Finally, a film for gamers

finally, a film for gamers

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Too late

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Too late

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Too late

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Nah this is just for literal boomer gamers who are for the most part well adjusted normies.

>ready player 1
>real gamers

It stole the plot of an episode of Danny phantom.
Literally "get the keys to the internet" meme that only troglo-boomers would think would constitute as a game or a plot.

Serious question Yea Forums. Would you consider "gamers" subhuman?

Gamers are the only warriors left in society.

Unironically, this

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People who play videogames to actually study its game design are ok.
People who gobble up souless big budget trash need the bullet.

real gamers are the only ones left who are truly human.

remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie

So it a game is big budget its automatically trash?

Why did he do this? Was he actually a t-series fan and trying to crash pewdiepies channel with no subcribers?

No, brother, they expect one of us in the deleted channels.

He wanted to cause chaos. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

One day we will have a gamer president.

We already do

I got dizzy

I bet you get dizzy on boats too, you damn poofter.


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Too late

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