Anya and me

We would make the perfect husband/wife duo in Hollywood.

Anya, inadvertently, already serves as my muse, inspiring epic stories about love, tragedy, mystery, and dream-like gothic romance with a huge flare in a timeless fantasy setting. Some stories would be small and personal while others bigger in budget and settings.

The goal is to only do these films with Anya, because she's the one who inspires them in the first place.

And of course, she will star in EVERY one of my movies as I direct her from behind the camera.

Seems perfect, wouldn't you say?

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if you're a cuck because you'll literally be watching her with other men in this hypothetical situation

looks like she's starting to hit the wall in that photo

Based. I remember you from the earlier thread on directors.
But sorry to kill your dream, because she'll be too busy starring in my movies instead. Once I get around to making them.

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wow op you should create a petition for others to sign, about you and anya hooking up.

Imagine being unironically in love with a celebrity, how much sadder or pathetic can you get lmao

I have two work-arounds for that:

A stunt double can do the kissing scenes for Anya

Or I can hire gay guys as the male lead

then your films will suck
you need onscreen chemistry

too bad she has a bf

yea, would almost feel sorry for you guys if anya wasn't sucking me off right noa

>A stunt double can do the kissing scenes for Anya
How exactly are you going to justify this to the producers

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what OP failed to mention is these are all stories for

He finna be BASED

Yeah, but they're not married, and I'm sure she'd dump him as soon as she gets bored of his npc personality.

Anya loves storytellers/directors. She even dates them, which comes to show that she appreciates talent above looks. Not to say that I'm ugly or anything, but I feel I'm her type - the loner director with visions of poetic grandeur.

>Not to say that I'm ugly or anything, but I feel I'm her type - the loner director with visions of poetic grandeur.
Somehow simultaneously cringe and based. Ayyfus really do inspire the impossible.

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That's a good question...

I think once we're married, the producers would be more understanding of the situation. If not, I'll hire a gay guy as her love interest. There's plenty of them in Hollywood :-)

Anya is a terrific actor. She can sell anything.

Awkward because she’s going to marry me and quit the movie industry

>I’m attracted to her/she’s pretty, therefore she’s a good actor
Yeah no, fuck off

Name a better young actress out there right now.

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>Seems perfect, wouldn't you say?
Not unless she is impregnated by potent African seed.

Just look at this picture.

The story is already there!

Anya is literally perfect in everything. She just has that face, demeanor, and presence. Everything a director (me) needs to elevate his story.

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>the story is already there!
>literally just a girl in period dress and a random spooky lighthouse
I think being abducted by this ayy has wreaked havoc on your brain


Anya's my actor and I'm her director. We're perfect for each other. She transcends my stories in every way. Just look at the picture. The story's already there.

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she gets fucked by the pony right?

In my story, the horse is a shapeshifter who turns into Anya.

It's a fantasy medieval setting, with shapeshifting dragons and other giant animals.

Anya's the lead of course!

do you think she lets guys touch her boobies?

Anya starring in my "van life" movie where she and her bf (irl gay actor) discover a magic plant.... that does something... magical or something. Idk, I haven't figured it out yet.

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With awful ideas like these I don't think I have much competition on this board for directing Anya in the future.

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anya is the cutest girl in the galaxy

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don't think the other galaxies can put up a fight either honestly

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A fisherman witnesses a girl (Anya) emerge from the ocean. She has no recollection of who she is, nor can she speak. Animals are constantly around her. She can make plants grow by sticking her hand in the ground.

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So which eye do I look at?

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I love it!

I was wondering why her mouth is so adorable and I realized. It's the pronounced cupid's bow and the (relatively) small lips. I don't know why but that combination is fireworks. And that's not even getting into the rest of her face

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My movies starring Anya would be fantastic. Transcending kino in every way.

So it's a prequel to Bloodborne: The Old Hunters?

The Alita thread is that-a-way, you alien-eyed loving freaks.


Cool, thanks!

Anya inherits her grandfather's old theater. While rummaging around in the storage room, she finds a movie reel without a title. She invites a shy introvert cinephile to watch the movie with her. As they watch the movie, it abruptly ends. They then scurry to find the next portion of the film.

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Any feet pics?

This one's cute. I like this idea.

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I imagine the story leading the two characters on an adventure around a small mid-western town.

anya allows me to eat her ass
rated PG-13

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