>gets btfo by Joe Rogaine
yikes. what a brainlet!
Gets btfo by Joe Rogaine
Other urls found in this thread:
I sharted my pants again
>some self-hating fattie who parrots for a job gets btfo
More at 11
I remember when this dude was on collegehumor
Hey Adam here. did you know cuckoldry is a myth? that's right she's not really your girl.
Adam is a good debater. He's successfully discredited the idea that humans are monogamous. Most people would be better off in open relationships.
He's not an expert
PowerfulJRE on youtube
I'm gonna try writing this in the least copypasta-sounding way possible but, considering the subject matter I don't know how successful I'll be.
I need to get this out of my system though. For the last 12+ hours I've been doing nothing but sucking dick. I haven't ate or been to the bathroom. I've just sat here under my desk, listening to my Tom Lehrer music playlist, and licking a volunteer moderator balls on an obscure imageboard and preping African descendents. I've take a few facial ejaculation and I've already been sodomised a handful of times. I don't think I'll stop sucking cocks any time soon. They're for me, and watching other people sucking them makes me legitimately sad at this point. I started this whole cocksucking thing unironically. I think. It was just another faggotry but I'm still fucking doing it. It isn't even that faggy to me any more. Any time I see new cock I seriously get giddy. Right now, every damned cock I'm sucking is taking effort to not slip at least one gallon of cum outside my mouth. My actual thought process, I think, has changed because of these fucking cocks...
embarrassingly unfunny
Only if you’re a faggot afraid to take ownership of the person you’re fucking. In which case, the other person is definitely better off
>is literally faggot
>is not gay
I am unable to process this
Actually is was joe that ended up looking like an idiot.
He lives in a world of MMA fighters and lifting weights and thinks that all humans behave like that. Alpha and beta males do not exist.
>Make thread based on vague summary of something that happened on the internet
>don't link to the thing to allow others to get up to speed and participate in the conversation
Way to go, faggot OP.
>Joe comes at him about a subject he wasn't prepared for (Adam said this on twitter himself)
>Does pretty decent at rebuking the BS Joe throws at him (ffs Joe claimed Oscar Pistorus benefited from the blades)
he was left literally speechless when Rogan questioned the ethics of pumping children full of hormones.
I never understood what kind of mindless idiots sit and watch that show Adam's on. Who are these people? The senile geriatrics of America? Those poor vegetables bedridden due to some horrible disease whom caretakers shove in front of a TV all day? WHO?
>does pretty decent
Lol it must be hard living in such delusion
Maybe don't get your worldview from Yea Forums memes, small brain.
Maybe because such an occurrence isn't usually brought up in respectable sources, seeing as it's illegal?
The same people who watch SNL and The Simpsons.
Jesus christ what a faggot. Joe ran circles around him
i shitted and pissed my pants
That's kind of what happens when you rely on other people to write your shit, you end up in some situation where you need to improvise and you just completely shit yourself.
Honestly don't know what was going through his head to actually think going on JRP was a good idea
Ultra based
To think their are people who actually idolize this faggot
>you need preparation for a basic-bitch debate about trannies and sex appeal
That retard just says "I disagree" and goes on to say anecdotes "My tranny friend..." which doesn't even confront the issue at hand. See 1:19:00
He's an uneducated meme spouter equivalent on here. If you don't know shit, you admit your loss. He fucking quotes "research" yet he doesn't even know who did that research or what that research paper was called.
Yikes, imagine defending a retard who advocates injecting hormones into children as solution to transvestites in sports who had a testosterone pumping through his veins.
I only saw the clip where he was trying to act like sexual selection isn't real. Didn't look good for him.
He wanted the exposure but wound up getting exposed instead.
>I-I'm not an e-expert but...
Literal faggot move. Yeah we know you're not an expert. Joe's not an expert either. Motherfucker is so insecure in his own opinions and weak in his convictions he's only comfortable in speaking if they're someone else's words.
>injecting hormones into children
Doesn't happen.
he also lied about Michelle Wolf body-shaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
That's called not being an egotistical asshole
how new are you?
Pretty sure they do hormone blockers for kids these days
It’s called being wrong but not admitting it
The people who grew up forming all their opinions from corporate late night comedians, who think the snarkiest guy with a camera on him must be knowledgeable and intelligent and not just some cunt who grew up with mommy and daddy issues and then turned that into an political ideology.
Solid trips, checked.
It's because CH was part of a lot of people's lives on the early years of youtube, lots of people jumped to his show when it got picked up by truTV (this was done intentionally to try and grab the younger demo that CH maintained for so long)
When younger people watch the show, older folk just sheep along due to it being presented as more factual than it actually is. Like the fact they present all their sources should make it a piece of piss to criticise but the actual result is that people don't do the research themselves as they think the show is unbiased and unable to be criticised BECAUSE the sources are presented.
Lol yes it does you newcunt. Fuck off back to pleddit now
and i don't remember collegehumor ever being funny
wtf are you talking about yes it happens
I love big black cocks ;))))) female btw
It's called being spineless and having absolutely no confidence in your own beliefs. His weakness and timidity any time his opinion was challenged was on full display. Ironically it was a great display of Alpha/Beta confrontation that he pretends isn't a real social dynamic.
Jazz isn't a child anymore.
there's threads on /lgbt/ with trannies crying about how they never got puberty blockers and didn't transition when they were super young
If a physician approves and prescribes them they can do it electively. That's different from hormone therapy though.
Joe came out looking like a dumbass. Adam was right that there's no alpha/beta dynamic but Joe just kept being a retard and saying "B-B-B-BUT GIRLS LOVE ALPHAS!!!". Adam was just a dumbass and didn't cite his sources, he just wanted to say "well anthropologists say this!" well which ones? If you actually brought shit with you, Joe would have probably been more open to what you were saying. Otherwise he's gonna be a dickhead and shout out his opinion like it's fact.
lurk more you absolute blockhead.
You just proved my point. Hormone therapy in children is regarded as unethical.
I’m pretty sure the person supporting trannys was the only one looking like a dumbass here sweetie
because it wasn't
now that I think about it takes some talent to be able to exist for so long and not accidentally make something funny by mistake.
If a person is unable to recite any facts and their sources then that person isn't worth interviewing about the topic. You may as well just interview a search engine if you just want someone to parrot primary sources.
>a loud flat-earther is more correct than a normal joe who knows the earth is round but isn’t an astronomer
Stop shilling this autistic meme.
It’s not illegal. Just wasn’t prevalent 20 years ago like it is today
>t quivering tranny
No it's not prevalent at all. Children don't receive hormone injections for ethical reasons.
>Hormone therapy in children is regarded as unethical.
Yes, by normal sane people. Unfortunately, it doesn't make it illegal in the US.
t. chafed-dicked, cellulite-ridden, neckbearded, sphincter-fingering cybervermin
EVERY single "open relationship" my friends has had leads to disaster. I know this really progressive chick who would go on and on to me how her "boyfriend" is allowed to fuck whoever he wants and when she told me this with the dude right next to me I asked him "so you're totally ok with someone picking her up tonight and leaving you alone here?" and he just looked down at his drink and said "hehe, yeah I guess so". They broke up a week later. Open relationships are for sluts and pushovers.
>Two people arguing about the ethics of hormone treatment on children
>The same thing as two people arguing over a widely known scientific fact
Great example. Totally the same thing. You should go into debate.
>Who are these people?
probably 90% are people who are stuck watching the last 5-10 minutes waiting for impractical jokers to start
It was funny before your time, my Zoomer friends
Thanks and spoonpilled
Wait I'm confused I thought Joe brought it up because Adam did research and did a segment on this and Joe was countering the stuff Adam said? how would he not be prepared for it?
>tfw no Joe Rogan prank
>Sal lost so he has to explain to Joe why DMT is bad and orangutans are better than chimps all while wearing a shirt that says “atheism is wrong”
Sane people can sniff that shit out a mile away. Any dude that brags about being in an open relationship is being torn apart inside.
correct, now he's a freak with a ruined life
much improved
joe didn't really have an argument though
Gender dysphoria is very prevalent and children do receive hormone injections. Theirs even a how about it newfag
oscar pistorius probably did benefit from the blades. they were specifically engineered for running. i have a degree in biomedical engineering and we studied this in our clinical biomechanics class my senior year. what makes you think the blades weren't an advantage?
They never last. Imagine trying to have a family in that circumstance
Remember when CH was good?
Sarah Schneider's boob photos were leaked in The Fappening
Her boobs are disappointing
remember when one of the guests said something like "I think weed might not be that great of a thing" and joe flipped the fuck out
Is this the Fedoras are Awesome crew?
I’d love to fight every one of them
i would probably say that a leg full of muscle will probably be able to generate a shit ton more force than half a leg with a springy bit on the end
Oh shit, checked
>oscar pistorius probably did benefit from the blades.
This. Every person should cut their legs because jumping on springy plastic is a good strategy.
Dumb fuck.
>willing to cuck yourself
It really wasn't.
>t. Jake
>it will never be the late 00s/early 10s with the early CH crew
Read the medical literature on the subject. The most they can physically do to prepubescent trans kids is offer hormone blockers after extensive interviews and discussion.
Yes it was, son, it was a different time...
you probably know very little about the mechanics of running, which is okay, but don't act like you know what you are talking about. he still has the entirety of his leg above the knee as far as I can tell, which means he has the quadriceps, gluteus, and hamstrings. these are the contributors to explosiveness and sprinting ability. calves have next to no contribution and are mostly useful for stabilization and transferring forces, which can be done more efficiently by engineered blades.
this is too retarded to even respond to but i'm doing it anyway, good job
It's not as common as sensationalist media likes to claim. It's not new either.
I wonder who could be behind these posts...
Show me an instance of this from back in the 80s then
Joe's arguments were terrible but Adam seemingly didn't know how to engage them. He simply repeated variations of "you would think that but it's actually different" without elaborating on it.
it's a fucking kid. if getting my arm replaced with plasma cannons was a possibility id probably still want to do it after "extensive interviews and discussion"
>these are the contributors to explosiveness and sprinting ability.
absolutely fucking wrong
the heel spring is perhaps the most important part of any sprint. heck it's the main generator of 'explosiveness' if you consider jumping or a power clean
jesus user really triggered the discord tranny lmao
Not to the anons you're replying to but is the reason why my calves get sore when I run long distances because my running form/balance is fucked?
I wonder [[[who]]] could be behind this [[[post]]]?
both had pretty weak arguments. adam was basically saying what it 'intuitive' isn't always the case... and joe was saying the opposite. i think i lost braincells watching the video, common occurence watching anything where joe rogan offers his opinion
>alphas and beats don't exist
>goes on joe rogan
>acts like a beta
>"I have friends that tell me tthat, like, I don't remember now" "that sounds ridiculos" "you're right Joe" "you're alright" "hi hi thank you Joe"
it was funny at least
Adams not very smart with out his jewish handlers
Not an accurate analogy.
>beats don’t exist
But how will I listen to music?
>he still has the entirety of his leg above the knee as far as I can tell,
Dude just chop a piece of your legs, you'll run faster, this is no way limits or handicaps your daily life and in fact you're better off without feet lmao
It was, but for sure CH sucked mega-monkey cock even then.
Show me 1 (one) vid/comic/flash by CH that will make me laugh and I will admit my folly on this very public website, otherwise I will keep to my haughty superiority.
There are a lot of old cultures worldwide with atypical gender roles.
beats were invented by men. We need to make beats more inviting to all people. The volume is too high, less bass more treble
Show me one that pumped kids full of hormone blockers
Damn I got one dubs and two trips
>Honestly don't know what was going through his head to actually think going on JRP was a good idea
Thing is, Joe Rogan agrees with Adam on a LOT of things. But Joe and Adam ended up focusing their entire time on things they disagreed on. So Adam probably thought it'd be just give him a chance to rehash things his show has covered. Instead they talked about trannies and alpha males.
No, that video just has similar composition.
Why exactly? They made some of the best youtube content of the mid-to-late 00's. "Hardly Working" videos from that era are kino. They were made with a fairly small budget mostly with the stuff they had at the office. The newer videos were more prop heavy and felt less like stuff they made as an addition to the original Collegehumor.com website but instead just professionally made comedy. Also the newer videos mostly feel like them nagging at the audience and telling them to stop doing something or change their behaviour.
Hormone blockers aren't exactly an old treatment. Epilepsy has been known about for centuries but treatment was primitive and not very effective for the longest time.
This man has built his entire self-image as being a with-it cosmopolitan, from his smart set glasses to his trendy hairstyle to his affected vocal fry. Imagine what went through his head when he realized millions of people were listening to him be bested, no, completely intellectually dominated by the dude GORILLAS guy.
>Adam was right that there's no alpha/beta dynamic but Joe just kept being a retard and saying "B-B-B-BUT GIRLS LOVE ALPHAS!!!"
Joe says:
>There may not be the Alpha/beta dichotomy
>It's a spectrum
>but women are attracted more to athletic muscular confident men
Damage controlling on Twitter after a Joe Rogan experience. Many such cases, very beta!
Every single one of you faggots that supports fag hormones being pumped into fag kids, I hope you will have it done to your children. Then I hope you try it yourself. I legitimately pity you freaks, because I thought I fucked up my life but at least I still have my brain and dick along with a functioning moral compass.
>There are a lot of old cultures worldwide with atypical gender roles.
what is this even an appeal to? aztecs sacrificed children, ancient greeks fucked them, so it's fine
just stop attempting to defend this barbaric shit you mongoloid
>denies alpha and beta males
>supports open relationships
He's the typical white leftist.
Reminder that there was an isolated island that had 0 eating disorders for its recorded history.
One year after getting satelite/cable TV a sizable amount of the young women on the island had bulimia after watching shows that told them they could eat whatever they wanted and then throw it up.
Epilepsy isn’t a mental illness. It’s something that actually needs to be treated with drugs. Gender confusion on the other hand needs to be treated like any other mental disorder
I wasn't trying to say that it's legitimate because it's old. I was asked to provide an old example so I did.
No wonder they welcome the muslim hordes with open arms, they desperately need to be taught masculinity.
Jeez, could guy this be more unlikable? I've never watched an Adam Ruins video, but good grief is he ever smug.
I'm sure it could work, if there is no real sense of a loving relationship. Like two people pretending to be in a relationship where they might as well be friends, but fucking others. I think that's the best result you can look for in a open relationship.
The analogy isn't unique to mental illnesses.
>good grief is he ever smug
the combination of being so smug about the 'facts' but not being able to even slightly back up what you are claiming is pretty fucking bad
Are you from a third world county or just living under a rock the past 5 years?
I'm reading these and he is talking about giving 7 year olds puberty blockers, and then give 12 year olds hormones. Like that is fucking normal. Give 12 years olds hormones. Oh but those puberty blockers are reversible guys, yeah no shit faggot. But those hormones they give 12 year olds are not. And fucking 12 year olds are still children.
Fuck, this is why i hate lefties so much. They always lie and misconstrue scientific research to fit their retarded propositions.
I worked with a chick who was in an open relationship. She fucked 4 guys in the camp I was working in that summer. Had a kid with the same guy a few years ago which is just fucked. Also, She woke me up in my tent once half straddling me half naked Does that count as sexual harassment?
If the women is in control it's sluts and pushovers.
If the guy is in control it's a fucking cult. youtu.be
>is that forcing a transgender child to go through the wrong puberty is more or less irreversible,
All of these assume:
1. Trans is real.
2. That every suspected trans child is trans
3. That there is coherent ways to tell them apart.
So I think Trans is real, but it's REALLY rare. I think we have a social phenomenon that a lot of people are jumping on. Most of them are kids going through phases or uncertain of themselves, or teens who would just in any other time-frame be just gay. I have noticed a lot of gay austitic guys are going trans. They think it'll improve their lives.
I have personally talked people out of going FTM. She was just a young woman who got her ideas on sexuality from tumblr, and was just a tomboy. Going by these researchers guidelines, what I did was wrong, and shameful, blah blah blah. If she had met these people she would have had her tits chopped off and such by now. She's doing fine.
So the basic question is: how do you know they're really trans and not just someone thinking they might be mistakenly, or jumping on a bandwagon? The answer is you dont know and there's no objective test as of yet.
It's kind of a slight but ultimately meaningless distinction. Okay, so 7 year olds are given puberty blockers, and it's the 12 year olds given hormones. The argument still stands.
He never even questions the morality of irreversibly changing the hormonal makeup of a 12 year old child. He just drones about puberty blockers, like that was ever the point of the discussion...
>Im hesitant in saying what our most controversial topic is because it always creates a shitstorm
>13 minute vid of joe arguing with him about it
same thing happened with that weed debate
Get this e-celeb shit off Yea Forums
I just read a lot fromreliable sources rather than swallowing whatever gets squirted into my mouth on the internet.
>I have personally talked people out of going FTM
Thank you. I honestly believe that trans people exist but it's become fashionable which creates a hugely disproportional amount of trans people. In a society/culture that values victimhood, someone can jump the intersectional totem pole from the bottom as a white male to second/third from the top just by declaring that they're "trans". Not only that but people who regret transitioning are shouted down and harassed for going against the parties policies.
Adam seems to be arguing that sexual preference is 100% social conditioning. He never says that directly, but that's his implication. There's validity that many things in society are just made up and we should question them, but these weirdo progresives take that too far. They act like humans are blank slates and everything is culture.
I even saw a feminist on twitter blame culture for why men cause more violence. Dude, that's biology and has been true in every culture and society forever.
Yeah, it was Crowder. Joe completely overreacted.
Well clearly his girlfriend is a better debater for convincing him of that idea.
It's fashionable, and it attracts awkward weirdos who think it'll fix their problems. And as I said, most of them are just homosexuals.
Ya Joe really pushed for no reason on that one.
Joe is detached enough from most topics to be rational and reasonable. It gives him an edge. Except weed.
Imagine getting BTFO by Toe Rogan
rogan who`s entire schtik is DUDE WEED
>uhmmm I dont have the data.
>Like I need the sources in front of me.
>So like, I have this trans friend.
>So like um, I dont know, but let me change the subject.
>I know what I am talking about.
>Sorry I am not a expert on what I am talking about.
I had a literal psychology professor tell me that at birth men and women are the same and all perceived differences are social conditioning.
I chuckled
And you'd be wrong
The amount of times that retard said "I know trans fokes..." like that's an argument was infuriating.
Ya the moment you say something like "weed is like alcohol you can have a addiction to it and thats unhealthy" Joe does what typical pot heads do, goes into a long winded tirade about dumb shit while trying to dominate you with his gorilla muscles.
>this tubby cuck trying to tell joe rogan of all people how sports should/shouldn't be played
laffin every love
probably something along the lines of
"Oh my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my career"
That's postmodernism for you.
The left doesn't believe in evolution or science.
such as?
there was a mid 2000s sitcom on some Canadian gayish channel like showcase about "slacker" lawyers, and the one doofus of the group sharts himself and gets stuck in the elevator cus people keep walking in and he cant let them see the shart stains
wow dude I'm pissing myself with laughter
They were both wrong. No sexual attraction isn't just social conditioning and no there isn't one body type that is absolutely preffered by everyone. Two layman talking about shit they don't know anything about and wasting everybody's time.
Fuck you faggots for tricking me into watching this e-celeb bullshit. It's just two people having a conversation. No one gets BTFO, no matter how much your confirmation bias wants that to be so.
pathetic fucking cuckold lol fat ugly bitch
another dweeb that's never been hit in the face, why are these people so easy to point out? I can tell when a person has never been in a fight just by looking into their eyes.
>Adam is a good debater.
Strike one
>He's successfully discredited the idea that humans are monogamous
Strike two
>Most people would be better off in open relationships.
Strike you're out of here reddit,
Way to reveal yourself, Zoomer
nigga I'm 30
having done that 3 times in my life, my advice to you would be to never trust a fart and drink less coffee
No he didn't Wolf did in fact body shame her.
Next you will say
“Have sex you fucking idiot OP”
I've been doing this more and more recently, but I trust every fart. Don't be like me.
A rite of passage to manhood indeed.
stop drinking steel reserve and eat a decent meal.
They had some good stuff back in the day, desu:
Which of Joe's friends is the absolute fucking worst and why is it Bert Kreischer?
Justin Trudeau?
>You can't patent a plant!
pretty sure you can, joe
Powerthirst is undeniably a classic, but god it's cringy to watch these days.
based and underrated
prolly bait but Ive read form biologists that species who spend a lot of time raising a child are usually monogamous. Unlike rabbits who dont need to raise a child like a human do they are open.
If there are no alphas and betas because science then there are only 2 genders because science.
Shit still holds up, what you talking about user?
This is so painfully unfunny
>Mot embracing the socio sexual hierarchy
Adam is such a Gamma
j&a kino
quads confirm
The funniest thing I ever saw from CH was the prank war, specifically the Yankee Stadium one.
Then a couple years ago Amir admitted it was all fake. Fuck that guy.
>it was all fake
Those reactions really felt genuine though, and I've always thought Amir took things way too far.
Which island?
*Adam and his team of writers*
I've never punched anyone in the face before but goddamn this man does something to me.
I have never been more ashamed of being a Tom Lehrer fan than I am right now.
When (or if) you end up with a girl that gives you an STD from all the dicks she’s taken; I want you to remember this line
Good post
What a cuck lmao
Wow that's boring.
All he said was that human society isn't as simple as pack animal hierarchy. There are plenty of meek quiet people in power while bad dudes in and out of prison are working for minimum wage.
I like all the funny faces they’re pulling apart from the middle one who’s like “why am I stuck in the middle of a these crazy faces” hahaha
Top laugh.
>only ever does surface level research even on complex themes
>crams it into a pointless 7 minute presentation
>reddit is in awe of his knowledge
This is why modern education sucks ass
What am I supposed to do with this information?
Adam is the embodiment of weakness and insecurity. He is exactly what kakzynski was talking about in his manifesto
>All he said was that human society isn't as simple as pack animal hierarchy.
Actually it is. We put our trust in the alpha, The beta may or may not deserve a meal since he complained his stomach hurt, or slacked off while we did everything. Or he was just behaving like a soft weak faggot during a mild hardship. Anyway, don't get it twisted. If an Alpha is fucking up. If he backs down or pussies out, we will rip him to shreds and appoint a new Alpha. It's not a role to be taken lightly, just because "...the Alpha gets all the respect and the bitches." It's actually a high price to pay.
>There are plenty of meek quiet people in power
Being a quiet person in power and being a beta are two polar opposite things. Beta's may succumb to pressure and flake. Look no further than Putin. Who is a literal great example of a quiet man in power. He is an introvert and a quiet and he is in the top 5 most powerful people in the world.
>while bad dudes in and out of prison are working for minimum wage.
An angry impulsive degenerate isn't an Alpha. Huffing and puffing, screaming, and throwing a fist at another person. Stabbing someone 48 times because of momentary unstable emotions is not an alpha. Stealing from others, lying are all cowardly, weak behaviors. This person is not getting their shit together which is why he's in and out of prison. Sadistic torture, rape, enslavement of humans and spree killing also exhibit weakness.
I remember when it was only supposed to be a funny sketch thing without too much seriousness on college humor. then they went the whole "penn and teller bullshit" route with it and it didn't work that well
the circumcision one was a welcome video. but then he made the red lining video, and that's when the show jumped the shark.
>Talked a tomboy out of being injected full of hormones just because some gender reassignment surgeon is looking for a buck
May the combined choir of all of God's angels herald your ascension to the highest circle of heaven where only the purest are allowed entry.
>Actually it is. We put our trust in the alpha, The beta may or may not deserve a meal since he complained his stomach hurt, or slacked off while we did everything. Or he was just behaving like a soft weak faggot during a mild hardship. Anyway, don't get it twisted. If an Alpha is fucking up. If he backs down or pussies out, we will rip him to shreds and appoint a new Alpha. It's not a role to be taken lightly, just because "...the Alpha gets all the respect and the bitches." It's actually a high price to pay.
Which is irrelevant to the point they're arguing. Social hierarchies in humans doesn't scale with sexual attractions or every single country's leader would be a powerlifting superchad. Evolutionary psychology on sexual attraction and social hierarchies are different concepts and Joe doesn't separate them. The way the redpill community uses the term alpha and beta is completely disconnected to what the terminology refers to in social hierarchies.
I’ve heard multiple IRL women say uncircumcised dicks were gross. All the moralizing in the world won’t change my mind on what the right thing to do is.
I only watch the skits with Katie because i want to tell her she is pretty then sodomize her and jizz on her glasses
Last time I did this was right before I went out on a date, didn’t realize I sharted until the end of the night when we were getting ready to fuck. I started pulling my pants down and noticed my underwear was absolutely caked in shit. I pulled them down inside my pants, folded them up and threw them across the room and proceeded to fuck her, being careful not to spread my ass cheeks too much as the smell of shit wafted in the air whenever I did.
When we finished I made an excuse to use the shower and wash my ass crack out, holy lord was there a lot of shit.
Maybe most people would be better if with open relationships, but society wouldn't. Monogamy is very important for a society.
That's white man's burden.
In the old days when you fought a tribe you killed the men women and boys and kept the girls then raised them in your culture and every one got extra wives as god intended
And i'd get all the girls who looked like Katie
I think reddit onions enjoy Adam for the same reason porn addicts like watching Jordi El Nino - he's an avatar which they can project themselves onto. A trendy cosmopolitan hipster type who puts one foot in generic progressive opinions to reap the social benefits and another foot in ironic humor so you don't have to be taken seriously and none of your beliefs lead to any consequences. It's the perfect archetype for the underweight low T beta males who stalk the urban landscape
>let's talk about a stereotype by sounding like a complete stereotype
>but women are attracted more to athletic muscular confident men
Joe is half right. Women are attracted to physique but a charming, confident, considerate, mildly self-deprecating, engaging, out-of-shape guy is more hypnotic to women than a bunch of muscles and six pack abs which is more of a superficial sexual fantasy and women are concerned because guys like this can be narcissistic players.
i literally cant imagine having this much spite for anything
not an argument
Women say what society tells them to say and basing anything on their opinion, let alone your childs dick is beyond retarded. No women in Europe complains about uncircumcised dicks.
>spouting off a bunch of buzzwords constitutes an argument
>Adam ruins everything
>Moar like Adam eats everything lmao XD
when was the last time you looked in the mirror?
everyone does half those things
shut up im very handsome
ive won awards for being so handsome
>if i condescend in le green meme text then i refuted your argument even though i didnt even make my own
you ok bro?
Adam Ruins Everything was developed by CollegeHumor and appears regularly on Youtube trending. It's SJW propaganda meant to argue against /pol/ ideology and assist in historical revisionism.
Just listen to these video titles:
>"Black People are Left Out of the Gun Control Debate,"
>"The Real Reason Hospital are So Expensive,"
>"How the NRA Changed the 2nd Amendment,"
>"Seeking Truth in the Post-Truth Era,"
>"Why People Think Video Games are Just for Boys,"
>"Alpha Males Do Not Exist,"
>"Why Weddings are a Total Ripoff,"
>"The Disturbing History of the Pilgrims,"
>"Why the TSA Doesn't Stop Terror Attacks,"
>"You Probably have Herpes and That's Okay,"
>"Christopher Columbus was a Murderous Moron,"
>"You Can Still have Babies After 35,"
>"Why the Myers Briggs Test is Total Bullshit,"
Aside from the Myers Briggs videos everything is a lullaby meant to cull NPCs into a deep slumber.
Let me know when Adam Ruins Everything does a video about Obamacare, or Anthony Snowden, or government surveillance, or illegal immigration.
has Joe ever talked about his time as Fear Factor host on this podcast?
>Sarah Schneider's boob photos were leaked in The Fappening
not really surprising, they didn't look good with clothes on either
funny tho
I am not trying to refute your non-existent argument. We're not arguing. I am telling you that you are a stereotype, which you are.
>airplane sketch
Josh is perfect
>I'm not arguing
>but you don't have an argument
so that's not argument, your opinion just happens to be truth? damn really made me think. keep the insights coming
yeah he brings it up sometimes but it's not a regular thing, mostly just when hes asked about it
ah that's too bad. didn't know if he had any crazy stories about it.
it's really all I know him from (watched a ton of FF growing up because no cable and it was on the local channels), so finding this podcast was kind of bizarre for me
hey, i dont have a horse in this race, just thought id chime in to remind you that youre an absolute stooge, and people have good reasons for not wanting to be around you
>tfw i feel that much spite for everything
Hard to decide which is worse.
dat samefag
You realize why I called you a stereotype, right? You sound like an underage crossposting /pol/ack. Read your own post back to yourself and tell me that it doesn't sound completely embarrassing. Who talks like that?
>moved to a progressive city
>been having sex with married women
yup, I'm thinking this user is right
Do you know what projection is faggot?
were kindred spirits, in a way
i guess you can add that to the list of things youre bad at
Actually knowing who these people are. Sad.
>It's fashionable
Are you retarded?
>2 retards sit in the mud and fling shit at each other and call for everyone else to join them in their shitflinging
Live Science, Science Daily, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the NYT, etc
Sure I do.
That's the point you tard
Italians had the right idea about what to do with people like you back in 1945.
>everyone else is a retard except me
Based stupid centrist.
A boy shouldn't lose the choice of keeping his whole penis because his mother or father heard someone say they don't like the look of it.
for me
it's tetris god
not everyone. Just you and the other retard flinging shit.
What is monsanto?
DId you know her sister who is 20 years older is really her mother
Do you not consider a 13 year old a child?
The evidence is clear. 13-year-old kids aren't generally given hormone replacement, and they never, ever receive genital reassignment surgery.
Part of the deal with not being an electionfag.
It seems to be increasingly accepted as ethical to have transgender kids go through their “preferred” puberty. Would you not agree?
Only after a process of absolutely making sure that it's a case of gender dysphoria.
That’s all great and I’m sure that all checks out, I’m just glad we can now agree that kids are being given HRT and it is considered an ethical practice
It's just not being pushed everywhere and it's not the case with anywhere near all transgender people, since many don't develop dysphoria until they're well into puberty.
there's a difference between gender roles and self mutilation
They didn't necessarily involve self mutilation.
Is it true that autistic people are more likely to be transgender?
I haven't heard about that.
is this your first week on this planet?
Explain how hes wrong
>someone mentions they are going to buy a plain gold ring for a spouse
>did you know diamonds are worthless
no shit, but it costs more for hand carved carved anything even other gems and minerals
Kids who feel this way are being abused by the narcissistic parents, and/or suffered from sexual abuse
Giving kids hormones is literally sexual mutilation
Go back to plebbit
Good goy.
It's obviously a power fantasy.
HRT is not ethical, its worse than milk
You can't give someone gender dysphoria.
You really shouldn't look up the origins of a lot of things if you think that's gross.
>you there hand carve that mineral for its intrinsic worth
>don't spare me on skill or time
go buy a hand made clay tea pot will you, its just 'clay'
spoiled western kid: i want to be a girl!
horses crammed into 3rd world warehouses:
diamond, the material has an inflated value, you retard. nobody except experts can tell the difference between a real and a fake diamond. have fun wasting money for no reason except for being a good goy.
What I like is that posts like this exist. There are people who think and act like this. There really is a sucker born every minute.
no they have to cut the mineral thats the price diamonds are harder but produce the best effect when cut
if not they are used in cheap drill bits and class cutters you retard
a nerve was touched
>no they have to cut the mineral thats the price diamonds are harder but produce the best effect when cut
learn English and try again or dont do whatevs you want may be you will I care not really so have good day
when not tomorrow
This retard thinks there are no dominant and submissive humans aka alpha and beta
They were both somewhat right. Adam is right that human status games are a lot more complex than alpha/beta wolf pack dynamics and depend a lot on context, but Joe was right that all else things being equal tall, fit men are generally considered more attractive.
do you have a learning disability
Any society with full open ended relationships will be full of low quality mutt humans of low genetic purity. This is especially true the more homogenius a society becomes such as Japan. Women who sleep around in a society where genetic purity and unique traits are very desired are reviled and for good reason.
its Friday and i've had to many drinks
however, diamonds are graded on cut skill and purity that is why they are expensive
they are abundant but the rest are used in cutting equipment
diamonds would be a scam if your angle grinder discs cost 500> they don't
>all else things being equal tall, fit men are generally considered more attractive.
In practice they're never equal.
this guy's right, everyone else is retarded
>t. khhv
It’s just jumbled terminology. I recently hear Emmy Rossum say that Shameless could never “jump the shark” and I was like “uuuh..”
Then I realized she meant jump the shark in the sense of the original phrase. Which is to say something outlandish enough to forever change the show. Something like jumping over a shark on water skis; because ridiculous shit went down on her show since the first season.
But in the more commonly used sense, which just denotes a show starting to suck, then she’s dead wrong.
Both of them are gay though. Adam is a twink and Joe is a bear. Joe's obsession with alpha/beta thing just really reveals his homosexuality because gay sex is nothing but pure domination of another man. Joe fantasizes about this shit.
more like horses creamed in 3rd world warehouses
you are going to get lung worm boy
how so?
the guy in your picture is 6'3
Do you not see? Are you that trusting of him?
trusting of who, wtf are you talking about?
The guy with the essay-tier post about le alpha male stronk
He's right though. And you missed the point. It's in nature, it's not just a meme.