Who is your MST3Kfu?

For me, it's mirror universe Gypsy. What a babe

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Crow's mother.

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The pixie chick with the flute from that one short

Pic related is the room at Best Brains where they watched the shitty movies and made the jokes.

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The main stage where Mike or Joel would stand and Trace and Kevin would operate the puppets.

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Pic of the puppets used on the show.

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Close up of the eyeball control lever on the Crow puppet. Pretty slick mechanical design.

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Crow's animalistic screech during that scene never fails to make me laugh

It's pretty good.

Which episode is this from?

Invasion USA

What a question to ask an old side hacking fool like me,

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I really felt bad for Rommel. And the weight lifter guy.

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I felt bad for Chapman. Imagine having to pick between these two dogs.

how many times did they need to watch a film to write an episode?

i think they watched them like 3-4 times in a row with some writers typing in the jokes with timecodes. which explains why they sound so angry at some of the movies

From what I've read, they would watch the movie four or five times while someone would be on the computer right behind the couches, typing out all the riffs people made while watching it. Then, Mike would go through all the riffs picking out the best ones and then write the episode. How cool would that be to do everyday for work?

>felt bad for Rommel

me too, he was a magnificent bastard and I read his book

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>you have to watch invasion of the neptune men 5 times at work tomorrow

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Am I retarded for actually liking The Starfighters movie?

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Ha yea that would suck. So would Sampson and the Vampire Women. At least it wouldn't be by myself and that room looks pretty chill. Especially if I was smoking good Minnesota indoor bud and could take a break and play pinball.

Who do you think was Mike's best impression? My favorite was the thick glasses guy from Daddy-O.

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this obviously

The whole cast of Angel's Revenge

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His Hugh Beaumont is great

Want some, Yea Forums?

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>dat korean gril

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>Oh, Mr. B!

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Did she ever do anything else?

i think she was in the joy luck club

okay this is fucking epic

guess when MST3K was picking movies, they okayed "The Sidehackers" without watching the whole thing. When the violent rape scene came up during rehearsals, it had to be edited out. The only time in MST3K history.

Another "The Sidehackers" tale to tell our Grand kids.

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>You will never be a basic cable tv star fucking your qt3.14 pixie wife after a successful day of riffing

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From a convention in 96.

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Bridget and Kevin

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Some of my earlies memories are me waking up in the middle of the night with those silhouettes on the tv because my dad fell asleep watching twilight zone reruns on sci-fi
I miss those days

Real talk Is Kevin gay


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>be me about to tour Best Brains in 1996

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Mike looks like an actual astronaut

Name a hotter hottie

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Damn u rite

and didn't she have a boy's name?

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Being from Another Planet looked like a fun college experience

This really wasn't even that bad of a movie besides the swimming scene

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Mr. B-flat

As if that filthy casual knew how to properly use an Interocitor

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It also had a gory death scene IIRC

Here's a link to pics from the second MST3K convention in 1996. Apparently it included a tour of Best Brains Inc. good 90's comfiness

>pic related is editing studio

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looks interesting. thanks mstie bro

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>And the weight lifter guy

He hit Big Jake.


Damn, I always thought Trace looked like a hobo junkie, but he's an absolute chad in those con pics.

Random redhead cutie from 96 MST3K convention.

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the mute is cute!

I'm pretty sure if I had to watch Pumaman 5 times in a row, I'd kill and eat my coworkers.

That being said, if I watched Final Sacrifice 5 times in a row, I'd probably start a religion.

And she has a pet solarite

Imagine watching Manos over and over and over. Mother of God.

>He IS an alien. He only has one.

I like lots of these movies too, even if they are objectively bad.

>Robot Monster
>The Coleman Francis Films; Skydivers, Red Zone Cuba, & The Beast of Yucca Flats
>Phase IV
>The Slime People
>Human Duplicators
>Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

All bad films but all with a certain charm.

You know, Captain, every year of my life I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful, if we’ll just take the time to look at it.

>just be yourself and riff bad movies bro

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Look at these mid-90s Minnesotan fucks!

Look how comfy that room is though. Imagine being paid to smoke pot and watch and crack jokes on the shitiest movies ever made in that comfy room with your friends.

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I learned long ago that I have a genuine addiction to moody brunettes. Doesn't change the fact that that mute is adorable.


Das Satellite

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If that were today, those shorts would be much shorter.

If that were today, there'd be litigation pending against him.

What do you...?


Oh my!

>The Beast of Yucca Flats

Flag on the moon...how did it get there?

>a man pushes a button... things happen...
if anything i appreciated the completely out of context nudity at the beginning. the coleman francis trilogy is underrated

Who knew that Trace was a secret Chad?


what'd you think he wrote


Looks like fucking Goose in that pic

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>tfw Beez will never look at you like she looks at Trace

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Most of the Trace pics have girls swooning over him.