Can it get any worse?

Can it get any worse?

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Did it go south fast?

to be fair seths gigantic ego is just impossible to get around.

but hey, those kids sure love dude weed and pee pee poo poo jokes.

>Can it get any worse?
Well, the show is currently great so yes, it can get worse because right now it's so good.

>had to introduce the fact that there are more moclan females because the issue as initally presented was insignificant and made no sense why the cast gave such a shit about one alien baby getting a sex change.
>have to make Clyden seem like more sexist then he was presented earlier. He talked and was respectable to females on the crew before.

>4channel posting 100% complete praise about this show for months
>4channel posting negativity and trashing on it months later
why is 4channel so inconsistent?

Anti-shills so fucking desperate. Best scifi show of the decade. To kino for network audiences.

Its written by 20 something millennials

it's as great as you, aka total shit. Dumb loser faggot

Because Seth is taking a fun race like the Moclans and making them a chore to watch now.

No, STDers just want to make you hate it so they feel better about the turd they have

>4channel is filled with contrarians
Wow what a surprise!

t. STD tranny

>doesn't understand foreshadowing
>hates on the great performance by Tony Todd

Yes, it could be Star Trek: Discovery.

This is just nitpicking. The episode was fantastic and pure trek. There was politics, ethics, diplomacy, Deana Troi even guest starred.

but this isn't an Expanse thread....

it was strange kind of progressive because Clyden ends up coming of as an annoying wife if in a gay marriage.
it weakens the argument because it makes it seem like numbers count for more than the morality of the issue, meaning some shit is ok if its happening to few people. + trans,etc are always an eternal minority unless they move to a gay city so the change ruined a parallel and turned it into a boring "most of the women just ran away in secret and started a women only world with blackjack and hookers, while running a big undercover network right under the dumb males noses"

Impossible, it will always be better than STD.

Literal std shills post negative orville stuff cause

This show is great honestly

the standards are just low

Walmart brand Star Trek:TNG
Though I liked the most recent episode.

>praise is shilling
>criticism is competition's shilling

the you mean the 9th rom-com episode in the last 12 while the other 3 have been about moclan gender shit?

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Clyden can be sexist and misogynist and be respectable to females, but he still thinks they are inferior. Like talking to a pet.

They kind of realized they ruined the moclan shit narrative and transformed it into women shit instead of trans shit.

>psyche, the population is probably 50-50 male female

If you only knew how bad it gets....

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its getting better and better

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it look like they are just a race of retards that should be nuked so they added the "but we need their guns". its Klingons all over again.

Not exactly, the Moclins don't have a warrior culture, just an industrial one.

I've genuinely enjoyed season 2 more than the first. The relationship episodes usually explore a genuinely interesting sci-fi premise and the Moclan episodes, when done right, reflect on and criticise the TNG era over tolerance. Kaylons 2 party was absolute kino and I'm always happy to see Norm.

Blake's 7 and Space Above and Beyond. Also, Legend of the Galactic Heroes should be there in the top tier.

Oh nevermind I'm blind and maybe a little dumb and drunk.

It focuses way too much on Bortus/Moclan culture. Why the fuck are they not focusing on Isaac and the Kaylons? They literally just fought a gigantic war with them.

I don't know,I left with Alara.

I did not mean the warrior aspect. problem with klingons is less their warrior culture and more its retarded from. Im talking about how its another group of idiots who is indispensable because they have X thing the MCs need and will only keep giving it if MC's keep putting up with their dumb shit.

can it be any more like a real trek show?


have sex

just realized kaylon =cylon

Loose weight.

young Kelly was cute AF

funny coming from the virgin nerd

Brainlets and reddit tourists spam praise for this show. On every thread you see haters pointing out the same facts: almost all the characters suck, the humour sucks, Seth especially sucks. Everyone likes it's comfy pre-2005 television set design and cinematography, and the rehashed star trek scripts aren't terrible, but Seth brings down the show with his acting, "comedy", and extremely biased politics. That's how normal Yea Forums feels about the show, and we're right. The defenders, like I said, are retards or plebbitors shills or just shitposters being contrarian on purpose.

It's a bad show. Not for lack of trying, but it will never become better until Seth steps back.

We just saw the Kaylon last night. They've been moved to a Krill level threat. Clearly they didn't expect their invasion to fail or their leader to have his head ripped off by Isaac so they're likely rethinking their plans.

Expanse should be way lower, Space AaB should be way higher

you get my point she-beast.

fuck off reddit

So it's just like real life. Whoa, what a problem.

>they are all left leaning

>That's it, case closed... it's a boy...

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It was never good. Anyone who thought otherwise has the taste of a sick dogs wet shit

They ended the season on a cliffhanger time paradox.
So it's really hard to get worse than that, for a scifi show.
If it gets a season 3, it definitely won't get a season 4.

Stop projecting he’s absolutely right you fat slob

4channel is one person.

whoa i wonder what parallels there are to this situation in real life

Which show are you talking about

>They ended the season on a cliffhanger time paradox.
I guess there's one more episode.
But they still put in a time loop and we all know the writers aren't good enough to resolve it successfully. They'll just hand-wave it away.

The season finale is next week.

I like how on the Orville science experiments can go wrong and the crew isn't sure they can even fix the problems they've caused.

Why did they have a leader and why was not a new one propped up in 2 seconds.

Don't libs bash the pro oil stance?
cleans the streets

add killjoys to very low tier

add Infinite Ryvius heroic age and Crest of the Stars or make your own list.

Why they have a leader is a good question, why a new one wasn't made immediately after the first one died is because Isaac killed all the Kaylon onboard and they aren't networked together so the remaining Kaylon didn't know he had been killed.

>Now pretty much known that there are tons of moclan female to make the issue seem more important than it was.

Christ. It doesnt make sense much like zodiac discrimination in the first contact episode.

oh wow thousands among billions are "tons"

>Why they have a leader is a good question
he was called the first so maybe it was not only his rank now but maybe he was also the first to rise.
>aren't networked together so the remaining Kaylon didn't know he had been killed.
so what? they can think at super speeds, why no action?
What do you mean about the zodiac? makes sense in a trek way

>so what? they can think at super speeds, why no action?
Isaac killed the Kaylon in the room with him and then used an EMP to wjpe out all the other Kaylon onboard in one fell swoop. They had no time to react and the Kaylon onboard the other ships wouldn't have realized anything was wrong until the Orville started firing on them.

Did they establish the population of moclas in any episode?

Also, head woman lady said that the vast majority of moclan females get the treatment.

>Space above and beyond low-mid tier
fuck you

Show was officially canceled. An Empire spinoff is taking its time slot. I hope that's what you wanted bro.

STDfags are insufferable. They couldn't accept that they were the worst trek on television.

>What do you mean about the zodiac? makes sense in a trek way
The astrology one I meant. It made no sense how an earth like planet with human like people had a discrimination system like that so fucking late into their development as a species.seth of course points this out because its obvious but the aliens are written as retarded for some reason who take hostage two people from a force they know is much much greater than them. Then at the end of the episode, where Kelly and Bortus killed a few people, they get let go because everyone on that planet recgonized a start showing up on a constallation instantly. Also, the crew could find no data on why Jilliacs were discriminated against as they looked through their entire history. So how does everyone on the planet know instantly to stop with discrimination?

It all doesnt make sense because Seth wants them to be human but also they arent because dumb beliefs.

Bitch, please.
The Orville already got tax breaks from the state of California for season 3.

>on why Jilliacs were discriminated against
Im assuming they meant event texts, like a war caused by them or something. not religious doctrine, hell maybe it was not kept in a digital form.
>So how does everyone on the planet know instantly to stop with discrimination?
The star came back. Its a big event. would have been fun if everyone had their interpretation and thins ended up in a civil war.
>be human
They are space humans. like I said I feel like we have seen this dumb shit in trek 100 times.
>fucking late into their development as a species
What do you mean? were not they on 1960s level? no medical technology and only just sending a signal into space? I will admit I did not pay much attention.
>killed a few people, they get let go
at this point they would let themselves be raped in the ass as long as it was a Jilliac doing it.

I never watched ST so I dont have a point of reference.

>were not they on 1960s level?
I assume they were better than us xurca 2019 or the same cause the signal reached a spaceship in only a few years. Its a really lax first contact policy if anything.

No, anyone rich enough to be involved in politics wants delicious oil money. There's no alternative.

It wasn't even clear in the show whether there could be a time paradox or not. Setting up an evil mirror universe greyson could be good too.

I haven't seen season 2 yet. Did Seth turn every episode into a musical yet?

No, but your like/dislike of Season 2 will depend on if you like/dislike Bortus or not. 60% of the episodes focus on him and his culture.

>I never watched ST so I dont have a point of reference.
well there are often plants with bunch of idiots with dumb customs on them.

yeah, just look at STD

I'm really impressed with this, what the hell. Also yes, the whole ep was about lax first contact policies and their consequences. Space people gotta give up that warp man's burden.

why are you expecting any kind of serialised media to be consistent in quality in the first place?

To be fair they pointed out that in the Orville universe sending signals out into deep space is a terrible idea because you don't know who's attention you're going to attract.

>Orville universe
is not that the same in every universe?

How many episodes was Alara in? Did she die or did they leave a way for her to return?

Sometimes there's no evidence. Also radio doesn't travel very far so they could be much more advanced than humans, there's not much technological description.

I was mainly using it to distinguish from the Star Trek universe where they would have ignored the signal because the planet was still a pre warp civilization.

2nd season isn't as good as first, they are trying to focus more on liberal hot topics

Some of the eps were straight out of trek though. The problem was just moclans, who are good, are associated with tranny junk. The last moclan ep wasn't even ABOUT tranny shit. It still had as much textual tranny shit as the TNG tranny ep.

That doesn't make a story entertaining

The A plot was Ed went to the space UN, argued about shit that's obvious to the audience because we don't genocide half our race, and a deal was made.

The B plot was bortus and kelly shoot dudes.

Shit episode. Also they've used "moclans hate women" as a springboard for plots too many times. Season 2 is better but it has less variety than season 1 because of these sequel episodes.

>But they still put in a time loop and we all know the writers aren't good enough to resolve it successfully. They'll just hand-wave it away.

Part of me doesn't want them to resolve it

I've always felt this show was hamstrung by some major starting decisions. Like Seth Mcfarlane being captain. I wish they had the balls to try the timeline changes as revision of the show. If it's worse off they can just undo it with bullshit like everyone is expecting.

Not true. Only 4 out of 13 episodes have been about Births or Moclan culture.

>but the aliens are written as retarded for some reason

This is literally a star trek episode arch type.

The problem being is if aliens aren't retarded it's vastly harder to write problems

i vote for the mirror universe theory
That young greyson had an evil look. I wait for mirror universe Bortus have a mustache o goatee


Let me guess, you want /pol/ to leave.

>Can it get any worse?


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>y-you wanted to see me, Captain Grayson?

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if they do a "Tapestry" Picard to Ed that would be great

I hope not. Show is utter cringe.


>It's Bortus had accident in the holodeck after orgy simulation go clean it someone may slip on this.



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I can't believe they just had Sasso play some waiter. What a waste.

>Deana Troi even guest starred.

didn't look half bad
would bang
I'm old btw

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> Space above and beyond low-mid tier

Found the Chiggy-Lover.



What? I enjoyed yesterday’s episode...

The kaylon sequence was really good visually. I wonder how they pull it off