How is this shit even legal?
How is this shit even legal?
Americans gave them rights for some reason
Yea Forums - Television & Film
So she never saw it naked? Weird. I guess these Hollywood types have nannies to bathe and dress their kids.
>single woman adopts niglet
>why won't anyone step up and date me?
Did she never see the kid without it’s clothes on or something? Bitch if it doesn’t have a dick it’s a girl. Why do leftists find gender, one of the most basic and simple of human conditions, so confusing?
>Hollywood is filled with degenerates
what else is new?
Doesn't the 13th Amendment make this illegal?
I assumed the kid was transgender from the headline
Hey idiots: She means the kid considers themself female after being assigned a male identity. Do any of you have any reading comprehension?
A kid can’t be transgender. Frankly transgenders aren’t real. It’s eithet a boy or a girl. Not sure which? Look for a dick
>famous person adopts a kid
And otherkin are really dragons.
They don't want a child. They want a fashion accessory that shows how right on and woke they are.
Even Tom Cruise did it kek
Single mothers are absolute cancer, especially the white ones. They can’t raise men
>Actress Charlize Theron
Yea a kid canbe trans. There are millions of examples and entire societies ( look up 2 sprited Native Americans) that prove you wrong. Or just remain ignorant
genuinely kill yourself
>native americans couldn’t invent a wheel but could come up with tranny shit
smallpox did nothing wrong
No a kid can’t be trans. You are either a boy or a girl. It’s not confusing, unless you’re mentally ill. Just calling yourself something doesn’t make you such a thing
It's just virtue signalling celebrities trying to act like they're at the forefront of any movement.
I bet everything I own that if the whole liberal trans thing wasn't a huge deal right now, she wouldn't be doing this.
This is just another fashion accessory for celebrities.
It probably will once the reality of how it has irreparably mutilated itself sets in.
>2 spirit
maybe after taking heroic doses of huyosca and dmt and tripping balls in the desert you might come up with some whack shit too
I felt sorry for the kid until I saw a picture of him.
Native Americans also thought you could wear magic animal skins and they’d protect you from bullets. So what’s your point?
>celebrity's adopted black kid happens to be a tranny
Guess mental illness really can be nurtured. I wonder if she didn't do it on purpose for the attention
liberalism is a sickness
Guess she really is a MR F
It's a negro so I have no compassion for it
>Guess mental illness really can be nurtured
How else do you explain religion in this day and age
>you'll never live in the 50s when all this degeneracy was kept secret and people didnt openly display their abhorrent lifestyle
Everyone pushing this shit on innocent children should really be exterminated
Why are women so terrifying, no reason why anyone would touch this freak.
You're the ignorant one that continues to push your psychological pseudoscience to normalize a mental disorder.
So did Zulus. And the Chinese Boxers thought kung fu would protect them.
The fuck is with non-whites and thinking they have magical bullet repelling powers anyway?
how does the child even pick up such an idea
>the 50s
Man, this tranny shit was openly mocked routinely up until about seven or eight years ago.
Shes also "shockingly single"
Wow I'm shocked
It was a better time
this is the crazy bitch who was complaining about still being single.
DEUS VULT HEATHEN. Final Crusade when?
>A kid can’t be transgender.
Ummm...think again, sweetie.
imagine being so racist you adopt a black African boy, put it in a dress, pump it full of hormones and get his muh dik chopped off and turned into a vaj
I don't understand. How do you get assigned?
I miss the jazz generals
Top tier Boer trolling
>turns his son into a trap
Reminder he would've been Yea Forums's guy a decade ago
First you adopt a pet brown kid for all the wrong reasons. Then you mentally fuck its tiny brain up for life. Leftists should honestly hang for shit like this.
>be born
>doctor looks at your baby genitals
>tells the parents your a guy or girl
This is oppression on par with the holocaust according to the far left social liberals
coping with inferior tools
>black people BTFO
To be fair in the early days of guns they weren't anywhere as accurate as more modern guns, paired with someone fucking up the black powder
dilate, tr*nshit
No wonder no one wants to date this bitch
it still is hollywood and media tries to pretend its normal but they are not fooling anyone besides mentally ill
>Leftists should honestly hang for shit like this.
Charlize is an Ayntologist.
Why do mothers always feminize their sons, you’d think they would want them to be masculine. Looks like sexy son hypothesis was bullshit after all
Only newfags think otherwise.
Funny story; back when gatling guns and early machine guns were introduced, colonial forces used them on Africans and Indians and whatnot because using them on white people and Europeans wasnt very gentlemanly
tell me about it, brother
as a native let me say, go fuck yourself you dumb tranny motherfucker.
Based and redpilled
That sounds like bs.
>The term was adopted by consensus in 1990 at an Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering to encourage the replacement of the outdated, and now seen as inappropriate, anthropological term berdache
it was for sissy men that had no respect or trust within their tribe so they were given easier tasks normally assigned to women.
so for faggots like you
She's ugly, mate.
Leftist insanity.
it's Ari, not Jazz, you faggots
>le protocols of headcanon
it shouldn't be. that's child abuse of the highest grade.
that mentally ill whore should be publicly dragged across concrete and then lynched by an angry mob
Look up chromosomes and anatomy, cupcake.
do mankind a favour and kill yourself, you subhuman psychopath.
Ah, 2 spirited Native Americans. The furries and otherkin of the less evolved people.
I'm a transgender eagle!
Based on a reservation and red injun pilled.
Ari is ugly, you act like they are the only fuckholes available on earth.
high-effort trolling here, gotta give you credit
Darkseid is.
>castrating a nigger
Holy based
In the land of the free-er...
It's weird how gestures like this cause a bunch of low-income white women to do the same. Adopt a black child and... help them find their gender. It's all a bit strange.
Based and redmanpilled.
Adopting a nigger? It really shouldn't be.
She's from South Africa so she understands.
shes ugly and has man ass
Was she disappointed her plans to groom BBC was ruined?
absolutely based. your people are alright.
She protecc
She Atacc
Her nigglet won't get his chorizo bacc
Don't kill yourself. Reflect on how insane your brain is atm and then educate the people around you who think the same way (as you used to).
>be born
>doctor’s all out of female licenses so he gives your parents a male license
>parents cash it in for one penis
>mfw when I now have a benis for life and there is NOTHING I can do about it
hey you're alright
your next bottle of Listerine is on me
Don't they just meant that the adoptive agency lied or some shit?
Time for your mommy to invoke the afterbirth abortion
>mouthwash chugging degenerates
>paying for name-brand
There was a big documentary by state television in Sweden about how parents and doctors are giving these hormone drugs to children all the time for completely flimsy reasons. Caused a big controversy. And this was by the 80% leftist employee state television.
>Caused a big controversy
in a healthy society this would have caused riots and the responsible would have been publicly hanged and burned and beaten with sticks to death.
man ass
Everyday I wake up thinking that maybe I'm wrong.
Modern women are fine and there isn't a feminist conspiracy.
That Jews and Marxists aren't literally destroying society.
That there isn't an actual war on men.
That this is only my imagination and the weaponised autism of Yea Forums.
Every afternoon I'm reminded that these things are all true after all.
Every day I wake up more disgusted with the world.
Some day I will snap.
I hope you snap too.
It ain't worth living in this society.
>based white woman pre-emptively castrates a future black predator
Based and redpilled.
Good girl.
>take male nigger
>turn it into a cock loving sissy
Based white women.
i dont have to watch tv to post here
you can be a hermaphrodite sure, but not trans like what it means in this day and age from birth
You've only been on 4channel for a few months noob.
I mean really, Kids can totally consent to sex too, duh. You people are such plebs, like, really.
I remember putting on high heels once and being made fun of by my mom. I sure am glad she didn't drug and castrate me instead.
Because the fags are willing to burn down your courthouse for their "rights" while you sit on your ass and do nothing about it.
Yup, sounds right to me.
It is. They were used in the colonies because that was where battles were being fought.
Look at WW1 to see if they gave a shit about using machine guns against whites.
it's turning into a trend it seems. there was a recent blind item about it.
>trustingly single moms
Most single moms should be put against a wall and get shot.
Sure, there are exceptions but they are horrible most of the time.
I believe the kids will be better off in foster parents or boarding school or something.
Single moms are the spawn of satan/feminism/marxism.
>The franco prussian war, the boer war, and the crimean war never happened
>we wuz gentlemen n shiet
That man has molested his son you trannies are sick
Fuck off, namefag. I'm Dues Volt now
is she even allowed to look at the genitals of her adopted child? isn't that pedophilia?
It always makes me think of that film Bruno wheee he has the little black baby wearing a gaybe top on some chat show and the nigs in the audience go bananas
The kid has the look of a scared little monkey.
I'm not saying this in a racist way.
I'm talking about the look that monkeys used on drug testing have.
That jewish satanist feminist bitch is shooting him with every kind of fucked up drug.
I'm so fucking mad now.
Do natives know that the alcohol in mouthwash isn't necessarily the same alchohol that is in beer and can kill you?
>sexologist Rachel Goldgreenblatt
she is south african, the kid must be from africa, you dont wanna just an orphan, you need an exotic one.
so this woman had the capacity to take this child out of fucking africa, the planet shithole, and offer him a worst life.
he literally would be better being some kind of child soldier or some shit. at least he would have an AK47.
jesus christ.
It's even on her Wikipedia page that she has two daughters.
It does mention one was assigned as a male at birth... What the fuck does that even mean? What is wrong with this world?
>2 spirited native americans
They were generally ostracized and not the norm at all, you fucking idiot
Why do celebrities love shopping for black kids so much?
Believe it or not most of Africa is not a warzone. South America is more dangerous overall.
Just start a family and ignore the news.
It's the only thing you can really do.
>What is wrong with this world?
Honestly, Jews.
I'm tired of going around it.
It's always them behind everything bad.
Media, movies, faggotry, degeneracy, feminism, open borders, banks, everything!
It can't be coincidence every time.
And it can't stand any more them blaming the white males, who are often as poor miserable and unprivileged as anyone else, while always conveniently ignoring Jewish control of everything.
And at the same time Jews being the only ones allowed to be nationalistic and proud of their heritage.
So many people and nations in the past that purged the Jews can't be wrong.
Believe it or not most of South America is not a warzone. Africa is more dangerous overall.
It’s ok when the child is black though
If every jew got thanos'd right now I unironically believe the world would be a peaceful utopia in a few decades.