Why have these three not been replaced?

The triumvertate of Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt has been around since the 90s and nobody has really replaced them even though they are now in their fifties. Why don't they make stars like this anymore?

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one of these things is not like the others
one of these things just doesn't belong

Johnny depp is a shitter.

Its only like this for you because you were probably born in he 80s/90s so you grew up with thrse actors. Ask a 10 year old who these faggots are and they won't know. What a gay thread

Di Caprio replaced all of them though
Tom Cruise completed shifted from working with big directors to develop more action-oriented films since MI 3

Get Johnny deep outta there

why would you care about a 10 year olds opinion about anything? weirdo

>implying a ten year old doesn't know Tom Cruise

Actors Hollywood tried to turn into A-listers:
Josh Hartnett
Taylor Kitsch
Channing Tatum
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ryan Phillippe
Orlando Bloom
Armie Hammer
Chris Pine
Paul Walker

He also produced the later MI films so he probably made more money than simply acting in them. He's a pretty smart dude.

>Di Caprio
>in an action role

seething slags spotted

none of those actors were known for starring in action roles you dumbwit. That was Arnold/Sly/Willis/MusclesfromBrussels/etc. space.

we're beyond needing strong leading men to get people into the theaters. it's all about franchises and properties now. just cast some mediocrities and slap a brand name on it and you're good to go.

Because millenials and post-millenials just cannot come up with anything better?

Modern young actors aren't good. The best amongst them is like Armie Hammer, and he's stuck doing propaganda fag films.
Now talent agencies are looking at places like Instagram for talent, but quickly realizing that they are only pretty, not talented.
Call me a zoomer but the only good young actor I've seen in years is that guy Gus Johnson from YouTube, and he only does comedy.
There will never be another Cruise, Pitt, Depp, or Clooney.
Hemsworth, Downey, and Evans could've been their modern equivalents (yes ik Downey isn't young but it's for the example), but they got fat Marvel contracts and stopped doing pretty much everything else.

Remember how exciting it was to hear Damon, Pitt, and Clooney were gonna be in the Oceans movies? They'll never be anything like that again

This. The major studios figured out they can put out hit movies without paying exorbitant fees to stars.

That's why RDJ gets $50 million every time someone points a camera at him and calls him "Tony," right?

Its not going to last once they screw up their own properties. Star Wars isn't going to keep on forever after what they did.

None of those has the star power of Cruise/Pitt/Depp though. Only Leonardo Di Caprio is arguably in the same class.

Pitt and Depp can be replaced, Cruise is crazy and cannot be easily replaced.

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You hit on an important distinction: Guys like Pitt and Clooney had their prime in the 90s/early 00s before Hollywood went franchise crazy. Clooney did Batman but he also did stuff like Out of Sight and Three Kings. Nowadays these guys are all locked into multi-year contracts that limit what they can do outside of giant budget franchise movies. Jake Gyllenhaal is one that has managed to strike a balance though.

that's why they failed to become big stars

>Modern young actors aren't good

The British are still churning out solid actors, but whether they're as good as the old ones not always.

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I recently watched all of Entourage and it represents an interesting time capsule of how Hollywood used to work in the early to mid 00s when stars could make or break a movie.

how about daniel craig. outside of bond he's a dud.

Based retard

Also Pitt is by far the best actor of the three. Depp is a fucking meme. Cruise gets style points

Cruise isn’t a bad actor but he’s gone a long way on sheer crazy work ethic. That’s if you set aside the Scientology weirdness anyway.

Bale isn't young.

Agreed, the man deserves every ounce of respect given out there

I kind of miss actual acting Cruise rather than over the top stuntman Cruise.

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Bale is one of the better living actors.

Britain can pump out some good talent, it's because of their traditions in Shakespeare and theatrical training.

>Only Leonardo Di Caprio is arguably in the same class
arguably? di caprio is way above cruise and depp right now

Cruise cannot be replicated or replaced.
When he's gone, he's gone. That's it.

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Exactly. Tony.

>the 90s/early 00s before Hollywood went all out entertainment arm of the DNC

Chad Pitt couldn't even make a good zombie movie. He's out. Depp is fucking full just mode. Tom is the odd one out as he's still making humongo movies, but they aren't guaranteed hits(mummy). These actors are all trending downwards you derp.

All he does these days is hang out on boats and beaches while surrounded by hordes of girls half his age who suck his dick while he gets stoned. He's not exactly pushing himself to achieve like he did in the early 2000s.

Hence why Disney is phasing him out so they don’t have to keep paying his insane deals. They were probably happy to find a reason to get Depp out of PotC for similar reasons.

Can you really take young actors seriously though, or do they get better with age and maturity?

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He can't carry a movie though, just look at Gangs of New York with DDL running rings around him. All three in OP can carry films on their own.

can't hire whites anymore but the ones from before white-male-hate was in in hollywood so they get a pass

they've been here for almost a decade

The market changed from what it was in the 80s. Back then people went to see a movie because it was a Schwarzenegger movie or a Stallone movie. The stars were the box office draws. Now people go to see an Iron Man movie or a Batman movie. The draw is the IP

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you're both right but we were talking about star power, pitt and dicaprio are pretty much untouchable there because they haven't done any really stupid shit. cruise has the whole scientology thing and depp has the whole divorce and every role being le quirky pirate copies.

There are actors in this webm who are better than them three lmao.

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The last POTC movie didn't make what they wanted, and instead of blaming themselves for putting the franchise on the back-burner for years so the fan base can shrink and lose interest while they focused on SW and capeshit, they blamed him for it under-performing.

>can't hire whites anymore

Unfortunately true. Hollywood is making a hard-and-heavy-handed effort to stop using white males as positive leads, and them doing so has made actors that are still very bankable struggling to get roles simply out of racist industriy social-engineering politics.

but hey when the rock wants a movie he gets it

Based DChads poster.

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There's just like too many plastics and xenoestrogens now. Men are just getting too chemically fucked up from birth to look traditionally masculine without a lot of luck and a shit ton of hard work.

Affleck looks so happy here

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Is it customary when jumping across a gap, to wildly flail your arms and legs? I thought you would want to be as tight as possible when trying to travel through the air

that double chin on fatfleck

Is this Whedon reshoots-era or Snyder era?