Why should I watch The sopranos

hello I never seen The sopranos which was an HBO show in the early 2000s so now my question is should I watch The sopranos I have heard it is a good show but I'm not sure because it is a very old show when it started I was maybe three years old I think right now I am 21 years old so I'm just here to ask you this is sopranos a good show that should be worth watching I'm not sure I tried to watch for the first episode but it looks very old is it still a good show to watch asking for a friend's thanks.

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Your age should have nothing to do with it, I'm only 25 and I love it. But you write like a retard so you probably shouldn't bother.

if I'm a certain age then that means I will like certain things in different ways for instance when I was 13 years old I like video games more than I like video games today so maybe when you start typing you should start to think maybe I make sense and that you are just being judgemental because the way I am is based on who I am so you wouldn't know a thing about how I would like The sopranos based upon your answers so just don't even go there cuz that is not right so tell me now what I like sopranos give me reasons for why I would like sopranos and don't start are you with me because I know the truth about how I would like nothing so just stop it stop it stop it stop it

I would advise you to watch sugma instead

Stop changing the subject I've never heard of that and I don't need to. So now please give me reasons to watch The sopranos I want to make this right about The sopranos

Don’t go and check out the new marvel movies

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Incels like him are fucked

Use a fucking . dude
Holy shit

You most definiately should whatch it, stop asking questions.

If you want an idea of what some of America was like in the early 2000's, then give it a shot. Aside from being a great show with great characters and storytelling, it also references things that a typical family would have dealt with (9/11, the recession, etc)

Stop smoking meth

Where can I ask a simple my simple question was this is a panel to show I should be watching it should have been asking you have to be smart at Alex and you have to be mean to me now this this concerns me makes me think know exactly why is the tread trying to be so smart at me okay okay I get it so some people like to eat snappers funny I didn't know that we were all so smart in this room except for me somehow what I got to be the guy who has to deal with this abuse I asked a simple question I want a simple answer should I wash or not if you can't answer that go away I mean it deal with the concern of small-minded individuals!

nobody actually watches the sopranos here... people are just meming

Capital d o n t don't even go there all right you don't want to be a jerk to me sometimes you just turn around and you walk okay you got that buddy? Sometimes it's smart to do the right thing and just get out of town that's the people who want to be nice. Now to the people who want to be nice to me here's the question why should I be watching spanos answer and take a walk cuz there's only one question that needs to be answered right now and then my threat don't answer that fine you can leave

Hi Fred this is the best show ever made. It's not just a tv show about mafia filled with clichè it's a story of real people making real choices perfect acting standing ovation screenplay the show just gets better and better with time. There are some weak fillers episodes but generally Gandolfini is such a real and magnificent character all his family and friends and other bosses are just perfect. this is the highest point a tv show ever reached

You should watch it because women get beat up and gay men get killed

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I'm not laughing at the