Here's your she hulk bro

here's your she hulk bro

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All the amazonians were good looking muscle fit women.

Yet "Diana" is a fucking scrawny ugly jew

Can someone tell me what the actual fuck they meant by this? Wasn't Diana moulded or some shit to

show back

Attached: Jess is back back again.webm (480x270, 1.32M)

Yes please.

actual strong women respect themselves too much to suck dick for a part

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gina carano

Holy fuck, I want her to rip me a new one

she's got bigger arms than i do

she can

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fucking varbies

>Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight.

>being this jelly

Attached: 8 weeks on 10mg var transformation.webm (508x640, 894K)

>expecting one of the chosen people to actually work out or work at all

But yeah, it was fucking ridiculous how all of the Amazons were jacked except Diana, daughter of Zeus and Hyppolita. Also, a shitskin for some reason. It's painfully obvious Gadot sucked somebody's dick to get the job.

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For some reason Crossfit has the best varbies despite being the worst strength sport.

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Women rant about men being responsible for unrealistic body image in media. Yet they worship the supermodel jewess over a woman that actually has a superhero body type that they earned. through hard work.

The wage gap, body image rants, etc. It's all about how women should be getting shit for free. Just like their colored pets.

I would honestly be fucking down with that. Single female lawyer, fighting for her clients. Wearing sexy miniskirts and being self reliant.

How is functional fitness "the worst"? How is it even a sport?

Man I bet her armpits are so stinky haha

Women don't want to put in any effort. To them even not being fat is effort. When a guy sees a jacked guy like Thor he will get motivated to improve himself. When a woman sees a fit chick she'll cope by saying "Ugh she's so ugly and mannish. Real women have curves" before ordering another large popcorn and a soda.

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they put var in their protein shakes

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>How is functional fitness "the worst"?
Because it's got less brute strength than Strongman and less technique than Weightlifting. It's also far worse than Powerlifting when it comes to building muscle mass unless you're on tons of steroids.

> How is it even a sport?
The crossfit games. It's an athletic competition

I know right haha?

Attached: hottest-crossfit-girls-and-women-in-the-world.jpg (800x500, 81K)

That one on the left looks hot as fuck. Is she in the movie a lot?

How can I get my gf to varb our?

muscular women are gross

I actually like musclegirls, but that chick has a fucked to face

No, the actually fit amazons are extras. You get the skinny jew with no tits or ass for the rest of the movie.

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gross and sweaty, stinky and musky, imagine if one of them were to grab you and force you to smell their armpits haha

So you don't understand functional strength. Everything out of your mouth is retarded now.

But I like fit women! Gal Gadot looks like an emaciated rat.

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give her a bottle of var and tell her it's vitamins

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I actually lift heavy unlike you dyel crosshitters, so I understand it just fine. I mean, even your top athletes Rich Froning don't do crossfit. They train using their own programs and just show up to compete in the Crossfit Games. That should tell you how "functional" crossfit is.

Well, you're out of luck because Hollywood doesn't.

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I don't get it. Do you expect me to get worked by the fucking Bloat tool in Photoshop? Or are you actually dumb that you saw that over at the /fit/ varbie thread and thought it was real?

>imagine this on the big screen with mcu budget and emma stone

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She-Hulk will be full cgi anyway. All you need is a pretty face.

Snyder wanted gadot for Faora, her height was the selling point and being skinny was irrelevant since she was going to just use armor, she got preggo, he wanted the save the faora actress for future movies but gadot got prego and couldn't be faora, gadot was selected for her "chemistry" with Affleck aka Affleck wanted to fuck her.

>8 weeks
Holy shit how?

Could but won't. Chicks only get that ripped because of body or daddy issues. They act tough in public, but get them alone and they are total submissive that can be made to do anything.

Seeing those big green beef curtins.

Attached: jose-mourinho-man-utd-2018_29kacdakjk0x13fd1hbn4klki.jpg (1920x1080, 307K)

>emma stone
grow up user, it's not 2012 anymore

Roids. Read the filename.

I really really really want her to step on me

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The CF community is fucking HUGE, so there's bound to be some prime specimens here and there.

>Imagine cuddling with her when she is on her period...



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>not posting the superior 90s version

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Why would you never train your forearms like that?

>thinly veiled cheesecake thread
I'm fine with this, why aren't there more muscular actresses in Hollywood? They only ever beef up when it comes to playing roles, very few stay built up.

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