Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#393 TriForce Edition
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I dont remember how to try force
Hello new bread. Please be healed by Arita's super-cute eyebrows.
I am always /healed/ and jealous of them
Post OCS made on this general!!!!
> anons talk about an arcade meet next weekend
> had a dream I took Alita to the arcade
> she wins all the tickets and gets me a plushie
Vampire alita
Alita is cute all over. Berserker body is top sexy.
that's pretty clever
That's the Big Bang right there!
One day we'll find out what it says, /ALITA/.
Thats one cute dream user, love it.
Whos bottom left, Zapan?
Reminder: Flopped
Manga Jashugan
>triforce edition in OP and image
Thank god the based OP mentioned twice that it's triforce edition or otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell on my own.
Did you know its the Triforce edition?
Attention whoring namefags should stop making threads.
Reminder flipped: sequel inbound.
There's also triforce in the filename. Truly, the OP is a master of subtlety.
reminder: flipped, sequel whenever
Alita is cute! Just wanted to let you guys know in case you missed it.
>you have nice thighs...
What music would Alita enjoy? Would she be into Coldplay or Radiohead?
I want to dry her tears so hard.
Linkin park maybe?
But the OP is user, user.
Dua Lipa
g-guys, why did they make her look like my ex-gf?
Do another one where she's screaming about Vector in her last outfit
Suck my cock neckbeard.
Can't we just discuss the movie instead of autistically posting alitas face with a retarded comment or fake quote next to it?
A face worthy of giving many kissus
Sure, what do you want to talk about?
You and me both lad
Tiny girls with cute faces and porcelain skin break your heart the hardest
This is too cute
>tfw you live in Zalem and laugh at the plebs down there in the scrapyard
>they don't even have robots LMAO
>I can give one likku
Posting old gif, but good morning frens! Please be healed by Arita.
I miss her so much, I can't take it no more
Ok, why didn't Alita make a deal with Nova to remove the bounty off Hugo, instead of mindlessly attacking the factory and killing Vector?
Isn't she canonically a literal prog rock artist?
>Stupid hole
For me its the little things
Quads and I get my cute dream girlfriend.
Uh oh, Anons are going mad. Just hold it in there.
For me, after my third viewing I realised I loved Alita way more than I’ve ever loved any of my past girlfriends. The waifu meme is real
What is the first Alita OC you got in your Alita-pack?
Mine is
What deal could you make with a mad scientist who's more interested in human social experiments than money or any similar bargaining chip?
What leverage does Alita have to make a deal in the first place? There are many other factories too. One lost can simply be compensated for or rebuilt.
I want more stuff from the drawfrens!!!
This one
Berserker tits
Keep trying user
Synths are used in many music genres, this doesn't help
I want something like this
thx user
nothing will ever replace her, these things just seem to be here to make me hurt.
>Look at this video of Koyomi!
>It’s good to know she’s coming to hour Christmas party, she’ll meet our child Gally!
>Yes, I did rewatch Alita. How did you know?
>wear motorball t-shirt out
>get recognized for it
Hello random Alitafren
animated cutelita
How was your week frens? Mine was exhausting but it’s over.
Looking forward to next weekend so I can watch capeshit with some friends, but what excites me the most is the chance to meetup with other /ALITA/ anons at the arcade
And I'm sure he resembled Based alitan
She literally performs Yes' Big Generator in the original manga.
Has anyone done the “Ontas?” Meme to Rosa?
this thread radiates good vibes, keep it up friends
The fact that people are still playing Yes covers 500 years from now really shows how much staying power they have.
That music sucks!
Hi Alita, Hi Alitafren
Do you think Rosa is practicing piano in preparation for this scene?
What am I doing wrong...? It's all wrong.
Zapan is a rascal
>no keytar
this is apocrypha
▲ ▲
Leeta get out of here before they start pointing guns at you!
You are improving, you will malke It fren
Looks great fren , what do you think wrong?
pen&paper is so outdated
learn to go digital my friend
You don't deserve such digits
say what?
They used a body double circus acrobat for the gymnastic scenes. Jimbo would probably get a globally acclaimed pianist to do any keyboard scenes.
This artist begs to differ, check out that price he's finished... The detail is crazy. And I don't really wanna spam the bread up with all the photos.
yes I do
needs braces, freckles, eye shadow and a blush
Eyes are off and I can't seem to fix them.
It's not the medium it's my general lack of skill.
What a cutie
Not only is out girl physically gorgeous, her performance was honestly perfection
Just realized I wrote Ivo instead of Ido, goddammit
Fuck you, BAA looks better than LO and MC partially because it wasn't digital.
Speaking of which if you want to learn digital from kishiro he actually put out pictures in English of his entire process here
kinda looks like to me she was going for a capital D but then stopped to cross the word out.
Pretty cute, not bad at all. You could try elongating the face a bit and making her arms and body bigger.
t. not an artist
based and eggpilled
China fans having fun with their last Imax screening this weekend.
Wow that pic makes it look so disproportionate...
>Alita, run!
Specifically this link
They're really going all out.
Damn, they're based.
9 Alita 9?
Holy shit first the 130 million, and now this.
We don't deserve them....
maybe because you're using a childish way of drawing faces, bottom to top instead of outlining the general shape of the skull and general facial features first
any slight misalignment of the eyes, nose or mouth stands out because we're good at detecting those imperfections, especially on a static image
You guys ever think they have some peeps pop on here to check stuffs out, or does it not work the other way around.
Why was Alita so popular in China? (instead of say, Japan)
Use grids
The lines of the full head shape have been erased.
Sure they could do that, but would Rosa be ok with it? She strikes me as someone who'd want to do it herself, and would probably have done every Alita scene in BA if she could. Playing some Yes is far easier than doing ridiculous gymnastics like that.
I agree
We don’t deserve her
She’s great
It's honestly pretty perplexing that Alita did extremely well in China but basically flopped in Japan. You'd think it would be the other way around.
China seems to like action movies like Aquaman and Alita. Are the Japanese audience for that sort of thing too hikki to leave the house?
There probably going to jizz all over endgame....
Yep. They will be jumping ship the moment they go for some kind of leftist message though - not that I think the Russos would do that.
I heard the Japanese premiere coincided with the release of some other film that was really popular in Japan.
That's soo good!
>Mfw this will never happen to me.
▲ ▲
>he..he killed Tanji now he's after me!
When did she post this
Good Afternoon Alitans
Mid thread OST
Wasnt the cat named Alita?
A girl in the club slaps Hugo in the ass, what does Alita do?
>what do you mean?
Memes aside, honestly what else could Hugo have meant?
But seriously though, what's with that intense stare?
>She's more machine now than girl. Twisted and evil
Is there an Alita vs captain marvel fanbase fight or something?
Why? How?
In the manga, yes
It's just marvelcucks trying to start a fight they cannot win. We don't give a shit about them but they sure seem obsessed about us.
not my cup of tea, but I appreciate the threadly effort to introduce new music
Jubelee's got a gun!
Does anyone have the webm of Ryan Gosling making autistic faces during an interview while the woman who played Joi looks at him with amusement?
>ok slow down, what do you mean?
More like a 911 operator kek
>I do not stand by in the presence of evil
It's a rather unexpected turn of events. It's quite human of her to go wtf?
I'm sure this is the first thing many ppl saves
>today on "It's always sunny in Iron City"...
>99, what is your emergency?
this image is cursed
dated a girl that looked just like this fml
this then image related and an early version of the podracing cover
What happened?
Mornin frens
Nuffin, Alita
meant for you
Privet Ivan
Alita is a massive Jashugan fangirl, you know. Don’t worry, K.
On a side question, where can I watch its always sunny in Philadelphia streaming?
>leeta writes a paper about the inherently patriarchal and phallocentric nature of motorball by describing motorball players as competing sperm cells invading the sanctity of a woman's reproductive system and attempting to seize the motorball which she likens to an ovum and the track as a woman's uterus and fallopian tubes
>therefore the sport is intrinsically about a woman's sexual reproduction and autonomy being violated and should be shut down
Privet, fren
I'm honestly not sure these days since I rarely stream anything anymore. Dailymotion?
My God! We could dominate gender studies and the less meritocratic side of literary criticism with this shit.
Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future
That gif is still my favorite product of these threads.
Morning Alitafren
Did they pick her just because her name is Laeta?
Morning, sleepy head.
she made it seem that the conflicts she was experiencing in her social and worklife were a product of her being broken or abnormal, mentally. she viewed herself as inherently broken. i didn't see that i was going to be able to change that and i foresaw a long and painful relationship of her being dependent on me, so i broke it off. her breath also kinda smelled and she needed constantly affirmation.
fun detail, she also had sacred geometry tattoos around her nipples.
>Since 2016 she has also been writing and executive producing the untitled Sword Art Online live-action series for Netflix.[15] She is writing the pilot, noting in an interview that she was working to not "whitewash" the adaptation.
God I love rosa so much. :(((
Who're you quoting, user
>My ancestor
It's a day off for me, it's starting to rain and the comfy feels are growing
this is one of the more subtle meme references in these generals, i love it
It’s an extra comfy one today anons
Sounds like a great day to spend inside a blanket fortress with your alitafrens.
Anybody else buy one of these?
Oh crap that's cool, buying one now as we speak.
This explains the group of little old Chinese ladies who showed up one time to watch /ourgirl/. I was so confused
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
this is weird and makes me feel weird
Yeah, picked one up. They're pretty neat.
>Alita in another 300 years.
The showings I went to had a weird mixture of teenage girls, guys in their 30s and families.
Lots of groups of teenagers in the opening weekend, but in the later screenings it was families, 30s something guys and older couples.
Jesus those eyelid stickers and those nose eyes.
>He is the dragon you must slay
What? this line makes no sense at all. Why would Alita know what dragons are, or rather why would dragon be even a word with any meaning 500 years into the future? She didn't even know how to peel an orange.
Man, are you going to get confused by Wheel of Time.
awww I never noticed that orange, so cute
>My ancestor.
>buuhuuu me
>uaaaaaah i am regularly dating females and have a life buuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuuu
seriously FUCK. YOU. user
>you know i love your body hugo but sometimes you can be a real dumb shit
The sadness of not having my girl in cinemas anymore is kicking in anons
This is the only place keeping me happy until the Blu-ray releases
How are you all handling it?
They must have some kind of culture on Mars then, because we hardly remember what dragons look like even today, even though my grandfather fought against dragons and werewolves in WWII.
>Oh Alita that's so swee-wait...
As best I can, user.
>She didn't even know how to peel an orange.
don't bully pls
in4b this becomes the next op
> Her hands probably got sticky from peeling the orange and she had to lick the juice off her fingertips with her little tongue
>manage to get a prime spot smack in the middle of the theater
>end up sandwiched between 2 groups of 3 or 4 teenage girls
>they all seem to love the movie almost as much as I do
>this happens several times
How the fuck did I grow up to have the sensibilities of a teenage girl?
Tread carefully, user.
I wanna tie up Alita and rape her :)
>Tfw when waiting for announcements
> And then they announce the blu-ray and sequel on the same day...
My name is aliTAAA
>implying she wouldn't easily break free and give you the ol' romo skull-crusher
me too ;_;
>You don't know what rape really is like, user, let me show you
>Bend over
based and 99pilled
absolutely based
okay, this is epic
She posted this just the other day but I don't think it had any text on it
It's hard to think a sequel would work as a PG-13 production. If anything it would have an insane amount of gun violence, something that would make /k/ cream their pants with excitement.
>implying she wouldn't love it and call me daddy through the whole thing
pretty fucking cool granny
>Oh he's blind and deaf, he doesn't know I'm about to rape him with the hammer, sad
>"raping" a literal weapon of mass destruction who is about 300 times stronger than an average human
huh huh
>stay behind me this is going to get messy
Found a higher quality version of this one:
(Chinese girl and boyfriend)
>even attempting to rape someone who can kill you with a single punch
Hey she could play Melchizedek's grandma form.
That song...
Giving me cancer since 2017
>unironic penis inspection day
Life on Mars is pure hell.
Framing gutter trash.
Hey there little guy
Kishiro, no
>the exact moment I fell in love
>*bzzzz* *bzzzz*
>guys my screen isn't working
>that kid on the left with pants on his head
A true martian Chad
>user didn't pick up...he must be mad at me...
kill yourselves
>why didn't i go with the iphone
I'm going to just not yet, maybe in 10 years or so.
>break free
If she's tied up, it's because she wants to be tied up.
>a rare jerome sighting
missed you buddy
I'd run all the way to Ido's to let Alita know I'm not mad if this happened, no joke
The thumbnail looks a bit like a pepe
We all would :)
Heres an idea, you go first.
And don't listen to him user.
Film 2 would only have one gun, it's film 3 that'll make /k/ come harder than Tsar Bomba. Both should absolutely be rated R.
What's this?
Retconned by LO. Not canon.
oh shit, a missed call
So in Alita's world, is humanity extinct save for the pocket under Zalem in Latin America? Were Europe, Asia, etc. wiped?
no. You literally see three humans and a cyborg out in the badlands why would they be extinct
Nope, there are some other small towns
super wholesome
I would drag my left ball through 10 miles of broken glass all while the right ball was being set upon by an industrial blow torch, just to get a sniff of that bra strap.
No joke...
Oh huh, I always thought Zalem and Iron city were the only places left on the planet.
As far as we know there's only Iron City, the Farms, and whatever is up in Zalem. In the manga there is also another city on the opposite side of the earth from Zalem, both have space stations directly above them, and humanity has spread to Venus (bioengineers), Mars (multiple factions in a conatant civil war), Jupiter (100% cyborgs) and the Kupier belt.
Thanks. You would think the remnants of Earth's humanity would treat each other better
I've got a blow torch, anyone got some scrap glass to break?
I'll call up Rosa and we can make this happen, fren.
Active hydrowalls, artillery and centurions guarding the gates does suggest that there is somebody out there that represent some kind of threat.
Mutants, raiders, and the Barjack (if they exist in the movie universe)
Thanks, that sound great!
>That ghost in the shell poster in the background...
yo LA frens can we do the 4/27 Riverside meet on 4/28? then I'll be able to come
If they don't do Den's O Fortuna scene in the third film I will personally fly to Cameron's home and show him the error of his ways. Barjack must be done.
Ooh, I can't do sundays. I got work.
Did anyone actually wanna redub the movie?
Sure, Satan.
On earth, pretty much. The surface has been hit with some biological/chemical shit that makes it near inhospitable to humans, causing mutations and deformities.
In the manga, outside of Scrapyard is basically a mad max desert, with some settlements, ruins and factory-run farms spread around.
Got myself can from drawfren! Thank you! Had no clue what can I was getting but Panzer Kunst is what I hoped for. Just wish I could have made it down to Iron City to enjoy a few with /ALITA/.
user, I don't think you're getting your cyborg centaur scene in these movies
You and me both buddy. And if we are already there we'll gonna have a serious discussion with Mr. Cameron about the inevitable R-rated Directors Cut version with additional scenes and soundtrack.
this desu senpai
Plot twist: they bring Del Taco in to Pacific Rim the fuck out of Den. Who’s voice though?
Vin Diesel
what the fuck do you human shitstains need a fucking general thread for this garbage
thanks for pushing us closer to the next one
Because when we don't need to pay rental fees to your cerebrum, we can spend it on arcades and movie tickets instead.
I'm down, but I thought peaches was goin got start once we had the BluRay
ok go see the movie though user
because it's a good movie?
Whoever plays Kaos, just with a fuckload of post processing so it's not obvious.
die neue thread
>like this user? i'm scared...
what did i tell you about that kind of talk
Erinnern Sie sich an die korrekte marsianische Großschreibung
No, but most asians, especially japanese, are probably extinct.
Zapan, on za pan
Ja, ja. Sehr gut.
A-are you me? I think the reason I like Alita so much is because she secretly reminds me of an ex.