Is Marvel too mature for children?
Is Marvel too mature for children?
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Yea Forums apparently isn’t
>thread laughing about marveldrines and their obsession with children's movies gets deleted
What the flying fuck?
This twitter screencap is perfect for a nice long thread, thank you OP!
Mods are getting put of control. They want to tame this place. Dont let them.
moot had reddit/leftist mods installed because /pol/ pissed him off with the cuck insults
Children under a certain age should not be taken to any movie.
>your child
But these movies are made for children?
>dont bring your children to a kid's movie
What did he mean by this?
Is giving birth kino?
Cape movies can be very deep. Have you considered the philosophical ramifications of the infinity gauntlet?
Was Batman vs Superman a kids movie? Was winter soldier? No, these movies had undertones and nuances kids cannot get. These movies are the cultural touchstones of.western civilization. They should have family only screenings so adults can enjoy them in peace
>Was Batman vs Superman a kids movie? Was winter soldier
why is it bannable to make fun of manchildren?
BvS is an extremely deep movie. Snyder made a legitimate masterpiece.
But that started on Yea Forums
Movies are haram anyway. They should be banned entirely.
Batchad V Superchad: Dawn of Kino is underrated as fuck
Why does this statement need Lisa Simpson saying it? Why not just write what you want to say?
Mods are disneyshills, I got banned more than 100 times easy while sneedposting in the reylo viral marketing threads
It's the meme that replaced advice animals for people to post opinions that no one cares about.
>shook mcudrone falseflagging
Marvel movies are considered deep and mature in amerishart land
absolutely based i salute you comrade o7
but... but... the entire theater will be full of manchildren
Expect manchildren tears.
why are people making a big deal about a movie being three hours long. this is hardly a novel concept
>Endgame is over 3 hours long
and with just that one sentence all my interest in seeing this movie went straight out the window
Thats a long time to sit still and pat attention and even longer to not go to. The bathroom. I loke to eat a few burgers in a movie I sneak in
has any movie ever generated a sticky asking everyone not to spoil it? why is this one an exception? paid shilling?
Batman v Superman unironically did
maybe if you're an american who can't not watch a movie without pouring butter down your throat during every frame
Children shouldn’t go to movies period no matter the length
then why do they make movies for children???
>Was winter soldier
yes, of course it was.
>imagine actively going to watch capeshit and NOT consider yourself a child
Money, bro, money. The Mouse buy Yea Forums some time ago, with the new Star Wars movies.
He cute
He based
>fat guy in the audience tutting at children
how many of you are that guy?
They should be quiet, formerly noisy
Says the manchildren
>I'm so mature I consume shit made by megacorps algorithm.
infantilization of society is real
this shit legit made me laugh for a good minte or so.
imagine being even slightly this much of a gigantic faggot
Yea Forums is less normalfag friendly than /pol/ believe it or not so nobody knows which memes actually come from there outside of actual as/sp/ies
>still believing in this
GG was mistake and moot did nothing wrong with banning that shit.
Please read this sentence out loud and then reevaluate your life
Why would this mkvie make you an emotional wreck?
Probably a guess that one of the "main characters" i.e. Stark, or Captain USA will die and it'll be emotional and its a decade of having movies with those guys in them and I'm gonna miss them! They're like family!
I'm being sarcastic, but you get my meaning
>we will sit and wait until the credits have finished
do Americans really do this?
>defending reylo fags
should prob kys famalam
>need recaps of the previous ones to understand this fucking garbage
>I will hit you with my shoe
Gook or indian confirmed. Subhuman trash. Get the fuck out of my white land.
Yea, you gotta see the credits, post creit scenes and then digest the experience intellectually before leaving
geez what a racist
Yea Forums will never understand how huge of an event the MCU is for normal people
>watching star wars
>1. Not unreasonable.
>2. Makes sense.
>3. Harsh, but sure, theaters are expensive these days, talking is for at-home movies
>4. Oh no, I see where this is going. We just entered full-on NPC levels of faggotry.
>5. Jawohl, herr bathroom-polizei! Let no schweine interrupt ze sacred capekino!
>6. Well, now that you HAVE to, since Marvel can't break their money-making formula, you might as well.
fuck that. I refuse to sit in my seat for an extra 5 minutes just so I can learn who the head of craft services is and all other wagies working on this shit production just so I can see a quip filled clip that I can easily find on youtube
This.The autismos here dont get the deep emotional investment this nation, indeed the world, has in Ironman and Cap. They represent the best of our values and teach is how to be better people
I unfortunately do understand. In my university I overhear so many normies talking in excitement about endgame and how they are gonna marathon all the marvel movies beforehand
I hate marvel I thi k that if someone gets hyped for a marvel movie I think that someone is a pos
My life is great buddy, BTFOing shills on Yea Forums is like meditating to me. It brings me peace and joy to know some brown shill in his south american call center cubicle is SEETHING at my trolling schemes. If Disney starts making good movies I may change my ways but reading those Endgame leaks doesn't seem likely
actual mongoloid
no just not defending faggots like you
why would you go to a childrens movie if you can't stand children? Makes no sense to me ..
Agreed. Im an atheist and I raise my 2 kids without any religious. So every Sunday we have what I call "Nerd Church" where we watch a nerd movie and talk about the lessons and virtues they teach. Then I tell them that Jesus is basically a superhero just like the Captain America and how its.silly to believe movies are real but we can learn how to grow from them..
I love how Hollywood jews are literally too stupid to have an intermission specifically for this purpose.
I will slay you and force your children to work my fields.
Reminds me of the people who said Children shouldnt be allowed to see Incredibles 2
Why would somebody go with this faggot to watch a movie?
>this are the rules to interact with me!
I wonder how much someone must hate himself to not tell the person to shove it up his ass right after he says this.
mediocre bait
>Iron Man
>the US praises a narcisistic, rich guy who is the embodiment of the military industrial complex
You're a fucking retard if this is true.
>seething third world troglodyte
fuck off or we'll send an aircraft to obliterate your jungle country
Good point, I'll avoid bringing my black friends to the movie as well for the same reasons
based and redpilled
>deep emotional investment
How do you get invested with quip machines with no depth