>mfw an american pronounces "granted" like "granite" near me
any kinos for this feel?
Mfw an american pronounces "granted" like "granite" near me
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw an american pronounces 'rogue' as 'rouge'
>when a brit pronounces it grarrrrrhntid
granted sounds like granite when pronounced fast retard
>Brit literally says “BAAH-GAAH”
Nuke the UK
>Pronounces "both" with an L
>specific ocean
I could care less
>bong end a word with an -r sound even though it ends in an -a sound.
oh shit, I do this. Am I retarded , bros?
I hope you don't travel around the US much. People pronounce things pretty differently throughout the country.
How the hell do you pronounce "both" with an L?
>I could care less
Dumb fucking mutts.
>far and few between
>phone being rangebanned from posting images
Fuck N-words, fuck jannies, and fuck mods.
>Brit gives every vowel an O sound
Burgers are complete brainlets. EVERYONE pronounces "ECK cetera". EVERYONE spells "it doesn't PHASE me".
Dumb fucks.
Fuck you Brits and your retarded glo'al stops
>It's on urban dictionary
What the fuck? And why is it so hard for me to fit that L sound in?
Why do brits add Rs to the end of words?
fuck brits
>brits nyerrrrretrrrrrdid gluddlestahps
can you say that again without marbles in your mouth?
If you understood what he meant I don't see the problem
Cool I like Rick and Morty too!
If Reddit hated this show Yea Forums would love it
>I sawr it
it's not really added to the end of the word, it serves as a bridge between two words, to avoid the awkward stop between two vowels "aw-it"
if you weren't a fag your dad might love you
Or we simply grew out of lul randumb shit about 10 years ago
It's astounding that people have yet to realize that the core of Yea Forums isn't 16 years old.
no one says that, you fucking retard. It's just spelled wrong all the time. Especially in games. Biggest offenders are:
It's rediculous how much i loose to rouges.
They cant pronounce cunt correctly neither it sounds like caant
There’s nothing awkward about that at all, brits are just retarded and can’t speak the language that they invented
The most interesting thing about all this is how brits suddenly sound American when they sing. And how every single song, Hollywood movie, and virtually any form of media ALWAYS has a neutral California accent. It’s like the whole world wants to dress act talk and be like us
Goddamn I love being from California
>any form of media ALWAYS has a neutral California accent. It’s like the whole world wants to dress act talk and be like us
>my accent is so great, it's literally the lowest common denominator when people aren't able to use actual language intonations because they're singing
nice outlier. i should've clarified "almost ALWAYS" but i didn't expect your autism to flare up. my bad
i don't have an accent, I'm an american from the West Coast
Oh yeah? Show me even just ONE british singer defaulting to an American accent when singing
Bruce Dickinson
Freddie Mercury
lol i can do this all day.
nice outliers
>all of the sudden
i literally said i can do this all day queer. it's a well-known and accepted fact that you faggots sound like us when you sing
lmao get dunked on nigger. you will NEVER be an american :^)
nice outliers
>i don't have an accent
>neutral California accent
Wait, Adele is British? I know this is basically your point but I could have sworn she was American.
holy shit i missed this gem! that's it, it's confirmed. american's don't have accent's LMAO BRIT/YUROPOORS BTFO
you're not using that word correctly, but i did. you're so fucking mad right now.
listen to her in an interview. she has an atrocious british accent.
My pastor says "omn" instead of "own". He's the only one I've ever heard say it that way, but it gets kind of annoying.
>work out your omn salvation
>commiefornian says mountain
>Goddamn I love being from California
I hope you guy pozzed, it's not a crime now.
im not gay. why are you so upset?
>Goddamn I love being from California
Native LAfag here. This place is a shithole and there are homeless people everywhere now. Rent is prices are exploding. Its gone from like $1400 for a shitty two bedroom to like $2k+ in only a couple of years. But its alright I guess because prices will come down when the economy collapses in a few months. I should really move out of this place though.
try not living in a shitty part of LA
What do you do for a living?
Yeah I'm sure the parts with lower rent are way better