>it's an Elaine has another abortion episode
>it's a George picks up a flash drive on the street, and it's full of furry porn episode
>it's a Kramer smokes weed episode
>it's a Jerry hates Android phones episode
God, this show has gone to shit. They should have canceled it after season 24
It's an Elaine has another abortion episode
kramer uber
George in
This car mine!
>it's a future generations reject the degeneracy of Jewish social engineering attempts of the past
That show is, and always has been, trash.
Elaine would work like that.
Elaone tinder
Where's NEWMAN?
George fentanyl overdose
>Elaine matches up with Uncle Leo on Tinder
>George decides to sue the wedding invitation company for poisoning Susan
>Kramer installs ipads all over his house so he can facetime Jerry at any moment
>Newman accuses Jerry of "cultural appropriation" on Twitter because of a Post Office joke he made
Jerry Youtube
Kramer Godfundme
Elaine Ghosting
George Fortnite
>George gets major anxiety over a girl he met over a dating site and thinks she's too desperate because she's on 3 separate dating sites.
>Elaine: "How do you know that?"
>George: "Because I'M on all those sites too!"
>Kramer somehow manages to catfish himself.
>Jerry: "How did you even catfish yourself? It's not possible."
>Kramer: "Oh I'm good, Jerry. I'm really good."
>Kramer somehow manages to catfish himself
10/10 would watch
>episode opens up with George worrying about looking stylish for people
>ends up wearing a fedora and trenchcoat
>the gang thinks he looks stupid, but George thinks he looks cool
>George ends up becoming a part of a group of similar dressed men that talk about their troubles with women, and George believes he's found his people
>Meanwhile, Kramer has reason to believe that Newman may have been involved in the Boston bombing
Kek these are gold
Kramer avocado farm
The gang reacts to a livestream school shooting
Guest starring Lady Gaga
Newman got fired because he developed a shitposting addiction. Now he spends most of his nights making deepfakes of Elaine.
Zombified Seinfeld like Simpsons, hah. Even with writing with that much of a dive, at least all the actors aside from Jerry are great
>jerry does a fundraiser show for aipac
>george begins dating a tranny
>elaine becomes obsessed with capeshit movies after seeing newest trailer with brie larson
>george’s new trans gf convinces george to become a tranny
>jerry meets donald trump and thanks him for miga
>kramer and newman start recording an alt-right neo-nazi podcast
>special guest star mike enoch (larry david as donald trump)
It did have good episodes like the George and the Incels one.
>deepfakes of elaine
Haha, I know a guy (not me of course), who would pay money to see that
>Kramer and Newman have a money making scheme buying normal cheap fruit and veg and selling it for double the price claiming that it is organic.
>George discovers webMD
>"I've got brain cancer, smallpox and enlarged testicles Jerry!"
>'Enlarged testicles?'
>"Okay! brain cancer and smallpox then!"
>Jerry's new girlfriend is Christian and they go to watch 'The Passion of the Christ' at her grandmother's for Easter. The grandmother looks at him every time the Jews do something bad to Jesus.
>George insists he could out-eat Adam Richman of Man Vs. Food.
>George: I'd like to see Man Vs. Costanza!
>Elaine: So, you're not a man too?
>Elaine buys defective yoga pants.
>So how much did they see? Just the crack or are we talking full on Whale Eye?
> Imagine Shamoo winking to the crowd at Seaworld. I saw the whole thing in the mirror. The guy behind me told me after the class that he'd pay me $50 just to sniff it, he said something about a "braphog"? I don't know what that is.
>She's a man?
>but it's MY car!
But who was phone?