they may have gotten an interest in the stuff or may be actual pedophiles and took shit too far or were too dump to cover their tracks, they also may be fucked over by someone on the inside.
The only "pedos" that get caught are the stupid small time cunts, the ones who download the media or maybe take some photos or videos, the actual child fuckers are out and about, don't let your kids out of your sight.
I really hope he wins something out of this. Fuck Funimation.
time destroys everything
based linkarathemovieposter
she is married with some mexican soiboy
>dubfag drama
Edward Elric was an annoying character and the show is overrated as fuck.
There's a popular theory going around "if you hate gay people, you're really just projecting your own self-hate since you're closeted!" Which, of course, is illogical. But more than that, it's a bastardization of an important lesson. The more ANYONE pushes a moralist campaign (common terms being "I'm on the right side of history," and "by any means necessary"), they are 100% hiding something. The common thought is immediate irony, like the "homophobe is secretly gay in denial." But we know that it doesn't have to be immediate irony, and in fact, it usually isn't.
The pictured situation in the post you replied to, for example, have nothing to do with each other.
>Things have gone so far that this company of moralists does not stop at the borders of private life. They would love to establish purity committees in cities and the countryside that would keep on eye on Müller’s and Schulze’s love and marriage life. It is true that they do not want to go so far as to ban kissing altogehter, as in the familiar operetta, since it is too popular a pastime. If it were up to them, however, they would turn National Socialist Germany into a wasteland of muttering and complaining, a place where denunciation, spying, and extortion were the order of the day.
>These same moralists often turn to government offices with the request to ban films, plays, operas, and operettas, since the dancers, stars, etc., apparently represent a grave danger to public decency. If we gave in to their demands, we should soon see only old ladies and men on the screen or the stage. The theaters would be empty, since the public generally does not attend them to see the same people they see in church or old people’s homes.
jesus fuck christ what the hell?
So? He’s not in any legal trouble over it. He’s just losing money.
>being a creep
What does that even mean? His hug is 2 seconds too long? He glances at boobs like every other heterosexual male?
Click on that last video I wanna see what it's about.
Well now the cunts are in legal trouble
>Haha, they only destroyed his entire career and public image, making it impossible to find work ever again, it's not like they did anything wrong
They don’t actually like anime, manga, comics, video games, tabletop gaming, or any of the other myriad hobbies they’ve invaded. They only entered then to spread their poisonous beliefs.
Destroying someones career isn't illegal either
Marzgurl was never really going to age well, unless she kept a diet and completely dropped the booze.
It means if you're ugly and you do something remotely sexual. Or you do something to piss off one girl, who lies about you and every girl automatically hates you.
If you do it using libel and slander, then yes it is.
>tabletop gaming
Oh sjw do play and like those games. They just absolutely suck at them.
Actually it very much is.
i hope that the japs end their contracts with funimation
funimation has been a cancer to releases for the longest fucking time
If they start whining about how a game set in the 1920’s is icky and sexist and doesn’t have enough blacks and trannies in it, they don’t actually like it.
Fandoms need to learn to kick these people out before they get a foothold in future.
Because Sabat fashions himself king shit, but everyone loves Vic more than him. Things boiled over for him when the Broly movie became the most successful FUNimation production ever. He masterminded this #kickvic shit, but was smart enough to keep his mouth shut in public.
FUNimation is only worth 150 million. This lawsuit is enough to sink them.
Funimation is owned by Sony.
>He’s not in any legal trouble over it.
Funimation sure is, faggot.
Underrated as fuck
It actually is you knuckle-dragging simpleton.
>poor vic is out of work and not allowed to go to conventions any longer
He’s coming to ComicCon Puerto Rico
Yes, and Sony will want their money back somehow some way.
>Stories about this dude being a creep are as old as the internet
So you mean rumors & hearsay?
While we're on the subject, why does FUNimation even exist when Sony owns Aniplex of America as well?
>Why do roastie feminist SJW's act illogically?
Who the fuck knows? Doesn't change that that's what they do.
>And Funimation was within its rights to fire him
No it wasn't.
>Why do SJWs even want to get into anime if they think it and Japan are sexist?
Based Vic. Fuck funimation and fuck anime dubs. Hopefully #metoo gets flushed down the shitter.
Texas is a right to work state, but FUNi fucked up when they gave a specific reason for firing him. If they said nothing at all, they might have been spared being a party to this.
>What's with all these SJWs getting charged with CP?
Because degenerates gonna' degenerate.
Why is anyone surprised by this? SJW's have been publicly signaling their acceptance of pedophilia for more than a decade now.
Anything with cute girls and no combat.
Because there are none more pious than the guilty user.
>Hopefully #metoo gets flushed down the shitter.
If the Hardwick one didn't stop the movement, nothing will.
It's going to take death from a thousand cuts to take this beast down.
>Be an American dub company like Funimation
>Do not create or add to the original product in any way, merely buy the legal rights to its distribution
>Literally the only thing you create is a cringe-inducing English version of the dialogue, which is read by insufferable over-paid shrieking middle-aged women who don't even fit the characters they're voicing
>Inject your out-of-touch coastal elite SJW opinions into the script, completely altering the original dialogue that fans are paying for
>Charge out the ass for your shit-tier product that you barely had to work on/invest in to create
Literally WHAT IS THE POINT of dub companies like this?
They contribute fucking nothing. What they DO contribute is utter shit.
There is literally no need for companies like this to exist. They don't need to exist for people to be able to enjoy anime. They're completely superfluous.
Provably wrong.
>Monica claims she still considers a Vic a friend and just wants him to seek professional help
so thats why she twted that she wanted his head on a plate and for the guy to never work again
Monster Musume.
But read the manga first.
Yeah, but according to them it's the CORRECT kind of "colonialism".
It's different when they do it.
Fuck funimation for dubbing anime and not releasing subbed versions of the same anime
>all these zoomers defending the guy on principle
Everybody knows this guy is a creep.
Right on. At least decent fansubbers stick to the original script.
But that's WHY they don't go to police. Because they DON'T have a case and nothing happened.
what are fma and dbz?
>sticking to any script
Hello yes where is the proofs?
Really bad timing on Elon's part....
I'm going to respectfully ask you to fuck off, mate.
Tons of underage fans who think the guy is worth risking a fondle. At least he's gone now.
seconding this
I still prefer it when fansubbers go off the reservation compared to the SJW autists.
This. I unironically hope he gets a high-paying job offer from another company even if only out of spite on top of Funimation getting fucked in the ass financially.
>her reputation as a valid witness to his crimes,
what crimes? there isn't an investigation so there really is zero risk to lie your ass off
That's literally the entire point of these sorts of witch hunts, you can say whatever you want and then the person you accused has to prove their NOT guilty
Are we talking actual kids in real videos of CP or we talking some Canadian bullshit about some yaoi shotacon?
I'm all for people who molest real kids and those who download said videos. That's propagating abuse of actual children.
Arresting people for skeevy cartoons of lolicon and shoacon is bullshit. It's akin to the Jack Thompson mindset of arresting people for playing video games because they are "murder simulators".
I said decent, not circa 2001 Gaia Online era.
That’s not proof. Evidence, please.
Did Shane enter the thread? How fucking embarrassing, who asked twitter to come on over?
We're not in a fucking court room, autist. The guy is a creep, that much is known. You're welcome to suck his dick if it makes you feel validated.
>What's with all these SJWs getting charged with CP?
It turns out the side that was squealing about how their opposition were "rapists" and "terrorists" turned out to be full of rapists and terrorists. And child-molesters. And a lot of other things.
lock this monster up and throw away the key
>The cursed watermark
Sorry, I just pulled that off Google Images.
>*ignores the several CP threads on this board alone*
This is also /pol/'s dumping ground, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
Not that guy, but what does having sex have to do with anything? Can you explain how that would change user's mind about Vic?
>mention SJWs with CP
rent free
>her brother was arrested for files on a hard drive
> The hard drive containing the videos was allegedly sold online and was used, not new.
Why the fuck would you buy a used hard drive for you computer? Why the fuck wouldn't you format it?
It's hard to say who's going off the reservation when it's a Tomino project.
What ever happened to not giving credence to rumors
So there’s no actual evidence of him doing anything wrong and you’re just another Tumblr entryist/Discord tranny/R*ddit refugee shitting up the place. Got it.
Just keep ignoring those cunny threads, moralfag. Look away when your main board is a repository for CP.
>It has force me to question the authenticity of the #metoo movement and whether women should be trusted at all at face value concerning sexual harassment claims.
Nigga, you shouldn't take any accusation without reliable evidence of any serious crime at face value. The The fucking court doesn't and neither should society, because false accusations can and will ruin lives in the process without going through proper investigation. The Metoo movement is BS because most reports from them rely on the people believing them as reliable sources without reliable evidence to vindicate their claims. It's as absurd as accusing someone of murder but having no evidence there was even a corpse, let alone an act of homicidal intent.
It’s also the Reddit/Discord/Tumblr pinko dumping ground. Coincidence?
You need to provide evidence when accusing someone of a crime. Simply trying to ruin a man's reputation with lies is something a middle school girl would do.
>literal Tumblr trash
This pic is almost enough to make me want to swear off the dub and watch sub only from now on.
>being a furry
>talking shit about anyone else
You're a creep.
I hope Doug Jones doesn't get dragged into this shit. Then again, dunno if he's gay or straight. He seems to hug all his fans, male and female. I got a signature and took a picture with him at a con and he asked for a hug. Some people are just affectionate with fans. Doesn't mean it's sexual. Affection is too often sexualized by today's society.
>So there’s no actual evidence of him doing anything wrong
Is that why they fired him? lmao
I bet you spammed pizzagate stuff too, faggot.
>white people who love weebshit are fucked up
>this is somehow news
Fullmetal Alchemist and Dragonball Z
Go watch kemono friends you degenerate.
What does the article on the right have to do with the script changes?
>i said so so it's true
>that justifies destroying an innocent man's career
I can HEAR your fat-rolls slapping together, pink-hair.
Kemono Friends is for cute and pure. Monster Musume is for degenerate furries who are in denial.
Every board on Yea Forums believes they are "/pol/'s dumping grounds." Says more about Yea Forums as a whole, really.
What the fuck does pizzahunt have to do with this fucking situation? Do you have brain damage?
Fuck My Ass and Drained Balls Zima. He's an actor in sick pornographic films.
>SJW literally arrested for CP
Fuck off, hambeast.
yes AND he started reading a Discord server live to rebuke Rakkets points. You could see it in his glasses, he was a stammering mess.
>lawsuit accepted by the courts
They already seem to think that he has grounds for a case or it would have been thrown out
>redirect by mentioning pizzagate apropos of nothing
>strawman fallacy
Dilate yourself with a live electrical cable, you estrogen-addled freak.
No. I can't believe that sweet Hyatt could be so cruel!
The "worst" thing Mignogna did with Rial was when she autographed a jellybean for some reason, then handed it to him and he ate it then stated
>I ate Monica Rial
Apparently that is enough evidence of rape for Funimation to drop him, according to Funimation itself.
Funimation deleted him off the credits, and removed his interview from the special features
>they claimed it was a maanufacturer's error and they are "really trying to deal with it"
I had no idea he was married. Has she said anything during all this?
It’s just their thing. Look at Britain, it’s fucked up in quite a few way but they are strict on lolishit legally......but have had numerous massive scandals involving their PARLIAMENT getting caught in child prostitution rings.
My favorite is neogaf, numerous pedophile mods, that when gamergate came around used their own collection of cheese pizza to post on cripplechan to delegitimize the “movement”
SJWs have literally dumped their own porn here
Only if you're in an "at will" state, AND you don't PUBLICLY announce that the reason you did it was a FALSE thing.
>funi made a public statement saying "resulting from our investigation we have decided to terminate Vic" and immediately followed with "we at Funi take sexual harassment and assault seriously and embrace everyone and love everyone blah blah blah"
any common person reads this and thinks "oh shit so Vic DID that...fuuuuck"
>except he didn't, and now they admitted they fired him wrongfully, as a result of pressure based on lies
Press F for Shane's chair.
Rial is quite the cunt
>Marzgurl never filed a police report against Jew Wario and his pedo grooming
What a hypocrite.
She also REposted MONTHs old pics of a busted doorframe and said the Vic supporters SWATTED her...and people found them on her FB the next day
Monica's current role is a bit more fitting.
Wait... so let me devil's advocate for Monica here and suggest that maybe Vic was making a lewd joke when he said he "ate" her.
>lurk twitter
>linkara posted a comment
>reply with a green m&m
>get blocked by both
lock him up boys
To save billions
I never followed the Channel Trainwreck...but I know Marzgurl made sexual assault/harrassment allegations against several of them...what's the green m&m?
listen and believe, you sexist bigot
too violent.
A hug from Doug Jones would mean getting your face smashed into his crotch.
And my spine is damaged i'd have to sue to for assault if some one hugged me
Right now Toel itself seems to be thinking about pulling out from Funimation, which would effectively kill them since dragon Ball is all they really got
Affection belongs to the gay mafia.
It's really the only reason they can afford to sell 30 dollar complete series sets of shows that just came out. Dragonball pays for everything.
is vic mangina still doing va work for the games?
>a board anyone can use has pedophiles on it and conservatives on it sometimes
>therefore the conservatives ARE the pedophiles
>source: my ass
You guys see this shit? This is why schizoid leftists need to be barred from participating in politics. They're fucking insane.
Looking forward to seeing more Japanese studios tightening their grip on dubbing studios.
Honestly fuck ever single dubbing company in America. Japanese companies should stop being lazy and just hire English speakers and get some broadcasting in the US.
Sup dude!
The bigger players in the game like Aniplex and Bandai Visual already do this on high profile productions. Funimation and Sentai basically bottomfeed off the Japanese companies that refuse to adapt to a global market.
>Honestly fuck ever single dubbing company in America
Not to mention their video encoding is heavily bloated
I thought the Steins;Gate dub was pretty great.
Why are you guys still watching cartoons?
Because animation is a visual art-form.
And Anime is a subsection of animation that is actually offering original concepts and ideas while live-action continues to stagnate.
>And Anime is a subsection of animation that is actually offering original concepts
>Because animation is a visual art-form.
>because light go shine shine on the TV
The who and what aren't as important as the how and why.
YAASSSS King, slaaay!!!!
LARPer here. Sony has bought out all the courts in T county. Every single claim that implicates Funi and therefore Sony IN ANY WAY will be tossed. That's why the people in question are so smug. But like I said I'm just LARPing. I'm not an attorney in Texas at all.
Vic needs to win this. This is bigger than being the VA for broly, this is about whether or not the sjw cancer gains a foothold in anime and ruins it like they've done to comics and vidya. They're testing the waters and wrapping their tentacles around, they need to be chopped off before they get a good grip
I heard he credibly raped over 100 women. I read it from some fuck on Twitter and therefore it must be true because why would someone lie on Twitter?
>chat logs leak and yes, these pathetic people actually got together and hatched a conspiracy to dick vic because why not
I would love to see such chatlogs - if they exist - considering how massively powerful that would be as evidence of Vic's innocence.
Surely you're able to provide this proof you claim exists?
It's already past the point it would have been tossed. Sony probably doesn't care what happens.
Set phasers for making thots pay.
That cunt's constant twitter meltdowns happen constantly. This thing has been goind on for couple months. Whore has tweeted stupid shit about it like thousands of tweets per month.
Thot at ages of 23 and 33. Time is harsh mistress.
>two vague images is all I can muster up
>I can't provide any direct proof of this hidden group actually existing
Mild surprise.
There is a second round of lawsuits planned if this one is successful. I believe that chat logs are linked to the people Ty Beard code names as "Igor" and "Iago". One of those is obviously Sabat. Not sure of the other.
The Star Trek Continues stuff was real good. He was playing Kirk in it right?
Had no idea the busty counsellor was his missus.
Conspiring to do so is very much illegal in Texas.
He didn't rape anyone but I wish he did
>Funimation couldn't hold themselves back from virtue signaling about rape and diversity on Twitter and made themselves liable for a lawsuit because of it
How fucking dumb can you be? Why are corporations so willing to lose money over wokeness?
They've always been a juvenile operation. Any serious business would run any public statement by a lawyer beforehand.
>diamond dozen
you played your hand way too early
Screeching SJW's have fooled companies into thinking they hold some kind of sway over public opinion or are the majority of their clientele by being really fucking loud all the time and blowing everything out of proportions. It's a sad state of affairs but most companies are run by boomers who don't understand the internet and think the constant social media harassment have real consequences.
Dragonball. Toei's contract is explicitly with Funimation, and would not transfer to Aniplex after Sony bought them.
Also, Sabat owns his own recording studio (which he forces Funimation to pay him to use to dub Dragonball) plus Sabat has physical possession of pretty much all the master tape/audio material for the DB franchise dubs, along with the Japanese audio for Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z (which was crowd sourced from Japanese fans, since Toei lost their audio masters).
TLDR: they would lose he Dragon Ball franchise to another company if they folded Funimation, plus Sabat's got a huge chunk of content held hostage he could destroy if they killed Funimation out of pure spite, especially given how he is already fucking the company in the ass forcing them to pay him extra to record Kai/Super at his vanity recording studio that only does Dragon Ball projects
She's a hypocrite as well. My friend was excited to meet her at Supercon here in Louisville, and when he met her, she kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug without asking.
>plus Sabat has physical possession of pretty much all the master tape/audio material for the DB franchise dubs, along with the Japanese audio for Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z
Fucking why. Who allowed just one man to have all this power? It lacks any kind of business sense.
Sounds like Toei made a bad deal if they don't control the English localization material.
these and the gay alien count of monte christo
They never had any interest in baka foreigners. Its all propped by fandubbers.
This anime got me to finally read the book which is now in my top 3 favorite books all time, and introduced me to the stranglers.
Just saying, since it's been a matter of course for literally every single other studio who deals with foreigners localizing their shit. Harmony Gold was a major red pill for the industry.
He's NOT married. They were in a long term relationship and broke up. Look at her twitter likes, it's all supporting Monica et al. I know /pol/ wants the based rapist to be innocent but he's not.
based Harman
Based Junpei cucking DBeanerZ and moe Animefags
>what is karma
the end goal of sjws and leftwing activists has always been normalizing pedophilia.
gay rights, trans rights, feminism ... they are all just small steps to normalize the public to the idea of a grown man raping a little boy
don´t belive me. the huffington post allowed a self proclaimed pedophilia to write an article about how he isn´t a monster but the conservative people calling him a disgusting freak are
cowboy bebop and wolfs rain come to mind
Only dragon ball but if you have more strogen than a girl you won't like it
Here's a quick rundown
>grimes just got him to watch 2003 dub
fucking based
>quick rundown
I'll bet they're regretting some of the tweets they've made now. Especially Marchi.
Insider here. Sorry guys but Nick from Minnesota is about to absorb the biggest buttfucking any confident person has ever gotten in their lives. Funimation is about to drop a BOMBSHELL in court which will absolve them of all liability. The "100+ victims" guy might lose because that was just a retarded statement but they're planning a big surprise in court that will end most of Vic's case instantly.
All of the SJWs are going to be pissing on Nick after this. Sorry you had to hear it from me.
here's hoping he pulls through like Chris Hardwick
Oh and they have at least half a dozen people feeding Nick fake information now. Nick is triple checking sources for safety but they're all fake so he's going to get burned eventually. They're spreading poison to get him to say something incorrect so they can spank him with it later.
He's got evidence for days, thanks to their retarded addiction to posting dumb shit on twitter, whereas they've really got nothing but hearsay and vague recollections of non-events against him. Plus, all the judges in that county are Republicans according to Rikieta, so the SJW nonsense isn't going to fly. This might end up being the sequel to Hulk Hogan running wild on Gawker back in 2016.
Nice RP and fanfiction.
Hi Shane.
Nope doesn't matter because they're dropping a bombshell in court. They're 100% confident that the smear they have planned (well it COULD be true nobody really knows but we assume it's a smear) will end the case instantly. If what I hear is true they're right, but every deposition is going to have to match.
Sounds like hot air.
Jin Ruh Roh
Does Vic have the power of the Hearst media empire after marrying a rich heiress?
If you allow yourself to be harrased by a japanimation voice over guy deserve it
newfag reddit tourist fuck off
Wicked City is kino.
>Full thread and no Nick. . .
Bitch the 3hr "quick rundown" stream I'm watching that someone posted ITT is just finishing. Read the thread before greentexting your disappointment and praise god for 2x speed.
How embarrassing
I am embarrassed , I have just looked for a 10 minute summary somewhere.
should have*
Next you'll be asking for an easy mode in Sekiro