There are no things in the Seven Kingdoms as technologically advanced as this elevator at Castle Black. Which means...

There are no things in the Seven Kingdoms as technologically advanced as this elevator at Castle Black. Which means, in my opinion, that Castle Black is a fucking cool place. But also, why don't they take in use such elevators elsewhere? The engineers in the Seven Kingdoms should love it.

Attached: Elevator.jpg (1628x982, 338K)

It’s a show about dragons and youre spazzing out about elevators? Lmao, chill dude

But it's also about elevators my man!!!

are you retarded? the elevators of the seven kingdoms are more interesting than generic fucking dragons

What time era is GoT supposed to be, anyway?

That's a beautiful elevator

The roaring twenties

I agree. It's brilliant actually. They should use it other places too. I wonder who built it.

Technically the green fire was more technologically advanced, as it involved chemistry rather than simple structural pullies and levers like any faggot engineer could pull off.


>The earliest known reference to an elevator is in the works of the Roman architect Vitruvius, who reported that Archimedes (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) built his first elevator probably in 236 BC.[2] Some sources from later historical periods mention elevators as cabs on a hemp rope powered by hand or by animals.

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зaймитecь ceкcoм

it's a wonder construction workers in the middle ages ever got anything done with shitty blueprints like that

The green fire is good too, but not as impressive honestly.

Vitruvious was a know fag.

the 1500's

some random concept artist who was translating the book, fucking escapist retards

engineering > chemistry

Its weird that i was thinking along similar lines while watching that episode in that i was just curious about the mechanics of it.
and then i started thinking it was probably a system of counter weights and pulleys
and then i started thinking about how basic and intuitive that seems but it still took people thousands of years to figure it out
.....and then i remembered some people never really even mastered the wheel

It literally uses an engine too. They pull this wooden thing as an up and down switch, and then the wheels start turning automatically. It's awesome.

Weights and pullies more complicated than DNA, RNA and CRISPR.

okay bud

GRRM directly stated Pyromancer’s Piss is a take off of Greek Fire and he just made it green for fantasy window dressing.

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