>goes on big anti-women rant.
Oh yea, Bill's back!
>I'm really only talking about white women.
Goes on big anti-women rant
Other urls found in this thread:
his interview on rogan was a big yikes moment for me
Is she making Bill drink her piss?? Wtfff
A bitch is a bitch
So if she's coal or bleach
I talk in the exact same pitch
how can he even get hard looking at that? jesus christ, it's disgusting
I think someone on this very imageboard bamboozled me with some fake news, I could have sworn Bill got divorced from her already but apparently not
the guys say he never watched game of thrones because his nigger wife didnt want to watch whites on a medieval story.
burr is pathetic, another name to put on the list of suicides that no one will be surprise about it, next to jim carrey and the fat jew from superbad.
Oh billy
I'm imagining that black pussy, all brown and shit with a pink roast beef center, bristling with pitch black wiry hair (no way does this ho shave).
I'd rather fuck a horse.
What the fuck is wrong with Bill? He pretends to be a Boston resident, yet he fucks black women. It makes no sense mates... It makes no fucking sense...
He even made a show about traditional families. It was a stupid cartoon. All of these comedians are mentally ill hypocrites.
it's true.
even the redpilled ones are mentally ill.
deep down they're all just total attention whores because they were neglected as kids or something.
Bill's "kid"
Is that legit? She looks like fully black
wow looks just like him!
i like how they dont show the kids face. its like theyre royalty, bill is this huge star and shit.
its just a black child for fuck sake, who will be shocked to know that the kid is 110% black? nobody.
Do you think he knows?
"Bill's" "kid"
Yet another artist brought down by the woman at his side. The type of chick a guy choses to marry really, really shows his IQ.
It defies all logic, it escapes explanation, it's impossible to explain WHY, of everyone alive, with his level of fame, wealth, respect, Billl Burr of all people would marry a 20 IQ extremely liberal chick who has the dumbest opinions imaginable and is constantly ranting and triggered, not to mention dragging him to things like a fucking Lady Gaga show. It goes against everything he stood for on stage.
Holy shit that guy is such a shill.
saw some videos of this guy now. he used to be normal, his stand up was fine. he could go some places and instead took an overdose of redpills. LOL
if i was fucking christina ricci tight body i would be totally fine with the world, dont understand why he decide to go woke - and broke - when he could be doing some sitcom and cashing some money.
if he was sane he could do some show mixing always sunny with tim allen and would have a huge audience for that shit.
I mean if you're gonna marry a black chick why'd he have to go and marry an ugly one
>can only see the back of an afro
>"Wow she's so beautiful!!"
Fucking women
i will never get tired of these threads. this is my national enquirer.
it started when he started saying doing tranny sex operations on kids was child abuse, one thing led to another, before you know it he's ranting about niggers and kikes on youtube and is totally blacklisted from the industry.
i think he's a shill though. if he just stopped at bashing trannies, jews and blacks i would think it was just his principles as a woke whitey, but he's going into shit like flat earth and the moon landing now. clearly he just wants the alt-crowd for easy clicks in order to support himself.
No one pluralises mate you freak
>Wait for my, Patrice
>I'm on my way
Bull Burr, red of hair
Lola Burr... nappy hair...
White women are just plain evil.
the rabbit hole has no ending, he should come to Yea Forums, shit post, maybe get some material in return and keep some low profile, like chris pratt.
the guy is good looking, has some funny material, plays piano... and throw all of this out of window to become some alex jones tier. dumb.
Bill Burr is becoming such a huge cuck faggot I kind of want to find some old racist audio of his from O&A
and end his career
Last night I went to his stand-up taping AMA
I don't say mate, but what about
>going out with the mates
>me and my mates...
The seed is weak.
>like chris pratt
bill burr is fascinating because he can make a board of fucked up people feel good.
look at this picture.
pictures of victims of war are less disturbing than the desperation and fear and regret on this man face.
No people wouldn’t really say that often. It’s understandable, but sounds weird. “Me and the lads” or something is more normal.
dude just had a mental breakdown, the redpill is incidental.
if he had his shit together imagine how deep undercover he could go while still having lots of money
He's chosen to have a kid with an older nigress who is DEFINITELY not a virgin and has taken random semen from random males all her life. That kid is a perfect example of a mutt baby. I can't believe modern men actually believe they still get 50% of the genetic pie with a whore. Nature doesn't work that way and now you're stuck raising something that's mostly not you.
i can look at this fella pre red pill and see a dude with potential to become big in the industry, like pratt.
pratt is a regular guy, just look at parks and rec bloopers, pure shitposting. he is also a christian, doesnt like fags. but he keep to himself.
this dude should do that instead becoming a black listed artist. he has a family, wife, son, he should be more sense of responsability.
we say 'me droogs' instead.
yeah, he could be an insider and shit.
and again: he had the potential to go places. a waste.
You’re actually retarded. Do you know how cells work
>I kind of want to find some old racist audio
It's definitely out there, that's why he's pulled a huge 180 so when it inevitebly leaks he'll have a chance at a comeback like Louis
>what is telegony
Cope more, incel white knight
How is he a shill? He is the new Sam Hyde, but not a total pussy.
You believe the same theories as a bunch of people in mud huts from the 14th century. You’re retarded.
Doubt it. He would always be woke on Opie & Anthony whenever Anthony was being racist.
he's been with nia his entire career, this isn't a temporary bout of insanity or some shit
This is a liberal white woman thing. Most aren't like this.
Of course you would whiteboi
The truth is: he was overrated from the start.
For comparison.
the woman look like those facial reconstructions that cientists do from cave people bones.
I feel bad for Bill, bros.
>white privilege is real
>male privilege isn't real
pick one bill
That woman is mixed race though
Bill is a cuckold.
Owen Benjamin is a retarded Jewish White advocate with an ugly spic wife. His content is bad, he's not funny, can't even play the piano well. He and his retarded fanbase should be ignored.
I just started listening to his podcast recently. I've never listened to his standup yet.
She's incredibly manipulative to the point where i think its emotionally abusive (soi thing to say, i know). He's obviously dealing with therapy and anger issues, but she constantly pushes it being an opinionated dumb twat.
Has she done anything else to him thats noteworthy? Or is she just constantly a cow on his podcast?
and bill is a fucking ginger.
the thing here is: why hide your child from the world? way more important and famous people than bill show their kids.
this mystery only make people think the guy is a cuck - the fact that he acts like one, does not help.
Anyone else not find standup funny anymore? Long-form comedy improv like you find in podcasts is so much more appealing to me.
Even when i go to movies i can't laugh at much anymore. Yea Forums and "extreme" stupid/offensive humour has dumbed me down to the point where nothing makes me laugh anymore.
Sauce on your claims
Far superior comedian coming through
You should watch Nick Dipaolos podcast on YouTube. It's as funny as it gets. Hes one of few comedians that hasn't bowed to Political correctness.
He talked about it on Conan
To be fair white women are terrible and worse than asians or even blacks. So anything that ridicules them is good to me.
>implying it's his
There's a pic of his wife's snapshat where she is with the negro who is most likely the father of the child. Bill Burr went from based to literally cucked really fast.
he said that this week on conan, dude, its on youtube.
All these people talking shit about bill marrying a black woman. What was he supposed to do? Marry some uppity white bitch who is guaranteed to divorce him in 3 years cause she thinks she can do better?
He was doomed from the start.
Found the pic. This is Burr's wife. Sad!
a semi famous guy not completly ugly could not find, at least, a decent looking white woman? a thicc latina? an obedient asian?
and theres the option 'stay single', boredom is still better than turn your life into a fucking nightmare.
His problem wasn't marrying a black woman it was getting married at all. Modern marriage is cuckoldry. Would not matter if he married a lily white nordic queen the exact same shit would have probably went down.
>not completly ugly
he looks like a make-a-wish kid who survived his illness
Patrice was the one keeping all these guys straight. He passed and they all slipped into oblivion.
Not him but the game of thrones thing is 100% true
(He says it at the very beginning of this clip)
He username is an anagram of
I a salte negro
plus GOT is full of shitskins anyways, so i'm not sure what the fuck she's whining about
she cute
>that kid's face
white genes
>bill burr
Having a vague notion that the elite are bad coupled with a slightly edgy sense of humor does not make one "redpilled". Bill is a fucking moron.
There is not god damn way in hell that he's putting up with all this nonsense and not getting anything in return.
Even sex with this ugly creature isn't worth that, hes definitely hiding something and I'll take a wild guess and say he has a small 1 inch dick or hes a massive cuckold.
How do yo go from this: youtu.be
To this:
Katainen vain nauroi
the problem here is: not watching because muh nigger wife didnt want to. what a little bitch. (him, not her.)
and imagine saying 'my wife dont want to watch a bunch of blacks'. not saying in wich moment of history since blacks, without any other contact with civilization, live on stone age.
baka at all these virgin yt's
she looks like michael clarke duncan and im not even kidding.
miss that nigga. F.
missed patrice so much he married him
>horse teeth
>bad body
She must be really funny or a really good bj giver.
Everyone acts like they're an expert on race mixing and genetics. But then they reveal that they don't know what mixed children look like.
>women are overrated
guess that's why he went in another direction
>impossible to explain why he went against what he said on stage
No it isn't. The obvious answer is that he never believed what he said. Plus, you are cherrypicking his FEW intelligent points rather than actually examining the majority of his shtick which was the usual vapid nonsense.
His "Philly rant" (aka his breakout moment) was full of screaming at the audience that he hoped they all got raped by black people (in detail) and calling them racists and shit. Burr has always been a faggot, niggerlover and the widespread idea that he is redpilled is fucking mindboggling to me. If he is an "artist", then he's undoubtedly a terrible one.
>telling her she's brave for just sitting there
it’s been that way for years, going back to beginnings when she was first on and arguing about mundane shit or emails
Microchimerism isn't a thing in humans lad. I agree that racemixing and whores are bad, but you don't need to push fake-science to argue that position.
this, if he had any brain matter to begin with, with his fame and wealth he could've gotten a kid with a 20 somethin years old, never marry her just in case and get away with it, hell, it could've also used it as comedic point
wrong, Burr has always been a niggerlover.
America was a mistake.
did that paternity test shit really happen? Could I get sauce on that?
just rumors from years back
They were split for a while, then they got back together and immediately had a baby. I'm sure it'll end well.
Either came from a video or a single photo. If photo then it captured the plight of every White who relates with a black woman. If video then imagine the other frames.
Who would even know such a thing?
It's just celebrity fan fiction.
Damn, I thought I had some WMBF saved. Guess not... I'll just post what I do have.
Hey, I found one.
I don't know why you white guys thought Bill was your champion. He's never been the racist type. For god's sake, he honors Patrice O'neal every year.
Here's video of Nia getting pregnant.
How can the freckled cunt compete?
Check out this girl's face.
all the best artists suffer for their art
This is kind of like Bill and Nia, if the sexes were reversed.
I've reached the point where only anons posting dumb memes make me laugh
Mark Wahlberg would never. He's /our guy/.
Hey, I found another one. I guess I did have a couple saved. They're just scattered about.
Last time I listened to his podcast was years ago. She said “white people have no culture” and he made the lamest attempt to argue but gave up almost immediately.
Made me remember the time he was on O and A and went on a rant about how “HE” was sick of Ant’s racism and how Ant isn’t invited to the Patrice events.
The guy is pathetic.
Look at this pure pale skin, and shimmering red locks. Probably took quite a few generations to get features like those.
Be honest. You'd throw away your genetics for this.
/ourguy/ is Ricky Gervais, not some pathetic niggerlover.
Maybe for a fuck. Certainly not for marriage.
White guys can impregnate multiple women from different races sweet tea. Nothing wrong with a white family with some fat black ass on the side.
The XFM days are long gone user.
I was a huge opie Anthony fan for about a decade back when they were in their prime. Bill was great at first but became a bigger and bigger pussy as time went on. His stand up stayed good but he was always a bit of a twat when it came to race because he likes black pussy.
I remember the exact episode you are talking about where he decides he's gonna let ant know he's not ok with ants racism. If you go back and listen to old shows you can tell ant really doesn't respect burr. And neither did Patrice.
Who cares? He's childless. It makes zero difference who he is with.
Not bad
she looks like shit but even shit is too good for this unfunny mother fucker.
Reminder he doen't watch game of thrones despite wanting too because his wife told him he's not allowed because it's about "medieval white people"
She's white, though. Ugly white female > ugly negress.
SEETHING niggerlovin' burgerfags.
someone post that short film she made where she passionately kisses a black man, all financed by bill
niggers are boring and have literally no culture or history
Something smells weird here
Do all white New Yorkers drill oil?
yes. but he is such a shallow, pathetic, ugly soul, why not just get a whore or something?
at least she is too old to have babies and hes genes are going to be gone, forever, while his tainted soul burns, in hell, forever. AMEN.
I don't think he's shallow.
imagine the smell
It´s just so depressing now to watch this potato nigger even open his silly mouth.
>Tfw you're a White South African politician and you have to listen to all of the dumb shit the ANC have to say every day
South African Parliament is the most hilarious shit to watch
how can black americans unironically think that 'white' people have no culture? honestly that shit actually triggers me
Because black people are ignorant morons. They barely know anything about themselves let alone other people. If the average white liberal sat down and talked with the average black guy about any topic they would be shocked at how absolutely retarded they are about most things. No matter how much money is pumped into public school systems from the federal or state level they will always remain just as ignorant as ever.
then imagine bills little pecker, moisty white, like a thumb that has worn a band-all day and freshly peeled off, sliding in and out.
They that because niggers in Africa put weird shit in their faces that that counts as culture. One line of Shakespeare or Dante is worth more than anything written in Sub-Saharan Africa.
They think that because niggers in Africa put weird shit in their faces that that counts as culture. They equate colourfulness with actual culture, and whimsical costumes with art. One line of Shakespeare or Dante is worth more than anything written in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Who's the dude sitting next to Bill there?
That kids face could be a good reaction image
>that shit actually triggers me
Who gives a shit? They're speaking english and using technology invented by white people. It's too stupid to get angry over.
Hey nia, tha guy called again
T-the one who insists referring to himself as "nia's baby daddy"? W-whats up with that?
OK OK IM SORRY jeez I love ya
She legit looks like an orc.
Half redhead...half black
Based Bill, black women are redpilled
White women are all brainwashed anti-white liberals/leftists
black women are cringe
Why does she remind me of these?
>dont understand why he decide to go woke
In a drunk moment, he probably confessed to some gay stuff in his past, and now she uses the threat of disclosing that to make him her bitch.
I stopped listening to this phony turd over 6 months ago. Yoko2 is having a nice effect on his career.
White women voted for Trump over Hillary. Black women are like 98% left wing.
Patrice was literally a cuck though
they must be some god tier bjs because it sure as shit ain't her personality
Bill as a woman
Bills calls her "the supermassive blackhole" because she sucks the living shit out of you.
Jillian Bell!
There's no way she'd post a picture with him if she were fucking. Not even thots are that dumb.
You have no idea.
Looks like a pornstar who quit after a pathetically short career.
this. some combination of fame and money eventually ruined him
They clearly have been tainted by the negress.
I think it's a good idea for anybody to not post your child on social media
Remember when /ourguy/ was in Breaking Bad?
Because they define culture as a few silly dances and hairstyles as that is all theirs amounts too.
Minorities are only left wing economically, and then only to maintain their gibs. Ask them about gays and atheists and they're more redpilled than /pol/.
The word "white culture" is incredibly retarded anyway. There's dozens of european cultures, all of which are white, but there's no such thing as one "white culture"
He is unfunny but his wife is qt.
In the US, a lot of people do considering "white culture", "black culture", and "hispanic culture" to each be a single entity. We're kind of stupid as a nation.
Hispanic culture is more or less a thing, because it's about a language keeping it all together, as opposed to some vague thing like skin pigmentation.
mutually low standards
completly agree, but i dont think they do that for a matter of security. you married a black person after all.
but i agree, i have on social media and sometimes i think about giving this advice but its such a shitty world that offering this advice already makes you sound like a creep.
>Hispanic culture is more or less a thing, because it's about a language keeping it all together
I don't think so. The language and catholicism are really the only common ground across "the hispanic world" (latin america+spain I guess). It's like English+protestantism in the english-speaking world. Texas, Wales, and Nigeria are all English-speaking but culturally they've got nothing in common. Same way that Argentina, Mexico, and Cuba don't really have anything in common.
>stale /pol/ memes + lolsorandumb
>Same way that Argentina, Mexico, and Cuba don't really have anything in common.
Language. Language is everything. Borges, an Argentine, admired Rulfo, a Mexican, and vice versa. What connects them is language, yes, they might be from different countries but there's something visceral binding them together. Something that can't be said about for example a Dutch guy and an Italian guy, despite both being Caucasian.
holy shit lokek
Remember kids, no matter how great it looks at first sight, never fall for jungle fever
and what exactly is so great about this overweight burnt horse that I can't seem to find anywhere?
that wooden plank on the back looks more appealing to me than this out of shape dinosaur at the front.
Right. And for the love of all that's holy, don't put a ring on it.
hey everyone bill burr here with the monday morning podcast
>loud moaning and fucking noises can be heard in the background
h-heheh c-can you hear these noises?..uuuuhh t-the lovely nia is watching a porn parody as a joke
>an angry nigger replies
>bill sounds nervous
h-heheh...she's with an old friend, such jokers
>the fucking becomes so loud the voices can be heard clearly at this point
>bill sounds nervous and embarrassed to death
h-h-haha t-theyre playing a joke on me, those bastards
>the nigga is about to climax
>rushed steps are heard, the door in bills room opens in a hurry
-ooooh...oooh yeah, ooh fuck, relax lil nigguh s'all ovah now.. u a good lil soldier
>bill can be heard whipping his head and begging the nigger to go
h-h-h-heheh...aaaahhhh...t-the lovely nia and her crazy pranks everyone!
>Hey bill lets go out for dinner tonight
Sure nia, anything specific in mind?
>..I know a nice little place in chinatown, its great
Sure honey, sounds good
*They arrive at the restaurant and sit*
So, what should we order baby?
>Leave that to me babe, I know the chef, let me go give him our order personally
*Food arrives-nia doesnt even touch hers she just stares at bill with a weird smirk on her
Mmm baby, this is fucking good
>You like it bill?
Yeah I really like it
>Do you love it bill?
Oh I love it alright but uuuhh..why do you keep starring at me like that..?
>Finish your food bill.
Nia...w-what's in this..?
>oh, I think you know billy boy
*starts throwing up*
*nia laughs hysterically*
How do you guys come up with this shit? lmao
Hes in the next star wars kek
Those guys have the "Imma bout ta run tha train" face
Try hundreds, if not thousands.
Look at the guy holding her. They def fucked.
Bill admitted on a podcast last year he took an AIDS test in the 1990s (so he says) and was nervous about it. Who the fuck does that? Straight dudes don't take AIDS tests.
Check out Adam Carolla's podcast. He is redpilled and pro-Trump. If you like cars even better, bro. He runs a tight ship too- you can tell his staff are scared of him.
AIDS test? wtf
>being this gay
>but i dont think they do that for a matter of security. you married a black person after all.
Well maybe he had jungle fever longer than we knew
I’m closely related to Jane AMA
Not to any great degree. The only large demographic in America (possibly the world) to have their core identity be their race is black people. African Americans never really had a notable culture so black culture exists as a substitute.
Everyone else has the culture of their native homeland, even if it's some weird arab country that no one's heard of, still something.
Have you met Ricky? Is he cool?
Honestly I would love to marry a black girl
Remember when Bill made fun of his racist grandma in a set back in like 2002 or something for telling him how he'll see what's wrong with dating a black chicks.
At last he truly sees.
Oh Hi Bill how's the lovely Nia?
I'm not racist at all but Bill's wife legit looks like a fucking monkey. Get this chimp out of here!
Why does he let himself be pussy whipped by that nigger?
Even as a progressive anti-racist myself, I have to admit ol' Bill's destroying his bloodline with those shitskin genetics.
I've no idea.
>if you don't like this burnt bag of fat and entitlement it means you must want dicks in your asshole.
He said several times himself he was deadly afraid of becoming that weird uncle that lives above the garage with no family of his own.
The smell meme is real.
I worked with a super hot black receptionist (a solid 9.5/10) and she would wear high heels. I guess some women wear those nylon socks with high heels but she went bare. One day I am talking her up at her desk area and catch a putrid musk scent. She had her heels off and the foot stink was traveling vertically 6 feet.
>if you don't like this burnt bag of fat and entitlement it means you must want dicks in your asshole.
even if that means raising your wife and tyrone's daughter.
The guy is wealthy and famous and not ugly. Sure he is a ginger but Bill could get a semi hot Roastie and wife her up. Look at the decent sluts Anthony Cumia gets and that dude has road rash face.
Why do people pretend being ginger makes you more or less attractive? If you don’t already have a good face, hair color isn’t gonna help you. Look at that Archie kid, J K Appa or what the fuck. He’s a muscle stud even if he’s got orange hair. Fassbender is handsome and has a ginger beard. Toby Stephens is pure daddy material and he’s got copper hair and a ginger beard.
I get the point that light colored hair makes you more effeminate. Dolph looks better with pitch black hair in Punisher than he looks with platinum blonde as Drago. But face, body and stuff dictate handsomeness more than hair. Burr wouldn’t look any more handsome with brown hair or whatever.
Are those really gingers, though? Fassbender?
As long as you have a ginger beard, you are a ginger. But “red” hair ain’t like in comics, so sometimes you only see the reddish part under the light. Most of the men have copper hair and red beards. McAvoy only has red facial hair but has described himself as a ginger. Not everyone’s Domhall Gleeson.
I get your point though. It’s kinda like Auburn Red or Strawberry Blonde. It depends on who you ask. When you say “ginger” most people expect BDH’s or Jessica Chastain’s color, that’s true.
yea exactly
maybe shes a sleeper agent