Han, did I ever tell you about the time I tried to kill my nephew and totally ruined my character? He was a good friend

>Han, did I ever tell you about the time I tried to kill my nephew and totally ruined my character? He was a good friend.

Attached: luke-skywalker-i-am-a-jedi_fce1d84d.jpg (414x413, 15K)

woah they give a tiny bit of depth to a mary sue, they ruined his character! The only good thing about that terrible film was Luke

Why did Rian Johnson do it? Is he stupid? Evil? Is he cackling for shitting all over the series in this manner?

The Last Jedi was a good movie, please stop trying to come up with reasons to hate just because it had women and POC in it. It's all getting so tiresome.

You cant snark the Mark.

>implying you can handle the Hammil.

>a mary sue
1/10 Apply yourself

i hope rian johnson suffers intense pain and humiliation and then dies :)

>Mary sue
>suffered losses, had flaws, goes through a large character arc where he learns about his place in the world and has to grow and mature to become a hero

Literally not a Mary sue but ok

>luke, did I ever tell you that all my backstory, meeting chewie, lando, getting the falcon, the kessel run, all happened within 24 hours? It was a good day

A moment of weakness like that is perfectly in Luke's character. It's not like it was premediated, he just thought of it for a moment and it happened to be the moment Ben woke up.

>It is perfectly in character for him to want to murder his nephew while he's sleeping when we've also seen the same character lay down his only weapon and trust his father, Darth Vader, not to kill him outright

>in a moment of weakness
We've seen it several times, like when he lost his cool in ep6 and almost killed his dad.

>thinking almost killing his father who directly threatened Leia and was the cause of so many threads is equal to pulling out a lightsaber on a sleeping boy with bad dreams

It doesnt matter, you could just have some weird explanation of Palpatine manipulating him to create Kylo Ren, or some other sith lord. The point is that it is not convincing and ruins the character arc, but it can be made sense.
Still, thats what happens when a story overstays its welcome.

It would have been far better if Luke tried to help out Kylo instead of getting out the lightsaber as his first thought, but still failed.

Probably, but wouldn't have the shock for sympathy for Kylo.

he was there to fondle Bens pee-pee and masturbate but Ben woke up and he had to come up with an excuse to be there.

thats what he said to rey, she never heard kylo side

by POC you mean gooks and niggers?

>people complaing about characters and citing bullshit about the heros journey in fucking star wars

Star wars isnt good because of the characters retards

>star wars is good
good bait

>Han became The Solo in a single (solo) day

>nothing about star wars is good
Disingenuous, unless you mean the new movies

He's a cynic. Recently rewatched Nu Wars and except for butchering Luke's character, inserting even more progressive politics and bad humor and fucking up the choreography as bad, Last Jedi is miles ahead of Force Awakens and perfectly showcases what a terrible director Jew Jew is.


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