Why did nobody tell me the Star Wars novels were such fucking kino?

Why did nobody tell me the Star Wars novels were such fucking kino?

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Fuck off

Incels are out in full force today...

Thrawn books suck

Lmao he reads children's books

They become more enjoyable after you have sex for the first time.

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A good portion of the bitching about the sequel trilogy is because they turned the time period almost all the novels took place in into a yawning void filled with nothing.

Other way around. The films are nothing while the novels actually explain what's going on and expand on what makes the sequel trillogy era so different from the rest. There is more to it than the movies make it seem

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Have sex.

Think that's good, read the episode 3 novelization. Completely redeems the movie's faults.

why do you keep respoting this thead OP

Is it still worth it even though I have seen episode 3 9 million times?

I like to discuss star wars and I like to piss off incels. Why do you think?

This is only the second time I have posted it anyway. More to come!

Have sex change tranny

>Have sex change


They're generally not. Zahn is an exceptionally talented writer compared to Christie Golden and Chuck Wendig.

Wendig is far from the standard though

Fuck off, the nu-canon books are steaming dogshit. Go read the old EU, Zahn actually knew how to write back then.

you fucking shill again lying here? no the sequel era is fucking trash the nu EU is 1000x times worse than the worse of the old EU even counting TOR that was a abomination and the Zhan books are a exception not the rule

have sex


Dude the new EU rules!

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In the OT and PT you actually saw stuff in the background that made the EU seem interesting, because it had a basis in the movies, stuff was just there to make the world feel real so when you read the EU you remember that most of the stuff actually showed up in the movies. Now some stuff didn't show up in the movies until the EU, but a lot did and at least the world in the first two trilogies felt bigger than just the plot of the films themselves
In the ST they have literally nothing going on that isnt a closeup of a characters face as they run around to different battle scenes so there is nothing to spark interest that makes the EU for it feel more natural. Two movies in and we've gotten nothing to build the universe like say have the Knights of Ren report in to Kylo which makes you want to read their novel and see something in the movie come to life.

That means it was in the old EU too, silly willy

hahaha destroy everything because I Sheev died but not really haha lol the absolute madman really did it!

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Currently reading pic related, it's pretty good, Kanan's character in particular. I really like how this and for example, Catalysts, fleshes out how Empire works, all the bureaucracy and etc. I ilke the idea of Canon in general. It' so much more enjoyable when everything is happening in one consistent (most of the time) universe.

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theyre not kino because theyre fucking books you brainlet what do you think that word means

this is the Gatalenta section of Legends, it's basically the TOR shit and doesn't have anything tumblr retarded

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Sheeve is dead. Anybody who thinks he's "alive" in episode 9 is retarded

The tab for Canon is highlighted, blind silly willy fucking retard.

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Nigga, that's Thrawn written by Timothy Zahn. Anything Thrawn related written by Zahn is badass. As is anything Mandalorian related written by Karen Traviss. There were quite a few groaners written in the SW EU, but those two writers are badass working with their favorite material.

Uh oh the defence force is here

The entire Nu Eu is basically trying to cover the ass of the sequels directors that clearly don't giv a absolute shit as you can see with Operation Cinder or the novelizations of TFA or the comics about Luke and the force tree

>too blind to see a highlighted tab
>look like a fucking retard

Check out Thrawn (2017) and Tarkin after that. Both give really cool insights into the empire

I agree with your sentiment about the Canon too. of course I loved the EU as a kid just like everyone else, but they never truely felt like they took place in the same universe. More like what-if stories that have no effect on each other. The canon really ties everything together nicely

Haha silly empire you can't win a war if you are the only one with a army haha checkmate

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Sorry you looked like a fucking blind retard and were wrong, now just leave and try again next time.

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This is portrayed as a negative thing within the canon though. It's the whole driving factor for Leia to create the Resistance when the republic won't cooperate and refuses to admit that the Empire had some good ideas in a lot of ways.

Mon Mothma believed that decentralization of the military would distance themselves from the Empire, but Leia knew how dangerous of an idea that was (and she ended up being right when the New Republic got absolutely fucked in episode 7 when the first order blew them up)

>I will remind them again

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Terrible shill. The """canon""" is a mess that doesn't accomplish tying anything together. And it hardly matters when absolutely none of it is good at all. The EU was far more canonical and respectful of the source material while actually being good.

Yeah, I have Tarkin novel waiting on my shelf and Thrawn and Thrawn: Alliances comes out in my country this year so I will definitely buy it then.

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The difference is for the current trilogy that the canon has books coming out while the movies are still being made so authors can weave it in easier and then have the movies back it up.

Of course the old EU felt like a different universe because the OT had already been finished and wrapped up for years before someone wrote a book expanding on it.

>This is portrayed as a negative thing within the canon though
this thing is only a thing because JJ wanted Rebels vs Imperials and the Nu EU is only there to make excuses for his retardness



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okay, spaz. Calm down

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the same Resistance(tm) that somehow have the ONLY superduperspecial shield that could make your ship a kamikaze weapon that could put 50 deathstars in shame?

But it's also true of the OT and PT eras. The continuity between the books and films are much stronger than they have ever been.

I would hope so when you are virtue signaling transgenderism in star wars of all things.

>The Tie wibbles and wobbles trough the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrrann rooftops-it zigzags herkily-jerkily ot of sight.
Is this real?
This is false. The first EU book came out when only ANH had came out on theaters and before TESB even existed with Splinters of Minds-Eye that was written by ADF and Lucas. The main series of EU came after that in 1991, about 8 years after ROTJ with the Thrawn Trilogy which completely reignited interest in the Star Wars universe; which saw an onslaught of merchandise and material like the Tie-Fighter and X-Wing game series, more comics, and books, etc...EU in Lucas Star Wars was interconnected and brought new things in while being based in some way or form from ideas, concepts, and so on from the movies. The new EU with Disney is just filler because the Sequels/Disney Wars films have no world building and these novelizations are almost completely essential to what's going on.

He's not the only one doing that. At least half the others still are.

It's real, but it's also widely considered the worst star wars book ever even by canon fans

to think the nu EU is any good you need a capacity of disbelief beyond the most fanatic muslim terrorist, the entire thing is a insult to the reader intelligence

I think you mean completely inessential.

>somehow have the ONLY superduperspecial shield that could make your ship a kamikaze weapon
The shield was one in testing. It was never made to smash through things like that.

No they aren't. There isn't any fucking world building in the Sequels, we have no idea what's going on with the rest of the galaxy, why the New Republic was so criminally inept and how the First Order with a few dozen warships and a destroyed WMD/planet killer somehow controls the entire galaxy or most of it in TLJ. Absolutely nothing is really explained outside of the opening scrawls in VII or VIII for example. And the continuity is even worse because the TFA novelization is outright blatantly contradicted in TLJ with Poe and Rey never meeting before where the novel has them interacting at the end of VII, the continuity is actually worse.

>Splinter of Minds-Eye
>widely considered the worst star wars book ever
>canon fans
This post is too stupid for me to filter out.

Not to the same degree at all. The big EU novel for the OT came out 8 years after the Return of the Jedi released.
The continuity you see is much stronger for the current canon because Star Wars books were already popular and can fill in the blanks while the movies are still being made, authors likely have access to Lucasfilm story group ideas and can make sure everything flows with the movies because they're not out yet. Thrawn Trilogy had to create a whole thing from scratch years after the movies were finished.

The Zahn novels have been the only good part of the NEU. Ignore this shill, all the real kino novels are in the old EU. XWing novels, Bane Trilogy, Thrawn Trilogy, Labyrinth of Evil, Episode 3 novelization, Shadows of the Empire, Outbound Flight, etc.

Also a reminder that whites no longer have a place in the NEU.

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I was referring to Aftermath as the worst book. The one in the pic.

Not Splinter

>The continuity between the books and films are much stronger than they have ever been.
Are you fucking kidding me? I swear you have to be either a shill or a retard who can't walk and breath at the same time to say that there's 0 absolute 0 continuity between the Nu EU and the movies

Disney Star Wars is completely inessential to be fair in all capacities.
>worst star wars book
In the old canon, you had Planet of Twilight, most of the novels written by KJA, and the last 2 or 3 books by KT with the Republic Commando series or weird one-shot books like Children of the Jedi or The Crystal Star. In the new canon, outside of stuff written by Luceno and Zahn, all of their novels are trash.
Oh well yeah all of Wendig's stuff are utter garbage.

This. Only shills or actual children who weren't even alive for the EU could possibly think any of this utter trash is passable or readabld, let alone good. It's fucking pathetic the lengths these shills are going to to try and discredit the truth.

Today I will remaind them

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haha have sex already

well that was very lucky for the poor Resistance(tm) to have the only superduperspecial shield in the entire Multiverse that could do that haha, totally is not a shitty excuse because the sequels destroyed any logical consistency in the universe haha noo is because a superduerspecial shield

I mean, you can get as mad as you want, but it's still true

>The continuity you see is much stronger
>Disney Star Wars
No its not. TFA novelization is blatantly contradicted multiple times by TLJ, TLJ's novelization gets major shit wrong with the screenplay. Only part of the old EU that was messed up was Chee didn't have his job of keeping everything consistent because that was when Bantam Books were doing their own thing. The Story Wars "Story Group" already basically existed with Chee and the fat fucking neckbeard Hildago years before Disney acquired LucasArts.

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You aren't wrong, Disney's shit is all non-canon except maybe Rogue One which I did enjoy.

That's not what multiverse means.

Maybe you should sit down

Thrawn is the best character because I grew up when he was around also he's blue. Plus he's cool and methodical just like me.

Okay Feinberg, I'll make sure I have sex today then

but it's not and I already proved you? with the TFA novelization and TLJ, there's 0 consistency in the new EU, did you ever was born during the old EU?

Why would anyone hire a literal who neckbeard like Chuck Wendig? This guy's books, even his stuff BEFORE he was a licensed Star Wars writer, were absolutely dog shit.

Thank you Disney

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Imagine if they planned it out like the MCU and made Thrawn the new trilogy.
Compared to the total destruction of the OT trio, they could have just recasted the main 3 and Lando, made Keri Russell as Mara the stronk women protagonist they wanted, and then bring the old cast back for one final vision scene that the younger Luke experiences.

Instead we get Han and Luke both abandoning Leia to fight a war alone and they don't ever reunite, all it did was damage.


You guys are just haters that can't appreciate the sequels and their top villains

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No, it isn't. At all. This is like saying the Netflix Marvel shows and Agents of Shield are canon to the MCU and they really aren't. They have already contradicted these worthless, terrible books and comics a dozen times just in TFA and TLJ, let alone Rogue One and Solo. There is no coordination at all, and certainly no talent. The books are as flexibly non-canon as the EU was minus any redeeming qualities such as good writers and freedom to tell meaningful stories instead of all this soulless filler.

Not him, but adaptations are secondary to the films. They always have been and were from the start of the new canon

There is no salvaging the Sequel Trilogy. And there's no bowing out gracefully with all good will from the public sapped for supporting Disney's iconically bad Star Wars films they've made. They've shitted on the OT, they mistreated Luke, Han, Chewie, and Artoo, they fucked up Yoda as well, and now their trying to rush back to the PT hoping that will be their silver lining with getting McGregor back in an Obi-Wan movie at some point and using Hayden and Ian in IX.

There's no coming back for Disney to fix Star Wars.

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umm this amazing lore and world-building totally put in shame the old EU these guys are not totally a merchandising red herring, nah they are sentient beings living in this amazing new world that disney have made with incredible stories and more!

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It was a fun read, I also enjoyed Master & Apprentice just recently released

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In the old EU were, now with new EU and everything being canon not, these were 100 canon and we had shills spamming that shitty novel here before TLJ all days saying that was a great example of the amazing new EU but hey the *Quota Group* sure does a amazing job with the consistency

I'm not really interested in reading books for movies that failed to create a world and atmosphere
Honestly, another saga with Thrawn and the Yuuhzan Vong would look cool
I can't wait to see Disney fuck this one up too


They're so terrified of having to make an original story that they ran right to The Old Republic because they heard people liked it and will try to rape it for all its worth.
By that time a few years will have passed and they can come back with another rehash of TFA with Rey being gone as the Macguffin.

Disney wouldn't approach the Vong out of literal fright considering how bleak and violent the NJO books were.

What the hell is even up with the arguments in this thread??

They all boil down to "I like the new canon because ____" and get 5 replies of "UH ACTUALLY YOU ARE WRONG HERES WHY YOU SHOULDNT LIKE IT"

like, literally have sex. I promise that once you have sex for the first time you no longer worry about things like this.

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>Kathleen Kennedy talking about "plans" for Knights of the Old Republic when I watched that G&G video of Jeremy reacting to it
Their gonna turn Revan into a black woman, I can fucking feel it.

in the New EU people can literally be overpowered even if they don't train if they are the only one in the *light side*

He said he liked the new canon because it fits better with the movies, which is a pretty shit argument since the old EU came out while no movies were coming out and authors didn't have Lucasfilm story group there to oversee that everything flowed.

>Uugh do you really like Star Wars? that's soo 2012

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Disneys canon already has some fucked up shit in it, I dunno.

Phasma has scenes describing a scarab that makes you so bloated your fingernails pop off and you eventually burst. It's weirdly grimdark.

Either way the Vong have already been replaced in canon with a new race.

They need to recapture the China market after Finn and Rose nuked it.
Expect Revan or Bastila as a chink for sure.

That's not even an argument, it's a statement and an explanation. Then you went full spurge because you disagree. Have sex and learn that people's opinions on Star Wars don't really have an effect on your personal life.

Nah they will use the Vong the same they already copied kotor, Thrwam, Jaina and Ben Solo and everything they can

Yeah just nothing to see here, right, rabbi?

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Source for the woman?

I bet my ass that nobody here knows what were the Ranks canon it's the only explanation to say the Nu EU is cohesive

>and learn that people's opinions on Star Wars don't really have an effect on your personal life.
Why are you in this thread getting mad at my posts then? Have sex spurg.

>Phasma has scenes describing a scarab that makes you so bloated you fingernails pop off and you eventually burst
That's not really impressive when in the Jedi Academy trilogy we had Bevil Lemilisk, the main guy behind designing the Death Star in the old canon, get cloned over and over and killed in unique ways by the Emperor for the design flaw of the thermal exhaust port, like him being eaten alive by piranha beetles, or thrown into a vat of acid or eaten from the inside out by parasites, etc...

>Look at all these black people! Look how scary they are!

Learn to be able to take a black guy in a fight, and you won't be so afraid of them.

The one on the left was actually a book written before the Disney buyout and slipped into canon because it just kinda fit.

I'm just letting you know that there are better ways to live your life. By having sex.

>Holdo literally comes from planet sjw

The irony is that Kennedy, Lucasfilm, and Disney seem to have no fucking idea what kind of hornets nest they are about to start pissing off. Mandalorian and Revanfags are and always have been the most autistic people in the Star Wars fan community. These are all dudes who wear cargo shorts and Punisher logo tees and think they are badass and edgy for listening to Disturbed and Korn. These also often tend to be closet furfags obsessed with wolves, lot of overlap there. You get the picture, I'm sure you know exactly the kind of people I'm referring to. If Disney does anything they don't like in The Mandalotian that shits on Boba Fett and his people or Revan and the KotOR games, the shit storm will be magnitudes greater than over everything else they have already ruined. They are running scared to these ideas to save them and the irony is that it is by far the worst idea they could have had in such a precarious position.

99% of Luke's lovers in Lucas Star Wars were white women.


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Wtf am i reading. Somebody, somewhere, actually approved printing that ?

>closet furfags
No retard. In fact one of the biggest scenes Mandofags love is when the Neo-mandalorians nuked a furry cat people planet for laughs in the KOTOR comics.

that's a Marvel artist so I highly doubt

You can try to make all your shitty lefty sarcasm as much as you want, theres still no one to buy all that shit nu-eu propaganda though ;) Why all the reddit diversity lovers and morally perfect individuals such as yourself don't buy it?

Revanfags are autistic and I do agree are annoying as fuck but neither they nor Mandalorianfags are "furries". Disney has pretty much no credibility with the main fandom in the PT or OT and they'll end up alienating the Old Republic fags like Revanfags, Exar Kunfags, etc..as well.

Also speaking of which, does anyone know how bad Resistance is doing?

You post like a shill.

Are you a fucking retard? Do you have some kind of hormonal imbalance? Because you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with sex. Also, only virgins treat sex like a magical, life changing thing the way you do.

>Heir to the Jediis acanonnovel written byKevin Hearne. The book was originally intended for theStar WarsLegendsnovel seriesStar Wars: Empire and Rebellion, but it was published as a stand-alone story afterLucasfilm'scontinuity relaunch in2014.Heir to the Jediwas published onMarch 3,2015byDel Rey, and a paperback edition was released onNovember 24, 2015.

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lol triggered tranny is triggered

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm actually dead serious.

Jeez, calm down user. Did I strike a nerve?

Yeah the other user has a point because HotJ was in a development hell and we weren't certain it was going to be released or canceled before the Disney buyout. So by the legal definition, that's Disney Star Wars material, not Lucas Star Wars material.

Best Revan was already Asian anyway.

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Shout-out to Hiro for completely destroying the format of my post, but that's beside the point.

It's published by Disney, but pairing Luke up with a black chick was definitely not a new idea

I'm perfectly calm. You should stop seething, leave Yea Forums for a few minutes, take your medication, and come back when you've calmed down.

so is a Disney novel, the last non disney thing was the dawn of the jedis

>N-No you calm down!

Yes. Easily one of the best written star wars novels. Read the excerpts at amazon.com/Star-Wars-Episode-III-Revenge/dp/0345428846

Luke has never been romantically involved with any black women prior to that. The only non-white woman he was paired with was an Amazonian style Hispanic/Native American chick in the Dark Empire graphic novel series. So no. And you missed my point that 99% of his lovers and romantic flings in Lucas Star Wars were white women.


Trust me, you don't know enough of those guys then. There is a ton of overlap between furfags and over compensating edgelords like Mando and Revan fags. Go to cons with a lot of Star Wars fans at them and you'll see.

I've been to many cons, pre Disney, and I've never seen any love for furfaggots at them from Mandofags.

Shame that doesn't come across in the slightest in the movie and is never touched upon in the slightest. Dumb fucking directer

Now this was kino, loved all the different factions. It will be years before the nu canon is brave enough to create a new universe far in the future

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I cringe every time

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I hope he banged the Devaronian qt

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>impliying they wont canned the Nu EU after Episode 9

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it's what Johnson is doing

>Also a reminder that whites no longer have a place in the NEU.

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Did you make this just now?

Not him, but that one stumped you, eh?
Time to go back and refer to the prepared responses, my boy!

Ezra is Aladdin and Aphra's a chink

Sheev placing the Jedi heads on his desk was kino

based buttsposter

white MALES are all nazis/bad guys and/or basedboys yes, if you take a look at the shitty new poster for Nein, there's even no white male anymore on it (well the only one is masked). Btw that Resistance fag is an asian mutt, not white, too bad reddit faggot. The only white with blond hair and blue eyes is a bad guy of course.

Star Wars is for BLEACHING

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jesus christ, have sex

This series was edgelord af sometimes, but still pretty cool. Disney can never do it though because they have nothing to build off of to get there. That series was a natural extension from the NJO/LotF/FotJ books and picked up with the grandchildren/great granchildren of all the main characters of those. Can't have Cade without Luke and Mara having Ben. Can't have the Jedi Order fall again when there is no Jedi Order left. Can't have a good version of the Empire without Jag and Jaina to rule it together.

You are honest to God embarrassing yourself

My nigga !
The imperial knights were an awesome concept. I didnt liked the comics very much, but i loved the idea and the designs.


No argument defending your shitty image that proves nothing, reddit?

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That wasn't even me. I just think it's wack that social politics in a fictional universe is so important to you

why do you feel the consant need to shit your pants everytime some character in fictional universe has black skin? why are you still a virgin?

Pretty sure he banged Aphra at least.

And Krayt appeared in the clone wars and had a rivalry with Anakin because he was a tusken

Worth reading? I'm torn between this and the Padme novel once I'm done with Thrawn Alliances

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>Why do you care about interracial and anti-white male propaganda, goy?
Because some of us are not passive consumers, and because that agenda is now more important to nu-lucasfilm than making actual good content, but yet again, even the sleeping masses are not buying this shit anymore.

>interracial and anti-white male propaganda
how big of an incel you have to be to say this with a straight face?

That too. There are a million things about Legacy that simply can never be because it was almost entirely built on now non-canon characters, locations, events, etc. Same applies to KotOR. Whatever Disney turns that into will share nothing in common with the original version that people love. The EU will always be the true canon, Disney cannot top it or even equal it for that matter.

Another user here.
The answer is yes: people trying to inject their politics in our hobbies are pure cancer and must be fought against.
Otherwise, everytimes, they ruin everything.
Lets examine the following: if hardcore rightwingers infiltrated all the industries and the results was to hire only blond haired blue eyed actors saying extreme racist things, in every single medium, from cardgames to cinema, vidya and books, it would be atrocious. Well, what hardcore leftists do atm is the same. Art and hobbies must only be based on creativity, and if one supports an agenda, its ok, but when we have corporate enforcment of political endoctrination as first priority, its not acceptable.
You have probably no problem with this if you are a radical, but i do.
There is a place for this, its called politics. Like /pol stays in /pol and should, the same is valid for /leftypol.
And i say, fuck off, both off you.

I don't not agree with you, but so much of the time it isn't even noticable.

Sure if you take every black character and put them in a photo collaboration it might look like they are "injecting politics" but in reality, the number of black star wars characters to white characters is still proportionally lower than it is in the real world, so what is even wrong? You guys would shit your pants with all of the "politics" being injected into your local grocery store.

You sound like a PSA that tries to appeal to black kids in the 90s

Claudia Gray>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Johnson

So read Master&Apprentice, I've just finished yesterday, great characterization of both Qui Gon and Obi wan and finally an exploration of the prophecy.

Padme book almost put me to sleep, just like the Ahsoka one

There is no reason, in western countries, fir western men to give their places to others, like there is none for japanese in japan. Things sort themselves naturally, and if you have a mixed country, you will have different ethnicities represented in art and hobbies.
You know, your answer is why, as an apolitical guy, hate leftists the most.
You only debate through lies and deception
>in b4 i am not
You are. You are as easy to spot as retarded /poltards. Because they are chronically retarded, and leftists chronically lying. But i feel pity for stupid people, while people like you gives me urges to roll over with my car.

Lol. Go dilate, tranny.

I had a feeling this would be the response. I loved Claudia's other books but Ahsoka was sooooo boring. Seriously just the worst, even as a fan of the character.
I was hoping I'd enjoy the padme novel more because I love the political side of Star Wars, but if it's as slow as Ahsoka I'll probably just put it on the back burner

Stop buying nu-canon trash. For the love of fucking literature, go read the EU books. The difference in quality is astounding, Disney's books are all utter dogshit.

It's never made into an issue in interviews by JJ and Kathleen until this decade. There's that bizarre interview of her where she goes on a rant about Star Wars being inherently male characters that is completely ignoring Leia and how the very first movie stressed her independence and sacrifices almost as much as Luke's. It's just evident how out of touch with even the most basic of source material is and how every director she doesn't fire is outspoken about diversity being a prominent issue for the brand as well.
>"A New Hope is the story of a boy who grows up in a tranquil home and dreams of joining a war. What if we have the story of a girl who grows up in a war and dreams of returning to the tranquillity of home?"

This goes for other stuff besides Star Wars too, the whole pushing of the identity politics just hasn't been around since recently

Hahaha Keep seething little buddy

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Bruh I voted for trump. You don't have to believe me but I believe in nationalism.

However that doesn't mean I believe Star Wars belongs to white people. There is room for black characters. As long as they aren't rediculously outnumbering the real life statistic, why the hell not?

If Holdo comes from a planet where civility and passivity are the established global cultural norms, why is she such a big meanie?

I have read some of both and vastly prefer the canon. Im sorry.

Please don't respond to this post with any sort of rant or name-calling.

>I love the political side of Star Wars
me too user, but don't expect that from Queen's Shadow, there is no plot, Padme and her maidens just kind of go around and do things, boring things

Oh and also, M&A introduces imo very enjoyable new characters, especially an eccentric couple of jewel thieves

Lying shill cuck.

The EU is the canon, not Disney's cancer.

Goddamn I'm fucking tired of having sex so much, fucking stop it!

That shitty pic alone should tell you all about hypocrits lying leftards trying to tell you with a straight face their Disney overlords have nothing against white males. That's why pic related is now the only symbol for a nu-SW fan, a literal effeminate soÿboy. And you can lie all you want and lick your favorite big corporation's ass, it's still not bringing the money.

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>you have the choice between reading something actually good (I'm not even going to post the meme list with "Atlas Shrugged" in top tier) or reading a book wrote for children about movies made for children
>unironically picking the second option when you are over the age of 14

>Claudia Gray

Aphra is space asian you dumb shit.

Legacy doesn't really come close to being as grimdark as the NJO. Legacy of the Force, or Fate of the Jedi books or the later stuff in the Republic/Clone Wars series comics or even Dark Times. Everything though was great about Star Wars Legacy series sans Cade and Krayt.

You were doing well in this post until the muh white stuff

I, Jedi is one of my favorites. Corran I liked a lot. Well fleshed out character that got a decent amount of attention. Plus, a white lightsaber that doubles in length.

Legacy was leagues more "grimdark" and edgy, what are you on about? Cade was a drug addict bounty hunter and space pirate who frequently dabbles in the dark side and even temporarily became a Sith. He has casual sexual relationships with two different women. There was a lot more swearing. It had more bloody violence and gore. It followed various Sith characters who looked and behaved like edgelords. It features the genocide of the Mon Calamari and Quarren species'. Every single facet of it was grimdark edgelord wank.

Honestly, who the hell are these people?

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You realize this was pre-Disney and on top of that the most acclaimed EU writer Zahn is Jewish


Yeah I can only think of one non-white/PoC female character Luke was paired with and that was in Dark Empire, and that chick ends up dying near the end of the graphic novel series as well. In fact most of Luke's lovers die in the Lucas Star Wars canon.

>Brie was really Vader's Sith apprentice who ends up during the Civil War between the Alliance and Empire getting outed as a spy sometime between ANH and TESB and shot down and most of her body becomes cyborg like Vader's and is eventually decapitated decades later by Luke who thought she was the one that murdered Mara Jade, his wife
>Mara Jade Skywalker was the Emperor's personal Dark Jedi assassin who wanted to kill Luke then ends up falling in love with him (mind you this takes over a decade) and has a son with him before she's murdered by Jacen Solo in his final act to become a Sith Lord
>Gabriel is killed when the Centerpoint Station's repulsor beam is used to vaporize a major Vong fleet near or around Corellia
>DE chick gets assassinated by mini probe droid assassin things sent to kill Luke
>Callista at one point was in love with Luke but then left before wandering the galaxy to find her own path before Abeloth devours her

I liked Corran but I still think Kyp is cooler than him. Stackpole did do good with his pet character by making Corran suck at TK though so he wasn't OP.
Nope, not even close. The Vong were basically a race of space jihadi samurai whose religion and culture was based around pain and sacrifice, their societal advancements for each caste involved sacrifice of limbs and body parts replaced with bio-tech, absolute genocide of inferior cultures and quite gorish battles in the books. Legacy doens't care.

Cade being a druggie is hardly a ripple here.

Are we talking about the quantum armor on the Sun Crusher that Kyp stole? Cause the Imperials just kept pounding on the ship till the cannons broke and tractor beamed the little shit if i remember right.

>female Not-Luke with no personality and Sue powers
>Discount Nathan Drake
Also how come Rose was never in any of the trailers for IX yet?

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That's Rey Fin and Poe

>Leagcy was leagues more "grimdark".
Go actually read the NJO books, user. It really doesn't come close at all to the grimdark in NJO. Far more characters, ones established for years in the EU, get killed off, society is completely broken down, over 360 trillion beings die in the five years of war, and more then 60,000 planetary star systems are destroyed or affected by the war. Chewbacca gets killed by a moon being dropped on him, many characters suffer far more gruesome deaths and I can go on.

Legacy is at times edgier with what you said but it darker? Grimmer? Not close, not by a parsec, my friend.

Starwars belongs to no one but an creator. Thats the problem with having a company with an agenda owning it. Thats the problem with being able to sell licenses. Can you sell the Boticelli license ? No. You are him or not. And maybe that some are less represented because overall they have less talent. Maybe because most have, in fact, no talent. What we witness now is cancerous. Its saying that there is a problem if x or y isnt enough represented. Maybe...just create your own things, instead of infiltrating others creations and demanding that they bow to your agenda.
I am a frog. We have a guy named Alexandre Dumas. Three musketeers author. His son was a general. Did it ever occured to you they were...blacks ? Yep. They made their own way, and succeeded. And i am a big fan of both, as a white guy, since i like good adventure books, and i like history. I love japanese culture and history. I am a huge fan of wesley snipes, because he was among the best 80ies action guys. I do not need to be represented. I want to feel. I want quality. I want grandeur and dreams. And safeguards against shills. And yes, when a company gets its grip on a franchise i liked, makes shitty content, and demonizes my people for an agenda, and i have retards shitting everywhere including in the asshole of internet, i am against it. And if it demonized chinese it would be the same. This retarded and cancerous representation idea must die. If you want to create or do something, just do it. And the more glory to you if the odds are against you.

Fucking fart jokes in Star Wars?

Before Disney:
>Prequel EU books and comics and vidya
>Post ROTJ EU books running at the same time with the prequel material every year

After Disney:
>Two books a year, both milking the OT with nothing new or major events, with maybe on shitty EA game

Why the fuck does he need four pens?

Don't you dare fucking talk down to me again as if I haven't already read the NJO 15 years ago you dumb little shits. Nothing in those books or the Vong themselves compare to the apathetic, too cool for school edgy kid attitude and tone of the Legacy series.

>I dont know what I'm talking about
I figured you didn't.

>the whole thing is about Cade redeeming himself from traumatized drug addict to a Jedi
>Krayt and his cohort are repeatedly called posers, Krayt himself rekt by the OG sith lords
>bad guys are defeated with a new stable government being founded
What did user mean by this?

>Vong go around racially cleansing as much as the galaxy as possible, killing trillions of beings and terraforming worlds with their mutagenic bio-tech shit
>The third novel in the series with Corran being involved on Ithor involves the second in command Vong dude using a viral weapon that basically liquidated all life on the planet and ruining it generations even after the war
>war nearly ends with the Galactic Alliance (NR remnants plus Imperial remnant + the Chiss) trying to justify using the Alpha Red virus, a chemical/biological viral weapon to genocide the Vong and would've done so if not for Luke and his friends
Idk user I think your off

They're not pens, they're these things called "code cylinders". Imperial officers use them to access stuff, they can be used as keys to restricted rooms, or as ID cards to access restricted data.

Claudia Grey's lost stars was good even by EU standards. It notably ignored any nucanon stuff other than generically described Battle of Jakku, though. Does her other stuff match up? I avoided Leia/Holdo as teenagers, but Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon seems interesting.

Her book Bloodline about Leia in the New Republic senate was decent.

sure was

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never got the love for these, the bane and plagueis books were much better

Yep. Book was targeting the young adult demographic IIRC.

That's because all the niggers come from one planet in Star Wars. Mace Windu's home planet. It's a nigger planet. Even Lando's ancestors came from there.

Qui Gon book is fucking nice

That isn't an excuse. Teens aren't going to find that any more acceptable or "good" than the rest of us.

>hypocrits lying leftards

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>Why would anyone hire a literal who neckbeard like Chuck Wendig?

SJW connections. Turns out he's too crazy for Disney to keep employed, though.

butthurt leftcuck

I liked the TK suckage also. They made him OP for mental manipulation, and the energy absorption and rechanneling ability was an excellent idea. The intensity of the scene where Kyp was trying to TK crush Corran with Corran draining the energy was cool. Plus, Corran's grandfather draining a lightsaber after being stabbed then using that power to pulp a Sith? Perfect.

was it? I think aftermath trilogy were the "serious" novels for new eu.

One of the dumb landwhales on the """"Story Group"""" followed him on tumblr for his fanfictions. He got hired because some gross chick liked to schlick to his bad writing.

Nigga, you can eat a dick and choke on it. Thrawn is probably the best well written bad guy in Star Wars.

Add Karen Traviss. That woman can write a military themed novel. Making it about the clones was just a bonus.

The new ones definitely, they have absolutely and completely ruined his character. But the original Thrawn trilogy was fantastic.

Absolutely not. She is fucking awful. Her books were pure fanfic cancer and she's a retarded cunt. George Lucas personally fired her back in the day for trying to undermine his canon.

It helps Zahn largely put the old EU on the map with his Thrawn trilogy.

Corran was feeling the exact moment that a system exploded. Gonna go out on a limb here, but there are more people in an inhabited solar system in the heart of The Empire than on a singular planet, such as Alderaan.

>literally just Sherlock Holmes in space
>best well written bad guy in Star Wars

I sure hope you mean the original EU Thrawn and not this pathetic bastardization of the character Disney has raped him into.

I see we are not talking about those sad books like Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu. They were pretty bad, but released in 1980 or so. I blame a lack of writers daring to touch the source material at the time. George was pretty ferocious back then.

Mofo, do you even Darth Bane? That dude was head to toe covered in near indestructible beetles that fed on his rage and pumped it up even higher and made him stronger. He had to wear a mask to sleep in so they would not cover his eyes, nose, and mouth. Removing them would almost surely kill him due to poisons released upon beetle death. Imagine that.

Man. Corran did well in that fight. Too bad he was vilified for the Vong cleansing it anyway due to their terror at the Baffor trees. They were gonna do it anyway. But, Corran had no idea. At least he gave them more time to try to escape.

Are you sure? Because I remember that the planet was mostly black, but not that all black people came from there.

Karen Traviss is the only one who wrote good Mandalorian stories. Mandalorians are badasses, not some peace loving hippie race. George wanted complete control over everything. If George had let her run with just the Mandalorian aspects of the Star Wars EU, we would have a lot more good stuff.

I see you have read nothing. Thrawn was far more militaristic and cunning. He did not run around solving mysteries. Thrawn identified threats and eliminated them, while remaining loyal to his race that cast him out for doing exactly that. It was an ongoing problem for even the Emperor, trying to decide on who was using who, and where Thrawn's true loyalties were.

EU Thrawn. I can't just throw away twenty years of stories because The Mouse decided to shit on good stuff.

I found two of the Thrawn Trilogy in my grandparents house in about 1993 or so. I was mindblasted at the thought of stories outside the Star Wars movies. I stole them to read(they were my cousins, he had read them and left them there), and I wore those books out from reading.

Only problem with Thrawn was his unending and it apparently completely blindsiding him which is entirely out of character. He's the kind of guy who has contingencies for contingencies because he accounted for them.

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impression I got from the original trilogy was that thrawn is the kind of guy who doens't really do contingencies as much as calculating this infallible master plan and it really is that. it just so happens that he got fucked in the end because he didn't see seemingly small element possibly happening. fucking noghri, man.

Contingency stuff mostly comes from the Thrawn duology books written a few years later where he had stuff set up to happen after he died

Because it's embarrassing admitting you read those.

Thrawn had endless plans. He never saw the Noghri growing wise to what had happened to their planet, and them being subverted by Leia. Thrawn's master plans were great, he just got tripped up by the Noghri finding out after 15 years or so that they were being used. IIRC, Thrawn was not entirely trusting of the Noghri, and he got caught. His greatest mistake. He was even proud of how they took him out.

>they pointed out the leaders of the galaxy's superpower had downs so it's ok that they made the leaders of the galaxy's superpower have downs
if that's actually what they were going for it's the shittiest, least subtle depiction of governmental incompetence that i have ever seen

>left can't meme
Why do you steal and twist two racist /pol/ memes into one bizarre abomination?

0/10. No, she was fucking awful and ruined them and the clones for her self insert wank.


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>Disney Star Wars canon: Sidious ordered the Empire to destroy itself if he died,so it will not exist without him
>(Maby) also Disney Star Wars canon: Sidious has a way to come back to life

>butthurt leftcuck

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>Humanoid alien
He don't even have a fucking race

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Star Wars as a mythology and cultural specter died the instant George Lucas sold it to Big Jew. (Sorry, I mean Disney)


Like it nor not Star Wars was (and sadly still is) big enough to be the thing to be remembered out of this time in terms of movies. But I don't want people in 200 years to watch that disney shit.

Sad but true. Lucas was soul, Disney is soulless. It's just a poorly handled corporate product now, it used to be a genuine piece of art.

>Despite making just 13% of the Empire armed forces, the noghries commit 50% of the crime

They went to far with this line