
who else here unironically /sad/ that game of thrones is low tier garbage now :(
I remember being so hyped and into it during season one
it almost makes me cry how far this show has fallen, season one was so well made and well written, so much effort was put into it by everyone involved
it had so much potential to be one fo the greats
so sad, so sad

pic related, it's me right now

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Gonna have to disagree there bud,

unironically the only correct opinion

tfw niggers


Why are some GoT fans so damn annoying? All these people do is post GoT related shit and act like it's the second coming of christ.

So what was the point of The Brotherhood Without Banners?

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5 is easily the worst season

No one's making you come into /got/ threads

They don't even have a point in the books let alone a show which carves out the meaning of everything that doesn't have a dragon attached to it.

No it's not. 6 and 7 were huge clusterfucks if you attempt to watch the show with your brain turned on.

gurm played metal gear solid and liked the militaires sans frontieres so much he put them into his story


it's called a filter, you newfag pissboy

>This is why we can't have nice things

Fantasy ruined it, but it was always there and we all knew it was going to get bigger.
It also got more popular, which automatically means it goes to shit because writers are switched.

>based edmure telling Robb to keep Lord Karstark as a hostage and if the Karstarks remain loyal, no harm will come to him
>Robb executes him anyway and loses the Karstark loyalty and men
I know hindsight is always 20/20, but what the fuck, Robb? Stop being retarded.

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helping the poor, kinda like robin hood, but it's not really fleshed out

Years back in season 1 Ned and Robert were the only reason I watched the show, they killed them off and I tried really hard to watch season 2 and the only thing barely keeping me watching was Tyrion and Bron scenes. Then in season 3 I dropped the show, the characters didn't have the presence and charisma Ned and Robert had it was just a bunch of whinny characters.

All of the Starks are fucking retards, it's one of the main themes of the show.

don't be sad be rad

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So far I like 8 other than that stupid ass Dragon riding seen.
But the main challenge is that the showrunners had to simplify the story after season 4 because GRRM made it too fucking complicated by introducing a dark lord Euron, a complicated scheme by Doran and the baby Aegon is back alive and has an army. D&D should have simplified the Iron Islands and Dorne plotlines even further and left the Northern (Stannis) and Riverlands (Catelyn) plot lines intact.

All we can do is pretend the show got canned after season 4

Favorite /got/ loli?

yes i told my family to watch this show and they thought it was extremely boring, now they are on the YASSSS QUEEN hype train and think the current version is amazing

I'm not talking about on Yea Forums you idiots.

Honestly 1-4 can be sorted after preference, they're all good. People shit on S5 but they seem to forget just how awful S6 and S7 was. It's a bit too early to call S8, I hope it's better than 5-7.

Going to have to agree with the dude who said the Starks are retards. I mean they spend pretty much their whole lives in bumfuck Westerosi Iceland so they need to live and work together as a family and have a great support system, typically.

Except. All of that shit is useless in the South where southern nobles typically get whatever they want. There's no honor or support it's basically Wall Street.
So while the Starks are probably better humans than most, their worldview doesn't even take into account that not everyone needs to work together all of the time and it allows their ideals to be taken advantage of such as Ned and Robb's honor, Catelyns familial protective instincts and (up until a certain point anyway) every Stark child's wide eyed innocence and trust.

nothing happened in 8, it was just people saying hello

It seems like people who watched seasons 1-4 as they aired don't like the new seasons and the bandwagon jumpers are the ones who think 6-7 are the best.

season one arya

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im still enjoying it, but then im not cry baby weak contrarian incel influenced by opinion of others cry baby incels.

to give Lady Stoneheart a band of vengeful bandits and criminals who have a mole in the Twins and are poised to crash the Frey-Lannister wedding
now they have no point since Lady Stoneheart is cut and they mangled Manderly's Frey pies bit and gave it to Arya

Abandonded the tense political shenanigans and slow burn plots in favour of giving all the characters BADASS moments.

The first couple of series drilled it into you that trying to be brave and noble will just get you stabbed in the back.

And? Watch first episodes of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 seasons, fucking retard, nothing happens in premiera episodes in GOT. It was still good episode for the premiere.

yeah, i see this phenomenon amongst my normie friends
i always cry internally when they say season 1&2 were shit

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>So far I like 8


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everything happened in s01e01 they set the entire story and all the characters up perfectly, it was a masterpiece

Absolute, unironic shit eater ITT. God damn. GoT stopped being watchable after Season 3.

>prööö :DD

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It's honestly depressing. They had great actors, casting and productions value and even redoing the series down the line won't make up for the "real" thing turning out so shit.

Thanks a lot, fat cunt.

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S06 is by far better than S05, what taste you have?


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Literally nothing in S6 was good, it was 100% shit.

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s06 is when the writing really became laughably dumb

>in favour of giving all the characters BADASS moments.
That's not the problem, the early seasons had plenty of badass moments for characters. The problem is that Martin shoved zombies into a historical fiction about political intrigue and put off actually doing anything with those zombies for so long that the show now has to make everything up.

If Martin wanted to make a fantasy series, he should have just made the major political factions ruled by wizards so that the final boss would be a politician instead of a boring zombie king.

>this bowel movement was better than that bowel movement

>i watch this show illegally ever week just so i can cry about how bad it is and post radmure

Convince me to watch it Yea Forums. I stopped right after the Arya left the Hound, so end of season 4? I hear it went of the rails not long after.

Don't do it. Watch anything else, just don't do it.

I feel the same way. I loved seasons 1-5 but the last few seasons have had such a drop in quality. There isn’t even dialogue anymore, it’s all just one liners and quips and even some of the cgi is still fucking bad.
Browsing Yea Forums where every single detail is shit on 24/7 probably doesn’t help

Generally whenever someone showed off or tried to be the hero, they had a pretty bad time at the hands of someone being shitty. Even Jaime had his chance to prove himself the best swordsman denied in S1.

the dialogue scenes have gotten atleast twice as bad, it's really not worth it

Normalfags literally only like this show cuz "tits and dragons!!! :DDD" and D&D don't have the books to work with anymore and they honestly don't even care anymore. They know their biggest demographic and they know how easy they are to please. This is the shit they're coming out with now. It's all so depressing youtu.be/uD0dulcy2Q4

What makes Cersei and Brienne so much less infuriating than daenerys and Sansa?

But then you also have Daenerys breastfeeding dragons, Tyrion killing his dad, the Mountain killing Oberyn, the red/purple wedding, Jaime going back to save Brienne, Littlefinger and Varys' conversation in front of the throne, Jaime throwing Bran out the window, the list could go on. Yes, good guys got fucked over, but the early seasons are chock full of "badass" scenes with a lot of them being ingrained in pop culture now.

Less screen time

Cersei is played by a phenomenal actress.
Brienne has the hots for best boy.

>season one was so well made and well written

are you for fucking real

of course it was well written, it was almost straight from the book, all early seasons (1-2-3) pretty much were, when the show started parting ways from books it became utter shit, and even show plebs like you felt the slow decrease in quality due to laughably bad plots

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sad to hear they killed your nigga Ned

this is literally the only place you will find people crying about it going off the rails

you posted this just so you could reply to yourself and get (you)'s. we all know you have watched every minute of every episode

Cersei had a good storyline the first couple of seasons and Lena is a good actress.
Brienne had a decent arc prior to finding the Stark girls.
Sansa and Danny was always boring as fuck.

because cersei beat stannis at the red keep and because brienne killed stannis

posting for more Bran webms

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people who don't hate the show now never really loved it.

Cersei is unironically my favorite character



Oh you've already seen season 8?


based bran

Nope. But I do appreciate the replies. I want to like GOT however seeing all the positive reaction to bits of seasons I'm yet to see puts me off. Like when I heard they killed of Lord Baelish by Ayra?. What the hell? Why even watch the remaining four seasons I'm yet to see?

After season 8's first episode I went back and rewatched the first few episodes of season 1, and it was so much better.
Great actors (Seen Been, Charles Dance, etc) with good dialogue and a nice hint of the supernatural in an otherwise pretty realistic medieval setting.
Every scene in S8E1 and most in S7 were
>Character 1 alone in setting
>Character 2 walks in
>Character 1 and 2 talk
>Character 2 makes a sassy quip
>Character 2 leaves
...then jump across the continent and repeat.

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>Like when I heard they killed of Lord Baelish by Ayra?. What the hell?

oh lets see... because GRRM the writer of the source material told D&D that this is what is going to happen in future books yet to be released?


Because you have no balls

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Cersei fucks up and things keep getting shittier until she now has nothing left, Brienne is generally humble.

Sansa and Saenerys have everything basically fall into their lap by accident or by the actions of other people and are treated like they're super amazing. Sansa is now somehow the smartest woman on the planet.

>first they killed Ned and I thought it was fine for I thought he was an idiot
>then they killed Robb and I thought it was fine for he was also an idiot
>then they killed Oberyn and I wept for I thought he was cool
>then they killed Tywin and although I was hurt, I thought it was fine for I didn't like the Lannisters
>then they killed Stannis and although I was disappointed, I thought it was fine for he was a tragic hero from the beginning
>then they killed Littlefinger, and there was no one left for me to support
kill them all I say, Daeny especially, hated that privileged, naive 1% bitch from the very beginning

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Yea Forums is unironically one of the few places where you can be brutally honest about popular media. For instance, saying something negative about GOT on let’s say reddit will get you downvoted into oblivion or you will have to backtrack what you say in a bitchmade manner.
>now, don’t get me wrong but...
>I still love the show but am I the only one that thinks...

dont know which GoT mod to get, A world of ice and fire or a clash of kings, which is best?

Cersei’s a fun character but she’s way too fucking stupid to have made it this far imo.

nobody is being brutally honest though its just incel mob mentality trying to meme the hardest for the most (You)s

Maybe switch 5 and 6, but yeah the rest is spot on.


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swap 5 and 7 and you've nailed it.

GoT recovered from the sand snake bullshit, but the beyond the wall episode crippled the show

hence why the site is infected with shills who's only job is to act like any honest statement that goes against the norm is from whatever negative buzzword group is trending right now.

My hope is if/when the books are done we eventually get another adaptation. Maybe animated so it can be more accurate to the books.


Woooow!! It's just like a lightsaber!!! Awweesooooooomeeeee

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Look man I'll go watch the damn thing then report back. Just wanted an opinion that wasn't endless praise for seasons 4 thru 8. Understand it's hard to please everyone when it comes to adaptions.

Fuck you concern shilling nigger

the tone and writing went to shit in season 2 and even season 1 had some kikey writing changes compared to the books

im not trying to convince you of anything. sure much of the one liner dialogue is awful and has gotten worse but picking on main plot points like that is kind of silly and just crying for crying sake

it is known that GRRM gave the showrunners and outline of major events and they are sticking to it

This is serious stuff!

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Same here. It's just that the production value and cast was so good for a live action show. I'm afraid we'll never get anything like that again. I'm going to find a gypsy woman to help me curse D&D for being the sellout hacks they are.

According to Preston King, it might well be to help Aegons invasion, check out "river lands of the dragon"

that too.

Also. They already are at the siege of riverrun.

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Season 1 is 10/10 kino and I regularly rewatch it. What the fuck happened

Imagine being that dude.



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>Ned Stark yelled Baelor because he wanted the god to look after Arya

Lmao everyone knows he yelled Baelor to tell Yoren to look there because he saw Arya. What a dumbass!


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i think 3-5 seasons are the peak of this show and after those seasons the show slowly declines.
1) most of mysteries are revealed such as white walkers, dragons, zombies.
2) interesting places were visited ( a snow desert beyond the wall, adventures of mother of dragons in the south)
3) peak of politican evens such as apperance of several kings, wars etc

3-5 were the peak, first seasons introduced us to the direction of main plot and characters.

i have not even watched the 7th season because i became quite tired of this show and i have no desire of watching it.

He deserved it, lying bastard


>according my faggot e-celeb spewing headcanon...
Na, fuck off faggot. No one cares about your gay youtube videos.

lmao wtf is that ugly set and costume of tyrion

> death by fire is the purest death

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>doesnt understand why 1-2 are the peak

I don't think GoT actually shows the Brotherhood without Banners actually doing an unironically purely good act in the entire series. Everytime they do something, it's at least 50% self-serving or corrupt. It was such a shitty, nihilistic show by that point, they just couldn't bring themselves to do it lol

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Clash of Kings is way more polished and way more fun. ASOIAF has more shit tho

so the series is going to be beat white walkers, beat cersei and then jon v dany final battle riding their dragons and shit

the guy is bullshitting you, the author hasn't have a said on the show since season 4 and has said the future books will be different from the show. The dude you're talking to is just an HBO shill.

Look at Lord of the Rings. It's been adapted multiple times over the decades. HBO has a use license; they don't own the rights to Game of Thrones. The Martin estate could sell a license to Netflix 20 years from now.

yea its sad, but most people who read the book realized it was going to go to shit after they finished asos. affc and adwd are too long with too much shit going on and there is absolutely no way they could turn them into tv seasons. anyone saying they could be turned into tv seasons is a fucking idiot.
that's not to say their fan fiction is good, it is garbage, but they were stuck and had no good options.

Are you fucing stupid nigger?

Ned was BASED AF

this is the only acceptable tier list, 8 will probably be between 6 and 7 by the end just because of the battle scenes that will have to happen

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you have your point

ye some of things i mentoined actually happend in season 2 such as travel of night watch beyond the wall.

Will we ever see the failed GoT pilot?

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau said D&D and the cast watched it recently and laughed at how bad it was.

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hat's my word! Get up in they face!
Talk your shit! Let your nuts drag!
Nigga, these niggas just runnin' out they fuckin' mouth, man
Follow protocol Blood, get in they fuckin' chest!
(Scum Gang!)
We the fuckin' M.O.B., nigga
These niggas bleed different
We don't bleed nigga
We make niggas bleed, Blood!

Attached: memebetter.com-20190419144512.jpg (720x406, 128K)

>but they were stuck and had no good options.
they could have committed seppuku

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Fuck off


Books 4 and 5 make more sense in the context that there was originally going to be a 5 year gap, and because GRRM (incorrectly) thought he couldn't make it work in the story he decided he had to just keep explaining what happened in the gap. The story was supposed to be Act 1, War of the Five Kings, 5 year gaps then Act 2, Dany's Invasion of Westeros, Act 3, War Against the Others. Books 4 and 5 (and by the looks of it most of TWoW) are the gap, then he'll have one book to resolve Acts 2 and 3.



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What is this

Wanna suck his cock?

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It's a deleted scene from season 6. You can clearly see the unsullied in the background.

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>So what was the point of The Brotherhood Without Banners?
To be the thorn in Tywin Lannisters side. Wasn't it obvious?

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>trying to chart seasons
>not charting the relative quality of every individual storyline

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he stopped the siege at riverrun... what more do you want? him travelling around talking to low lords? most of the good stuff in those chapters are just his thoughts on cersei and stuff like that which can't really be translated to the screen.

sean bean's brother (played by sean bean) is burned alive while sean bean's father (played by sean bean) is forced to watch with a noose around his neck to prevent him from saving him

I emotionally dropped the show in S3. Now I only watch it ironically.

This skit was painfully unfunny.

literally what i was looking forward to most with season 5. instead we get him and Bronn on a buddy cop rescue mission to Dorne, fucking disgusting how bad DnD are

they put the absolute bare fucking minimum into the riverrun siege and then he left.

>most of the good stuff in those chapters are just his thoughts on cersei
literally every interaction he has with characters during that arc is incredible.

>bothering to rate any season after 4
Honestly, all shit smell the same to me. The only outlier was the Hardhome episode

fucking hell, they cut so much good content, and then they just fill it with their own dogshit OC, awful.

"When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here."..."You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet."
>can't be translated to the screen

yea sorry but no its really not that interesting, his internal monologue is entertaining, thats about it


I just realized Hot Pie is both the Night King and the one true king. There are clues scattered throughout the seasons.

you are a tasteless retard

he basically said the same thing to edmure in the tent, what are you on about?

found it funny that they took this scene, butchered the dialogue, and changed "trebuchet" to "catapult" just to further insult the viewers intelligence.

What characters died peacefully? Maester Aemon and...? I can't think of anyone else immediately.

never post again

>Mom is marathoning GOT
>Almost cries at the scene where bran´s wolf sacrifices itself and gets stabbed to death
>Doesnt flinch at the hodor scene two minutes later

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I got the horses in the back

horse tack is attached
Hat is matte black
Got the boots that's black to match
Ridin' on a horse, ha
You can whip your Porsche
I been in the valley
You ain't been up off that porch, now

Attached: download.jpg (500x733, 126K)

Thoros. Freezing to death in your sleep isn't so bad.


Confirmed leaks so far, is there anything else?

Tyrion betrays Daenerys
Dragonglass doesn't work against wights

the hold the door scene was too cringe to make hodor's death sad

keep overrating those jaime chapters. cersei chapters were better

Kill yourself namefag.

Based father of God Hoster tully and aemon were probo the two to not die from violence


It went from a show about poltical plots and the feudal system to a half baked fantasy flick about ice zombies and dragons and shit
I feel like this was the natural arc of the show though, I don't think having consistent writing would have helped all that much

they were good but nowhere near as good as jaime's. cersei blundering around and being a psycho just isn't as interesting.

>Dragonglass doesn't work against wights
why do idiots keep repeating this? sam kills a walker with dragonglass, and jon kills a wight by stabbing it with dragonglass in the final episode of s7.

Roastie defense force in full swing I see

Is Qyburn a character in the books ?

>Is Qyburn a character in the books ?

ghost's death wasn't sad either

don't think there's been a sad death scene in this show since aemon.

yes, they give him more of a character in the show though.

is he as cool, i enjoy him quite a lot in the show

Daenerys was literally always the problem, even in the books.

>when you turn the page and read "DAENERYS"
It was all downhill from there, everytime it happened.


lol they took a defining moment where in the books Jaime is fed up with Cersei and ends the siege because he decides to be the lord his father always wanted him to be and turned it into yet another "i'm just here because i can get back to Cersei if i fix this" moment. sure in the mind of a brainlet that DnD wants to pander to i could see how that's basically the same. people like you are the reason the show is shit now

this is Star Wars level of bad but yet not as many people criticize D&D for it.


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the only way to do it, but still makes me sad

He only appears once, he is a torturer and a necromancer kept in the dungeons turning local peasants into monsters for Cersei.

I said that I'mma ride for my motherfuckin' nigga
Most likely I'mma die with my finger on the trigger
I've been grindin outside all day with my niggas
And I ain't goin' in unless I'm with my niggas

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That user is right. Hodor = Hold the door is so fucking convulted and needless. It just change or add anything to the story, it's just a manufactured mindfuck moment

are you srs? there's tons of threads dropped in adwd that will come together in twow. tom sevenstrings, harwin possibly in winterfell, brienne & jaime, lsh. did you even read the books?

They don't get killed by the glass. The night king severs his connection with them when they get struck by dragonglass intentionally.

not going to dorne with le meme master bronn for a start


spoil tag your shit

GoT is shit now, when will we get a full adaptation of Berserk (not by netflix hopefully)

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There is nothing honest about this place and you are a moron if you don't understand that. Most of the far right drones here don't even have a concept of honesty.

>people like you are the reason the show is shit now
and people like you seem to think affc and adwd are these 10/10 books that deserve to be adapted perfectly. they're filler garbage. they couldn't have jaime get fed up with cersei because lady stoneheart isn't in the show (thank fucking god). what would you have jaime do for like 2 full seasons while we wait for him to go north? exactly

Found the zoomer

Hopefully never, when are you boomers going to understand adaptations are always shit? When will you learn you fucking moron?

reddit is down the hall and to the left

So whatever happened to Melly Sanders meeting Arya again? When Gendry was sold off to Melly from the Brotherhood, she said to Arya that they would meet again. Did D&D completely forget about this or is that going to happen this season?

Stannis comes back and kills the NK

If your former sentence is right, then your later sentence loses all meaning.

the 98 adaptation was amazing though, the films were decent

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berserk becomes complete crap shortly after the eclipse

reminder that GRRM killed off /ourguy/ so he could start the stupidafucking lady stoneheart storyline

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literally muh zombies! and muh Karsi. It's one of the most reddit episode in GoT history.

No, it was fucking shit.
>cartoons were good so live action can be good too!
You're such a fucking moron its amazing. How do you breathe?

lol, the show is already fucking full of filler, did you even watch the first episode of this season, they're still doing it.

but unlike in AFFC and ADWD, there's nothing to it, nothing good about it.

based Tyrion

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Can someone remind me why anyone should care for the guy with the fire sword ? What did he ever do that deserves to be praised ?

fuck you d&d i want to see more of aerys

It was good, and I never said live action you stupid cunt.

Were you planning on maining him or something? What the fuck does that matter?

affc and adwd are also filler garbage. asos was the end of this series for both the show and books, after that it was all trash.

he was always there to please the fantasy crowd. Fantasy elements are the worst part of the setting. Your taste is shit and so is your opinion.


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you are an idiot who never understood this series.

he looks cool and his acting doesn't make me want to tear my eyes out. At this point in the show that's as good as it gets

D&D forgot

>we help out the downtrodden
>trade in one of them to a witch for gold

Was kinda hoping they'd all get painfully killed.

Did you guys forget about the 5 episodes left or...?

why are you...?? doing this...???

i bet you actually think lady stoneheart is a good plot lmao

>Can someone remind me why anyone should care for the guy with the fire sword
he's got a fire sword.

it hasn't gone anywhere yet, so i wouldn't call it good or bad.

Idk, many people seem to like him but I can't remember much about him except for his weird sword. I was thinking maybe I missed an important part of the show

>how dare you not magically guess what my plan was
>now you gotta marry into the frey's lol

At least edmure won in the end.

>*avoids my question*

shit you're right, of all the cut plotlines, I'm maddest about Lady Stoneheart/BWB and the entire Greyjoy plot

Yea Forums is just people competing to be the most contrarian

Oh so you want yet-another-fucking-remake of Berserk.

Don't you never get tired of asking for the same shit over and over again? Don't you ever get that "That's enough" feeling on your mind?

The golden arc has been adapted two times already. Berserk has a whole has 3 adaptations and multiple videogames. When is it fucking enough you fucking weeb?

Let Berserk rest for fucks sake, its because of morons like you that studios will keep rehashing garbage till the very audience they are trying to please starts actively shitting on the work at hand. Like with Star Wars, is that what you want to happen to Berserk? Give it a rest and read the fucking manga then hope someone out there creates another good fucking piece of art like Berserk, instead of praying for more of the same shit we already ate.

Berserk got already enough love out of the only good fucking arc in the entire series. I would kill myself if I had to see the Golden Arc again.

based if true.. source on the leak though?

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it was retarded from day 1

we have had two adaptations that cover 1/5th of the series, and another adaptation that was absolute dogshit.

not outrageous to want a series that adapts it well, and it has plenty of good content after the eclipse.


there is no point talking to you

you've already shown how stupid you are regarding how you view the series so your opinion on this doesn't matter.

I still don't get why they aren't mass evacuating everyone and heading for the neck as fast as possible.

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how does it feel to get destroyed by a girl btw LOL

lmao why would his nose cave horizontally backwards like that thats retarded

a stupid cunt is a stupid cunt whether it's a male or a female

it used to have amazing writing and story telling. Now its just dumb characters in rooms talking and revealing plot points. Its fucking horrendous. This new seasons episode 1 where they ride dragons around and act like their real life actor selves was beyond cringe.

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you are beyond saving if you think anything about the lady stoneheart shit is good

>we have had two adaptations that cover 1/5th of the series
And the only good part of the series. It is also, the only arc that could possibly be adapted, because it was mostly humans hitting themselves with swords.
>and another adaptation that was absolute dogshit.
It was as good as the manga arc was. Aka: mediocre
>not outrageous to want a series that adapts it well,
You have 3 fucking adaptations. Stop desecrating the fucking corpse and move on with your life.
> and it has plenty of good content after the eclipse.
lol no, the last good arc was the missing children one with the fairies and all that shit. Then it went to utter shit.

this image is so stupid. Only half his nose is cut off, and the rest of him is way uglier. The pic is worthless.

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imagine being this retarded

you can go look it up for yourself right now he GRRM gave an interview just before this new season started reiterating that he told them everything years ago and they are mostly sticking to it and only minor characters are changing

nobody is shilling. shireen is burned, stannis dies, arya kills LF, cersei blows up the sept, the NK gets a dragon and hodor HOLDS THE DOOR

in closing, cry more

why is it bad?


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Arya is going to kill Melly

didn't read

>And the only good part of the series.
stopped reading there


ofc you didnt just like you dont actually watch the show, you just meme and parrot what is said here

>and another adaptation that was absolute dogshit.
It was as good as the manga arc was. Aka: mediocre
>not outrageous to want a series that adapts it well,
You have 3 fucking adaptations. Stop desecrating the fucking corpse and move on with your life.
> and it has plenty of good content after the eclipse.
lol no, the last good arc was the missing children one with the fairies and all that shit. Then it went to utter shit.
>we have had two adaptations that cover 1/5th of the series
It is also, the only arc that could possibly be adapted, because it was mostly humans hitting themselves with swords. It was also the only good part of the series.

His voice is pure orgasm and he's one of the best written characters in the show still left, he and Jon actually had a conversation without quips in Season 7.

He's also got a flaming sword and he could resurrect so

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shan't be reading this

Yeah but at least I didn't read you.

just the photos HBO released

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a gurgling zombie woman brought back from the dead is good? lmao. this is how stupid grrm is, he has said that lotr would have been better if tolkien didn't bring gandalf back from the dead, while at the same time he brings cat back from the dead... he's so retarded

shant is a word?

>a gurgling zombie woman brought back from the dead is good?
We know the wights are lame but they have been a thing for the series since the prologue of book 1.

you think catelyn is the Gandalf of game of thrones?........what

yet another solid reply you totally owned me

Weebs are creatures of sameness and comfort. If he keeps asking for adaptations of shit he's read over and over again, he's less likely to be disappointed.

>Yea Forums is just people competing to be the most contrarian
No, it literally isn't.

Meme opinion

>you think catelyn is the Gandalf of game of thrones?........what
are you this fucking retarded?

Lady Stonheart is retarded and Beric had to die for it. End of story

>reminder that GRRM killed off /ourguy/ so he could start the stupidafucking lady stoneheart storyline
Stoneheart is a great development, I was really sad when they left it out of the show

i would agree with this post if you didnt use that retarded namefagging and fad posting

>i was really sad when they left it out of the show
wouldn't fit in the show

I've lost hope guys, the fat fuck is never going to finish his damn series

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based CHADric poster
Catelyn is easily top 5 worst POV characters in the book and she's even worse as a fucking meme zombie

Makes sense considering weebs are disgusting creatures.

>wouldn't fit in the show
Only because it's an abridged version of the books. If the show was 10-11 seasons it would have been better.

another idiot. there is nothing good about lady stoneheart, it completely cheapens what happened to her, she's just some idiot zombie looking for revenge oOOOo how spooky. the zombie thing works with beric because he is a minor non-pov character. i'm glad the show cut the stoneheart shit out, it's fucking stupid.

>If the show was 10-11 seasons it would have been better
your not wrong

I'm lonely and horny too :/

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>that will come together in twow

Reminder that the tv ending is the canonical one that Gurm laid out to dabid 1 and dabid 2.


It contributes literally nothing to the story

>there is nothing good about lady stoneheart
>it completely cheapens what happened to her,
>she's just some idiot zombie looking for revenge oOOOo how spooky.
You can make literally anything sound stupid when you put it that way. Stop being silly

He's waiting for HBO being done with the show so that normies aren't too sad the show doesn't have the same ending as the book

Not at all. The weak parts like Dorne are awful but everyone else is still better and from book material, Jon has good stuff with the Nights Watch still, Hardhome, Cercei with the High Sparrow and getting played. Even Arya was better than season six getting stabbed in the gut and going home and and they just let her.

>It should have been me

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this image is illegal by all laws of westeros and you should be ashamed

think of the children of the forest

so we're playing this game now?
explain why lady stoneheart is good
explain how it doesn't cheapen what happened to her
why do brainlets try to argue like this?

Who's that ?

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This is a blue board

are you trolling me

Only now got time to start watching the 1st ep.
Oh my fucking god. The cringe is insufferable.
Can these little kids just stfu?

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Just finished watching the latest episode. I really tried to like it. But its just so bad. Its become Twilight level bad (I guess it caters to the same audience now..).
Cannot believe the feedback on this episode, how it can be so positive. Most people must be fucking brain damaged

>literally no u post
answers his questions you fucking idiot

>explain why lady stoneheart is good
She's an undead zombie kat!!

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/got/ is dead, might as well post boars and whores

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>there's two of them now
god i hate D&D, why even get into the industry if you hate working and making decent content.

nah you can answer mine first

she's basically a Monkey's Paw kind of undead, monstrous and unable to talk without covering her gaping cut throat, nothing like her old self. She's there to show how much death fucks you up. Beric loses memories each time and that's with being brought back immediately after death, Catelyn is dead for much longer. It looks like, if nothing else, she points to a resurrected Jon Snow made all the worse by his resurrection.

then discussion is over

>what's so good about her

>friend keeps telling me to watch it for years
>start watching it as season 4 ended
>actors are great
>story is interesting
>characters are amazing
>costimography and scenery is on point
>political intrigue is second to none
>finish the show in less than a week
i was happy and sad at the same time. happy to find this amazing show and sad that i have to wait for next season. i watched it 2 more times while waiting for season 5. never been so hyped for tv/movie ever.
>7 episodes of season 5 leak
>dogshit tier mix of sjw, fan service, feminism and strong wymen
it has been huge disappointment after disappointment ever since. just hearing game of thrones used to bring smile to my face and now only pain and reminder of what we had

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>explain why lady stoneheart is good
Answering a question with a question is rude
>explain how it doesn't cheapen what happened to her
It actually strengthens what happens to her, her corpse body is a moving reminder of what happened at the red wedding.

i want her to turn me to fucking stone with those eyes

fine, crap after lost children.

Calm down dude, Beric really isn't that great.

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i hope the next adaptation is better

I'd buy HBO subscription if he actually mumbled that to her with an autistic, monotone voice.

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what happened to bloody tough north men?
Fucking hate this shit now.

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>her corpse body is a moving reminder of what happened at the red wedding
that is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever read lmao. the north doesn't even know about zombie cat and they're plotting to get rid of the boltons

iktf bro

What are you talking about
>Don't you like le sassy 12 year old grill
>all those silly wh*te men are useless without her

men will never rule north again. sansa is just too smart

I sort of agree. When the inquisition or w/e comes into the picture is when things start getting very convoluted feeling. Also when Guts basically starts being followed by an RPG series, not for an arc but for the rest of the series, it felt like a total genre shift.

I really love berzerk but it sort of feels like two different manga to me.

>where they ride dragons around and act like their real life actor selves was beyond cringe.
lel i agree, dany is basically emilia now, they barely feel like characters

>booboo I'm feeling emasculated!!
Stop being so insecure you retards

>that is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever read lmao
I asked you to stop being silly

>"game of thrones has been shit since season 1, i miss the POLITICAL INTRIGUE" - 22 year old skinnyfat incel
you know it to be true

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I liked it at the time, but that scene is really quippy and strange in retrospect.

i bet sansa will cement her rule in the north with a "stop being insecure" line

>In A Storm of Swords, the Greatjon attends the Red Wedding. Merrett Frey was given the task of getting the Greatjon too drunk to fight by engaging him in a drinking contest. Despite consuming a vast quantity of wine (enough to kill any three normal men) and outdrinking his competitors, when the massacre begins, the Greatjon still grabs a sword and fights valiantly. It takes eight men to overcome him, and he kills one and injures two. Even when he can no longer fight with his hands, he fights with his teeth, and bites off half the ear of one of the assailants.
Could they not get the actor for season 3 or some shit?

Same boat, started watching after season 3 finished. It's impressive how hokey it got once it didn't have the books to lean on

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no, its been shit since season 5
get it right you ironic weeb hurr traps arent gay ecks dee shitter

nah, game of thrones has always been shit and the political intrigue was never adapted in the show


Post yfw Starks of Winterfell turn into blue eyed auburn haired southern god worshipping shits.

Thousands of years of culture and breeding wiped out.

in bongistan

archaic and humorous version of shall not

completely out of character reeeeee

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grinning and making quips despite just previously losing her child (dragon) on a retard mission is rather out of character id say yes


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shut it nerd

>t. got tricked by a trap

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have sex

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>season 5
Literal retard


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