
Why did Sarek forget Michael Burnham? edition

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Different timeline.

Because she's classified. :^)

fuck STD

The bottom line is that Starships are designed as real vessels first; that's how they keep things working in terms of continuity. But STD didn't do this, which is why stupid things happen on board (like the magic 'blast door' that can shield a man from a torpedo which destroys a quarter of the saucer section).

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it was the logical thing to do.

The future has arrived.
>Discovery season two ends with the ship disappearing into the future. Is it safe to assume that season three will follow the ship away from the present timeline?
>Yes. We are jumping 950 years into the future for season three.

Did they seriously call it a blast door and not a bulkhead? Did it really protect him as 25% of the saucer blown away by a torpedo?

keep it frenly

Imagine being so incompetent you think this time jump will solve the problems Star Trek fans have with the show.

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>What has been clear from the onset is that STD wasn't designed this way at all...it was designed the same way as the sets for the JJ movies, where the set was designed without any regard for what is surrounding it. The ships were scaled with absolute freedom, which means that windows and shit don't match up at all to the scale between the exterior shots and the interior shots. Finally, it allows stupid things like the turboshaft roller coaster which essentially shows that there's a shittonne of wasted space in a starship when space is normally at an extreme premium.
This revs my autism so bad. They even admitted to upscaling and downscaling the Enterprise in the JJ movies for the sake of what was "cool". Like how in STiD the bridge is the little window at the front of the saucer "dome", and what was the roof of the bridge is now a giant skylight over a massive circular plaza.

I believe they called it an "Emergency blast door bulkhead". Also Cornwell could have just pulled the lever and slid under the door. Thing closed slow as fuck, and if a real explosion went off when it closed at that speed, it'd do fuckall to stop it.

>axaniggers are Star Trek fans

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You stupid fucking casual, you never noticed that he doesn't remember Sybok either?

In TNG, one of the reasons why they built a whole new Enterprise-D model was that they realized the Ten Forward windows didn't match the exterior of the ship.
If it was STD, they wouldn't have bothered. There's no actual thought put into their fantasy world. Thought is for nerrrds.

Sybok isn't even in that timeline.

Nah, they built a 4-foot Enterprise because the 6-foot Enterprise was too heavy and unwieldy for filming new sequences, in part due to its ability to separate saucer from stardrive. Contrary to your narrative, there was no attention to detail and the 4-foot Enterprise ended up being overly thicc.

>jumping 950 years into the future when space travel is already invented
pretty sure they'd miss the singularity and when all humans uploaded their conscious into a super computer to escape the dreary shitty universe we live in to escape into another realm of existence outside of this material world

>one of the reasons

They only built the new shitty smaller model with the bumpy saucer because the true model was too big.

As far as I remember, Cornwell called it a 'blast door'...and since Pike could look through the window and see her get vaporised...well. A bulkhead normally doesn't have windows, at least on Star Trek.

To me it's not really autism...it's just that these designers don't care. The visual image is what matters to them the most, NOT the practical reality. Star Trek, at least into the 90's, tried hard to make it a kind of alternate future history, where things generally lined up, and sets made sense in terms of size. Sure, the Defiant kept on rescaling, and birds of prey never looked right next to DS9, but the general effort was there. In the JJvers, scale is about what looks good on film, especially with regards to space battles. That's why Star Wars looks good for him, but Star Trek fails miserably. The rules are different for each universe; I think the saying is, 'in Star Trek, the mechanism by which we go from planet to planet can become a detailed plotpoint, whereas in Star Wars no one cares how we get from place to place, just that we got there.'

A bit of both.
Exactly. On the original 6-foot model which they built for Seasons 1-2 (it could separate), everything was fine until they built the interior set for 10-Forward in the hiatus between Seasons 1 and 2; then they found that the windows were not properly shown on this model, so when they constructed the 4-foot model (which, incidentally, had more surface detailing than the 6-foot), they made sure the windows were correct.

When they filmed Generations, they brought out the original 6-foot model out of storage and did a full new detailing with new lighting, which is why in Generations it looks fucking awesome (except for the one reused shot when Picard is giving the stardate just before the scene in Stellar Cartography).

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>90s Trek scaling made sense

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>(except for the one reused shot when Picard is giving the stardate just before the scene in Stellar Cartography)
Generations was a weird, rushed production. According to ILM, they actually could've done a new fly-by of the Ent-D for that scene, but Rick "Double D Cup Size or You Don't Fly" Berman said it would save them $5.00 if they reused a shot from the show.

The main reason why Discovery got fucked by executive medding and micromanagement is because it was essentially first major release to All Access. JJ definitely not involved, but his less competent henchman Kurtzman is still involved. If only they had kept Orci out of that trio of regular collaborators. His pitch for the 3rd re-boot Trek was ditched due to being too Treky. So we can pretty certainly assume it would have been by far the best post ENT Trek.
>if they failed, there would be no gravity at all.
I'm not sure if true on TOS era, but at least in TNG onwards gravity plate circuitry is superconducting and effectively acts as battery and there wouldn't be sudden loss of gravity or inertial dampening.

>(in particular, the rolling man who keeps on appearing in the background)
The twitter stupidity related to that has been some of the funniest shit related to STD and SJW's.

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In the first JewJew movie where we see the Vulcan battle fleet go to warp and the ship classes are all mostly smaller than the Enterprise, but a while later the 200/300/700m (depending) Enterprise slams into this giant saucer section as big as DS9's diameter.

Shouldn't literally any helms(wo)man have understood the shit Detmer said about arcseconds, let alone one whose original characterization was the basis for Spock's post-pilot?

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Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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Yes, but STD was written by the sort of losers that hated the smart kids in school.

It did, even though you've got a wierd composite shot here. The Romulan bop is easily as big as a Galaxy Class, just redistributed. The Bop (Klingons) were much more problematic, as they too were scaled accidentally too big or small depending on the situation (they'd clear it up in dialog by calling them different 'classes' of bop, but it still was a little stupid).

But there was specific attention paid to Starfleet ships and their relative sizes, as well as the first appearances of ships (Ferengi, Klingon Cruisers, Romulan Bop, etc.). It didn't always work, but the intent was there at the get-go for the first appearance.

The deck plating was in the Starfleet Technical Manual (Joseph) as well as the Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise (which is more about the Enterprise refit and A). The idea was that the deck plates served to form gravity, so the walls and ceiling couldn't ever have this.

As for the Enterprise D, gravity was created using specific gravity generators located throughout the ship (page 82, TNG Technical Manual); so again, it could fail, and if so, people would float around. But it wouldn't ever do the Inception corridor sequence we see in STD...again, they have no idea what they're doing.

Yup...this is the point. JJ doesn't care, as long as it looks good on film. That's why Spock could see his planet being destroyed by red matter, and why you have doomsday machines that do exactly the same thing in both Star Trek and Star Wars.

Yes, but this dialogue was made to make Detmer look better than Number One. That's what the writers do to show character superiority; they don't write lines that are actually smarter, they write characters to be artificially stupider.



Sorry, forgot the usual pic. The newly wired Enterprise looks beautiful...I'm so sorry they didn't have more FX shots of it...

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In context yes, but they have her make that remark so it's explained to the viewer. There's always one character who simplifies it as a confirmation so viewers know what they mean, or someone asks specifically for clarification.

jesus it's just star trek

>it's just a show for kids.
>turn off your brain already.
>go find a real hobby.
>you must be one of those dangerous incels.
>get a life nerd.

Anything else? I've heard them all...

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If we go back the the how Enterprise D was designed. Roddenberry picked the favorite from sketches that was continued to worked on. He wanted it much bigger than older Enterprises, so they calculated rough crew size, that was too big so designers really started wasting space once ship functions had been mapped. As result most of crew get like three room apartments and there are recreational lounges everywhere.

>the Defiant kept on rescaling, birds of prey never looked right next to
Literally something that affects almost all scifi to an extent. Even prior to digital effects. When using digital models scale automatically, end result may leave different impression. Place a smaller ship bit forward of a much bigger ship while making impression that those are side by side. In Babylon5 Whitestars were notorious for changing size. Hack filmmakers like JJ doesn't probably care, but on lower budgets of TV there isn't always time or money to fix everything. Most directors aren't like Kubrick, Lucas or Cameron that will meticulously plan every effects sequence to almost perfect level prior to shooting it or rendering anything.

kys retard

Also back in the 80s/90s it could be months between sending off CGI specs and getting anything to show for it. There's no loop to react to, you get what they sent you there wasn't time or money to do it over.

Nowadays you can have some shitter on a laptop handle all your CGI needs in-house and get dailies off da cloud. Not that anyone does this, they make the cgi well before production.

>As result most of crew get like three room apartments and there are recreational lounges everywhere.

weren't there whales or dolphins? never seen, of course.

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cetacean ops helped with navigation on the enterprise D

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What does this have to do with my comment?

ME, doomcock and trekyards have literally never said any of that

Agreed; certainly the design of the Enterprise D was as you describe: but there was also some rumor about Roddenberry wanting this ship to be bigger to house the families on board as well as to show how 100 years had changed space travel in terms of comfort and 'safety'. While the original Enterprise would be more military, like a submarine, the new one would be a traveling house. Again, according to the tech manual, 'The Enterprise allows for some 110 square meters of livings pace per person, in addition to community space and the areas allocated to purely working functions'. (page 7). For a crew of over a 1000, with apparently capability of transporting 5000 troops in crisis mode, it's a hell of a big ship.

Ladies first, sweety.

Yup, and this is also why new CGI is less thought-out. Special effects back in the day needed to be overplanned to be financially efficient when shooting began; you had to get it right before film was shot. You couldn't 'fix' it the way they do in post-production today. It's like photography using film and digital photograph now: we take thousands of photos of a single vacation, but back in the day we'd choose carefully what to take a picture of. Changes in scaling come out of this.

There were tonnes of areas on the D that we never saw, but that was the fun of it. And in some ways, I think that's what Voyager got right sometimes...that Voyager was a smaller ship, and sometimes we felt like it was claustrophobic (especially when that alien race, can't remember the name, took over the ship and installed holodecks all around or something...only seen that episode once, and I think it was a two-parter). Anyway, the ship felt really small, compared with the Enterprise which felt huge.

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>As result most of crew get like three room apartments and there are recreational lounges everywhere.
I can buy the three-room apartments. The Galaxy class is designed to make you comfortable for missions that could last up to several years, where you'd also take your family along (which there's a danger to, but it makes sense to me).
It's shit like the JJPrise which is supposedly 725 meters long; much larger and voluminous than the Enterprise-D, only has a smattering of exterior windows, with the rest of the interior space being... something.

>it's a "trapped in the holodeck" episode

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aww yiss.

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Tell me more about Sarek the interdimensional nexus between universes.

>remembering the son he hated
lmao, fucking casual

stop changing the subject, shill

Why didnt they just beam the admiral out?

Friendly reminder that talking about STD is now canonically treason.

>you're not allowed to criticize Midnight's Edge in /trek/ anymore
/youtube/ quarantine board when?

did anyone notice at the start of the battle they gave evasive patterns but then in the CGI shitstorm the ships just sat there? not even a slight move to the left or something?

Just like my pre-90s Japanese animations.

can't have the only proper white woman in the show steal all the attention

you need to make her look dumb
especially with enhancements like that

Romjin aged pretty fine

/cbs-all-access/ quarantine board when?

why didn't they just get a bunch of crowbars and just shove it out the hole in the hull ?

Am i the only one wondering where the Enterprises 100+ heavily armed fighters that can stand up to 12 AI controlled Sec 31 black ops ships and 1000+ drones went between STD and TOS?

Exactly, but the situation so obviously called for the former rather than the latter it was in its own little way a new low for the writing for me. It was like McCoy chewing out Dr M'Benga for expecting him to know Spock has copper in his blood.

One of the few who actually watched aidstrek? You had it coming.

I don't even watch STD. I'm perfectly capable of calling STD a bad show on my own, without needing my opinions formed for me by attention-whoring YouTube e-celebs who peddle complete bullshit to farm clicks from gullible True Believers like yourself.

A bad show that will still get a third season, even though your precious 'Tubers promised you that it would be canceled before the pilot even aired.

Or rig one of those astromech droids to pull the lever?

To be fair ToS would have been improved by that gigantic Imperium of Man rip off ship the Klingons had.

so uh
How did Saru's sister showing up for the final battle help anyone?

project more

They could do it pretty fast if they had ready ships, other models and backgrounds even in 90's. This is a huge reason why Babylon 5 could pull of pretty neat effects with small budget and quick schedule. For same reason once Trek got to almost entirely CGI effects they could simply spam Birds of Prey and other ships everywhere in massive battles.

The way they worked in B5, DS9 and VOY is that they basically did animation work on a day and by evening they had rendered it broadcast specs. TV-budgets and schedules just wont allow to waste another day re-animate. The guy who led FX-team for B5 on early seasons and later on in Treks has said that they could have done B5 proper HD widescreen renderings simply as few minutes of work and leaving computers on for a night. At cost of like hundred dollars per episode.

Fun fact about Species 8472 is that their ships were originally designed as Vorlon ships, but B5 switched to their own in house FX-company. Foundation Imaging was then contracted to do FX for Voyager. They had to pull off something fast, had something fitting the description half finished. While the alien design is sometimes said to resemble Shadows, those were completely new design.

The main shuttle bay was huge as well, also never shown due to budget limitations.

>For a crew of over a 1000
Prior to setting to that the calculated crew for similar density as in older Enterprises, it was in ballpark of 6k or something. Prior to wasting of space started. Internal volume grows faster than length and length was the thing Gene wanted to double.

>It's shit like the JJPrise which is supposedly 725 meters long; much larger and voluminous than the Enterprise-D
It is about same size as D or E. But I doubt they really thought that through.

PS. Fuck CBS for killing Stage 9.

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You're defending Midnight's Edge, the stupidest shit in these threads. It's not projection, it's reality.

settle down shill

you havent called me an incel and /pol/tard yet though, whats wrong?

Not disagreeing with you at all. Even TNG had wesley doing the over simplifications for data and shit, and they've been doing good about giving the clarification responses too for other shit. So weird that they didn't do it here.

>you havent called me an incel and /pol/tard yet though, whats wrong?
I don't know anything about you other than your defense of Midnight's Edge, therefore I will only attack you for being stupid/gullible enough to fall for Midnight's Edge. Wise up already and then I won't do that either.

i literally only said that they never claimed X thing, and then you started attacking me for no reason

Ex Autism:

>The TOS Enterprise we know can fire phasers only from the lower saucer dome, and only two beams at a time. The DIS Enterprise fires in multiple directions, simultaneously from multiple spots on the hull. At least, the phaser beams of DIS now look like the ones of TOS again, and not like the pulses of the Abramsverse.

>At least, the phaser beams of DIS now look like the ones of TOS again, and not like the pulses of the Abramsverse.
Thank God for this. I hated the Star Wars style "pew-pews" (thanks JJ).

All I said was and suddenly you're attacking me for being a "shill".

P.S., Midnight's Edge claims all the fucking time that STD is about to retcon and reset itself for licensing reasons. Any minute now, STD will totes do it for realsies. Any minute now.

please post the video where they say that

I do hope they do a Pike Show. I really liked the final half of the last STD episode and the look of the new old Enterprise. Anson Mount is really good in the role and he is always a genuine treat to watch in each episode.

>had ready ships/models
That's like 90% of the work and bab5 didn't really have TV-professional-level cgi even in its time. Everyone did get a lot better rather quickly in the late 90s though.

Cullen Bohanan !

Sorry, I'm not about to watch their shit again.

You can count this as a "win" for you, if you want.

everything about that episode was an affront to star trek legacy, how can you not see that? are you even a star trek fan?

why would you claim something when you cant back it up?

Agreed. Fuck CBS for killing Stage 9. Glad I got to see it before it was taken down.

While I agree with you, I think the problem is what we're comparing it to. Pike is the only character aside from Saru who acts like a 'normal' Star Trek character. Everyone else acts strange: Michael has no respect for authority and never gets punished, Tilly should be dead by now from walking out of an airlock accidentally, Stamets would be killed by a security officer who had enough of his guff, Culver should have died 'the first time', the bridge offficers that shall remain nameless should all have been electrocuted, etc.

If we airlifted Pike and Saru and put them in any of the other Treks (Imagine Saru in DS9 or Pike as a competing captain in TNG) they'd be fine, no problem. It's the comparison of them with STD that makes them seem so fucking awazing. Similarly their acting ability as individuals: both actors are very skilled, especially with regards to non-verbal actions. Compare that with Tilly who can't act except for the moment or Tig Notaro who is not real. Context is for the observant.

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Because we're on Yea Forums, duh. For example, you and I both know that Midnight's Edge has always been peddling conspiracy theories about STD (including that they'll have to erase timelines due to licensing), but you're not about to admit it because that's not how Yea Forums works.

>A bad show that will still get a third season, even though your precious 'Tubers promised you that it would be canceled before the pilot even aired.
Promised? They mostly report ongoing rumors, stuff studios confirm are generally being shilled elsewhere on the internet on mainstream entertainment news sites. Some of the rumors are true, some of 'em are half truths and most of 'em may turn out to be false. Given the amount of people that have left the show or been fired, it abolutely isn't a stable production where everything is running smoothly. I'm certain that we will get third season of STD, but mostly because they simply can't drop one of very few things that brings subscribers to All Access. They will prop it up even if just loses 'em money. It might sound expensive, but on scale of whole CBS-Viacom-Paramount STD as one of the most expensive TV-shows isn't that big deal to a big media corporation.

Reality. Old school optical effects without computer controlled cameras that became widely available in 70's was work intensive as hell to make. New Phaser firing sequence would have been pain in the ass to make in 60's.

I actually liked those pulsed phasers on ships. Few art things like some effects, shuttle design, uniforms, brilliant casting and soundtrack just doesn't make Jar Jar Treks even mediocre films.

>That's like 90% of the work and bab5 didn't really have TV-professional-level cgi even in its time. Everyone did get a lot better rather quickly in the late 90s though.
With higher budgets and graphical fidelity progressing seemingly faster that it does now. Since early 2000's you don't see as big relative improvement in added polygons, higher resolution textures and more particles or reflections rendered. Babylon 5 proved that it was a feasible way to do effects on network television at fast production schedule. If Babylon 5 didn't have professional level CGI, neither did VOY or DS9 as it was same team.

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you're distorting what they said
they said that they want to blur the line between canon star trek and JJ/kurtzman star trek, so that they public perceive both of them as canon, because non-canon products dont sell if people dont consider them "the real thing"

and it actually makes complete sense, i dont get why you cant understand that

I hate but still watch STD but Midnight's Edge is a bunch of clickbait bullshit.

Presumably because he made peace with her fate.

What's strange is that the admiral chose to leave it to the last 90 seconds to pull the bulkhead instead of just organising a way to remotely close it. Even just setting a lever on a timer to pull the switch would close the blast door without requiring someone to stand on the wrong side of the magic impervious window. The damage it caused the ship didn't actually seem important enough to spend so much time fruitlessly trying to defuse the bomb instead of just shutting the door down and getting back to important business.

Not a strike against bab5 or anything but on the high end were the huge compute clusters of the film guys (that occasionally slum'd for TV) and then the low end had hobbyists who weren't even terrible but they were slower. They probably pioneered a lot of what became TV-grade CGI but it definitely took them a while of using it in practice. By the late 90s there were more of them.

DS9/VOY cgi was sparse, at least til later ds9 seasons. VOY never really got much.

>200m for the 8472 ship
it's always 50m in official sources

>they said that they want to blur the line between canon star trek
They go well beyond merely "blurring the line". I already gave you one of Midnight's Edge's lies about ERASING AND REPLACING canon Star Trek, and you told me to stop changing the subject.

>Star Trek Discovery would effectively be a reboot, one that would replace the Prime Timeline with trans-dimensional universes, using Sarek and his trans-dimensional counterparts as the trigger point.

>The story of the pilot involves Spock's father Sarek and the explanation of how two other roles played by original Sarek actor Mark Lenard-- a Romulan commander and a Klingon commander-- were trans-dimensional incarnations of Sarek himself.

babylon 5's cgi only looks bad because the version everyone sees today is the one with the stretched 4:3 cgi used for the TV version mixed with the original 16:9 footage

we need a final solution to Alex Kurtzman

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nice nazi ref white power amirite

has it ever crossed your mind that that may actually had been on the table back then but then was changed at some point?

blurring the line means making the public think non-canon star trek is canon star trek while never doing canon star trek anymore

you are being dishonest, im trying to give you serious replies but you purposefully distort their claims to make them look bad

What episodes are not filler in season 2 of STD? I dropped it but I wanna catch up quickly to this time jump shit.


you have to watch the whole shitshow to get the complete picture

or you can just skip all the shit and skip through the last episode without having to bear the dialogues

How stupid do you have to be in order to believe that bullshit of that magnitude was EVER on the table? They were NEVER going to make a 3D CGI model of Mark Lenard's corpse and have [unnamed Romulan commander] and [unnamed Klingon commander] be the basis of a new timeline.

Other rumors that were never ever ever on the table:
>according to a rumor, every character played by Jeffrey Combs is actually an avatar of the godlike Jeffrey Combs Prime who merges and resets all timelines to simplify licensing
>according to a rumor, JJ Abrams loves Star Wars so much that he has negotiated a deal where Star Wars becomes part of the Star Trek universe
>according to a rumor, Star Trek is real and a qt Star Trek grill is scanning your coordinates to beam you up and become your gf right now
>according to a rumor, Q will show up and reveal that the Borg are a necessary evil to keep the Yuuzhan Vong from invading the Milky Way galaxy
>according to a rumor, every character in the next Star Trek is an otherkin diaperfur

You have to be clinically brain dead to actually believe anything Midnight's Edge says.


Why wasn't this show set 1000 years in the future in the first place?

>Captain, did I ever tell you about my s[REDACTED BY THE STARFLEET INTEL PROTECTION ACT OF 2258]

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>Not a strike against bab5 or anything but on the high end were the huge compute clusters of the film guys (that occasionally slum'd for TV) and then the low end had hobbyists who weren't even terrible but they were slower.
Bigger productions mostly used similar hardware as TV, just more work put on more detailed models and longer rendering times per frame. While B5 started with Amigas, those weren't same as consumers usually got. They pretty soon switched to Silicon Graphics workstations and workstations from other suppliers. Rendering on farms became a thing only later on, by late 90's. Until then distributed computing was used on actual science, it killed "real" super computers in 90's. It is cheaper to just get the most bang for the buck consumer hardware and server racks than actually develop something bleeding edge for very limited market. To graphical side it came in parallel from literal amateurs and more professional companies at same time.

>DS9/VOY cgi was sparse, at least til later ds9 seasons. VOY never really got much.
Both of those were made on later seasons mostly with combination of stock footage of practical effects and CGI for almost all new footage. Trek had budget to use mostly practical models until CGI was fully mature tech.

>it's always 50m in official sources
Random fan made rendered picked up on Google.

It is worse than just stretched CGI. It is lossy crop that has been stretched. It looked better on 4:3 TV than in in DVD. It is absolute shame how badly Warner Brothers fucked up with that shows film stock and CGI masters. Extremely ironic as B5 was the show where made it future proof and easy to remaster on both film footage side and effects side. If they hadn't fucked up everything, we would have 720p release of B5 and they could have done that on extremely cheap budget. Criminal incompetence.

huge amounts of sgi machines were the render farms, not the same as distributed computing stuff. I had a few used by the early 2000s and they were really neat. I couldn't run much of anything on irix though.

>The VISOR? It's a medical appliance. He's allowed to wear it.
>The Baldric? It represents a Klingon's honor. He's allowed to wear it.
>The blue labcoat? It's a variant allowed to medical personel. She's allowed to wear it.
>The civilian attire? The captain has granted leadway for the counselor. She's allowed to wear it.
>Now can the attitude, bitch.

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>I couldn't run much of anything on irix though.
You could run a 3D file manager.


Yeah you can run it on anything now though, fsv. Those sgi indigo machines were sexy.

Am I the only one severely aggravated by something as simple as the lack of the flash after the Enterprise went to warp at the end of the epilogue?

I was more distracted by Rebecca Romijn looking like a burn victim

>tfw S3 is going to be Voyager 2.0

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>This is Star Trek
What the fuck is this!? Do they think they're fuckin funny. Who the fuck directed this shit.

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This is Internment Camp /trek/. You are here because you are enemies of the Dubsminion. There is no release, no escape, except death.

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Enterprise season 3 was already Voyager 2.0, my friend. Voyager 3.0 is where we now find ourselves.

Enterprise S3 was Dominion War 2.0, but less interesting or gracefully executed.

The editing throughout the entire episode was really jarring, the past few episodes actually.I have a feeling that they wanted each episode to have a different visual flare to it, but it's not working.

It was Year of Hell NX. is right.

>Nhan will never Yumyum on your cock.

How embarrassing.

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>going from melodramatic Michael/Spock scenes to action-packed space battle scenes to mean-spirited revenge porn with bald terminator guy
This was Phantom Menace-level bad editing

How will they get the klingons to stay silent about Discovery?

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Good point.

>*Windows XP start-up sound*
>*one yum-yum later*
>[beep-boop stops]

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fuck off

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>Who's the big baddie in Star Trek nowadays, a ruthless Klingon Captain, a Eugenics Created Warlord, a deposed Cardassian Tyrant?

wait so apparently they made the qt ginger yeoman into a red Jem'hadar lady. or the credits are wrong.

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This guy right here

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shaka, when the walls fell

Worf has four nostrils and two penises now.

which makes Dax strangely hotter.

Just imagine the state of her body by the time she finally married Riker. What a roastie.

Threadly reminder that we came close to the Doctor appearing on Enterprise if not for that fat fuck Moonves. According to Russell T Davies:
"I would have loved to have done a Star Trek crossover. The very first year, we talked about it. Then Star Trek finally went off air. Landing the Tardis on board the Enterprise would have been magnificent. Can you imagine what their script department would have wanted, and what I would have wanted? It would have been the biggest battle."

I'd rather watch STD.

that sounds fucking awful.

yeah that's what Star Trek needed was fart monsters

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/whovians/ ruined /trek/
put me in the screencap

I felt like I wasn't paying attention at that point and missed something.

See you Space Cowboy

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What episode of the Orville is this?

Just like the Kazon and the Trabe aka blacks and whites.

IS he right?

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>Punch it
>Hit it
>Kick it
>Push it
>Rip it
>Stick it
>Pop it
>Drop it
>Knock it
>Pound it
>Floor it
>Whollup it
>Pray to our Lord Jesus Christ for strength and continence to achieve our goals

Attached: Pikes.jpg (800x1200, 161K)

*schemes Ferengily*

Attached: Dwe_FGZU0AASg5J.jpg large.jpg (1100x800, 280K)

>Git 'er dun!

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I actually quite enjoyed Bruce Greenwood's Pike

Me too, I like how he didn't act like Pike at all, bold choice.

Why the fuck would the Doctor appear on ENT? I don't think Dr Zimmerman's fucking grandpa was born yet.

It could be worse, at least she was not Yar from TNG.

Please no-make it stop/ the finale sucked.

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>count again
BASED Leelo, I've never wanted a galaxy to be cleansed of organic consciousness so much in my entire life

If anything, this will only create more problems as they try to shoehorn DSC being in the Federation's future. It's also a ripoff of Andromeda. Federation ship gets flung into the future... I bet the Federation doesn't exist or is in ruins. Then the big HERO gets to restore everything. They should have used like a different universe or different quadrant of the galaxy or something. Fuck Star Trek.

>I bet the Federation doesn't exist or is in ruins.

just like the Red Angel was an Iconian, Control was the origin of the Borg and they used time travel to reset everything.

Is Po the worst fucking character of all time? I mean it's STD so obviously not but she's got to be up there

Have sex

Correct me on this but hasn’t discovery jumped into the time period around where Daniels comes from? Haven’t watched ENT or played STO in a while so I’m a bit rusty with the canon.

She’s a really bad character who’s on the same level of Mary Sue, or moreso than Michael herself. She’s only made tolerable since her screentime is minuscule compared to other terrible characters like Tilly or stamets.

Bop it!

>EDIT: Thanks for the Gold!

one or two hundred years later, I think.

>the whole sending Discovery into the future was because the (((female))) writers read online that the spore drive wasn't in TOS...

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Daniels was from the 31th century and i think they will come out in the 33th with their 950 year jump. so get ready for more retarded time travel shit.while they will still sell us the Discovery as an advanced ship and Burnham as smarter then everxone else.

Fucking hell ive just had a nightmarish thought.
>Discovery find federation in ruins after losing the temporal Cold War
>whole season is just more ENT tier fuckery through time as they jump around trying to win the Cold War instead of just having the show move into a “TOS but 950 years in the future” format

That will be excactly the plot. It will still be retarded using an almost thousand year old ship going against 33th century vessels and enemies

*splits into a billion nanobots*
*Oh no... Not again!!*
*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r*
*Psssshhh... nuffin personnel, "Emperess".*
*walks away*

Attached: Based Leland anal vores Georgiou before she can re-establish the Terran Empire in the Prime timeline (2899x1523, 2.22M)

>Finale states that the only reason why the spore drive is never mentioned is because someone tells officers to not talk about it
I don’t see what the spore drive has to do with stopping a sentient AI singularity. Realistically the federation would be on that shit like it’s free money trying to make it the best they can and then fitting it to all ships both currently in service and those going to be built.

Turns out that Daniels is a member of the discovery’s crew. Screencap this post.
>This is the USS discovery, halt your actions at once or we will open fire
>*gets instantly vaporised by super weapons 1000 years more advanced*

They have the sphere data for upgrades.
I remember that in Calypso the ship computer said Discovery was abandoned for a long time. There will be more time travel, or they just retconned it like they made with the predators from Saru's planet.

Do you remember the sphere making it impenetrable to weapons?

tht Sphere data stuff was retarded from the start but if they use it to create some next Voyager super armor shit it will get retarded beyond believe

It was never impenetrable, I have no idea why enterprise didn’t just blow its entire load over discovery since it’s shields would still have gone down after a while.
Also wouldn’t those self defence reactions technically classify discovery as a sentient life form?

I only got round to seeing the Short Treks after she popped up in the penultimate episode. I warmed to her but she needs to get rid of that fucking nose ring, makes her look like a fucking space cow.

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it was just stupid storywriting because they never tried more than just two Torpedoes to destroy the Discovery and simply detonate a torpedo from the inside.

Too bad that there is a literal plot armor now. You write like you doubt they would do this.

WHat was the importance of Tarralysium again? Spock mentioned it would be safe harbour after the time jump but I didn't get what he meant.

I built a highly sophisticated machine learning algorithm to first build a nuanced understanding of "correct" in this context including approaches from an objective standpoint i.e. "a cube has 6 sides", "the opposite of up is down", "Riker is a chubby bunny" as well as subjective but ultimately indisputable assertions i.e. "Troi was never quite sexy enough to make up for Marina's bad acting", "the Maquis did nothing wrong", "DS9 is only great for a relatively small portion of its run, it still averages below mediocre". Once the system had developed thorough understanding of the intricacies of human speech as well as the fundamental nature of what defines a "correct" statement I had it parse and adjudicate his post and it turns out no, he isn't.

>pike:*fires 4 torpedos at discovery*
>discovery obviously doesn’t explode because as shown in the big battle it’s ridiculously durable
>pike: “guess it’s shields will never go down then lads, let’s not try actually firing all of our advanced and powerful weapons at it because that won’t do anything”

they don't have technology there, which somehow means that Control can never go there with a starship.



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But wouldn’t the civilisation there have advanced by 1000 years to presumably have, at the very least, rudimentary warp drives?

I have found a way for STD to be enjoyable.
I stopped seeing it as below average Star Trek and started seeing it as above average Star Wars. Now it's fun again.

>it's a klingon cleave ship!
>literally just ramming through control's ships
is this cool? y/n

>liking DS9 outside of the ferengi eps
DS9 was shit. It's irredeemable shit, especially the bajorans. Who the fuck overthrows their own government because ONE FUCKING DUDE wanted a harvester to feed ~5 people, when that same piece of equipment could be used on a different province, feed the ENTIRE FUCKING POPULATION IN A SEASON, AND start a galactic export of goods?

How the fuck did anyone think that was a good idea? The government was even willing to let him use the harvester next season, too. They just needed it this one fucking time, but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after shit talking STD becomes stale.

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They've got a thousand years, give or take, to develop from their current technological base.

Maybe they ran out of dilithium

I mean, it does fit the kilngons quite well.
>comically large vessel who’s front is just 10s of metres of thick armour that just plows through enemy ships while blowing its load of disrupters and torpedos into it.
Sounds pretty Klingon to me.

What gets me is that Mommy Burnham said the people there were still living like farmers 900 years in the future when surely they'd have advanced by then.

Maybe they’re all luddites for plot reasons?

>Who the fuck overthrows their own government
Holding a democratic vote is not overthrowing the government. Calm down.

They grow it by 23c

>muh recrystalliser

>it's a klingon cleave ship!
>literally just ramming through control's ships

what the fuck do you think a cleave ship does?

Yeah. It's obviously meant for ramming blockades and wouldn't be much good in any other fight with maneuverable ships, but it's a really Klingon thing to have and use.

>democratic vote
>When they literally kick him out of the office and flat out admit to bribing the elected officials to vote him in because they were all a part of the same terrorist cell.

based dubsminion poster

Like yeah they banned technology that wasn't lightbulbs because "Jaysis Chrise came down from heaven and done saved us" but, 900 years.

This actually is a far, far worse line than it would first appear, because it means that Control is trying to embed itself in ALL Federation technology, which means it's the Control from a really bad novel that retcons the entire Prime Timeline to Control actively meddling in events to guide humanity's evolution, because Control was originally an ENT era AI that went completely paranoid nutso after the Xindi Space 9/11 Kablooie in ENT S3. An Amish planet makes sense in this context, because it means there will not be a Control waiting for them immediately upon exiting the wormhole.

Nah but didn’t based scientist guy use the mini nuke reactor to power the churches lightbulbs and literally “shine a light on the wonders of technology”?

They never actually got a government in the entirety of the DS9 series. That was a running theme, they were fucked.

The fact that STD lifts ideas from the EU because they know no one will even notice, it's not like anyone outside of a small group of hardcore fans read the novels.

You're confused, and you're taking two separate episodes and combining them into one. The kicking out of office episode (The Siege) is separate from the harvester episode (Shakaar).

In the latter, the conflict was resolved by Shakaar becoming a candidate for First Minister, and the people holding a democratic vote. People voted against Winn because she made a bad judgment call by sending out the whole fucking army against one farm, which is both overstepping her authority and overescalating the situation.

>communicator badges now monitor life signs and send out a warning signal should the wearer lose consciousness
There. fixed 20% of trek plot points.
>implying they wouldn't just find a way for the badges to stop working, malfunction or otherwise break each time

>Sensible and logical technology in CBStar trek
Nah, fuck off elsewhere fag

except this version of Control goes omnicidal in the future if it gets the sphere data. the novel one was mostly just trying to help.

The fuck are you talking about? That applies to TNG/DS9/VOY too. So many plots that could have been resolved earlier if the computer warned people that Ensign X is missing or Lieutenant Y is unconscious.

That was included in star trek the motion picture. It didn't come up.

The thing I don’t get is how control was basically fully sentient and apparently had the ability to jump between different ships and take control of them instantly. Why didn’t it just take over the entire federation?

They do pretty much that but without the combadge at the start of 2009.

Attached: Robau Terminated.png (961x400, 595K)

the same thing could be asked regarding the fact that it can control hundreds of ships but also sends one Pesudo terminator who cant even kill one human with his fists.
Its plain retarded storywriting

>wants to cuck food for the entire planet + global economy to feed ~5 people
>hides the equipment from the government so they can't take it by force
>have to capture the guy to save the planet and make them independent
>claims this is overstepping authority and overescalating the situation

Nigger no. And they DID say in the episode that they were going to rig the election in his favor. There's absolutely no way you can defend this shit. One man, ONE FUCKING MAN not only made billions suffer and starve for a year, but also ruined the planet's chance at exporting goods.

this thread is shameful

cause std writers are retarded.

Isn't that Battlestar Galactica?

Because we're dealing with the fallout from an STD season finale. Don't worry, next thread we'll talk about the true Trek series, Hidden Frontier

Yeah is right. I actually write this after watching S1 of voyager, where that could have helped multiple times.

Neat. But lets be honest, trek has always been a bit of contradictory technology that could always do JUST enough or too little depending on what the plot needed.
>People can't be held in a transporter pattern buffer
except under these circumstances where they end up in there for 75 years no problem.
>Replicator can make pretty much anything
except these things, with the flimsy excuse that they are "too complicated"
And don't get me started on holodeck shit. That stuff is more inconsistent than continuity in STD.

>nanite-Leland can’t just knock out chinkbitch with one punch
Come on guys he’s a fucking robot, he should have multiple times the strength of a trained man.
>all the drones shut down once Leland is killed
Surely this omniscient AI has more than one instance of itself on a central mainframe, like a hive-mind?

>And they DID say in the episode that they were going to rig the election in his favor.

[Winn's office]
WINN: What is it?
AIDE [OC]: Colonel Lenaris is here to see you.
WINN: Send him in.
(Lenaris enters with Kira and Shakaar.)
WINN: I see you've brought me a pair of gifts. How thoughtful of you.
LENARIS: They're not my prisoners.
WINN: What do you mean, they're not your prisoners? What's going on?
SHAKAAR: I'm here to enter the election as a candidate for the office of First Minister.
WINN: You have an interesting sense of humour.
KIRA: It's no joke. Shakaar is going to enter the election and you are going to lose.
LENARIS: I've consulted with the other army commands, and he has their full support.
WINN: So this is a coup?
KIRA: No, it's a free election. If you want to run, go ahead. But if you do, this entire incident is going to be made public. And when the people know the real facts, when they know you risked a civil war over a couple of pieces of farm equipment, they're never going to trust you again. You'll still be Kai, the spiritual leader of Bajor. But your days in this office are numbered. So if I were you, I'd start packing.

[Kira's quarters]
SISKO: Have any other candidates entered the election?
KIRA: One or two, but Shakaar's popularity is growing so fast I don't think anyone can catch him at this point.
SISKO: What about the Kai?
KIRA: She's trying to make the best of it. She even put out a statement of support for Shakaar. Ow. You know, I used to enjoy sleeping on the ground.
SISKO: It's good to have you back, Major.
KIRA: It's good to be back, sir.
SISKO: I'll see you in Ops.
(Sisko leaves. Kira goes to Bareil's memorial lamp and blows it out.)

That's not a coup, that's not rigging, that's a free election.

that doesn't mean it wasn't also overstepping authority.

I think smartphones should be introduced into the Star Trek universe. I don't see why they would be technologically phased out, they are genuinely useful. Hell, just combine it with a tricorder. They could have holographic screens.

I’ll never get hey holodecks are still legal/trusted since they’ve killed almost as many people as actual combat by this point.

>Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred Sneedposts.
>Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred Sneedsons shows to Sneedsplore.
>Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred city slickers, all wearing gucci loafers with a park avenue manicure.
>From Sneed, to Chuck, to Petunia, to Chuckard Sneedoy. From Sneedols, to Moe, and don't forget Chuckei.
>Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred Sneedsons.
>And there's one reason this shitpost thrives.
>The answer is: Sneeeeeeeeeeeeds!
>Thanks to the Sneeeeeeeeeeds!
>Shout out to the Sneeeeeeeeds!
>So many Sneeeeeeeeds!

Attached: Sneedscovery.png (1206x636, 1.05M)

All this proves is that Bajorans are retarded, and it's further proven for the rest of the series as by the end they still have no global exports and are still taking federation handouts to feed their people.

Couldn't they just push the torpedo back out into space?

Stop asking logical questions like why that pseudo klingon security guy informed the Klingons but not Star Fleet. Just as Sarek in that episode before took a Space Uber to reach the Discovery but also not telling Star Fleet about the shit going on

They actually become self-sufficient and ready to join the Federation as an equal member in season 5, but Sisko stops them because he has a vision of season 6.

But then they still don't join the Federation in season 7 because the writers forgot. I like DS9 a lot, but it isn't perfect.

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>We'd better have some episodes to establish Ezri, like a murder mystery and family drama surrounding their mining concern
Oh shit we forgot our established subplotsthere'safightinthefirecavegoodbye!

you just have to ask first and not show up the first day wearing your religious bullshit, now report to my quarters for hasperat

>I’ll never get hey holodecks are still legal/trusted since they’ve killed almost as many people as actual combat by this point.
Because technically, they haven't.
It's a tv show effect. Like how Stormtroopers are the most accurate marksmen in the galaxy, yet them not hitting shit is one of the biggest Movie memes of all time.
These ships and their hardware are among the most advanced, sophisticated, best technology in the whole quadrant. Yet, so that we have something happening, they get manipulated / taken over / malfunction / break / don't work on a weekly basis, so that if you actually watch TNG for example, this wonderwork of modern technology comes across like a rickety old mess held together by duct tape and hope. Almost every episode you watch something goes tits up with it, and pretty much every holodeck episode ends being near fatal or otherwise absolutely disastrous.
The Enterprise we see, would NEVER be allowed to have a human on board because it is STUPIDLY dangerous. But like I said, that's all just so shit happens for us.
Kinda see it like "across all ships in the galaxy, these things might happen to one of them, but for our benefit (and for money and continuity reasons) it happens ALL to this one ship."

Picard's family were basically luddites making champagne with traditional methods.

Star Wars actually explained that in universe (in Rogue One) as The Force granting literal plot armor to heroes that lasts exactly long enough for them to fulfill The Force's objectives and not a minute longer.

dont forget the Consoles that seem to run with 100.000 Volt and flammable liquids

The only time the Stormtroopers were inaccurate was when the Rebels were allowed to escape the Death Star.

Attached: Stormtroopers on break.jpg (3268x2176, 1.03M)

I prefer the headcanon of "Vader needed them alive, so he manipulated the ST's to fight but not kill them" Makes sense in-universe, but obviously the real reason is "literally everyone is in this one ship, of course it can't blow up, or the movie would be over (or change into Game of Thrones: Space Edition)"

Not to mention that during combat, despite millions of sparks exploding out of the consoles, ceiling and everywhere, all their controls see to still work perfectly. So where do all the fucking sparks come from?

And when they escape Tatooine (BLAST EM!), and on the forest moon of Endor, and basically every time they encounter troopers. It's not a meme for that one scene friendo.

>So where do all the fucking sparks come from?
Fat Tilly thought it was funny to place fire crackers all over. Blindfolded of course

Wait. so a photon torpedo would rip half the ship apart, unless you close that one blast door and then everything is fine?

Their consoles literally run on plasma. Scotty thought they were insane/retarded when he heard it.

But didn't TOS consoles also explode in similar matter? And of course now STD consoles are spark city.

You guys are forgetting the explosive rock compartments of bridges and engine rooms.

Wait, STD already has inter-ship transportation established in S1, right? When leland beamed abort and started beating fucks up, why didn't they just lock onto him and let him rot and decay in a pattern buffer?

Secondary detonations are a thing, user.

Should i watch all episodes of season 2 of TNG, or just skip some? I'm on episode 5 now.

Skipping is for chumps

Go climb a rock, /trek/

Attached: GCAR.jpg (550x300, 48K)

Watch it all or watch none. Stop being a faggot half-asser, zoomer.

Okay. It is a nice show, and i'm looking forward to having so much star trek ahead of me, and by the time i'm done season 3 of Discovery is probably here too.

Godspeed, user.

not only that, but how did Leland beam aboard if the shields were up?

>you know why...because the STD writers are worse than a thousand monkeys sitting at a thousand typewriters...

Attached: And.....jpg (125x93, 2K)

He wants to make to the mountain.

Attached: kirk_wink.webm (1280x544, 393K)

That's mean, and unsportsmanlike.


Didn't the shields fail for a short moment?

I feel like the end was "ok, we know we fucked up every possible bit of continuity with this show, and we accidentally made Section 9 public and all this shit doesn't work with ANY of the established canon so here's your scene where they just literally tell a crew of probably thousands (Disc and NCC-1701 combined) to never speak of any of this to anyone.

Honestly, I just wish they had said it plays in an alternate universe. because then I could have been fine with ALL of it. Section 9 is known? Spock has a sister? Holo technology everywhere? Inter-ship transportation? It could all have been explained by "Well they have this in this universe but are otherwise about as advanced as TOS" Would have been completely fine. Hell it would even explain the different Klingons (in culture behavior and looks) and.. well fucking everything.

>star trek disco version
I'm usually listening to an "instrumental only" webradio and they play that song sometimes. Not a big fan.
But by far the worst is when the new ghost of the shell came out and they started playing a remix of this: youtube.com/watch?v=q0z08OpmEPc AMAZING song.
Just listen to this shit: youtube.com/watch?v=ZJw_wnG-Wd8
At first you think "Oh cool, I love this song" then it does the inception noise and you're kina like "wat" while it turns into slight wubbing. clearly a worse version, but at this point, not absolutely terrible.
Then you reach 1:30 in the song and it does this "working upwards to 'drop the beat'" thing, and turns into full on WUBWUBWUB mode and at this point your ears should have committed suicide.

No, the shields were going down, but had not failed. That was clear because in the very next scene Voq/Ash was discussing transporting someone onboard from another ship, and they couldn't do it because both ships had to lower their shields and that would leave them open to attack. That's why these writers are shit.

Regarding the end, here's the problem.
Season 1 establishes Burnham as the most famous mutineer in Starfleet History, known to everyone (including fellow convicts) as having started the Klingon-Federation war. You can't wipe that out of history, because even non-comissioned officers will know who she is. So, that's Burnham. Regarding the Spore drive, every officer who ever was on Discovery would know about this, and furthermore, the Klingons would too because they fought against it. So, you can't keep that secret either. Then Section 31 is another element that can't work because of their extreme popularity everywhere.

The only solution I can think of that makes sense is if they had used the time crystal to remove BURNHAM from the timeline when she was a kid. Then none of the shit would have happened, and things could go back to normal. But you can't do that, because Burnham is the center of the STD universe.

>anyone else think the saucer of Discovery looks like the top of a Cuisenart Coffee Caraffe?...I do...

Attached: Discovery.jpg (500x500, 23K)

That wink drops panties

>le peaceful dolphin meme
very boomer, in fact they are rapey as fuck lol

the federation doesn't judge other cultures on their own values kiddo

i would gladly lick the floor that T'pol touches with her bare feet

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STD finale: youtu.be/IjmtVKOAHPM

I just opened the episode again. Discoveries shields were down, They dropped aft shields to let burnham and spock out and that's when Lelan got in. The black female even sais: "Commander, sensors show that something beamed abord while shields were down" so you clearly didn't pay attention there.

You are right however in how many people even outside of starfleet know about their exploits and the spore drive, and that it's a bit bullshitt-y to just say "oh well, we'll tell them never to even say their names". Burnham at least is well known.
I'm not sure how well the spore drive is known tho. Federation top secret sure, so only special personnel in star fleet would know (including everyone on Discovery but I think they've already been sworn to secrecy, as Tilly didn't even want to tell Burnham at the start of Season 1 when Burnham didn't know what black alert was. The Klingons certainly know that the federation has a magic jumping ship, but I don't think they know shit about how it works. That hugely depends on how much Voq knows, and how much he told, and even then I'd wager the specific information doesn't go much deeper than him and his waifu.
So yeah, at best the information that IS publicly available is "Federation once had a ship that made amazing jumps, and had Burnham abort, but then the thing exploded".

Now of course, it all highly depends on weather or not Season 3 fucks this all up, or if discovery is now "fun events in Beta - the show"

What I might have missed: Why did putting him in the spore container kill Leland?

This thread fucking sucks.


Like STD

are you implying star fleet is the best of the best or something?

Ash knew about the spore drive and so klangz know.

>the Defiant kept on rescaling, birds of prey never looked right next to
This is an issue in all trek. From TOS to now, I could never really tell which ships were big and which ones were small. When they showed a bird of prey or a negh'var or Vor'cha, who the fuck could tell? Because when the captain yells "on screen!" the small ship is zoomed in to take just as much place as the giant ass cruiser. And when they talk to the captains, it's always just a room with a couple of dudes there, so you're never sure how big that ship is. And even when they show outside shots, since you have no scale of distance, you can't ever really tell the size of ships, and everything looks roughly the same, unless they do something drastic, like when in Discovery that fucking warhammer 40k Cathedral ship suddenly came in and was almost as big as the battlefield.

"i do have my issues with ST:D" is white knight for its shit

Is Sybok canon?

probably, he might still not be canonically spock's brother though cause giant alien powers.

But how much about the spore drive did ash know, and like I said, I doubt he told anyone besides his Klingon waifu.
And if you mean "actual human ash tyler" then no he didn't. He was on the USS Yeager and died at the binary stars, he never set foot on the Discovery prior to being a sleeper agent.

Is double dumbass canon?

According to Gene Roddenberry, none of the movies after TMP are canon.

Sybok is more canon than:

Thanks; I wasn't going to watch it again to confirm. I definitely missed the shields being down when they let Burnham and Spock out....Good catch.

About the spore drive killing Leland: Georghiu states that she wants revenge on him, so she got him in the cubicle and magnetized it. She doesn't say what in particular she magnetized, nor is there any reason why the spore drive cubicle should have this capability, but it doesn't matter. The floor of it seems to be magnetized, like how Spock magnetizes the floor on the Section 31 ship a few episodes ago when the 'thing' was about to kill Burnham. So, same result.

What I've never understood is why Leland screams, or why Georghiu would assume that he'd scream. He's not human anymore, he's machine....so....why would he either feel pain, or scream, or anything like that.

To an extent, however it's usually mentioned in dialog about the sizing so we have an idea of 'how powerful' a ship is or 'how much of a threat' it is to the hero's ship. Then you do have some direct comparisons which work nicely: Star Trek VI Enterprise A with Klingon Cruiser or flying alongside Excelsior, TNG Enterprise vs. Romulan Bird of Prey, etc. DS9 has a lot of that stuff too, especially with ships docked at the station. The perspective in space is always a little skewed, but you get ideas about it as you go along. But the final battle in STD was a problem precisely because we had no idea the relative strengths of the ships fighting, nor how much damage they could take before being destroyed. None of it is explained, therefore you have no idea if a 'good guy is in danger'...

Yes, but Roddenberry apparently said that the events of Star Trek V were apocryphal.

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>TNG Enterprise vs. Romulan Bird of Prey,
Never happened, try again.

I'm kinda glad. I have a soft spot for a lot of the movies (roughly every even one, hue) but to me, most of them were never really that "core" trek. Specially later they got too heavy on the action side.
While in TMP just fucking nothing happens.

What do you mean? Last episode of Season 1...anytime Commander Tomalok shows up, etc....

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That's a warbird, not a bird-of-prey.

Sorry, Warbird. Too much whiskey.

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>so she got him in the cubicle and magnetized it.
OOh good catch, yeah I didn't make that connection right away. I was too focused on it being the spore drive compartment in particular and looked for the connection with the spore drive to even think about magnetization.
You know, you and I together could watch STD and between the two of us, we could actually make the episodes almost make sense to us.
>why Leland screams
well pic related of course.

What bothered me a bit is how the two women could even fight Leland. And not because "muh women are weak" argument, but Leland was at that point practically the fucking terminator. When he had Georgiou against the wall, he punched her STRAIGHT IN THE FACE 3 times and she just shrugged it off. You do that with two normal humans, even an experienced boxer/fighter, the first human is just fucking done, possibly dead.
Leland is a turbo cyborg. He could have driven his entire fist trough her face.
Specially since in an earlier episode they showed him under phaser fire, where he was full of fucking HOLES and just kept on going like it was a toddler fighting him, now he's struggling to keep up with two humanoids fists and feet? And I know that he doesn't want to kill her because she has the data, but fuck, he could have easily broken all her limbs and dragged her trough the ship by her cunthair georgiou seems the unshaven type to me.

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Unfortunately, STD is not about 'making sense', it's about the consequences of actions. I had a bit of a brainstorm this afternoon when I was running, and it suddenly hit me that the value of the characters within this universe has nothing to do with their personalities but everything to do with the consequences of their actions. Hear me out.

One of the greatest critiques of modern SJW writing is that the characters don't make sense and are not relatable to anyone. We see this in Star Wars, Doctor Who, and of course Star Trek and anything else these cultural gangrapists get their hands on. But the reason why these characters are not real and cannot be related to is because they're written backwards.

Traditional characters stem from archetypes (I've gone on about this in the past, so I won't go into it here), and it's a kind of Coles-Notes for an audience so they know the motivations and can predict by behavioral traits what a character will do. When the character goes against the trait, then it's a specific moment or special dramatic effect intended to provoke an emotional response from the audience.

On the surface, we could say that Michael Burnham is utterly unpredictable. We have no idea how she feels about anything until she says so. Similarly, Sarek, Georghiu, Admiral Cornhole, etc. Silly Tilly is predictable because she's an archetype, and so is Saru and Spock. Pike is the heroic and stoic archetype of tradition, so again, he's predictable. cont.

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Point of order, those aren't normal humans he was fighting. One of them was a Barzan warrior with at least a handful of cybernetic enhancements sticking out of her face, and the other was a Terran empress that had been dealing with agony booths and the like from early childhood and was probably an Augment. It's still dumb but not quite AS dumb as it might first appear.

Nobody cares, you autistic nigger.

But now think about what makes Burnham predictable. She's predictable in terms of dramatic outcome. You know she'll provide the solution to the problem posed in the episode, and if it's not her, it's a genuine surprise. Similarly, you know that Tilly will help finding the solution either by accident or by 'gosh-darnitism'. Stamets will contribute by describing something in the most assholic way possible, and Tig will contribute by being a cunt. The list goes on. These characters are not predictable in terms of their behavioral traits that inform their actions, but by their actions only. That's why these characters are not relatable at all and why they fail miserably: there's nothing familiar about them, and more importantly, there's nothing predictable about them.

Data talks about the loss of Tasha Yar to Ishara at one point (or to Troi I think, or Troi is quoting him to someone else), talking about friendship, 'As I experience certain sensory input patterns, my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The inputs eventually are anticipated and even missed when absent.'

We can't anticipate what the characters on STD will do. They're so poorly written that, combined with the lack of continuity within their own episode-to-episode canon, leads to a series that is thoroughly unwatchable and unenjoyable. It's like Tyrion in Seasons 5-8.

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Dumb Canadian. The day of the rake is coming!

The Barzan as far as I know only has breathing implants, and as far as I can tell is otherwise mostly humanoid. Now all this is irrelevant, as she is taken out first, and the rest of the fight is between Georgiou and Lelan one on one, and I don't care how many attempt there were on her life, or how much torture she powered trough, she's still human. Kickass human, but human.
Fidel Castro supposedly survived hundreds of assassination attempts, yet he clearly was not the strongest human on earth. This isn't Saiyajin rules here. Pretty sure it is quite as dumb as it appears.
It's actually kinda super anti climatic
>whole season is about the terror of control
>absolute killing machine
>isolated them from starfleet
>nothing is coming to help, nothing is coming to save
>Guy gets tricked into chamber, taken out and whole fleet just shuts down
Why? Why was the "main hivemind brain" even in Leland? Clearly control worked fine before it injected nanobots into Leland, so why then did it turn complete remote control of everything over to what was now the Leland unit?

Because it is a ripoff of Ender's Game.
End of season. Coincidence?

C'mon now, no need to follow the left's penchant for calling other people names...it's useless to resist.

In all of us command...

I don't think the fight issue is something that can be solved by rational thought (i.e. like many of the other problems). During the fight scene, I was actually waiting for Leland to catch Georghiu's arm and just rip it out of the socket...there was no reason he couldn't do that. Or, at least, the audience wasn't given enough information to understand the parameters of his strength to think otherwise. This is another problem with STD, and relates to the ship-to-ship combat problems I talked about above. If we don't know how strong something is, how can we properly know the danger the characters are in or what the stakes are in case of failure or how ingenious the solution might be? But again, this is a failure of SJW writing which is seen across the board: they have a severely underdeveloped sense of danger in real life, and they translate that retardation into their scripts. They're children bashing beetles...

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Well, as long as that means next season is a ripoff of speaker for the dead, I'm fucking happy. Because I liked that way more than Enders game.
"He had thought that he valued his solitude; now, though, with solitude forced upon him, he felt an urgent need to talk, to be heard by someone, as if he could not be sure he even existed without someone's conversation as evidence." Still fucks with me today.

Not a single good post in this entire thread. You're all a bunch of retarded niggers.

I wrote and I'm pretty proud of it.

>people are talking about star trek again. wahhhh nigger nigger.

>excited for first proper gay couple in star trek
>the shit I got as a result was arguably the worst plotline in trek history

You literally couldn't write something worse on purpose.

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He didn't. Burnham is confidential.

Not a great episode but a good conclusion to the arc. Sad that Leland died but I'm excited for season 3.

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Bortus and Klyden were better in season 1.
Paul and Hugh were more interesting in season 2.

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Discovery is a good "Warhammer: Dark Age of Technology" show but its a terrible "Star Trek" show.

That's what people said about TNG at first

TNG did not have fighter and drone screens, droids running around the hull of a ship to repair it in combat, more weapon hard points then crewmen. What happened to "The Federation is not a military organisation" ?

Sandniggers started attacking peaceful non military targets for no good reason.

When we saw Star Trek, the media frenzy had already started. We looked in the papers, and saw the famous (and famous - Star? Trek? What a laugh).

We came to a shocking revelation. That Star Trek's Spock was a fake.


That was Star Trek.

So when the Enterprise showed up, we saw that they were real, and they were real because they had their own version of The Enterprise. It was a shocking revelation when, at the last stand, each of them was wearing a ridiculous, impractical uniform.

The Enterprise had a point, of course. They'd worn what they found to be too tight fitting costumes, but when we showed it to them, they were not surprised.

It made us scared.

We knew that that was a lie, but it was, in truth, obvious, and frankly, there was no doubt in our minds. The Spock costume was made for a man that killed.

To be honest, we were a bit embarrassed. We couldn't believe someone that did that when all we wanted was to go out and kill him.

We were just too scared.

The first day of showing up was awkward at first, but it was only half the truth. We had known that The Enterprise would appear soon, so the shock was a good thing too. We all knew this but we needed to know more.

They seemed to notice. They knew it was their costume.

We knew it was real too.

So we showed it!

It was a real, fake Star Trek costume.

But they were not real.

The way it felt was a bit strange. All of us were terrified, some with tears in their eyes, others with the disappointment that they'd been fooled.

Then one day it happened.

It was a little off-putting really, but we all knew that it was, in fact, a real Star Trek costume.

One part of our mind was going to make a big fuss about it, but then another part of our brain was getting in on the act. Something about the look on their faces made it all worthwhile.

But it was all too much.

It was too big.

It was too big.

We were in shock, but we quickly learned that this wasn't

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>Discovery is a good "Warhammer: Dark Age of Technology" show

It's not a good anything show, the characters are bad, the dialogue is written like a superhero movie it's so stupid and the plots are mishandled garbage with last minute retcons and deus ex machinas to undo decisions the writers made on a whim.

If this had nothing to do with star trek at all it'd still be bad.

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you might have just convinced me to try the orville

Season 1 is great and overall better than at least the first half of Discovery's season 1. Season 2 it goes to shit and every episode is either some Seth forced love story or all focused on some boring fucking race called the Moclans that were fun for the first few episodes, not so much the 10th.

Don't listen to that retard. Orville season 2 is even better the first season.

well he said stammets and culber in season 2 was "interesting" (or at least more interesting than something else, which I doubt). When they literally just had culber act crazy for a few episodes because mushrooms before warping him straight back to where he was in s1 so I already knew to take it with a grain of salt but thanks.

thank you for the rec though. I will check it out.

The bottom half of the picture is missing the gay black doctor and gay mushroom Jesus astropath psyker chief engineer who absolutely ruined any scene they were in.

Orville manages to keep the non-SJW parts of his SJW episodes pretty decent. The relationship stuff is really only terrible when it's Seth himself. The holodeck episode managed to be kino. Klyden is best character.

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>The holodeck episode managed to be kino.
TNG-tier taste.

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felt like a missing geordi episode

>liking Geordi
Filename relevant

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>T'pol lands on Archer anime style
>tit on literally on his face
What were they thinking?

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>*pomf farr*
>"Waah, what are we gonna do on the bridge, Captain?"

Didn't say orville was the best trek there is.
Archer needs blue balls to fuel his rage.

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