THE best scene in this entire shit franchise

THE best scene in this entire shit franchise.

Prove me wrong.

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This one was really easy, OP. Seriously.

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Literally turned off the TV when I saw this

For me, its the scene where anakin realizes theres no turning back

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Revenge of the Sith is underrated and my 2nd favorite Star Wars movie 2bh f-a-m

This is my favorite scene.
>do you really think it will come to war?
based sheev asks that sarcastically in a room full of his most powerful enemies as he engineers a war the whole time.

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In a way I'm thankful for the plinket reviews because they made the prequels undesirable for disney to rape later on. Until recent unfortunate circumstances, that is.

For me? Its the Syfo Diaz scenes. I still don't know who he was and why he decided to create a clone army.

That's the most memorable scene to me because its a living mystery.

Binary Sunset
Duel of Fates
>You were my brother

That ain't the Emperor's throne room on the second Death Star.

don't even remember that shite since it was so uneventful.

I think there's a deleted scene from AotC that explains this guy's background in more detail.

>Binary Sunset

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Nope, this one is

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It's treason then.

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pic related is best

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this movie's cinematograpghy was amazing during that whole battle scene, what a waste

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not the same without the music that plays while he walks towards the temple.

To be honest order 66 scene is kino

yeah obviously the music makes the scene

Why doesn’t the wookie get a medal you racist bigot.

can individual scenes be considered good while the film as a whole is shit? For example, would it be possible to have a scene in capeshit or nuwars that rivals scenes in Citizen Kane? Obviously the cinematography can be compared. Those shots of Luke are gorgeous, but the scene is diminished by the context it's in, imo. How important is the context of the rest of the film to you when judging a scene?

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>And no medal for you, Chewie, you fucking nigger
Jesus fucking Christ Raimi it's a children's movie!