Nostalgic British fap thread

Did anyone else watch Eurotrash and Tarrant on TV for a cheeky wank back in the day?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Late night Channel 4 was a goldmine for pre-internet adolescents, especially Fridays

The early years of satellite/cable was insane. And even if there was nothing mucky on you could take a gander at the German channels where it was guaranteed. Nothing tops this though...

Nah because I had a diamond cable box so i watched the television x previews at 12 instead

Late night channel five was also great for the porn starved teenage boy.

I remember watching A Song For Eurotrash the day it premiered, 2 May 1998!!!FACT!!!

Real patricians watched Real Sex on Channel 4

They had explicit clips of couples having sex and then put cameras inside the women's vaginas so you could sex what sex looked like from the inside.

Turns out, sex is disgusting.

>Channel 4

Big Train
Father Ted
Adam & Joe

The late 90's was a golden age for British TV and I miss that era!!!FACT!!!

Being young was fapping to the naked women. Being older is actually appreciating and laughing to the dubbing using regional British accents, as well as Antoine de Caunes banter.

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eurotrash, topless darts, strip masterbrain, outthere, softcore porn on channel 5 every friday.

People living in North America will NEVER understand how puritan their society is compared to Britain and Europe which is much more sexually liberal!!!FACT!!!

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>sperglord namefag is a permaposting brit-tard
No way.

Had my first wank to Euro Trash I would love to see the episode again

>Taffy host
I shed a tear

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>creepythinman trip
>on a post that's not completely retarded

this feels so wrong

unironically this is pretty much where all my problems started

once sat through a whole fucking movie called "scenes of a sexual nature" and there was literally no sex in it.

Seeing as Brits by far make up the most users on Yea Forums after Americans, it's not a total surprise.

adam & joe go to tokyo was kino

I remember that porn shop where they were laughing because it was videos of horses doing it

Japan still felt like an alien place back then


Dubstar/Sacha Distel - Poupée De Cire Poupée De Son at the end is my fav song from this!!!FACT!!!

>tfw the Newsround waifu made it to the real grown up news

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God I miss the 90's.

dude your older than me and im way too old to be here

She's a nice normal girl in an extraordinary world.

It was the Carry On films. For me, it's

Carry On Nurse
Carry On Doctor
Carry On Cleo
Carry On Behind
Carry On Jack
Carry On Don't Lose Your Head
Carry On Follow That Camel
Carry On Regardless
Carry On Loving
Carry On Up the Khyber
Carry on Screaming
Carry On Girls
Carry On Matron
Carry On Camping
Carry On at Your Convenience
Carry On Dick

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>>sperglord namefag is a permaposting brit-tard

Canadian but I lived in Britain from 1997-2001!!!FACT!!!


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Who was the fittest Blue Peter presenter? My Dad always wanted to fuck Konnie Huq.

how did channel 4 go from the genuinely edgy boundary pushing channel to the most limp and woke one?


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This is your one and only chance to be forgiven for masturbating to the black semon demon makowsi getting her tits out in the big brother hot tub.

Speak your sins now while you still can

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>It's an Elaine locks the office door and opens the emergency vodka episode


please tell me someone remembers this, no-one else seems too

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OTT the adult version of tizwas was goat

[boomer]For me, it's Katy Hill, but Zoe Salmon is a close second[/boomer]

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forgive me desu


I fancied Katara more than Misty

This was once a substitute for porn

Remember when Channel 4 showed good anime with British dubbed soundtracks by Manga UK?

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here, here

Channel 4 used to show all kinds of weird 80s anime movies, saw a disproportionate amount of tentacle rape

adam and joe go toyko, and moreso jonathan ross' japanorama had some episodes doing into darker stuff like schoolgirl prostitutes, it was kind of crazy seeing a country as modern but so oddly different.

I can't find a torrent of that with the UK soundtrack anywhere.

Oh yeah, loads of fun. But this was the kino for me

>dude your older than me and im way too old to be here

We're here forever.

Anywho, I remember the summer of 98 when I went with a bunch of co-workers to see both Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Exorcist which had both been allowed to play theatrically as they had been banned by the BBFC for decades. It's ironic that for all the sex and violence that was allowed on Brit TV, especially after the 9PM watershed, they were very pro-censorship when it came to movies. I remember when they premiered this teaser to Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut on EARLY MORNING TV


Count Duckula reminds me of my gran. But so does AAAALLLWAYS by Erasure, so maybe I'm just weird.

whats the spider women with mouth vagina anime ?

All night live Big Brother was good wank material back in the day.

For me, it's Cat Deeley

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I will always want to fuck her son, I'll never forgive charlie brooker for getting in there, as much as I Ioved screenwipe and cunt.

Her fappening leaks were appalling, retroactively ruined SMTV for me

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>I will always want to fuck her son

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that was hot as fuck.

Before I click this, is it her sitting on a bottle?

Thank you so much. I've been looking for this for years.

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sorry but I was jerking it to sailor moon hentai because I had dial up

I was spent after 6

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Reminder that if you picked any Spice Girl besides Me; B as your favourite, you were proved wrong

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>Makosi Musambasi

That woman is an ebony goddess!!!FACT!!!

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it's posted in almost every brit nostalgia thread

Disgusting slag.
Still would though.

I have to go back lads. I need a second chance to do things differently. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

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To a 10 year old watching these adult cartoons like that and Demon City/Wicked City was quite a thing.

nothing on the queen

them fucking milkers

Melody was amazing

We all want to go back, but we can't

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>please tell me someone remembers this, no-one else seems too

I remember but do any of you remember DANGER MOUSE?!?FACT!!!

Are there any torrents of show? I've searched high and low but I've come up empty every time

Built for bleaching.

theres parts of the uk where you can time slip but you can't stay

I'm just gonna kill myself and hope god is real and decides to give me another chance tbqh

I don't come here often.

Susie doesn't look bad even into her 50s.

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Take me back lads

fuck off with your tripfag trolling, dangermouse is still shown today.

It's gotten to the point where I dream all through the night and it's always based on memories of when I was younger, like it's giving me a second chance to do things differently. I wake up exhausted and sweating.

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you're a faggot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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She's on the local news to me (South East) I always smile when I see her on there

If you lads really want to (re)experience life in the early 00's, watch Mile High.

It's a sitcom about air stewards on Sky One that I found a torrent for and was genuinely fun as fuck to watch

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Many bawdy sex comedies of the 70s.

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>all white

it was a different time

>all white

Try again lad

They used to show it on either channel 4 or bbc3 late at night too. I dropped so many loads to her it's not even funny. I think she started my love for mature women.

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Game On (1990s) has aged surprisingly well.

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I would shag the arse of Mel C though

>Mel C

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posting an true patricians choice

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Susie is still a qt.

>pilot actress
>not her replacement


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bottom right is a spray tan

>yet another Friday night spent alone in front of the computer
What are you lads up to?

Hello my British chooms.

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Geri > Victoria > Emma > Mel C > Mel B

couldnt find the proper pic. now thats a webm

did someone say the C word?

Wow, that physically hurts to watch

Not long finished watching Car SOS I'm now sat in bed browsing this god forsaken board

It's always been Mel C for me.

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This thread really is making me realize the world fucking ended in like 2007. Everything was just better before. I mean I live in a world where I can't buy a blueberry Panda Pop and watch Banzai on a friday night. I don't like this social politics obsessed modern world just take me the fuck back.

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Eurotrash was pure kino. Man I miss 90s/early-2000s Channel 4. Anyone else remember pic related? Great post-pub viewing.

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>This thread really is making me realize the world fucking ended in like 2007.
No the timelines split. Somewhere in another universe we are all happy and not living in literal hell world

any one have any pics of the black girl from the cbbc show "the crust" was also in one about a hotel. looks a bit like the porn star sarah banks

Even when she was pretending to be a lesbian and making weird music with yank shitters?

>that episode where Rosie was tied to the bed wearing lingerie

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Ya bastid ye!

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BASED corrie slag

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was this kino?

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Why is there no TV shows like this anymore? Today everything looks like it was made by a marketing committee.


Sugar Rush was fucking amazing

Smells like crab paste!

I mark the London riots which was also the same year I finished school as the last level of semberlance

birth of many slag fetishists

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I like that music though, especially when you're gone. It's just always been catchy to me.

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wrong year

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Good memories.

watching series 2 of the tick

Me minge is kicking out a right pong!

Based Bouff
I bumped into her walking out of a house party in Glasgow around 2001 as I was leaving. She sipped my vodka RedBull before going in.

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You're a cremp Mel!

Banzai was kino.

Footballer's wives was basically a spin off of Bad Girls.

Man, I marathoned Bad Girls a while back and the first three series were kino, but after that HM Prison Service removed their support because the show was becoming too fantastical and American, and it went to shit. Except for the episode with the ghosts, which was amazing.

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Vidz, Bits,Troma TV, endless other crazy random shit at 2 in the morning.

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Dont worry we're all going way way back soon enough.

I won't lie I would have slipped it into Lady One Question.

her older sister was just filth.

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I used to wank religiously to the scene with Tanya and Conrad on the plane

Ha. I remember that.


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is that the one where she scratches the T into his arse?

her tune with bryan adams was actually catchy, and when she popped up on panel shows like buzzcocks she didn't come off as a retard or famewhore like the rest of them.

If you haven't watched Bad Girls, you really should. At least the first three series, which are genuinely great.

>All these anons who want to go back but don't realise time is cyclical anyway

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>at midnight tonight my anus will be pulled inside out

time is a flat circle user

Oh fuck her nipples used to stick out so often they started to joke about it.

katie price in the jungle deserves a shout out

Shame Leigh Francis does nothing but absolute shite these days like Celebrity Juice.


took me years to realise bouff was eden on outhere

>It's a Hillman episode

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Celebrity Juice is my guilty pleasure. Is it even still going?

Actually I take my shitpost back, that second clip is amazing

>harold bishop knocking people's doors and running away dressed as a matador

banzai was fucking genius

how does harvey feel about his mother?

the juice continues

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the 2010s was a mistake. in the 00s technology was convenient but didn't take over people's lives, people weren't such social media whores, the internet was more natural and comfier, TV was better and original films were still being made, society wasn't so hyper politically polarized and insane, culture was just better.
I want, I NEED to go back
we are entering murky waters and there is even fouler times ahead of us, stay strong lads i love you all xx

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What was Drut's problem?

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Was this any good? I've got it on my backlog

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Watch it alongside Pleasureland

He's probably gonna rape her, he's fucking huge now and got that retard strength and sex drive

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You and me always and forever.

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sadly nothing that exciting is going to happen. theres no collapse its just a continual slide til the uk is basically just brazil talking english

thats what i mean by fouler times

>Holly will never do nudes
It hurts so much lads

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she put him in care. i wouldnt like to guess the reason

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what a fat fucking fuck

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literally wanked over the scene where they fuck by humping a pillow long before i knew what peep show even was lol

based af

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Mel B was the best!!!FACT!!!

I'd rather see the one on the left if I'm being honest

you now remember jade goody

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That's fucking amazing. How did this not come up in #metoo?

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I'm in awe at the size of this lad.

>the racing car sound effects
Literal kino, I remember watching it live. I still think Weatherfield is actually hell.

rip ya fat cancerous cunt lol

best eastenders girl

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Fuck off lad

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She genuinely increased awareness of cancer so much that the NHS got extra funding

oh yeh, I was sick of seeing her on tv and then she ded

it was a minor lol outrage that lasted five minutes, because he's gay as fuck and she's crazy.

>remember her dying like 3 years ago
>look it up
>she died 10 years ago

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>you're a faggot

For posting prime nude Kidman? I think we know who the homosexual is here and it ain't me!!!FACT!!!

its weird that we're nostalgic for this time but the degeneracy is all there. I think the difference is at the time people still saw it as that. I think if a woman shoved a bottle up her vag on tv these days it would be celebrated as a moment for womens liberation

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I remember watching this with my Mum and Sister, whilst my Dad dowloaded porn on shitty early broadband in the other room.

He never cleared his history.

I like mine chavvy with big bums.

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I'll never forget her saying Shilpa Poppadom


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There will never be kino like that series of celebrity big brother again.

Have to admit I shed some tears when Johnny and Denise left The Big Breakfast!!!FACT!!!

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>tfw 2009 was 30 years ago

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wtf happened to chavs anyway

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wait, are they jews?

Ya cannae dae that

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she still has the identical fucking face lmao. fucking babyface ass grown woman

yh sort of . but also there does seem to be a consesus of at least 2 gernatoins millenials/zoomers that boomers have destroyed out countreis and could rightly be killed for it . im not sure thats as normal as people think

Also i dont think the stuff from when i was younger was better than the stuff from before i was younger just what came after that usuall revovles around how epic gays,blacks and muslims are

I wanna fuck that sun

My winky feel tinky.

They became "alt" sluts covered in tattoos and smelling of cum

fucking hell imagine what a Yea Forums thread would of looked like when she called her shipla fucking poppadom

Does anyone remember?

I remember.

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But that's not Whit

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I saw stuff on eurotrash I still wank to the memory of

A few good British comedies in my most humblest of opinions...

Red Dwarf
Only Fools and Horses
Fawlty Towers
I'm Alan Partridge
Till Death Us Do Part
Drop The Dead Donkey
Steptoe and Son
Father Ted
Rab C. Nesbitt
The League of Gentlemen
One Foot in the Grave
Dad's Army
The Young Ones
The Vicar of Dibley
Keeping Up Appearances
The Thick of It
Yes Minister
The Office
Rising Damp
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Men Behaving Badly
Phoenix Nights
Black Books
The Fast Show
Peep Show
Green Wing

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oh shit

That's a choon tbf.

>What are you lads up to?

Watching my new copy of Fulci's The Beyond that showed up today!!!FACT!!!

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they never went away

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Remember when Antoine's daughter got rogered by Mr Bean?
Also Eurotrash was where the UK was originally introduced to the Bogdanoff brothers. I wish that episode was on YT.

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Jerked it to that vid many times.

tfw everyone fancied Jet
tfw Jet got HUNTED

Hunter was a bro
Rhino was a bro
Wolf was a bro

FUCK Saracen

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I don't watch channel 4, or tv at all really. I assume everyone is now woke and things like Eurotrash and Bo'selecta are now deemed taboo and therefore verboten.

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I agree.
2007 recession was the real kick in the balls. it felt like something really shifted. Even as a kid I saw it.

>This thread really is making me realize the world fucking ended in like 2007.

It actually ended on 9/11/2001. The 2008 economic crash was the final nail in the coffin. The planets spirit was broken and everyone's gone insane!!!FACT!!!


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>No the timelines split. Somewhere in another universe we are all happy and not living in literal hell world

This is correct!!!FACT!!!

>Remember when Antoine's daughter got rogered by Mr Bean?


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ultimate music video material was the the one where they were doing areobics and 50 cent candy shop

If you remember time didn't seem to be going so fast before 2008. Now everyone from children to the elderly will comment things like how the months are flying past.

ITS TOO MUCH, god damn 95% of them are extremely accurate from my childhood, absolutely insane image


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>the one where they were doing areobics

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How long it take a Mr Rutger Hauer to smoke this a cigar?
Bet bet bet!
The grannies crashing into each other on their mobility scooters and the balloons tied to a man in a wheelchair were the best episodes.


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prefer the gamesmistress persona

>not dawn

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yes, bouff

Children's gameshow Finders Keepers?

>I bumped into her walking out of a house party in Glasgow around 2001

I really miss Glasgow!!!FACT!!!

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whos best girl

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what a faggot

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Anyone here old enough to remember remembering when you were in your 20s? Everyone remembered back then. It was a better time for remembering.

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>doesn't rape anyone
>doesn't steal shit

Watch was fucking wasted on him.

for me, its bebo

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>If you haven't watched Bad Girls, you really should. At least the first three series, which are genuinely great.

This is true!!!FACT!!!

>You will never hear this for the first time again

Rachel of course.

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Shit like this just depresses me now. It all went wrong.

we all remember


S Club 8 were the patrician's choice.

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Was there ever any actual British dubbed anime?

Ah shit. I've just remembered I never saw the last few episodes.

Mr Bean's Holiday user, the woman was Antoine's daughter Emma.

Remember the topless schoolgirl conundrum?

Uniroically used to fantasize about being able to overpower the disabled girl in tracey beaker and make her essentially my sex slave. Would literally have mind fantasies about my parents dieing so i could enter the dumping ground and live this life.

>somehow end up pretty normal now

>S club 8
>7 members
One job.

Voice work? Arrietty is the only one which springs to mind which has a separate American and British cast. I'm not that clued up on modern anime though.

anyone else have the video of a teen girl masturbating to pendulem sent around there school? now thats a nostalgia wank

Best episode of Peepshow right there!!!FACT!!!

absolute legend

64 zoo lane and the one to the right of it (can't remember name) were my absolute jam, holy shit this is exactly my time period growing up, every one of those images brings the feels, early-mid 2000's was a glorious innocent era

>somehow end up pretty normal now
He says, while posting on the television and film board of a Laotian driving enthusiasts forum.

I liked Frankie.

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The live action Ichi The Killer is dubbed by Brits. It's pretty great as dubs go.


>asking for literal cp

MB was the king of 90s board games
Shark Attack
Busy Busy Bumblebees
Pop Up Pirate
Crocodile Dentist

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>early-mid 2000's was a glorious innocent era

Literally a child with putrid nostaglia glorifying a worthless time. The whole 00's were banal garbage.

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fuck that takes me back, many gallons spilled.

fuck off

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But how can Rik be dead when we still have his poems?

user Ive found lots of funny earth pictures on your laptop! ive got to try some of this stuff with you

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>The whole 00's were banal garbage.
This. When I think of the 00's between 9/11 and about 2008 it's just this vague blandness. Everything was just boring.

>vids, bits

who consolevania/videogaiden? I guess like four people since it was only bbc scotland, but they were totally the successor.

Anyone remember Gamesmaster?

>If you remember time didn't seem to be going so fast before 2008. Now everyone from children to the elderly will comment things like how the months are flying past.

I thought it was just me getting older but, yeah, it feels like time is accelerating. Other people I know, both young and old, have felt it as well. I think something terrible is coming...…...

Uhh you don't get to leave, you think Pandora just goes back in the box?

It's probably just your positive colon cancer results.

what fucking show is the lad at the top from

I think it's something to do with aliens? His sister in the show was well fit


you're forgetting the fucking leaf

>press gang
Fap material before i even knew what it meant.

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my parents are aliens, and yes she was fit.

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My Parents Are Aliens

Post her leaks or fuck off

this is the best anti-brexit argument Ive ever seen

Did she legit have leaks?

This always reminds me of going on holoday to Turkey and hearing this from the hotel balcony

I remember accidentally putting some program on where a women was straight up blowing a guy on this bus.
I wouldn't mind but my nan and little brother were also watching as well.

>kissing my first gf at age 11 in her room while Steps plays in the background

Then I went to an all boys secondary school and ended up not kissing another girl until age 25


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Oh Jesus boners long forgotten rising to the surface once more.

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>Then I went to an all boys secondary school
Same. Biggest mistake of my life. Completely stunted my ability to talk to girls for years I think

Who fists who and where in this picture


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>not declining all offers of kissing from the end of primary onwards because you were afraid they'd know you'd never done it before and the whole school would make fun of you so you end up a 27 year old khv neet with only one way out

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Love these brit nostalgia threads. Makes me smile thinking you were all out there even back then, doing the same thing as I was.

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southern twat

One of my first tv crushes.

Who /cheeky girls/ here?

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Fucking zoomers. The Chuckle Brothers are the only nostalgia part of that

I distinctly remember seeing nudity on a film that was shown about the time diagnosis murder was on in the daytime.


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At least you got a mile of cock

Thread's on autosage someone best make another one I can't be bothered tbqh.

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Does anyone remember last Monday? I remember it like it was only a week ago. Things were better back then. Not like today. Friday.

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Who is this generations Johnny and Denise?

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You really don't. Just find someone to drain your balls into and you won't give a fuck after you cum.

Whatever happened to Melinda Messenger?

This entire decade has been nothing but a blur to me.

>Just find someone to drain your balls into and you won't give a fuck after you cum.
Yes of course, why didn't I think of that before

Fancy a bum?

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Should have listened to your dick more lad.

If I could find someone to drain my balls into I wouldn't be posting on Yea Forums on a friday night again

Literally go to any club and fuck the first slag you come across.

I agree this was comfy as fuck.

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Any good?

but it's not even a sexy song
>ywn be a kid watching telly in 2005 again
>seeing this trailer for the first time while your mum gets hyped because she watched the show as a kid
>you have no idea about the immense levels of kino coming your way
Doctor Who on Saturday, some comfy Top Gear on a Sunday. I miss those years lads...

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I'm a scouser lad.

perfect tits and more was promised but nowt more released

Patrician taste. She was my sixth form crush.

>getting offers to decline

Grand Tour has been pretty good for that Top Gear comfy and the next series is going to be all special style road trips.

Welsh trips.

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Stopped watching Eastenders years ago, this lass looks amazing. I agree you can't beat a chav with a nice big ass

exact same story here, doctor who blew my mind back in 2005 I remember watching the first comeback episode live was mega kino, i was only 7

my willy feel funny

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Exactly. Southern twat.

Rachel back then, Tina was the hottest in the recent reunion though. Used to be a massive Rachel fan, though Tina had a great ass... Any anons remember them dancing around Dirty Den for Children in Need the one year?

Rachel was the hottest, but I did appreciate Jo's tits too.