New BBC Series Noughts + Crosses

Noughts and Crosses is an upcoming BBC television adaptation of the first book in the novel series of the same name by Malorie Blackman.

The series is speculative fiction set in an alternate history dystopia, where black "Cross" people rule over white "Noughts.

The series describes an alternative history in which African people had gained a technological and organisational advantage over the European people, rather than the other way around, with Africans having made Europeans their slaves. The series takes place in an alternative 21st-century Britain.


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i wonder what reason they'll give for how blacks where able to be more advanced, they can't say "they were just smarter" becuase that would imply the oposite in real life

Stop STOP my body can only handle so much kino

They’ll make up some weather bullshit or they will just ignore it altogether
My guess is ignore

>The series describes an alternative history in which African people had gained a technological and organisational advantage over the European people
So it's a comedy?

>with Africans having made Europeans their slaves.
>The series takes place in an alternative 21st-century Britain.

Wait, so not only are they admitting that blacks enslave people and would have enslaved the west if it had been possible, but also that they would have never outlawed slavery even 200 years after whites did in our world?

Christ in Heaven on the right hand of the Lord

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Watch as the White people are still the bad guys

This is the biggest MA DICK moment i’ve ever seen.

>weather bullshit
Fucking gurantee this is the reasoning. That and probably other elements like wildlife. Otherwise why the fuck is this alternate reality set in Britain and not Africa?

Is this meant to be some sort of psy op to enrage white people or something
Or is it a psy op to demoralize white people by showing them their inevitable demographic future

Based on a book series btw

Europeans, for whatever strange reason, are the only race with compassion. Maybe it's due to Christianity.
Every other race has had to be scared or browbeaten into having compassion. Even the Japanese were monsters.

So why didnt this happen in real life?

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I'm interested how they make that work.


It won't happen. This show is clearly an attempt to make whites sympathize with the black peoples "unfortunate past". So the black characters will treat the whites like shit.

>alternate history
Sounds like exactly what Europe will be like in 50 years.

Having read the books, I think this might make for a good series.
Don't know how other britbongs will take it though considering we're still negotiating Brexit and all

I read the books as a kid and didn't get the political stuff at all, then the other day (i'm 25 now) I remembered having read the book in which numerous people get BLACKED and realised my school fed me race mixing propaganda and was infuriated

fuck this shit

>inb4 BREXIT RACIST/BAD reference

And now you are a cuck huh?

Why is Alternate History the genre Leftists are trying the hardest to co-opt into a propaganda tool?

Alternate History is easily one of the most fascinating sub-genres of Science-Fiction and has not been given a fair shake as far as getting a presence in the mainstream media.
It fucking pisses me off to see a genre that combines History with Science Fiction to spur the imagination is instead being used for propaganda. And exclusively Leftoid propaganda at that.

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lol, reminds me of a movie I was shown when I was in middle school. French immersion, some french movie about an arab kid moving from some poor suburb to live with a rich white family. He ends up dating the rich blonde daughter at the end of the movie. Really did not think anything of it at the time

Because while White Western nations were riding high on the Industrial Revolution (and actually at that point also triggering the Electrical Revolution), Africans were still living in societies that were legitimately indistinguishable from that of cavemen in a lot of places.

For real, like why. I remember when the teacher read that sex scene aloud in class and we were all like 13-14. Out of all the books that we read in class like the island survival one, the hatchet, old man and the sea, and oh yeah that one where blacks are superior and also a teenage white girl gets fucked by a black guy

What you think people voted leave because they had some magic economic wisdom?
>INB4 muh sovereignty
See, this is a two player game.

Will they be speaking English?

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>im gona make stuff up and say its what you think


Ok, so what do you think?

>implying black people would be as imperialistic and barbaric as whitetoids if they had the advantage
pretty problematic honestly, sounds like all lives matter centrist propaganda

Idk man maybe people don't like the idea of being ruled by a big goverment that they ultimately have no real power over and the democratic systems a abit of a sham?

It's extremely simple. Modern Europe is currently on the wane. So Europe will be remembered in history books for when it was at its height, not as it is now except maybe as a warning/lesson. But there were few minorities in Europe when it was at its height. So they must insert minorities in historical dramas now to make them feel more inclusive as they are now the new Europe.

or you could think of it like texas getting a vote to leave the united states, quite allot of people would like that idea regardless of how bad it could be for their economy

>>implying black people would be as imperialistic and barbaric as whitetoids if they had the advantage
No, they're even more savage

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To think that this was almost a documentary.

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Move to another country then? Fuck, if you think the EU is acting against your own wishes have you even stopped to look at what our own government (I'm talking about Labour, Lib Dems AND Conservatives being complicit in this btw) has been doing for the last couple of decades?
As bad as the analogy is, I understand what you're saying, voting rights are extremely important and if the UK was in a better place domestically I would be inclined to agree with you, but doing this right now with the current rotation in parliament is akin to jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

It would be more like Guam voting to leave the US, or if America controlled British Columbia and they voted to leave

>Move to another country then
You need to go back, Muhammad

>UK, the fourth largest economy in the world, can't survive without depending on a shitty bureaucratic union

That's the power of Socialism, I guess.

>Move to another country then?

When Britain was deciding on joining the EU, why didn't the pro-EU citizens just move to another country?

Ok, but what does Lukaku have to do with this?

The Uk is only like 3% nogs, why are they obsessed with them? We all know the country is like 90% muslim now but looking at their media youd think they don't even exist

I remember reading this many years ago
It was actually decent, they dont make the white people the bad guys or anything
Main white character's dad gets hanged at the end if i remember correctly and you're sympathetic to the whites the whole time
it's an interesting concept ngl

>BLACKED propaganda is okay but let's ban fairy tales like Little Red Hiding Hood because they're sexist
Fuckin Europe.

They did, that's what makes up most British expats.
Ok I'll go back to... Wimbledon? Wait hold on I'm meant to be an immigrant aren't I?

I even tried to take your statements in good faith and rather than attack the meat of my argument you strawman the ever loving fuck out of the first sentence.
No wonder the rest of the internet sees this place as a shithole.

>implying Whites being superior and blacks being inferior happened by chance

London is like an entirely different country to the rest.

Fake white guilt, like their burger cousins.

Shouldn't the top negroes be attractive like in the white world? Why's it always ugly nigs and negresses?

5% black in the last census, which was in 2011 long before the African wave. I'd say it's about ~10% black now. But I think they focus on blacks in media because blacks are the obvious "representative minority", plus it will make the program more appealing to sell to America and France.

>They did, that's what makes up most British expats.
What? Not him but, aren't most expats just old people wanting warmer weather in Spain? It's got nothing to do with the EU other than them taking advantage of free movement which they would surly be in support of.

there was a play adaptation in my city a few months ago, which i have to write about for my drama exam. not fun

No, it's just what the future looks like. There are already dozens of minorities in almost every small town in the country, they don't stay in the cities any more.

It´s fantasy.

Its his brother stormzy who is starring in it, which is the central reference of Alternate History works, doesn't have Malorie Blackman listed. So, she probably just pulled her empowerment wish fulfillment out her ass, history be damned.

If that is what the FUTURE looks like, than today it is not like the rest of the country.

I misread what the original person said, and I think I went full retard on that statement. That being said, the argument he proposed is invalid anyway.
I'm trying to tell him that regardless of being in the EU or not, their vote is not going to stop the UK from spiralling further and further down the shitter. Saying "why didn't the pro-EU citizens just leave when we were deciding to join the EU" is little more than a 'no u' argument than actually addressing the actual point concerning voting rights, which I know now is what they actually care about due to the usage of the Texas analogy.

>They did, that's what makes up most British expats.

Source: Your ass.

I already addressed this, pls read

Isn't it funny how there are more people in slavery today than when the evil Europeans were using slaves. Almost as if blaming Europe for slavery is complete nonsense.

I expect the police to be coming for me tonight

Found the Point of Diversion

> This novel describes an alternative history where humans evolved while Pangaea was still intact. Without the barriers to exchange of domesticable animals, among other factors, the African people gained a technological and organizational advantage over the Europeans

Off by a couple of hundred million years, but paleogeology is just racist white man science.

I mean the global population has ballooned so it's not a shocker that this is true.
Can the same be said for the percentage of people in slavery, perhaps to be more specific in countries like America where slavery was previously more prevalent?

In the 1860 census which was the last before the civil war there were 3,953,761 which made up 12.5% of the population. Similarly in a country like Eritrea around 10% of the population are in slavery but that could be a lot higher as it's not as easy to document slaves.

Still all white people's fault because there is still hidden slavery in Europe even though many slaves are white and many slave traffickers/sellers are not white.

Curious south asians(Indians, Pakis and Bangladeshis) are U.Ks blacks as in the people who they first exploited and brought to their country.

Yet they focus exclusively on blacks who are smaller in number.

So everything is the same except the white people now happen to be black people? What's the point?

>Racist bigot brags about his exclusive compassion
This entire website is one giant rabbithole of racist delusion

In the books the white male protag joins a pro white equality terrorist group

fuck I didn't even think about this

Okay so being generous (by bumping that figure up to 15%) would mean that in this particular country around 600,000 people are in slavery. I don't know necessarily what this is meant to imply though, could you shed some light on this?

>England abolishes slaver over 200 years ago
>Africans keep it going until today

Nothing alternate about that reality.

What are you trying to say ? It's just assuming the continents always remained in the Pangaea arrangement. Nothing is said about the real Pangaea existing with modern humans.

Was just making a point that slavery exists on a roughly similar scale with or without European involvement.

Ah fair enough

So literally the alt right?

Blacks do not have their own movies.

I remember reading how some South Asians thought UK is mostly South Asians simply because that is all they see in their ghetto including on TV.

Do black people as a whole enjoy this kind of stuff? I mean to me it almost seems kind of insulting to make a fantasy series like this that low key sort of enabled white supremacy.

This, it'll be hilarious.

They will show them as ignorant uneducated people that come across boats to africa and commit crimes and rapes against their women.

If you're not racist you're not paying attention at this point.

What is wrong with racism in the case of wanting to keep brown poor people out?

na we're just gonna leave the EU. Works much better.

Lets hope it creates more sympathy for the white id movement.

WE're not bragging about it. WE hate it.
I wish europeans and whites weren't so compassionate.

Because if they don't come here, they still take up jobs, it's just outsourced to another economy where we see even less revenue brought in in the form or purchased goods, taxes, rent etc.
The only people who win in this scenario are the businesses who rely on low cost labour.

How will they recreate this on a tv budget?

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> humans evolved while Pangaea was still intact.


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lmao they're literally preppig the brits

there are white men who will every week unironically watch a black guy fuck his white slave

>Ok I'll go back to... Wimbledon?
No, Reddit.


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he's right though. You type like an utter nonce, euphile scum.

>not ironically watching a black guy fuck his white slave to own the racist magachuds

Brooker is based

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have sex

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>this triggers the racist

Why is the BBC so fucking obsessed with Stormzy anyway?

he's popular, his music is shit though so I'm not sure why

I read the books as a kid, they only got popular on the back of the premise. The actual story is not good. MC gets bullied for being mixed-race, falls for a white guy who joins a violent anti-apartheid group.

Cue chapter after chapter about how racism is bad, but violence is also bad.