What exactly is so bad about diversity in TV and movies?
What exactly is so bad about diversity in TV and movies?
The diversity is forced and pushing a political agenda.
Define diversity
This. No one was complaining about diversity back in the 70's and 80's. Nowadays it's just cringey, forced and unrealistically done.
more black people
Injecting politics into the bread and circus is a dumb idea.
What´s so bad about having white people staring in movies?
Especially when it´s about white people problems.
It's anti-white propaganda
And written by whites. Directed by whites. Created by whites. Etc.
They only make up 14% of the population. If you wanted it to truly be representative there should be less blacks in media
What’s wrong with that?
I have nothing againts women, niggs, fags in movies.
If you are taking the role then ACT properly.
99% of the time nowadays if it's DIVERSITY then movie is going to be shit.
Shit not because BAWWW ALT-RIGHTERS ARE BUTTHURT but because people who were casted for the role just because they have vagina or high melanin are often literal nobodies who can't act at all.
Nobody ever complained about Lando because actor was good.
Fin is just lame and the actor tries to act like teenager from 00's highschool movie
define "blacks"
It's not like they are chosen to do those jobs because they are white. If they are better suited for a job, they get it. It's that simple. Or at least should be.
That's my point exactly. If they want blacks and chinks to be in the movies, maybe they should make their own, fucking movies..
Unironically nothing
I don't want to be constantly reminded that niggers exist.
Also meant for
I just don’t like niggers on my screen, sorry, they’re not aesthetically pleasing.
Sure make a movie about Shaka Zulu and make half the cast black, I don’t care, or black panther which is set in a fictional Africa, that’s cool
I don’t want niggers in my shows about a fictional Poland during the dark ages though, I don’t want niggers in a fictional version of the war of roses with dragons and ice zombies unless they make sense
And most importantly, I don’t want a black dude with a white woman in a white relationship for the sole purpose of being forced
define "niggers"
Because it puts shitty actors like John Boyega on a pedestal and relegates talented actors like Idris Elba or Chitwetel Ejiofor to capeshit.
It all about identity politics and nothing to do with actual acting ability or merit.
Black people.
it's always niggers, where are the spics or asians?
nothing, until it becomes forced, which it often does because it is usually included as a means to its own end rather than plot or character driven
define "black people"
How does this guy explain that 30% of all male gamers always pick the female option then
>They only make up 14% of the population
cringy burgercentrism
Diversity is a good thing, but up to a certain point.
When it creates a culture where one demographic is completely discharged from never having to be content creators who come up with their own sci-fi/fantasy/capeshit/whatever because they expect another demographic to not only carry them around like luggage, they expect that same demographic to villify its own kind as the villians, then it becomes a problem.
There are no black people sitting at the big-boy table alongside the Stan Lees and Jack Kirbys of capeshit. There are none sitting next to the Lucases, Jacksons, Camerons, and Spielbergs of sci-fi and fantasy.
Using "characters the audience can identify with" has become a crutch that makes one demographic have to work twice as hard coming up with stuff while another openly refuses to. It ends up being a form of content controls and even censorship because now nothing's allowed to get made unless the diversity police approves.
And throw in the movie version of gamergate where reviewers collude to trash the ratings of movies they don't think are diverse enough while promoting ones that do push the party message, and the system of controls by the party become so obvious to even a blind man.
It's true and that guy was right. T. European.
It's when you use shitty writing to create personality traits in characters based on their diversity versus competent writing that creates compelling characters in spite of thiir diversity.
>He's the black guy
Doesn't tell me much about the fucking character.
>He's the tech guy, by the way, he's black and no one really gives a shit until it's time to flesh out his motivations
Tells me he's the best actor they could get.
no white people
Why are incels so afraid of black people?
It's part of the leftist agenda to make western countries more comfortable with white replacement and mass immigration.
>Why are incels so afraid of black people?
Retards, virgins, closet homosexuals, cuckolds and seething frail manlet white people who have had their exes leave them for non white people.
Stay mad
it's not anyone's fault but yours that you're a virgin
maybe because they beat up retards with no remorse
What is this video meant to prove? He won against a kid 5 years younger than him (it looks like). In my school the black kid would've been kicked in the head for going after a younger, smaller kid.
Honestly, niggers generally look ugly.
Jesus that’s a bad preachy comic.
>trying to act tough on Yea Forums
Lmao, newfag nigger
they're the same age. It's just a physically stunted incel white abomination vs a black chad.
I never actually disliked Finn, not in TFA or TLJ. I liked him more in TLJ to be honest. His acting was never bad, I think the writing for his role was just shit. Daisy on the other hand is terrible.
>they're the same age
As if you'd fucking know. Still, going after someone who's 3 heads smaller? The nigger would've had 100 stitches at the end of the day in my town.
The standard argument of deflection-and-attack by the left.
No one cared Lando was black. No one cared Mace was black. No one likes Finn because he's there solely for "fuck white people." Context does matter, and that's the truth no matter how much you spin it.
But you sick social engineers don't care. You have a god complex where you seek to dictate the very content and fabric of society. And the funny thing is you think it's everynoe BUT you that's insane.
niggers > incels
women certainly agree
is it just me or are /pol/itically interested losers the easiest people in the world to get a rise out of? you can say anything about anything and as long as it isn't in line with their ideology they freak out, it's great. nothing amuses me more than pretending to care about politics on this website and watch low IQ millenials have autistic fits.
how dare you call a pure aryan specimen a retard
That video, fucking kek
Racewar against blacks? Are you kidding me? It would be the zulus all over again.
video proves that anime moves aren't gonna save you weebs and you're fucking jokes IRL
they are. Post the tranny nazi pics and watch them chimp out too. They'll even start reporting you to jannies.
Diversity is pushed by the people at the top who already are secure in their position and minorities who have the most to gain from it, so basically the majority conspire to fuck over the middle and lower parts of white society.
>fat weeb incels can beat blacks because WE WUZ KANGZ 200 years ago
where have I heard this before
>No one likes Finn because he's there solely for "fuck white people."
I was not defending his character you fragile little ingrate.
>force diversity and your political point of view into star wars
>each and every one is being more poorly received than the last
>each one is performing worse financially too
I'm from the Netherlands. You think anyone gives a living shit about Japan or even your fucking leftist bullshit here? Whites don't need to be physically stronger. We're smarter, better and more creative.
To be fair, ‘get woke, go broke’ applies because overseas markets are even less interested in seeing blacks shoehorned into everything than Americans are. Chinese, for instance, are mystified by the seeming worship of blacks by America and the UK.