how's everyone enjoying season 2 of Sabrina so far?
How's everyone enjoying season 2 of Sabrina so far?
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I'm not
What's wrong with her faaaaaaaeece?
what's wrong with it?
Why would I watch some satanic netflix shit with some tranny-looking motherfucker?
Fuck Netflix
It's shit. Fuck off.
i cannot believe how fucking wrong this shit is.
watching all this satanic stuff on a movie, once in a while (forever), fine, but a tv show? like every week with this nasty goulish shit?
and thats for pre teens. jesus christ, they dont even hide anymore.
It's not for teens and atleast the satanic stuff stays true to the source material.
The only real crime of sabrina is that they fucked up the casting and the original story from the comic.
Pay close attention to Sabrina because it is exactly what we will get from The Witcher.
Any tasteful feet shots
very liccable
It was fucking terrible, they amped up the SJWshit tenfold and everything revolved around
>men bad!
>patriarchy bad!
>every single female in the series good!
>theres something wrong with satanic imagery
christcucks please go. Don't you have a zombie kike on a stick to go worship today or something?
>ywn save Kiki from Satan and bring her to the light of Christ
why live?
Why is she so perfect
It’s leftist SJW propaganda
e d g y
dumb zoomer
Why are they going to hell to get Nicholas? Doesn’t Lucifer need to be trapped in Lucifer need to be trapped in Nicholas body or are they able to get Lucifer out of him that he is in hell again?
when will she do foot porn
based!!! Praise Odin!!!
>"Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? best show on television right now."
>It's not for teens
lol who else would enjoy the highschool melodrama?
God hates fags. Deal with it.
they got rid of satan way too soon
Reeee, she should be with a black guy
That tummy needs kisses
I got most of the way into episode 1 season 1 before I'd had enough.
Is it proper "in your face" SJW shit the entire way through or is it just the odd bit that goes full liberal?
tru dat
I liked it - very innovative plots and a festive feel.
Lol that satan mask is made from the horse mask you see everywhere.
its the entire way through. They even tried to do a "living with a disability" arc in a show where fucking magic exists and could effortlessly cure just about any injury. They even stuck with it for all of one season and most of the second before backpedaling on it.
It’s funny to hear people whine about SJW shit because that’s precisely what The Twilight Zone and tons of other kino was forty years ago.
People were definitely talking about how Twilight Zone would be so much better if Rod Serling would just tone it down with the tolerance stuff about Jews and Japs and Blacks.
The only reason he made the show in the first place was because all his teleplays were getting cut up by sponsors who didn’t want his messages being so political.
>kids love this kind of things
It's at this point nothing more than a prolonged ad for church of Satan.
look at that spacing
twilight zone politics
>hey maybe killing all of humanity over a territorial dispute is a bad idea
The issue is modern politics are fucking moronic and entirely meaningless, by design.
Nice thread guys, keep it up.
Enjoyed 1st season, she's really likable as a character. About to start 2nd.
this shit has nothing to do with the church of satan. Its just Presbyterianism madlibs.
you cant stop it. once everyone is satanist there will be no republicans and everyone will have free healthcare and no guns
except we can see by where we are now that the original twlight zone enforced bad ideas that destroyed our civilization within 3 generations. So the people angry about it back then were right
>jesus christ, they dont even hide anymore.
>pearl-clutching Christ-cuck
Fuck off faggot.
It´s good for the Beast and its disciples to finally show themselves so openly.
The Harvest will be ripe.
Grow a pair you retard. Yes we're converting your kids to Satanism. Yes we're infiltrating pro-LGBT messages into all our shows. Yes we'll throw all your old, calcified values out the window. And there ain't shit you can do about it, you pussy.
You have to believe in """Satan""" before you find satanic nonsense problematic sweetie.
Take it up with the flying spaghetti monster you drooling retard.
progressive politics in the 60s
>Why are acting insane over this?
Progressive politics in the [current year]
>Why are you not acting insane over this?
>schizos unironically imagine themselves like this
>actually just a pasty poor white kid
Why is kiki doing asmr on youtube bros?
Never yours.
Never yours.
Never yours.
wasnt s1 like a few months ago?
are we being raided? there are a lot of posts like these in other Yea Forums threads
Are we being raided by puritanical Christians?
it's just 2nd part of s1 actually
that's ok something's wrong with her face
it's wrong in somewhat cute way but it gets annoying when you look at her too long
has she shown her pusy yet
Are you so out of touch that you don't know how shows works these days?
I hope Satan rapes you
actualy im wathcing some teen shit aswell (riverdale)
and they dont call it s1 and s2 and split it
so fuck off retard this isnt the norm
not what I was talking about at all, look at the posts again
What's wrong with her face is I'm not kissing it every morning before work
Haha imagine tying her up, stuffing a dummy into her mouth, putting her in a diaper with a vibrator attached to it, and then tickling her till she pisses herself haha wouldnt that be weird heheh.
retard zoomer
Season 1 was cancer enough to make me never want to watch this progressive shit ever again.
she was hotter on Mad Men
based and cunnypilled
i understand, i usually have pretty low standards but she has this droopy dog face that makes me physically sick when i look at it
i just tried watching it, got 20 minutes into the first episode untill i dropped it. i've never encountered such ham-fisted politics before. jesus christ that shit was horrid
You're just a racist prejudiced against faces of other races than your own. Or a faceblind autist.
> Dem fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar eyebrows
My weakness.
She take any black cock yet?
This, good to know I'm not the only one.
if shes white we're the same race, just autistic i guess. i dont see how people cant see it
She didn't age very well, waifufags are clinging to the past, but she's still have a nice petite body at least.
I want a kiki gf
I’ve already had a magical Kiki waifu for years
it's chilling
Flying around in that black robe under the sun all day with the broom stick in between her legs, it must get quite musky in there.
Fuck bros, how is that camera angle allowed? It's not fair to tease us like that
please stop ruining my childhood
Your uncle already did that.
>Nazis are bad
>Don't hate your neighbor
>Don't blindly trust people
Really controversial
It was back then is the point. Values change. They're changing now. Whoever ends up winning this little culture war is going to decide whether shows like Sabrina were ahead of the curve or propaganda.
Not really. The only controversial thing it dealt with was racism, and even then it was not the whole show. He's back is the most immediate episode I can think of, but it still dealt with the Htiler bad message that made it more than palatable
Does is have pic related?
He’s literally on record saying that “He’s Alive” generated more hate mail than any other episode
imagine having her as your wife and impregnating her
L-Lewd! Don't talk about my wife that way.
She looks like a tranny with that much make up, she used to be so classy looking, what went wrong?
A lifetime of being groped by men in suits from a young age taught her that women are only attractive if they hide any sign of aging whatsoever
Imagine if someone remade Buffy the vampire slayer but with no vampires or fights and it was mega gay
Yep, that's Sabrina TTW
>women are only attractive if they hide any sign of aging whatsoever
That isn't wrong.
>season 1 was surprisingly comfy despite the sjw rhetoric
>first episode of season 2
>Turbo dyke wants on the boys basketball team
>Sabrina cheats for her to own the boiz XDD
>Sabrina wants to be Best Boy purely because it's a male held title
>has to cheat despite being from a legendary bloodline and juiced by her status satan's chosen whore
>end of the episode they are completely unrepentant about their actions, even acting as though it was justified
>last scene is the Turbo Dyke wanted to be referred to by xer's proper pronouns
Should I even continue? was this a blip? Season 1 had an expected amount of annoying content, but it's like this episode turned it up to 11. I actually like the comfy atmosphere and aesthetic of the show, and I'm hoping that Harvey uncucks himself and stages a school shooting on the witches at some point. But I don't think I can hold out if this is going to be every episode now.
you wouldn't want to come home to a pregnant kiki wife every day and find her waiting for you in some lacy pink nightie ready to spend the night making you feel loved and appreciated?
>ready to spend the night making you feel loved and appreciated?
Just stop.
Why don't the Jannie's ever ban posts like this.
She looks like she has the hottest soles ever
Desire is irrelevant. I am a robot.
sort of, there are orgies before human sacrifice but not during
Netflix hired literal devil worshipers to make the show more "accurate". Look it up.
What's the context of this webm?
Meryl Streep going full woke at the oscars or the golden nuts or whatever.
I want to like Meryl Streep because she's objectively talented but I can't get over how close she and Harv have to have been. There's no way she doesn't know about what's going on over there.
It's an iceberg and we've only seen the top. They all know literally everything. They're basically one big, inbred, degenerate family and everyone's trying to cover for the next guy. Harv must've pissed someone off REAL bad. As if the entire country wasn't aware of the casting couch already. They're all complicit anyway.
I don't know man, Harv, Epstein, Spacey, Dan the Man, how many can there really be before someone starts shooting people.
>dates the most normal looking white dude ever
I keep waiting for that one whistleblower with a goddamn conscience to do something about it. They can't keep getting away with it forever.
Unlike season 1, it's like that every single episode, they even made lilith some battered wife down to a
>it's MY turn now
It has a single good episode, and it's the one about witch hunters.
>I want to like Meryl Streep
Why? You can't hate her and still watch her shit or something?
Different user, but it's kinda hard to separate art from artist when you know the artist is a criminal or an enabler.
If you are a brainlet.
based if true
you really need to look at who is financing jewflix
It not that hard people who aren't rabid leftist retards.
"user, this is such a perfect night. I'm so happy you're here with me"
Sabrina a thot
I want her so badly.
There's a current tranny pornstar that looks just like her
Badly is an adverb. To say you want her badly is to suggest that the mechanism that allows you to want is broken. That may also be true but I suspect it's not what you meant.
she made it past 18
Giv Kiki gf now
Is she nude in season 2 too?
Clearly a body double. There's no reason they'd pay her to get naked if you don't even see her face.
Unless of course it was supposed to be too dark to see
How long before she does it properly
she gonna melt
yea, my heart
I like it a lot.
thats a tranny
>useless tranny character
>angels are evil white mormons for some reason
>they die like a bitch to OP mortal which makes no sense at all
>gate to hell blocked off with a bunch of paper
>apparently that was the only gate to hell in the entire world lmao
>they try to trap Lucifer in a pokeball lmao what the fuck
>doesn't work and they just use some spell they had the entire time
>apparently you can just trap Lucifer in a mortal's body without doing any rituals and shit just ABRA KADABRA!
>fuck white males I'm queen of hell now, sweetie :^)
>witches can still use the powers Satan gave them???
thanks for reminding me how bad it was
That's one of the worst episodes.
Is this supposed to be a remake fo Sabrina the Teenage Witch?
>Rabbi attempts to be edgy
Set ovens to preheat
Look up Hollywood Renegade. This user lays it allll out.
Also a Hwood user that might've been James McAvoy was saying similar stuff:
Child rape, drugs, degenerate humiliation to get roles, etc.
Spielberg is a connoisseur of kids, if you know what I mean.
But why tho?
Awesome !!!
its not a remake of the old show, its an adaption of an edgy comicbook rendition of sabrina
She's not that good at it.
Aubrey Plaza is better at it.
This show is like a gayer, slower-paced Buffy and I don't like it at all.
I want to fill his ass with cum like a degenerate
And this was their biggest mistake.
I just want a blue eyed cutie with a talking cat and hot aunts.
It's the original comic as it was first portrayed. Instead of the G rated bullshit they turned it into for the 90s series
>Sabrina is convinced that Blackwood killed her parents
>when he goes on the run, she stops giving a fuck and dedicates her efforts instead towards undoing the spell that captured Satan
I thought it was pretty good, and I am not Satanic. My kids like it, and I enjoy watching it with them.
I might like it for different reasons than them, though.
Please notice that all of those posts are reddit spaced. Do not reply to posters that do that.
Why the fuck did they set the mic to sound to tinny and weird?
Because they just need perverts to click the video.
stopped watching this blacked garbage after episode 1
It's what Satan demands
just download that armana miller porn star looks just like her.
Imagine being so much of a cuck you sell your soul just to be a used up whore with some money in your pocket for a weekend before being sent to be raped for eternity and thinking that's fine. LOL the absolute state of Satan fags, I swear
She has to gain some weight. We need to make her thighs great again.
They look nothing alike, what are you, her publicist?
It's not fair
>season 2
amazing show, such a cute boy
>expect the stereotypical "witchcraft is actually an allegory for feminism except this time its real"
>its full on trannies, gays, womyn power, men are evil
jesus christ
>Zero(0) boobs
What did she mean by this?
good, I like them flat
poor girl...
I'm glad they took the missionary witch hunters in this direction. To fight actual Satanic witches, you'd literally need to be a fanatical 40K LARPing angelic christfag psychopath.
this season was so rushed. they defeated angels, satan too fast and it was so easy
Where do these stories come from, can anyone submit them?
>turn 18 in hollywood
>immediately get raped
I'd agree with you, but they are angels so it makes no sense for them to act like psychopaths.
Turning 18 usually isn't a prerequisite
Satanists, like leftists, are all faggots and weaklings. Its going to be a beautiful tribulation.
I really hope none of this is true. That would be so sad
I already watched these kikes rape Twilight Zone. I'm not going to watch them rape Sabrina, too.
Evidently if you want to watch that you need to speak to Noah Centineo
of course it's not true, just stupid gossips
There's a pretty sad progression of rumours about Kiki if you through the backlog. Victoria Justice had a drunken breakdown and told her she had to get down on her knees like the rest of them, some other starlet I've never heard of tried to invite her on a yachting trip when she was still just a kid and when she was reminded of her age said "it doesn't matter", she got caught trying to anonymously pay for homeless people's dry cleaning (way too specific for me to believe it's made up), a couple of coke use accusations, and finally this. It's not so over the top that it's impossible, I just hope it's not true.
look at this guy
Watched season 1 last year
>main is an ugly roastie
>feminism everywhere
>lgbt propaganda
>retarded plot probably written by a spastic retard because muh diversity
You just know
based VJ sacrificing others to maintain her purity and joblessness
It should have been a porno instead
Someone should probably kill these people. How many do you think you could get before the police were able to put you down?
>can anyone submit them?
user, those stories aren't real. don't believe them. hollywood is a totally normal place
See this seems a little far fetched
a little?
Hanging about with freaky as fuck wizards for research isn't exactly groundbreaking in Hollywood but sacrificing animals is.
absolutely based
There's a tranny called Ella Venus who looks a lot like her btw lads
Thats the one
>How many do you think you could get before the police were able to put you down?
not enough
It's psychopathic to us because they're operating on a different plane of reasoning. The earth/mortal realm must look stupid filthy to them.
Probably at least three though. One would be the random murder that they wouldn't see coming, two would be the one where they realised a spree was happening, and the third would be the suicide mission. If there was more than one together you might get more
i think it would be important to pick key targets though like if three is your upper limit you better make them count you know what i'm saying
So who, Dan the Man is the obvious choice but who are the other prolific ones that keep getting away with it.
I made it as far as when the tomboy decided to try and join the boys basketball team, was aided by Sabrina's magic to get in over someone better and then said to her friends to call her Theo. All this shit was completely unrelated to anything happening and you can tell its meant to be one of those moments where everyone congratulates and pats each other on the back for how forward thinking they are.
Not even /pol/ but when this stuff is hamfisted in just for twitter points, it's so tedious.
>Watch episode 1 in par 2
>Tfw its fuckin women empowering
Sjw shit....season 1 was good just happened..
The last third of part 2 was building up to something interesting and then they dropped the ball so fast. Failed battle after failed battle. The mortal friends joining the ritual. Tranny boy outdoing real boy when it comes to sports or witch hunting. LUL. Buffy and Supernatural did this genre a lot better
Doubled down on SJW
>>they try to trap Lucifer in a pokeball lmao what the fuck
this one actually made me lol when I saw it, if I didn't I'd have a hard time believing this actually happened
Top fucking kek