There is literally nothing wrong with living like this

There is literally nothing wrong with living like this.

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Thank God I'm white.

Spare 5 minutes for some fucking cable management.

each to their own but i wouldnt wanna come home to this

That's a fucking bright room.

definitely nothing wrong with monk mode when ur a single guy working on your life but u will eventually have to change it if u want a gf or kids in the future

do you really put your drinks on the floor? and get up every time you want to use the keyboard?
get a table or something, you bum

is that a jail cell?

Got a comfy bed in here too

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There is something wrong with that just like how there’s something wrong with being fat.

>tiles in the living room

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nice setup, but I'd put a foldable table in front of the chair so that you can just put your keyboard and shit on it, instead of having to get up

I literally and unironically lived like this for a few years
sleeping on the floor was not sustainable however as one day i woke up and couldn't walk

I prefer my living room to be adapted since i spend all my time there. but other than that no, there is nothing wrong.

If you live like alone then theirs nothing wrong, more likely you don't have a girl living with you to make it look more homey. If you actually live like this with a significant other, then holy shit that would be depressing

Does your boss/coworkers know you live like this?

If you start geting a table, you'll eventually also get a carpet, a cupboard, a sofa, curtains, a wife, children and pets and then you're fucked.

Those chairs are comfy as fuck

please have sex

>having stank ass dander filled carpet

ugh, I meant carpeted.

>not a Battlestation with multi monitor setup


>not cleaning your carpet


vacuum once in awhile you fucking savage

OP out here livin his best life

Listen to this man. Sadness is an Evil Gas Inside of Me: The Age of Corn electric boogaloo


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>tfw this apartment would be like $1600/month where i live

>couldn't walk
What are you? Fat?

>tfw I want to post in this threads
>tfw I can't because parents basement
I'm trying to find a job to get out of there and once I have my space, no matter how shitty crummy or dirty, I'm going to post it.

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use a carpet vac. you will pull gallons of blacK water out of your "clean" carpets

>Yea Forums - Television & Film

Yas bitch, start with her

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where the fuck are you the bay area?

come on now get a proper bed. have some respect for yourself

well la de da

Looks soulless.

yeah i do it quarterly dip shit. because i am not a disgusting mud person.

that phone charger thing isn't fully plugged in the power bar

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kinostations is board culture

did you have to pay a premium to get one of the apartments they showed on my 600lb life and is it as much of a ghetto shithole as the fatty said it was?

Why should they care as long as I do my job?
Why the fuck in interviews they ask if I have a gf, wife, kids, etc?
Just because I'm a permavirgin I'm not allowed have a job?

>however as one day i woke up and couldn't walk
Well yeah, you were laying down. You have to get up in order to walk.

found the fag

do you plan to keep living like that ?

I'd hit it.

There is literally nothing wrong with living like this.

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Why are you so mean to him?


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Not at all what I asked. You sound insecure

I've had that happen as a result of developing an umbilical hernia. It took me an hour to just stand up. I was still an hour away from calling for help and/or 911 and I was okayish once I finally got up.

Ahh, I see you got the vacuum that sucks your dick.

>post a literal television
>you're offtopic!!!
How's it being a retard faggot?

t. bed salesman


I'd rather have a couch so I could fall asleep right there and a end table just to hold the shit on and it's perfect. Also missing the surge protector that i can plug 90 different things into.

i think you shouldnt be allowed to take pictures

>patio furniture as your chair
Fucking lel

>AC at the bottom of the wall
This shit pisses me off so much, I'm glad I'm not you OP.

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yes its peak comfy. i have no gf to impress nor do i care what roasties think

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this is the saddest shit i've ever seen

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>tile floors
Why do sudacas do this
>muh carpet
Wood is a thing

At least put a end table next to your chair so you can get your drinks off the damn floor.

Is the metal grating to keep you in or to keep "them" out?


I already do that dipshit.

I have a feeling he lives in silverback country.

>You sound insecure
Virginity and unemployment makes that to a person.
Also the feeling that I wasted years of my life for a computer science degree and they don't hire me because I don't want to create a github, don't have friends and I'm a virgin loner.
You could have told me before you faggots.

There is literally nothing wrong with living like this

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>literally can't look outside without looking through a mesh of stars of david

For you.

its from the 80s when things got really bad here

>tfw will never move out of my parents house

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My lecturers constantly tell me to make sure I've signed up to GitHub, heck one of my modules requires I do so. I hope you didn't choose a bad uni to do your degree at?


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I didn't know tom bombadil was a racist.

ew blow your nose, cretin

whats your concern re github?

classic caged onion

chink bot site

Work on some wire management ffs

I slept on a hardwood floor for six years with just a blanket and no pillow then I got a futon which lasted another six years. I finally caved in and bought a mattress that sits on the floor with no box spring.

Where is your copy of Mad Max?

look at the laptops

I'd maybe get a rug. That room looks like it echos a bit.


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This is legitimately pathetic. Despite the fact you have meme tabs open, you literally spend your day on this vapid website, with shit furniture and cheap electronics. I have nothing else to say but make sure you are not living within the next few weeks.

Maybe in Norway

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t. brain-addled consumerist mind boggled by someone who's not equally retarded


i wish i had been around when that was posted. one of my all time favorites

>be me
>at therapist office because something happened
>user, you said you want to leave your parents basement?
>describe me your dream apartment
>white walls, empty
>ok maybe a white mattress in the corner to sleep
>where are you going to eat?
>maybe a small table or thing I could use as a desk to eat
>nah, I'll sit on the mattress
>user, we are not making progress, maybe we should stop, I don't feel nice taking your money
And this is how I stopped going there.

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They're is literally nothing

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How am I doing, guys?

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how did i not notice the photo on the wall till now?

>It's that easy

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When do you plan to kill yourself?

you can still fuck if you live like this

Oh no, a “let’s whine about women and minorities existing in public” thread died for this

CRT guy making my last post here and I’ll fuck off. Finally bought an OLED and now life is good

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not that user, but within the next 2 months

i have to agree with this, but we must observe that the more you add the more bluepilled it gets. OP is based and redpilled all the way.

get a proper curtain rod you mong.

>you need to fill a room with stupid shit!

No retard, the point is you can clearly tell this user has no one in his life. No one goes to his place of residency, he has no reason to clean up or impress anyone. All he does is work and come chat with complete strangers on the internet. He has nothing and no one.

t. normie

based except of the gay gaming chair

back to reddlt

Time for kino, friends

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I dont understand, who told everyone to get those chairs. Fucking eveyrone has them now, what is the deal? Are they top tier seating?

>Just because I'm a permavirgin I'm not allowed have a job?
Yep. Married people make better wagies because they can’t just up and quit if you mistreat them.

Pretty good, if I was a girl I would have sex with you

You say that like it's not based and redpilled

sleeping on the floor is healthier for you than a bed

wanna suck them toes

Enjoy user!

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you seem to have nice calves


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that's general Longstreet faggot

>you can still fuck if you live like this
>if you live like this
Parents basement.
In some ways it's more pathetic than even the most pathetic loser/virgin caves ever posted on Yea Forums.
Legitimately embarrassed to even describe it.

they're just "gaming chairs" marketed to kids and gaymers, anyone who's used an office chair can clearly see that they're much superior to gaming chairs

spiderman crt guy?

It increases my FPS, dork.
I like it. It was 100 bucks which is cheaper than a lot of other office desk chairs. Pretty comfy, can even go back 180 degrees if you're so "inclined". Didn't come with instructions though, thanks China.
Sounds about right.

>tfw no minimalist, sparse room bf
I would love to meet a guy like this and make it a project to fix his living space while we fall in love

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I don't care about your apartment but Nip/Tuck is a shitty show