Climate Change: The Facts

This is one of the most important documentaries of our generation
Why is no one talking about this?

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It's not real lad

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> the facts
maybe when they can come up with a model that has less than 2 standard deviations of variance ahaha

protip, humans cant influence this shit on the scale these shills talk about. one large volcanic eruption (eg the iceland like 10 years ago) put more CO2, CH4, etc. into the atmosphere than humans have since industrialisation. cows produce more greenhouse gases than cars. one strong solar flare will raise the temperature by 8 degrees in a day. the saudi royal family are one of the biggest donators to 'green' causes (because it makes oil drilling political intractable for others, but they dont care)

its like religion, some cult leader telling you if you dont do exactly what he says (ie give him and his friends a bunch of money) - the world will end!!

Because Yea Forums has been hijacked by pearl clutching soccer moms from reddit who happen to be climate change deniers.

Who are the benefactors of this scaremongering? Who are cult leaders of "global warming" we're giving money to?

Literally everyone at the BBC is talking about it. They release at least five climate change articles every. single. day.

It pisses me off so much. It's not about saving the world at all. It's about rallying everyone under a single banner, then using that group as a hammer against whatever t.p.t.b. want destroyed.

Fuck off already. If you want to 'save the planet' from the global warming boogeyman, then the answer is nuclear power. Not some namby-pamby gay solar panels. NUCLEAR. POWER.

And also you can fuck right off with the guilt-tripping against the West. You can blame Asia for all the wanton plastic waste. And all that ocean plastic? That's fishing equipment. Yep.

Tell the truth instead of pushing agendas ffs. I'm disappointed in you David, I thought you were above this kind of thing.

Read his post again brainlet. It's a ruse to tax you more

Banks. They're trying to introduce carbon taxes.

These are reddit copy pastas right?

all manner of people. its not like a illuminati conspiracy where theres 6 guys at the top in a room making phone calls, anyone with the brand power and media abilities to position themselves can profit

the saudis are profiting as previously mentioned. people like al gore have transformed their careers, the past 20 years for him have been spent doing 'activism' (protip, the big players in nonprofits certainly do profit!). speaking arrangements, documentaries, media appearances, etc. etc. people pay him to fly around the world and talk about global warming

scientists themselves who consistently say their experiments point towards this issue, but they can never create a model which accurately predicts or even explains whats going on. normally, this would be indicative that their theories are wrong, but due to the cultishness of the affair, they spin it around such that they need MORE money to do more research until they get it right

governments can enact 'green' tax plans that squeeze more out of the taxpayer and ultimately achieve nothing. the efficacy of these green initiatives are never investigated (that would be sacrilegious, as questioning whether these plans are working would lead to questioning whether they are even required). a carbon tax introduced in australia 10 years ago caused a lot of the mineral industry to shift overseas; it became too expensive to smelt aluminium in australia, so instead it was shipped all the way to china, where it was smelted in far more less ecological conditions (not to mention shipping). 8000 people lost their jobs, australia became poorer, the world became dirtier and yet the greens all hailed it as a success

its a scam

Since when has anyone on fucking reddit been a climate change denier.

no, but you are

Kill yourself tourist.

where do you live and how have you not felt the increase of natural disasters over the past decade

Can some sci fag debunk this?

Fucking this
It's crazy people aren't doing nuclear.
What the fuck is going on?

just lol

a decade is an incredibly small amount of time on planetary scales. the earth is something like 4 billion years old, and yes there are noticeable cycles in terms of global climate, but the period is more on the scale of millions of years. saying the temperature has increased in the past 0.000001% of the earths existence really isnt saying much

not really, the truth is we just dont know enough and we dont have references for comparative analysis. being ecologically responsible is obviously a good thing, but peoples primary concern should be with the ocean. acidicification, plastics buildup, fungal waves etc. are huge problems, but they dont get the attention because they arent as monetarily exploitable

dont get tricked

>been bitching about it for decades
>still haven't come up with effective measures to reduce/remove C02 or affordable and efficient alternate energy sources

What do climate scientists even do? They're literally professional doomsayers, they get paid to write papers about how fucked we are.

You can always read the original papers and ignore the media.

>the truth is we just dont know enough
That's not the truth. The truth is that we are 90% certain that global warming is caused by human activity.

Because of all the boomers who don't want to admit that the system they created is flawed and is destroying the planet.

no one on Yea Forums is going to offer more credibility than the countless scientists saying otherwise

changes of climate happen far more frequently than millions of years, think about how long it takes to get through an ice age, and that's without taking into account the catalyst of human activity

any real change would require significant changes to every country around the world, good luck convincing your own government let alone china's. Other than that you're just waiting for miracle technology that is more viable than what we currently have

incorrect, look up where that regularly bandied about figure comes from

ill give you the short story, its a completely gimmicked figure where they asked a large number of meteorologists and similar whether humans affect global warming. almost all of them abstained from answering, which in the scientific community means we dont have the evidence to say either way. a small number said yes and a smaller number said no. so the true figure is more like, 90% of scientists say its inconclusive whether humans affect global warming, 8% say they do and 2% say they dont

Suck that corporate cock you shill

I'm not talking about this. Scientists who research climate are almost certain it's caused by humans.
I'm talking here about the IPCC report, not about the survey.

notice the vehemence the anointed display once confronted with counter evidence. "silence heretic!", "devil!", "corporate shill!"

Name a bigger bit of propaganda than climate change?

the IPCC is exactly the kind of organisation of con artists im talking about

We're fucked, humans are way too stupid to solve this, they'll continue to deny reality until the bitter end. This thread is proof.

the Holohoax industry and its not even close

So ... when do we declare war on the People's Republc of China? We're gonna conquer them, right? To force them to stop developing? Right? Because surely these guys are not proposing that the West de-industrialize while everybody else pollutes at a massive level? Right?

>one large volcanic eruption (eg the iceland like 10 years ago) put more CO2, CH4, etc. into the atmosphere than humans have since industrialisation.

Source for this? AFAIK it's no where close, even if you include all eruptions, degassing from ocean vents and inactive volcanoes it's doesn't even hit close the amount humans emit on a yearly basis.

Climate change is a myth.

You're on a board with incels that doesn't even believe 6 million jews died in ww2, and you expect them to believe the weather is changing?

thanks donny

OP got exactly what they wanted

There is no source for that because its not true. What IS TRUE though, is that one volcano is equal to about a years worth of humanities output give or take depending on just how big the explosion is.


Very fucking funny.

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>one large volcanic eruption (eg the iceland like 10 years ago) put more CO2, CH4, etc. into the atmosphere than humans have since industrialisation


Just this single fact would allow a clinical retard with this written on his arm to instantly and completely shut down the most qualified climate scientist in a debate. He would be publicly humiliated into suicide.

There would have to be a massive conspiracy among most scientists and all scientific bodies to ignore this and wilfully lie.

There would also have to be perfect effort to never publicly debate anyone who could bring forward this fact about volcanoes.

Got a source for me? I'd like to read more


Because Murricans are obsessed with licking the asses of big corporations and are willing to fuck the planet if that means some billionaires could get 0,01% richer.

IPCC report is based on peer-reviewed articles. They don't make up this thing.

>IPCC doesn't make things up

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>According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world's volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide.

They aren’t real humans, they’re just shills

An inactive volcano like mt Edna puts out 6 million tons a year. That times all the actual eruptions with exponentially increase output for a time period and the hundreds of dormant volcanoes (still contributing ~ 16k tons per day minimum) nature far outscales mans contributions.

They don't. They always post their sources.

Does not matter.

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>thousands of volcanoes on earth
>a medium sized dormant one gives 6million tons a year
>believing this lie of 200 million tonnes only
Big yikes from me. Even if you assume all thousand volcanoes are small/medium outputters it's over 200 mill

nice reddit spacing

the 90s crazy of going green was just a meme. It was white peoples pet project before they turned to nogs and trannies.

Actually observed data for what?

Whenever it comes to the natural world, we don't really care enough to do anything about it until the problem is big enough to stare us in the face and let us know that it's too late to fix shit.

I can do basic mathematical assumptions and see when I'm being lied to

On a yearly basis green house gases released by all the volcanoes on earth are less than 1% of the emissions by human industry.

Is it? Can you provide a source?

>This is one of the most important documentaries of our generation
>Why is no one talking about this?
Agreed, why no one ever talk about this?

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>one large volcanic eruption (eg the iceland like 10 years ago) put more CO2, CH4, etc. into the atmosphere than humans have since industrialisation

That is 100% false.

I doubt you can. It seems like you mindlessly repeat things written on denialist blogs.

Look at the picture.

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Yes I did. I extrapolated from the source given. Mt Edna is about a medium sized volcano. There are 1500 volcanoes visible on earth, not including the volcano belts in the ocean we cant see bit are fairly certain are plentiful. Mt Edna puts out 6million tonnes a year. It's not even particularly active. So if we take 1500 and hell, say they all only put in 5 million tonnes a year that's still..... a much bigger number than 200 million.

Because why the fuck should I care?

>Why is no one talking about this?
touch pill to swallow

It's complete and utter nonsense and it's 100% factually incorrect. Every single volcanic eruption every year COMBINED emits exponentially less CO2 than we emit through our civilization.

The vast majority of things stated by climate change denialists / contrarians are either; a) blatantly false and easily fact checked or b) completely vague and just things that they read on some blog that they're parroting despite being incorrect.

Volcanism's contributions to the current climate trend are extremely minimal, and on average volcanic emissions are very stable. Volcanism has changed climate in the past, in times in which the Earth was even cooler than it was today (snowball Earth) it's hypothesized that large scale volcanism over hundreds of thousands / millions of years helped to increase the greenhouse effect to the point which the globe became more hospitable and habitable for life, which in turn led to the cambrian explosion of biological diversity in the oceans.

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Because it's all bullshit. Our country is 22 trillion in debt and we just pretend like that's not going to end our world.

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Cool your faith means literally nothing see


Imagine being arrogant enough to think we're actually affecting any serious change on the climate

climate change is jewish bullshit

Volcanoes have, since theyve been around, played a MASSIVE role in regulating the earths temperature. The fact you are saying the role they play now is "extremely minimal" shows you know nothing. They will always play a big part as it's one of their roles in earths ecosystem

This image is not the product of peer-reviewed science, it's the product of a discredited scientist who only published it on his blog, and it's because it's extremely flawed and would never pass peer review in the first place.

>don't build more modern liquid metal and molten salt nuclear reactors
>don't sterilize Africa and India
>don't glass the middle east and China
>let rich celebrities fly around the world on private jets
>post about sad polar bears on twitter with my expensive smartphone

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A more recent estimate is ~600 million tons/year

I believe anons ITT over the scientific consensus

Because it's horseshit. And I am very sorry and dismayed that Sir David has convinced himself that lying to his audience is a righteous thing to do.

Because Amerisharts want to continue to live their wasteful lifestyles of consumption for consumption's sake. Amerilards will deny evidence that inconveniences them and will convince themselves that the fossil fuel lobby propaganda is true so they can just continue to believe that everything is okay and watch the football game and the Kardashians and keep injecting McDoubles and Coke into their fat, amorphous bodies unhindered.

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This is closer but again take the spread i gave. You have 1500 known volcanoes and even an inactive medium sized one puts out 6 million tonnes a year. Make all of them tiny inactive volcanoes and gut their output. 1 million tonnes a year. At 1500 volcanoes (not including ocean ones) that's 1500 million tonnes a year. Hell fucking HALF THAT for EXTREMELY TINY volcanoes and it's still 750 million tonnes per year. You're being lied to

>Africa and India have a billion kids dats why climate change happen
The average person in Africa and India has a far smaller carbon footprint than your average Westerner you fucking retard. Birth rates are falling there anyway as the countries develop.

I know far more than you do on this subject, I've studied paleoclimatology as a student.

Are you too ignorant or stupid to understand that yes, volcanoes are playing a MINIMAL role in the CURRENT CLIMATE TREND.

You literally have no idea what I'm even talking about, I never said volcanism played no role in climate in the past, it most definitely has, but over MUCH LONGER TIMESCALES, I'm talking over geological timescales you retard, not a few hundred years aka what we're seeing right now with anthropogenic climate change.

The current trend is 99% influenced by human activity. The current changes in the Earth's atmosphere and ocean temperature are DOMINATED by human activity being the leading cause (CO2 emissions).

These are the most simple and basic facts, the fact that you don't understand this shows how little you know about this issue.

In fact volcanism in general usually has a net negative / cooling impact in the short term on climate, such as what Mt. Pinatubo did in 1991 which cooled the earth by 0.5C for a few years due to the stratospheric dust and ash it kicked up. Volcanoes obviously also release greenhouse gasses, so in the long term they do contribute to global warming, but comparing the rates of volcanic CO2 emissions which are measured by volcanologists, it's extremely small compared to what is emitted by human industry.

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>muh peer review
Taleb was right. Imbecile.

>birthrates fall from 10 to 4
Haha based negros having less kids! Saving the planet. Also their carbon footprint is smaller cause we supply them with EVERYTHING taking the carbon hit.

imagine being this poor

>stop pushing an agenda

>the current trend is influenced 99% by humanity
>claiming to be an expert and then stating something this unknowable and blatantly false
you can contend with the simple mathematical assumptions I put forward or you're a shill and I will be more convinced I am 100% correct.

>climate change dominated by human activity
This is funny cause even renown climatologists admit its dominated by the ocean but go on

Explain how this can be when fucking water vapor is way more plentiful and way more efficient as a greenhouse gas, and explain too how it was hotter than it is now in the 1300's.

The only imbecile is a person that takes frauds like Christy / Roy Spencer seriously after how many times they've been wrong and discredited by their peers. The fact that that image is still floating around 5 years after it was made shows the power of spreading doubt and disinformation to the population (such as yourself) which eat it up without the slightest bit of skepticism.

Your image has been debunked by multiple other climate scientists on many occasions. There's a reason that these jokes never published it in any scientific journal.

How do you explain previous climate historically?

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>Also their carbon footprint is smaller cause we supply them with EVERYTHING taking the carbon hit.
You are unbelievably fucking retarded. More resources are extracted from Africa than go in from the rest of the world. Your average African or Indian doesn't have 7 TVs and 3 cars like your average Westerner. They live in small homes often without heating/electricity/running water. But sure, keep on believing your faggot /pol/ shit.

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Oh ok

So how much to humans contribute each year? Then we'll see which number the < alligator eats.

what is the chemical property of CO2 that causes it to retain more heat than other gasses in the earth's atmosphere.

Antarctica Ice Core Data shows only temperature of Antarctica, not world temperature, you know that?

As opposed to everyone else who has been proven wrong over and over again.

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whether one side is right or wrong, the sad hard truth is that you cannot do anything as an individual to prevent the course of events so might as well eat, jack off and do drugs while you still comfortably can

Global warming is a fake made by the chinese for taking control of our countries.

I'll just ignore you said that.

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>whether one side is right or wrong
Here comes the faggot centrist.

>airdropping in supplies every week doesnt reduce the africans carbon footprint and increase the airdroppers
Why is critical thought so hard for you?

>7 TVs 3 cars
You're a bad troll I feel bad for biting now

We exterminated megafauna when we were merely hunter-gatherers. Our impact on this world is comparable to the asteroid that destroyed dinosaurs. Why do you think pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere wouldn't change anything?

imagine being this morbidly obese

> cause we supply them with EVERYTHING
Observably false, there's no overlap between what the biggest causes of what our current carbon footprint is and whatever international aid it is that you're referring to.

How white are you that the multiple tvs and cars comment hurt you the most?

>We exterminated megafauna when we were merely hunter-gatherers
Look at this retard.

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>we know something titled "the truth ministry" would not be honest or truthful
>believe "realclimate"
You may as well post a buzzfeed article titled "THE FACTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!"

Co2 lags behind temperature.

If A does not cause B, you cannot say there is a correlation.

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>the entirety of Africa's population is dependent on airdrops
I really have trouble believing that you're this retarded. But then again, you appear to be a right winger so I can't be too surprised.

it makes me happy to know that your entire life will be a struggle

>westerners need to develop a carbon footprint to grow their food
>africans have it shipped overseas
There is literally no argument to this which is why you and Are kvetching

Of all the things said in that post how did you manage to interpret it as "Africa and India have a billion kids dats why climate change happen"? What the fuck

And you point is? Human activities generate over 35 billion metric tons per year, even if the volcano number was manipulated It would be by an insignificant. (with 750m) You would need 50X times more volcano on earth to match humans. You're not being lied to (not about this ) , our understanding simply changed with new information


Not the entirety. But those living in cities have comparable carbon footprints to average people in cities elsewhere. Why do shit tier trolls think if they are retarded in large groups no one will notice

Your number for humans input is wrong. And I've already proven in this thread with some pretty simple logic the number we are given for volcanoes input is also wrong.

>and explain too how it was hotter than it is now in the 1300's.

Did you see a graph where the average global temperature was higher in the 1300s than now?

>carbon footprint

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This was already debunked long time ago. Why won't you read actual studies instead of believing charlatans?

Because he wants to continue believing that poor non-white people living in the 3rd world on less than a dollar a day are the real cause of the world's environmental problems. It's just part of the "blame nonwhites for all our problems" narrative he parrots from /pol/.

>debunked by people who want their studies to continue receiving funding so they tow the line
if we were really science minded people we would fund studies to disprove man made climate change... wonder why we arent sure would put a lot of conspiracy theories to rest.

Government can tax you
Corporations will sell shit on the excuse that it's green
Activists will wringe money from fools
Climate scientists will get funding for low effort science

>Africans are responsible for everything but I'm not anyway fuck the world fuck my birthrates le wrong timeline xD
/pol/ is that-a-way, fag.

>ice core data has been debunked

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>he thinks by denying the carbon footprint of asians and indians it goes away
>I never brought up africans or indians to begin with and was perfectly fine focusing on western contributions
Why dont you two just admit you have literally 0 arguments and have to fallback on your worn out tactics

I'm looking at him... am I missing something? It just looks like a normal picture of Trump?


Shut the fuck up, /pol/shit.

>costal areas flood because of "climate change"
just sell your house

>Easterbrook plots the temperature data from the GISP2 core, as archived here. Easterbrook defines “present” as the year 2000. However, the GISP2 “present” follows a common paleoclimate convention and is actually 1950. The first data point in the file is at 95 years BP. This would make 95 years BP 1855 — a full 155 years ago, long before any other global temperature record shows any modern warming. In order to make absolutely sure of my dates, I emailed Richard Alley, and he confirmed that the GISP2 “present” is 1950, and that the most recent temperature in the GISP2 series is therefore 1855.

And now reality.

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Because he said in >don't sterilize Africa and India
Right wingers think that countries with high birthrates are the problem even though the average person in those countries consumes a fraction of what the average Westerner consumes.
>People living in countries with less than 1/30th the GDP per capita of the United States have the same carbon footprint as people in the United States
I guess you really are that fucking retarded.

easier to believe it wont be that bad and try to live your life as you want than push/fight for change. hope you live near a fresh water source that wasn't sold to nestle
>be given garden of eden
>fuck it up
peak human

People living in capital westernized cities in africa do indeed have similar carbon footprints. You're welcome to attempt to prove me wrong (you cant) but saying mean words without backing them up just identifies you as a tourist trying much to hard

centrism is neither are right

Funny because the npc is calling people trying to live in reality stupid.

>You're welcome to attempt to prove me wrong
You're the one making the claim you retard. Prove it. How do people with personal income that is a microscopic fraction of a Westerner's income afford the same amount of goods that Westerners do? It's literally just simple fucking math and reasoning.

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every single argument that retard climate deniers bring up in these threads has been debunked a dozen times, yet every single thread they pop up again, and again, and again.

It's so fucking tiring seeing the same blatantly misleading / false images pop up over and over again from some shill's folder. The fact that it's the same shit over and over again just shows how far out of touch from reality you are, you never present any new arguments, it's just the same rehashed debunked bullshit repetitively.
It's so fucking boring having to waste time debunking things that have been thoroughly debunked for years / decades now, and there's no point in even arguing with these people; their mindset is completely conspiratorial, and no matter what evidence you present to counter their arguments, they will move the goalposts and retreat further into the land of confirmation bias.

Climate change is irrelevant and merely used by narcissists to virtue signal and argue. If it does exist nothing is going to be done about it, the temps will increase and people will just deal with it. The only solution to climate change is deindustrialization aka extreme poverty which nobody except right wing doomsday preppers and left wing commune hippies actually practice. I have yet to meet even one person concerned about climate change who has stopped flying for example, people can't even stick to a diet or stop jerking off to porn and they are going to somehow reduce their energy use by 90% LMAO, the world IQ is dropping quickly and people think they can increase the long term planning abilities of the civilization hahaha

Anyways the problem will solve itself as the recent saudi aramco IPO showed us fossil fuel reserves have depleted much more rapidly than everyone expected

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Sure. Basic logic dictates that people living in similar conditions with similar access to convenience (such as two capitol cities in any country) will have similar carbon footprints. I dont need to empirically proved what is logically a necessity. You are aware I'm comparing city folk, who comparably have very similar QOLs etc. Of course you do know this and you know how wrong you are which is why you're only able to speak in memes. And again, I never brought up third worlders. I was happy looking at humans total input. You probably frame the topic this way cause you have no other flimsy legs to stand on

Considering how easily I debunked the volcanoes myth "debunk" that's probably why

Fuck off

This is a pretty good article about this. It's baffling that people still believe denialists even after such obvious manipulations. They actually kind of remind me of Holocaust deniers.

Climate change is real, read a book you dumb niggers.

Left wing people want to send all those people in the third world to western countires to bring all of them up to the same consumption level.

Truth is your honked up suicidal ideology is nothing more than another way to ruin western civilization. China will give zero shits about carbon emmisions. Neither will India or Latin America or Africa. Still it is only the west that apparently has the duty to ruin its economies, infrastructures and standards of living. Millions would die, only to prevent something we have no evidence is happening or that it would have any serious negative effects if it did.

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>not realizing things titled FACT CHECK are propaganda

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Right wing people want to do nothing about climate change until anything near the equator becomes inhabitable and guess where all those refugees will go? That's right, straight to us.

>anything near the equator becomes inhabitable
and what makes you think that would happen?

Dumb zoomer

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It's almost like people gravitate towards the path of least resistance.

No actual answe cause he doesnt know. Just a picture of some "projections"

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>creating a better world
Environmentalism is trojan horse marxism

You didn't debunk anything. Go look at the data yourself, volcanoes have contributed minimal forcing to the earth's climate system in the past few thousand years.

Your entire base argument that the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption emitted more CH4 and CO2 than humans have since the industrial revolution is laughable. In fact its eruption REDUCED CO2 emissions because of the amount of flights grounded by it, and the flights would have generated nearly three times the amount of emissions than the volcano itself.

There's only minor times in which volcanic forcing increases dramatically, and it's due to a cooling effect due to atmospheric ash and dust particles reflecting sunlight back into space before it reaches the earth's surface.

If you average all volcanic emissions of CO2 every year, it's not even a fraction of a percent of what humans are emitting.
Now, the natural processes of carbon cycling has the earth's oceans and land emitting around ~750-800 gigatons every year, and absorbing nearly the same amount in a relatively balanced cycle, but when you add on top of that human burning of fossil fuels, which is dwarfed by natural emissions, combined with deforestation and changes in land use reducing what the environment can absorb you have a dangerous situation in which atmospheric CO2ppm has dramatically increased from a pre-industrial average of around 276ppm, which was stable for hundreds of thousands / millions of years, to right now an atmospheric CO2ppm of around ~412 and rising steadily each year. CO2 has resident times in the atmosphere from decades to centuries, it doesn't just dissipate immediately, and most of the CO2 that humans are adding to the atmosphere is being absorbed into the oceans, causing a change in the ocean's chemistry leading to a more acidic environment due to the formation of carbonic acid when CO2 reacts with water in the oceans.

>citations aren't actual answers
>opinions are
Facts don't care about your feelings.

kek Florida and Texas are FUCKED

So even their stupid models only show a small increase over 100 years? I can assure you that the equator would still be quite habitable. In fact carbon emissions have probably made it much more habitable because it's positive effects on plant life and thus crop yields.

>stormies hate like corporations
>fall for their lies that climate change isn't real
>still think it's not real as millions upon millions of climate change refugees flood white countries
Best timeline

SE Asia is getting assfucked already due to the effects on rain season.

>We can't predict weather correctly for the next 15 days but we can in 30 years

>So even their stupid models only show a small increase over 100 years?
>over 100

>I can assure you that the equator would still be quite habitable.
and what makes you think that would happen?

Environmental fearmongers haven't answered this yet

Are you autistic or just an American?

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>having to answer some random youtuber who is neither a scientists, nor versed in the literature.

Is this really the standards that you guys fall to in matters of science? pathetic.

No actual answer because you don't know. Just a video of some "rant"

Nobody responded to this. They want to babble about ice cores.

Climate change is just a quick way for big business to sidetrack real concerns. Global warming is a lot harder to pin on someone specific than other forms of environmental damage that will end up having worse consequences, so big chem/mining/agriculture laughs all day while fags scramble to get electric cars while they continue to wreck every conceivable ecosystem for a quick buck.

>In fact carbon emissions have probably made it much more habitable because it's positive effects on plant life and thus crop yields

Yes this is why agriculture only developed after the massive global warming when the glaciers melted despite modern humans already being around 200,000 years

Freeman Dyson(190 IQ) debunks global warming catastrophism

As opposed to those who claim to be but are still wrong 100% of the time?

>I can assure you that the equator would still be quite habitable. In fact carbon emissions have probably made it much more habitable because it's positive effects on plant life and thus crop yields.

Every bit of additional warming adds greater risks for Africa in the form of greater droughts, more heat waves and more potential crop failures. West Africa has been identified as a climate-change hotspot, with climate change likely to lessen crop yields and production, with resultant impacts on food security.

You get that all that oil and coal and gas was once in the atmosphere right? Do you really think the planet was some burning hellscape until all the carbon dioxide was magically transformed into oil? Humans have lived on this planet during far hotter times than today.

You people are all clowns in a doomsday cult.

Projections are quite literally not true. That's why they arent called FUTURE FACTS but are instead called projections.

I did debunk it. Mt Edna is medium sized volcano, while dormant puts out 6 million tonnes a year. There are 1500 dormant/active volcanoes on earths surface (so ocean ones not included). If every volcano puts out 1million tonnes a year (1/6th the size of a medium volcano) that's still.... 1500 million tonnes a year.

This wouldn't be so easy if you people actually knew what you were talking about and didnt just parrot shit.

>carbon dioxide was magically transformed into oil
As rapidly as oil is being transformed into carbon dioxide today? No. Weak argument, try again.

>my entire base argument about some stupid Icelandic volcano
>I never mentioned said volcano
Big yikes. You people cant even strawman effectively

>As opposed to those who claim to be but are still wrong 100% of the time?

and here we have another example of how disingenuous climate change deniers are. All the scientists, researchers, all of the evidence they publish, all of the science they do is all wrong because I say it's wrong, but I'm not actually going to present any evidence to denunk the actual literature, I'm just going to say they're wrong because I FEEL they are wrong.

Will the climate change denier ever enter the scientific field, publish his own evidence, do his own reviews, create his own models to completely "debunk" all of the decades upon decades of scientific evidence that exists? No, instead they will just rant and rave on the internet about how it's all a massive conspiracy to completely avoid ever addressing or looking at the evidence itself! It's simple and easy, just claim everything is some "globalist" conspiracy and that all the evidence is wrong or "not science," or "junk science" so that you never have to look at it, or address it in any meaningful way, completely preserving your cognitive biases! Well done.

No, user, projections aren't inherently false.

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They hate nuclear power so much its bizarre. Its a real clean efficient way to create energy but these green people hate that even more that a coal plant.

He mentions Eyjafjalladingdong in the very post you just replied to.

I never said that. I said they werent true. Because they are speaking to the future (an uncertain space in time where you CANNOT assert certainty)

Poor strawmans dont make you look smart or correct

>h e a l t h c a r e

Man, you are such a joke. You're comparing millions of tons of volcanic emissions to BILLIONS of tons (gigatons) of human emissions.

On an average year, GLOBAL volcanic emissions are less than 1 gigaton. But don't take my word for it, take an actual scientific body's word that actually collects and studies the data:

>Published scientific estimates of the global CO2 emission rate for all degassing subaerial (on land) and submarine volcanoes lie in a range from 0.13 gigaton to 0.44 gigaton per year. The 35-gigaton projected anthropogenic CO2 emission for 2010 is about 80 to 270 times larger than the respective maximum and minimum annual global volcanic CO2 emission estimates.

>There is no question that very large volcanic eruptions can inject significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens vented approximately 10 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in only 9 hours. However, it currently takes humanity only 2.5 hours to put out the same amount. While large explosive eruptions like this are rare and only occur globally every 10 years or so, humanity's emissions are ceaseless and increasing every year.

>There continues to be efforts to reduce uncertainties and improve estimates of present-day global volcanic CO2 emissions, but there is little doubt among volcanic gas scientists that the anthropogenic CO2 emissions dwarf global volcanic CO2 emissions.

Care to be BTFO again, or will you fuck off finally?

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I'll be dead before it affects me.

t russia

Yes and he asserts that I brought it up and made an argument concerning it. This is false.

The point is that life obviously existed, quite much of it in fact, before the oil and coal was formed. Even if all of it was released into the atmosphere it wouldn't cause the apocalypse.

Can someone who thinks climate change is an issue answer me these questions?

1. Why do you want us to stay in an Ice Age when cold weather kills more people a year than hot weather
2. What caused the ice to melt in the previous four Ice Ages and the ice to recede during the last glacial maximum of the current Ice Age
3. Why do you want the Earth to be covered in ice when it's not the traditional state of the Earth, the Antarctic ice sheet only reformed 34 million years ago
4. Why do you think the Earth will turn into Venus when the Earth's average temperature has only reason .8°C in the last 139 years, we have the technology to largely go carbon neutral now, it's called nuclear power, and if you don't want to use nuclear for some retarded reason do you think we'll all die and not have come up with an alternative in another 139 years when the temperature rises only slightly?

>my weather man lied to me the other day
>therefore the scientific consensus on climate change is wrong

Deniers shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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you're just being abused by bad people m8
they're liars.
they're lying to you.


The archboomer has joined the chat


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The danger here isn't life becoming extinct but it becoming much more miserable. When endless hordes of refugees come running down everybody's doors, how long do you think we'll last before resorting to war?

Again I've already proven quite sufficiently that the numbers we are given on volcanoes is NOT accurate. There are 1500 known volcanoes on earths surface. Okay? Second we know for a fact mt Edna (medium. Sized dormant volcano) emits 6 million tonnes a year. Now if you then give the climate change argument a ton of rope to work with and assume every surface volcano (ocean ones not included in the 1500) including Edna is only doing 1/6th a medium sized dormant volcanoes output that still puts you at 1500 million tonnes a year. Now if we are more reasonable and assume a decent spread of volcano size that puts us at 1500 million tones to 3000 to 6000 million tonnes. Really basic math.

If it's that basic then you should have no trouble to find a proper source which you can cite

The other user delivered sauce and so should you, it's only fair

Is Science about consensus?

Science is a wide term and not about one particular thing.

Except there is no scientific consensus. Sure, most if not all agree that humans, in some way, make the planet warmer through carbon emissions. There is no consensus for the catastrophic effects that this is predicted to have. Nor for the draconian and tyrannical responses proposed by the climate lobby.

I did. Earlier I linked an article about the known contributions mt Edna (a confirmable medium sized dormant volcano). I then used basic math by taking the number of volcanos on earths surface (so these calculations dont even include ocean volcanoes which effect the earths temperature even more!) And played with the numbers a bit. None of its farfetched. Sorry you cant think independently and can only parrot "peer reviewed studies"

who gives you your propaganda?
who gives you your messaging strategy?
why do you trust them?
why do you do this?

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>you're side is lying to you
>not my side though, only the truth!
t. cultist

I don't care if it's propaganda. It's still factually correct and shows that deniers are lying pieces of shit.

>Sorry you cant think independently and can only parrot "peer reviewed studies"
That's a fancy way of saying "I don't have a source". Is this your first online argument, friend?

Absolutely nothing you come across in life that parades as "truth" or "fact" is such.

Again. I linked a source on mt Edna's yearly contribution. Knowing that mt Edna is not a particularly big or small, or even an active volcano I can easily extrapolate a general idea for the yearly contribution from all surface volcanoes worldwide. Sorry you are absolutely beyond braindead and unable to do this

I live in hurricane alley. Nothing is out of the ordinary except that the national news has suddenly decided covering hurricanes is worth their time.
Prior to Katrina, no one gave a fuck about hurricanes. That doesn't change the fact that they were just as prevalent and just as destructive.

>draconian and tyrannical responses
Like regulations for big oil companies?

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>Except there is no scientific consensus.
yes there is.

You're a nigger shill for Exxon.

There's no scientific consensus on the relative amount of ballistic damage you could do to your brain if you shot it with a pistol. Why not take a crack or two?

You again show you have no idea what you're even talking about here, but oh yes you, some retard shitposter on Yea Forums is more educated on this topic than actual volcanologists who study and interpret global volcanis emissions data.

Edna does not put in 1500 million tons per year you literal fucking retard, read your own post. That's more than every single volcano on Earth by multiple times, 1500 million tons is 1.5 gigatons. Fucking brainlet, this is how fucking stupid you are.

Of those 1500 active volcanoes on Earth, they're not all emitting the same fucking amount of CO2, it varies. Some active volcanoes don't even erupt in a given year, in fact MOST DON'T, but they are still active and have some outgassing, but not active eruptions, but the outgassing is not even measured in millions of tons, and there is so much variance. Some volcanoes are extremely active and output many millions of tons per year, others output minimal. This is why you are simply wrong, you're assuming that of these 1500 volcanoes that they're all emitting gasses all the time in sizable quantities when they're not. Even IF they were all emitting, let's say 3 million tons EACH, that is still only a FRACTON of what humans emit EVERY SINGLE YEAR through our industry (3 gigatons vs. 35-38 gigatons)

There's no point in continuing this conversation if you're going to refuse to admit you're wrong and not accept the scientific data / evidence presented. Fuck off now and stop replying to me.

I envy you, I live in Europe and tornados have become a common occurence in the past decade.

lol "refugees" still come as fast as they fucking can because people like you give them free money. How miserable do you think life will be without modern agriculture? Because that all runs on oil? How about life without a producing economy, because that's all moving to China if you get your way. Electricity will be too expensive for normal people. So will transportation.

Read this friends.

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At least I'm not braindead enough to be unable to properly source my findings.

Forbes isn't a source. Post a serious scientific study.

This is funny. Imagine calling someone uneducated and retarded on Yea Forums and then typing this much to prove you not only cant read but cant comprehend basic English or math.

Either that or you know I've already proven you wrong which is why the only attempt at recourse you have is willfully misinterpreting what I've typed.

this isn't a side thing it's you versus EVERYONE ELSE
>t. cultist
you're **this close to being there my dude. You're projecting it you're right here.

Stop shilling for fossil fuels. Stop shilling for Russia. Just walk away it's ok. They were lying. They were always lying. Whatabouting to other stuff doesn't change that.

For your own good m8 just stop.

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>people like you

The answer is you prove CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which isn't disputed. And then you model it to see if we are producing enough CO2 to explain the warming against other factors. The best way to test the models is by seeing if they produce accurate results for the past, and then see if older models accurately predicted the present.

Unfortunately, unless you are a climate scientist, you are not equipped to judge the methodology of the models and determine confidence for their accuracy in the future. If someone showed you model and every procedure and data point in it, you're done. You can't do jack shit with it. And conclusions in expert fields can't be reached by layman debates. That's why its called an expert field.


So no one can answer my simple questions? Seems like the science is settled then and global warming is a natural and good thing

Again. The Forbes link links to the study where they found out how much carbon mt Edna outputs a year. Judging that you have all reverted to either strawman or complaining Bout the source I am now completely confident I have proven myself correct and you shills have not encountered this argument in your training yet.

They will become less active next decade. How does it make sense that we have daily fluctuations in temperature and weather, yearly fluctuations in temperature and weather, era fluctuations in temperature (ice ages), but changes along the scale of a decade are suddenly alarming?

Climate has always changed. It's only now that it's an issue, because people have figured out how to profit from the hysteria.

>no arguments
>lol ur retarded
I don't understand why user even bothers arguing with you, you're an obvious shitposter from Burgerland.

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>treats science as a question of faith
>claims to not be the cultist

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Only retards think co2 emissions are a bad thing

Do you morons know what plants need to breathe? co2

You can literally see on nasas satellites that the earth is greener today than 15 years ago

Climate change is real, but human involvement is infantismal and it’s only used by shills like al gore and the bbc to become super rich off of retards. Riddle me this. Why the fuck aren’t we investing more in nuclear power if we’re so far in the shitter

The answer might surprise you, it’s because it would solve the “problem”

As a canadian glob warming js an INCREDIBLY good thing.

>They will become less active next decade.
[citation needed]

>Climate has always changed.
Not as rapidly as now.

>Forbes isn't a source.
good little cuck suck it swallow it little faggot

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Academia hasn't updates their curriculum to "address" the carbon emissions of volcanoes yet, so of course they have no clue how to approach that bit of information.

This is bullshit leftist propaganda to harm American industry and push a globalist agenda.

Wait you are aware you typed that I claimed Edna puts out 1500 million tonnes a year right? Either english is your second language or you're just retarded. You dont have a leg to stand on it's why you lie and strawman.

Climate activists are already proposing "green dictatorship" to "save the planet" It's not a joke. They also want carbon taxes and regulations, enforced globally of course so no one can move to aviod them. Who will do the enforcing is unclear, as is how it's to be done.

>he make argument I don't like I'm gonna be violent now I'm a good person
Again, the only consensus is that man-made warming exists. Not it's extent or if and how it should be prevented.

>not as rapidly as it is now
How do you know? Written historical record indicates that sudden climate shifts have happened many times throughout human history. You know about this, right?

What's bait about my post? Everything I said is factual, or do you disagree that we're in an Ice Age, that there have been four known previous Ice Ages and that the Antarctic ice sheet only formed 34 million years ago?

>Climate activists are already proposing "green dictatorship" to "save the planet" It's not a joke
Which politicians are supporting this?

Yeah it is. Your imported subspecies are from a warmer climate, I'm glad you are accommodating.

>is literally in a shill cult for exxon
>projects it at other people
you're right there m8
you're self-aware no understand that there "cultists." You're clearly struggling with this "Am I a cultist?" thing and that's why you're accusing anyone else of being that.

Why not just kill yourself? Who cares if you're dead? Literally what is the worst that can happen?


We only let in families and that's why canada continues to prosper. And will qhole the rest of you are drowning like rats.

Why is it that whenever climate change or man’s detrimental effects on the planet come up, so many people are so quick to deny it? It can’t all be corporate shills. Is it just a:
>heh, those sheeple actually believe in the global warming hoax. I’m glad I’m so much smarter than them
mentality? Is climate change denial the new evolution denial?

Some popular arguments include: pointing out that Earth’s temperature fluctuated before the advent of civilization.
This is true, but natural climate fluctuation and unnatural climate fluctuation are not mutually exclusive. We are pumping absurd amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, which does trap the heat of the sun. That much is all undeniably true. Do people think it’s just insignificant compared to natural fluctuations? Because we’re not going to stop. The population is growing faster than ever, and CO2 emissions will only grow unless we do something. And at the same time, we’re disrupting other means of mitigating climate change- destroying vast habitats which would ordinarily keep the planet cooler. We’re doing irreparable harm to the oceans, and god help us if we reach the point where they’re no longer suitable for phytoplankton.
The “are you so arrogant to believe humans could be affecting the planet” argument also falls flat when you look at how much we’ve already affected the planet. It’s been transformed by human intervention, entire continents made unrecognizable, biomes reshaped, countless species extinguished.
The last, perhaps best, arguments climate change deniers bring up are not really arguments against climate change, but for apathy. “China is polluting the world more than us, so why bother?” And “I’ll probably die before this really kicks off, so why should I care?”
We’ve only outsourced our manufacturing to the East, but we’re still part of the problem and must be part of the solution.

nobody honestly gives a flying fuck about the planet.

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>muh oil companies!
Only religions and cults have such personifications of evil

Thank you for typing all this, but corporate shills won't bother reading it.
One of dozens of examples. chinese records have the largest amount of climate anomalies IIRC, due to their long history of observation.

climate change denial is more along the lines of "fuck you I'm overtaxed already and I don't really give a shit that chinks and africans are killing the planet"

>why do people hate the idea that they need to completely change their way of life, but only westerners have to change?
It's almost like theres an alternative reason behind the climate alarmist narrative.

the 2 most destructive (by a margin of at least $50B) hurricanes in US history happened in 2005 and 2017
really makes you ponder

>but what if it's all fake and we're making the world more energy efficient and healthy for no reason

And what happens if we do all the things Al Gore, who flies around in a private jet, wants and the equator becomes *uninhabitable anyway?

*assumed you didn't mean "inhabitable" as you wrote.

Well yeah user, volcanoes and volcanic winters have existed in the past, you're right about that one.

>It can’t all be corporate shills. Is it just a:
It's political too. Which gets into their feelings about sex and death and stuff. Gives it a religious aspect too it that is hard to want accept that they were being lied to by the people they trusted.

Don't want to think that daddy was a liar.

Weekly trips to Mar-a-Lago paid by the American people even as a national emergency has been teased since last year, though...

Why do you ignore the fact we're in an Ice Age and that the ice melted in the four previous Ice Ages and that there hasn't always been ice sheets at the north and south pole? Seems clear that it's natural for the ice to melt away, as it did when most of Europe was covered during the last glacial maximum, why do you think the ice sheets won't melt away this time?

Can you agree than climate change is a thing but deny it's a BAD thing?

Arent deserts retreating and plant life thriving due to the CO2?

Also these documentaries can be faked :

>rating it based on $ adjusted based on year of calculation
Wow, it's almost like there was more money invested after 2000 in these areas as opposed to before.
You don't just hurricane strength based on the damage it causes, because the damage is mainly on its path, not its strength.

Al Gore doesn't own a private jet

>Only religions and cults have such personifications of evil
well only oil companies are the people with resources and interest in this shit, other than bad actors and foreigners that want to destroy the west. Which are you, cultist?

You a nigger Russian or a useful idiot nigger shill for Exxon?

Write the answer in your blood as you bleed out, shill. You won't be missed. Your family will be relieved.

Gentle reminder that as GDP per capita increases, so does environmental performance. Regulations and restrictions are only going to prohibit economic advancement.

Do your own research you fucking mongoloid

>not as rapidly as now
>look at sealevels the past 300 years
>rising at a constant
>look at man made emissions
>exploded in the 19th and 20th century

You’re a sheeP. You’ll believe anything that has 98% of scientists agree next to it. But scientists agreeing isn’t a fucking fact. And if you look at these 98% list, and here’s the real kicker, they’re anthropologists and humanitarians and even more hilarious, the benefactors behind these pseudoscientists are included in that list

You mean this article?

Add all of these up, and you get an estimate of around 645 million tons of CO2 per year. Yes, there are uncertainties; yes, there's annual variation; yes, it's easy to get led astray if you think that Mt. Etna is typical, rather than the unusually large emitter of CO2 that it is. When you realize that volcanism contributes 645 million tons of CO2 per year – and it becomes clearer if you write it as 0.645 billion tons of CO2 per year – compared to humanity's 29 billion tons per year, it's overwhelmingly clear what's caused the carbon dioxide increase in Earth's atmosphere since 1750.
Did you even read it, lol?

This must be a global change. Pointing out that we’re destroying the planet doesn’t imply that only the West should be the ones to do something about it.

funny how I never hear about volcanoes influencing climate.
>only oil companies are interested in academic lies used for political and corporate profit
No, everyone cares about it. Oil companies are just more affected than most.

yeah but we burden most of the cost regardless

>lets give corporations even more leeway to fuck around

Yes i disproved this shitty math already.

Ok, so the west won't do anything until everyone else does.
>using the estimated carbon dioxide emissions against the more factual carbon emissions of a volcano
So how did they reach the conclusion of 29 billion, other than their ass?

Why do zoomers think Al Gore is a billionaire? Why would it be wrong to promote green policies if you're a billionaire?

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Left wing people want to send all those people in the third world to western countires to bring all of them up to the same consumption level.
They literally don't. All Left wingers want (at least myself) is for the West to stop the imperialism that forces people to leave their countries. We want multinational corporations to stop exploiting the people of the 3rd world. We want the West to stop installing and backing corrupt dictators who sell out their people to the multinationals and force them to work long hours for little pay in terrible conditions. We want the West to stop assassinating and/or couping any politician or figure in these countries that wants to change their country for the better. The West controls the world and the way the world works. The West has decided to force the world to be a globalized neoliberal order where they exploit the third world and benefit from the cheap goods and resources. We want a sustainable economy based on production for use and not a wasteful one based on artificially inflated consumption. We want to invest in measures that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels sold by Western multinationals. All we want is the end of Western imperialism, and this necessitates the fall of global neoliberal capitalism.

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No but he flies on one.

>why is it wrong to profit off of alarmist science
I dunno man, I just don't know.

keep going








>funny how I never hear about volcanoes influencing climate.
Because you were supposed to learn this in high school user. Unless you're from some 3d world shithole with shit schools like USA

>wait for the rest of the world to outcompete us
There's an economic incentive to be more interested in energy efficient tech you know, otherwise big firms across the west wouldnt be as interested in pursuing it as they currently are

What about temperature fluctuations after the advent of civilization? Greenland used to have agriculture and that was only 1000 years ago. Then it got colder and people had to leave. In the 1600's it was so cold that you could march an entire army across the Danish Straits. Since then temperatures have gotten steadly hotter. Nothing seems to suggest that the warming we see now is outside the norm, nor that it will have catastrophic consequences.

>Left wing people want to send all those people in the third world to western countires to bring all of them up to the same consumption level.














>more factual
More factual in what way?
There are some sources, if you want you can check them out.

>people think littering is bad for the enviornment

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>but what if it's all fake and we're making the world more energy efficient and healthy for no reason
You have two problems

1) Time needed to extract Fossil Fuels and generate and sustain infrastructure was wasted, and we all paid for alternate sources of energy that were more expensive and less available.
2) The entire institution of science just pulled off the a largest conspiracy ever. They can never be trusted again. Also large conspiracies are possible, which means you can't trust any form of humans organizing.

Americans have turned climate change into a partisan issue.

Fucking Americans.

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You're still implying Al Gore is a billionaire. Why?

Mandatory viewing for climate """""""skeptics""""""" in this thread:

>The entire institution of science just pulled off the a largest conspiracy ever.
What conspiracy?

Also if you don't want to watch the entire series, this one should be enough:

>co2 levels will only grow infinitely
Factually untrue, the world population will never exceed what the earth can sustain, there’ll be another explosion when Africa gets to have its industrial revolution but it’s fine

You also have an extremely immature understanding of carbon dioxide, did you know that the earth just now for the first time in millenia reached co2 levels that are the most optimal for plantlife? Did you know that the polar caps are increasing in size, not melting. Did you know that reefs aren’t dying, they’re expanding rapidly. No you don’t. Because you a retard who has no idea about what he’s virtuesignaling

The only alarming proven fact about the climate is that extreme weather conditions like floods for example are more prevalent now than 20 years ago. That’s it

You won't even acknowledge we're in an Ice Age and that the north and south pole hasn't always had ice sheets, you're a lost cause

>did you know that the earth just now for the first time in millenia reached co2 levels that are the most optimal for plantlife? Did you know that the polar caps are increasing in size, not melting. Did you know that reefs aren’t dying, they’re expanding rapidly
Sources for all of these please

Nigga most big firms in manufacturing and logistics are starting to pour large ammounts of resources into sustainable and energy efficient solutions since they have realized they're looking at huge potential for reduction in costs a couple of decades down the line

We're in an interglacial you retard, stop pretending you know what you're talking about.





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If global warming were a hoax

A lot of people talk about global warming like it's pascals wager. And we have nothing to lose by accepting it even if it turned out to be false.

Who are you replying to? I just posted a link, I wasn't replying to anyone.

By the way, the fact that we're in an ice age is true, as long as there's ice sheets at the poles, we're in an ice age, but we're in an interglacial phase of an ice age in which the sheets recede to the poles.

This fact doesn't mean that global warming is not occurring. In fact it would take a very long time, hundreds if not thousands of years for the ice sheets on the poles to completely dissipate even with extreme projections of a warming earth.

Lefty: wtf who cares about a few rapes and cases of acid being thrown at people? Diversity is good and immigrants are good


Its like how they'll protest and throw a fit over saving baby turtles but be the first to support abortions, truly clown beliefs

Interglacial is still part of an Ice Age you brainlet, hence why there's still ice sheets in the north and south pole


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You are doing the exact same extreme strawmanning sjw faggots do, but good bait user





>did you know that the earth just now for the first time in millenia reached co2 levels that are the most optimal for plantlife? Did you know that the polar caps are increasing in size, not melting. Did you know that reefs aren’t dying, they’re expanding rapidly.
No I didn't, but I'm glad some random user on the television board of 4channel could educate me on the matter

Nuclear dumb here. Explain how its clean. I'm under the impression e have no fucking way to handle the waste except bury it and hope it doesn't break its seal.

Yep those regulations for big oil are going to destroy me

>Lefty: wtf who cares about a few rapes and cases of acid being thrown at people? Diversity is good and immigrants are good


















Because the oil companies already won and successfully convinced people not to give a fuck. This shit is happening and it's too late to stop. Might as well just suck it up and brace for it. World was getting too overpopulated anyway, this will be good to thin out the herd. Maybe I can buy some cheap land that will turn into beach front property in a few decades, like Lex Luthor.


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>rallying /pol/ post
Good slave.





i never say this but you unironically sound like a russian shill

>but we're in an interglacial phase of an ice age in which the sheets recede to the poles.
Ice hasn't always been in the north and south pole, that's the point, the Antarctic ice sheet only reformed 34 million years ago, it will naturally melt away as it always has
>This fact doesn't mean that global warming is not occurring
Global warming will always occur otherwise we'd still be covered in ice
>In fact it would take a very long time, hundreds if not thousands of years for the ice sheets on the poles to completely dissipate
Europe was almost completely covered by ice only 20,000 years ago nad now it's gone, we don't really know much about ice ages and how they work

You mean if he *was* super rich, why would it be wrong to promote green policies? From a logical point of view, it would not. But how persuasive is it to ask others to make sacrifices when you yourself are super rich?

cool strawman, but the collapse of our civilization is actually going to occur a lot sooner than you would think because of these issues.

I don't think you really understand just how fragile the balance is. It's very hard for humans to think long term into the future, into the next century or two, but these problems are not going to go away. natural disasters are getting worse, and the warming oceans and atmospheric temperatures will just add more fuel to more powerful storm systems in the coming decades / centuries, in addition to SLR starting to inundate vulnerable regions. Another issue is it's really easy to be insulated from the issue when you live in a region that doesn't see dramatic impacts from it, but I actually do.

I live in SE Louisiana and my family has witnessed it change dramatically over the past several decades from yes, sea level rise and subsidence due to the petroleum corporations here completely devastating our coastline, dredging out canals in the wetlands allowing salt water intrusion and erosion, leading to massive losses of land each year. You can literally see the difference, when my parents were younger and they would go fishing out on the bayou, it was completely different, there was so much more land, so much more coastline, but now almost all of it is gone. You look at maps of Louisiana and they're all a lie, that boot barely exists anymore, it's almost all open water, with slivers of land along the Mississippi where people live, and scattered "islands" of wetland in between. Louisiana is going to be one of the hardest hit states in the US in the coming decades / centuries, most of it won't even exist anymore, at least in the gulf coast regions.

Attached: Current-and-projected-land-loss-in-Louisiana-1932-2050-Source-Louisiana-Coastal.png (850x469, 638K)

Why is it in individual scientists' interests globally to perpetuate these "lies"?

Climate change isn't just "warming"

Modern day nuclear waste is largely recyclable, you don't have to even bury much of it









Seriously, kill yourself. Nobody cares about you. The people you trust fucking hate you. They make fun of you. Call you a cuck. They're glad you're gonna fucking die alone. They're gonna keep you agitated and ascared from now until you're dead. They're gonna milk you for everything you have and literally never even know you existed.









Not going to bother with the rest, you have a perfectly functioning search engine

>it will naturally melt away as it always has
Not comparable to the speed of melting however

"Climate change" is bullshit because we don't have a good understanding of Earth's climate history and external factors that impact us like the Sun, we still don't know what caused the Mediaeval Warm Period

It’s not melting at a speed that is an anomaly to the rest of its history, oh and polar bears, the mascot for ice melting, well there’s more of them than ever

Did I ever say that Ice has never existed there? Buddy, I'm well aware of that, I studied it during the course of my geological education.

>Antarctic ice sheet only reformed 34 million years ago, it will naturally melt away as it always has
"naturally." lol, what is occurring right now is almost entirely driven by human activity. Remove anthropogenic forcings and the Earth's temperature would be stabilized to slightly cooling right now.

>Global warming will always occur otherwise we'd still be covered in ice
You need to distinguish anthropogrnic from non-anthropogenic climate cycles. No fucking shit there are natural climate cycles throughout human history, no scientist disputes this. We study past climates to learn about the present in our education. What is occurring right now is NOT natural and will have devastating consequences for our civilization.

>Europe was almost completely covered by ice only 20,000 years ago nad now it's gone, we don't really know much about ice ages and how they work
We know a heck of a lot actually, we know the primary driver of interglacials and glacial phases is the milankovitch cycle. We know a heck of a lot about the role of the sun in these processes, as well as volcanism, as we can measure the impact of volcanism through the rock record, and we can measure paleoclimate atmospheric data (for the arctic and antarctic at least) through ice cores.

No scientist that studies the climate disputes that the climate has changed many times in the past, in fact we study those changes and we're responsible for producing the data that tells us what occurred in the past. But of course, you take seriously the paleoclimatologists that study and present their data on past climates, but completely ignore them and claim conspiracy when they show data on the current anthropogrnic trend.

All I can find about coral reefs is that they're dying around the world. Strange.

You seem like a well balanced person.

>we’re all going to DIE if we don’t fix this now, not tomorrow, now, in 10 years X will be gone forever
>30 years later nothing has happened
>in 10 YEARS all hope Is lost!;&748
>nothing happens
You get the picture, it’s all just armageddon cults transitioning from religion that isn’t as popular today as 100 years ago, into climate which is the big new thing

I don't have the issue with global warming. I really don't. I know it exists same way I understand that humans are fucking things up beyond repair. My issue is that I'm tired of being expected to be this "beta submissive first world white guy" that everyone expects you to be. What's the fucking point of me having to pay more for lightbulbs, petrol, plastic products, waste utility, recycling etc. in my small ass fucking country which was more eco friendly to begin with than let's say China with its population bigger than Europe and Northern America combined. Why is it always first worlders that are expect to take the lead and suffer the recess caused by country wide ecological politics when billions of third world animals fuck it all up anyway? And don't give me this bullshit about a single vote and being a defeatist. I'm simply being pragmatic.

It's comments like this that are written well enough and the graphs that are spammed afterwards that somehow always start to convince literal retards to believe this shit. Our species is doomed and we're going to take 90% of the planet's life with us because of a small percentage of the population can't handle not being sociopathic oligarch workaholics fueled by never ending greed and another (((party))) that actually believes they're some divine race that are meant to control or kill all the rest.

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The polar ice caps have melted faster in last 20 years than in the last 10,000.

these are the people you shill for LOL

they're laughing AT you

everyone is laughing AT you

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That’s because people see that the reef is dying in Sydney and don’t realize it’s expanding in a different direction. Like all plantlife it dies and renews

Speed of melting? The Greenland glacier just grew in size over the last three years, Antarctic sea ice is growing, which went against the "climate model" predictions, they had to change the science after observations made locally after these things occurred showing how much "science" is in "climate models"

you're literally in a nigger cult for Exxon.

you're going to burn in the level of hell where the traitors go. That's just reality m8. You're a subhuman negroid that deserves nothing but spit and mockery.

Just put yourself out of your misery mongo. It doesn't get better.

>Freeman Dyson(190 IQ) debunks global warming catastrophism

How do you know he is right?

Human influence has caused a 50% decline in the overall coral bed from 1985 to 2012.

>The effect stems mainly from ambitious tree planting programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries.
You need to plant a lot of food to support more than a billion people.

And the other site seems very untrustworthy.


Them "fucking around" is the fastest route to economic growth, advances in technology, and increased environment efficiency.

You don’t say nimrod, look up the last ice age, I mean the one preceding the one we had 20kya and look at what rate the ice melted and what stage in the cycle. Are you going to say it’s the end of the world a few thousand years from now when the earth starts to rapidly cool as it reaches its new ice age?

Good goy

you fucking sperg, climate change is not a nuclear bomb going off, it doesn't occur in a single day, these are effects that will slowly become more and more noticeable over the next decades, we already see the impact each and every year with heatwaves, wildfires growing more intense and abundant, more abundant and intense storm systems, larger tidal inundations (see miami beach for example), larger losses of land along coastal regions, larger animal deaths and die-offs because of the increased temperature in many regions, and that's just to name a few of the impacts.

It's hard to visualize just how fucked up things will become, maybe the issue would be such a big deal if it wasn't happening so fast (on a geological timescale) like past climate changes that allowed adaptation, and also if there wasn't a massive civilization spanning mostly the Earth's coastal zone in which 70%+ of the human population lives in, in which our most important economical cities exist, in which most of the world's wealth is concentrated. We're just pushing off all our problems to future generations that will be unable to cope with it, because everything else is also getting worse at the same time (human population exponential grown, exponential grown of consumption and desire for western lifestyle, species extinction from overfishing, inability to grow crops due to drought and decline in soil quality, etc)

I assume you mean the climate hysterics. International corporations LOVE pushing climate change since it gives them exacly what they want, which is international regulations and taxes that starve off competition.

Most of China's manufacturing and waste is a result of first world countries directly controlling the manufacturing of third world countries.

>China and India look greener from outer space because of massively expanding agriculture to feed the exploding population
>this somehow proves that climate change doesn't exist

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Solid rebuttal there champ.

>small group of people
You mean 90% of the world. No one but dying West gives a fuck about this. Developing countries have bigger issues. Survival breeds pragmatism. China produces 30% of world's pollution and I don't see you barking about God damn Chinks.

Look at the big picture tho, I just posed the first link I found, it states that the earth is greener, most so in China, but overall the earth is greener today than 30 years ago despite all the deforestation; that’s because of co2

And you don’t even have to look at a source, google what the optimal co2 level is for plantlife, and look at what the co2 level is recorded at for 2019

If global warming wasn't a problem then they'd be out of a job.






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What's lefties solution this again? Higher taxes or some shit?

The 5 Hottest years on record have been the last 5 years. I would say the continually worse and mroe extreme weather we've had over the years is another sign.


>humanity gets assraped but at least plants are ok
Are you a vegetable

Putting an end to big oil shlongsucking, but we can't have that can we shilly?

Yes, all those huge oil companies love shilling climate change, they want everyone to believe it and transfer to clean energy.

I never said CO2 levels would grow infinitely, but they will grow exponentially. The Earth’s population has doubled since 1960 and it’s not slowing down. Do you really think by the time the population reaches the supposed limit of what the Earth can sustain, the planet won’t be irreparably damaged? As the population grows increasingly rapidly, and more third world nations industrialize, and more of the natural landscape is razed, how high do you estimate CO2 emissions will rise? At what point, in your eyes, does it become a concern?
Though the temperature of the planet has always fluctuated, human civilization has never been here to make the changes permanent before.

Increased CO2 is beneficial to plant life, to a point, but you’re ignoring man’s transformative effects on the planet. What happens when our CO2 emissions double, while we simultaneously erase the plant life on which we depend?
Your points about the polar ice caps and coral reefs are simply untrue.
Virtue signaling anonymously on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum? For what purpose? I just think this planet, in its current state, is extraordinarily beautiful and I would like to see it preserved for our descendants.

The only alarming proven fact? Not increasing acidity or plastics in our oceans?
You can deny that our CO2 emissions will ever have an effect on the planet, but it just seems foolish, considering those emissions are only ramping up. Do you also deny that greenhouse gases trap heat, or do you just think our contributions could only ever be a drop in the bucket?

Regulation of corporations, the greedy fucks

>International corporations LOVE pushing climate change since it gives them exacly what they want
Name five international corporations who profit off putting regulations on themselves

What would we replace it with?

So? I don't see the point of blaming the evil West for poor manufacturing practices in China when it's the Chinese authoritarian government who allows it knowing well that having dangerous, polluting factories is economically better for the countries than not having factories at all. Btw there is loads of Chinese companies with Chinese owners and they're as scummy and greedy as our Jews.

So it’s not about saving the planet, it’s about saving humanity, well then shouldn’t we encourage Africa to have its industrial boom? Or do you not care because you’re comfortable in the first world, take Sweden for example, making a fucking tantrum on taxpayers about using air travel less, even tho air travel accounts for like 1% while household warming is 30%, and China dwarfs them completely with their emissions, Sweden is probably incomparable to China, but does the world rally to hate on China? No, they hate on the West

We'd replace it with "not sucking big oil shlong" I know this must sound like a strange concept to you since you're used to having throbbing cocks in your mouth

green new deal where we immediately start investing in solar and wind infrastructure development in the deserts. Bring back and increase tax incentives to households that install solar panels, while retruning corporate taxes to at least the clinton era.

And these aren't even "lefty" solutions this used to be what Republicans were talking about before Citizen's United turned them all into nigger whores for oil jews.

And there's nothing for FUCKING degenerate that knowingly shilling for the people destroying your country because you think "the other side" doesn't literally have a perfect solution.

>You need to distinguish anthropogrnic from non-anthropogenic climate cycles. No fucking shit there are natural climate cycles throughout human history, no scientist disputes this. We study past climates to learn about the present in our education. What is occurring right now is NOT natural and will have devastating consequences for our civilization.
More land and resources is now considered devastating? 0.8 degree rise in 139 years, we have a solution now, nuclear, and as I said if you don't want to use nuclear for some unknown reason do you think we won't have good alternate power sources in another 139 years when the average temperature rises only slightly? Why do you act as though all life is going to become extinct tomorrow?
>claim conspiracy when they show data on the current anthropogrnic trend.
I don't doubt it, I don't see it as the threat you make it out to be, life existed before ice in the north and south pole and life will exist after it

>muh greedy corporations
They drive economic growth which has strong correlations with increased environmental performance/efficiency.

What do humans eat? And the things that humans eat? I thought global warming would make the Earth uninhabitable? Deserts as far as the eye could see? And the increased carbon levels have somehow caused the planet to be more habitable?

Honk honk.

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>does the world rally to hate on China?
In the West? Yeah it does, where have you been?

>green new deal
Stopped reading. You are mentally ill.


























Your others options aren't reliable, cost-efficient, or productive enough. Your double onions latte would triple in price.

the absolute state of trannies

>the polar caps growing are just untrue
>you can with 5 seconds of typing find out the exact opposite

Even the leftist media agree it’s growing, they just throw in “but here’s why that might not be a good thing” at the end of it

40 years from now the planet won’t be much different. Maybe we’ll still be in a state of false alarm, maybe we’ll have started using nuclear power again, solving the issue. But I’ll be there to post a screen cap of how wrong you were

People solely blame a rise in ocean temperatures on this but never mention the fact that boats, dredging and crown-of-thorns starfish is what is causing the decline of reefs

CO2 level isn't the only factor of plant/crop sustainability, pucko.

>what's the solution
>stopped reading
why not just kill yourself today friend?

Your degenerate need to protect your daddy is your own autism. You will save the white race if kill yourself today. Every day you continue being alive is less white babies being born. You are extincting your race.

Kill yourself today.

t russia

Most would if they're large enough. Only very large corporations can pay the high taxes demanded, the legal fees that might be needed and follow the regulations implemented. Smaller competitors gets squashed. In essence the result would be a global monopoly.

Ah so you're hysterical enough to think regulations would kill the entire industry and put an end to oil altogether, I see.

>green new deal
the absolute state of leftists in 2019

Reee we need greener power

Alright how about nuclear power, it’s amazing, did you know that you can store all of the worlds nucelar waste on the size of an Olympic soccer field, and that they’re cracking a way to re-use nuclear waste in nuclear plants and thereby rendering waste-product void?


Fuck off

I always smirk at leftist, privileged cocksuckers crying about global warming without realizing that an economically viable ecological solution to pollution is simply impossible. All we did in last 50 years is moved our dirty factories and waste to 3rd world countries. Now the issue the liberal scum keeps ignoring is that if you actually wanted to issue world wide eco-friendly policy on manufacturing, mining etc. You would have to say good bye to your precious iphones, laptops, coffee makers, cars etc. or willing to pay 10 times more for it.

it's only like 20 corporations that are doing this. they're training you nigger cultists to think it's your fault because you're stupid

If this were true then why are big oil companies against regulations?

Heh, the funny thing is, right after this study was published Antarctic hit record low ice sheet. Scientists were puzzled and to this day aren't sure what the fuck happened.
This year is also bad. Maybe Antarctic ice is catching up to the Arctic.

Attached: CSIC_figure3.png (653x845, 218K)

>I have no idea what corporatism is
Back to school.

yeah investing in solar and wind energy! OMG HOW FUCKING CRAZY

Seriously why not kill yourself? Just take a ton of pills as a goof!

Are you an arab? Prove you're not an arab shill lol


It's not growing anymore, sorry. In fact, it's lower than ever. See:

It's a big one. The more CO2 the less moisture will evaporate, meaning plants get more drought resistant. It's the reason crop yields keep rising even though modern farming ruins the soil (an actual enviromental problem no green activist seems to care about)

>I don't understand corporatism
Based retard.

Look at Germany how well they did with solar.

Solar and wind energy are not viable options, they are in fact extremely cost ineffective. Maybe invest in nuclear instead.

>arguments: 0
go back already tourist

It would reduce growing GDP per capita, which have strong correlationships with environmental efficiency.

>Alright how about nuclear power, it’s amazing
yeah it's "your side" that is largely fighting against nuclear

nuclear >>>>> fossil fuels

nice strawman you hysterical faggot





Arctic region is more predictable. It's just going down all the time.

Attached: CSIC_figure1.png (653x845, 263K)

I honestly don’t understand why people don’t give a shit about the environment
Even if your dispute is based on political disagreements regarding global warming, tidying up the place would still have benefits

>the ice increases during the colder months of the Southern Hemisphere and reduces during the warm ones

Are scientists stupid or am I?

Those processes aren't viable. Just admit that leftists don't have a solution but that won't stop them from grandstanding.

I can't wait until 2050 when all you climate change alarmists realize you were fucking duped.

The few of you who are smart enough to realize it anyway.

>Based retard.
Answer the question.

>Only very large corporations can pay the high taxes demanded, the legal fees that might be needed and follow the regulations implemented. Smaller competitors gets squashed. In essence the result would be a global monopoly.
According to this logic, big corporations are in favor of regulations, so why isn't big oil?







You. The graph shows the average level of ice in the given time of a year. 2019 (green) is currently trending to be much lower than the years before it

So how do we travel between countries when we ban aeroplanes like the green new deal says we should?

Green deal is not an argument.

Learn about corporatism and you will have your answer.

>everyone who isn't a denier is a AOC green deal pusher
no you dumb burger, not everything revolves around your retarded american politicians

The people will have to take trains or electric bikes.

The elite keeps flying private of course.

>Learn about corporatism and you will have your answer.
You don't have an answer. Corporatism includes tolerating regulations in favor of squashing small competitors. Your own logic is arguing against you.

What do you mean my side? I’m on the side of pro nuclear power, or do you take me for a right/left wing simply because I like or dislike nuclear power?

If you think the corporations are promoting green power here’s why

It’s expensive, and it sucks. So retarded do-gooders buy a lot of it

It’s like coke dealers who cut the product by 5-10%, why not, retards will buy it. More money

>Green deal is not an argument.
yes it is. saying it isn't and calling labels isn't an argument.

seriously just kill yourself shill nobody cares. You're just lying to yourself.

You're gonna do it eventually anyway. Just do it today.

Leftist idealism existed long before the green deal. It's just not grounded in reality.

I can already see the headlines
>New York will drown by 2060

Corporatism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, scientific, or guild associations on the basis of their common interests.[1][2][3] The idea is that when each group performs its designated function, society will function harmoniously — like a human body (corpus) from which its name derives.

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kill yourself nigger shill kill yourself today

kill yourself nigger shill do it cuz ur gay

t Latin American shitskin

Yes, any big company will accept favorable regulation in order to gain market shares and disrupt competition. Welcome to the real world you retarded leftist.

No it's not. It's a completely retarded idea that no one with an IQ above 80 takes seriously.

Green deal is literally not economically possible.

>It's just not grounded in reality.
said the nigger oil cultist

>everyone who isn't a denier is a leftist idealist
What did you mean by this