Here's your Oscar winner, bro

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I don't get it



>having a hard time using so many racials slurs
Don't believe this one bit.

He means that leo shouldn't feel bad about calling Sam racial slurs because black people get called racial slurs every day. Of course he's lying, the fact being most black people in first world countries will go their whole lives without being called niggers.


Brainlets, he means DickCrapio can't get into a role to save his life. The fact that he still sees himself saying NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER instead of understanding he's playing a character just shows what an amateur he is.

No, that's not what he means.

This. The retard thinks that acting is literally real life, what a dimwit

>it's an OP uses movies to justify his racism thread

I thought in America if someone said 'nigger' it was likely to start a riot?

People still use racial slurs in real life? Aren't people afraid to be caught on camera or get beaten to death?


>oh my i cant say the big bad N word AGAIN!!

Attached: 1517931015484.jpg (387x437, 41K)

No. But all racist drumpftards should be beaten to death

Samuel L. Jackson is a delusional Leftist that thinks black men being called "Nigger" to their face by random white hate-filled strangers is a real, let alone common, occurrence in modern high-income cities in California.

imagine getting paid millions of dollars to say nigger haha i don’t know if I could do it lads haha

Believe it or not, there're still many people living outside of muttland

Attached: Projecting Macro.jpg (490x333, 34K)

Why would somebody even need to justify it? Racism is perfectly natural and rational

It's a story they made up to protect DiCaprio if people got pissed about him using slurs.

Attached: IMG_3161.jpg (576x438, 226K)

>the fact being most black people in first world countries will go their whole lives without being called niggers.
lol """"white people"""" actually believe this

fuck off reddit faggot

Nah, that's only in your stupid burgerland.

technically they are right most racist faggots make fake accounts and call them niggers online all day, or post anonymously and call them niggers.

Rootless white NEETs aren't actually going to many public places or interacting with anyone. And even if they do see black people they just spend most of their time hiding their erections, after years of watching Blacked porn and hate bating.

Man, every post I read like this i'm more glad i'm not an American.

exactly. in real life racists are all asspained cowards that just externalize their own malignant feelings about themselves at people that they don't relate to.

Black people do all the time when they outnumber you.
Same goes for places where white people still stick up for each other. If you outnumber them, you can scream nigger all day and they won't do shit.

we're on the way out LMAOOOOO

Attached: thisll show them grenade edition.webm (1024x576, 1.68M)

Nigger Tuesdays are a thing in America.

Sam L Jackson is an old man who was part of the original black panthers who murdered righteous KKK members, he’s not a modern leftists but should be in jail

> righteous KKK members
post your sister's nudes

Attached: keep the genes pure.jpg (602x324, 89K)

>meanwhile, in a good movie with a good actor

Attached: dano the mano.jpg (480x360, 10K)






Dano probably got off on using the N-word

He wasn’t even supposed to be in the movie, he just showed up on set and started singing.

Go back to /pol/

>the fact being most black people in first world countries will go their whole lives without being called niggers.

That is absolutely, positively not true at all. Black people in first world countries will definitely hear it, and usually by the time they are a teenager they will have been called it.

My daughter is only 7 and she has already been called the N word by a white neighbor.

It's funny how the people that spend all day on the internet saying shit like GAS THE KIKES FUCK NIGGERS are always the ones pretending it doesn't happen

But it's true, faggot. It's not 1902 any more.

Where do you hear "nigger", other than your faggoty rap music?

Have sex

>My daughter is only 7 and she has already been called the N word by a white neighbor.

Yes, I am sure this is totally true, leftshit.

Attached: Liberals and Tweeting about Children.png (586x4335, 710K)

and then everyone on set clapped and cried

>Black people in first world countries will definitely hear it

Where? Your shitty rap-albums that use it for every other word?

>reddit spacing
Fun Fact! The reddit account that created T_D was a GRU agent.

yкpaинa пpинaдлeжит зaпaдy

Attached: putin pedophile.gif (360x263, 2.96M)

>go to work
>co-worker calls you a motherfucker
Personally, I'd sue

>reddit spacing
That literally isn't even a thing, let alone an argument.

Seeing leftists compare Trump to Caesar makes me mad because Trump hasn't done anything to make him worthy of that title.

Attached: history greeks vs romans.png (1200x628, 376K)

Didn't Samuel L Jackson march a bunch during he civil rights era? The first 20 years of his life people were calling him racial slurs. Even if it's stopped now, from his perspective it seems like a big part of his life.

Yeah, when is Trump going to get around to killing and enslaving a third of a continent?

You are correct because niggers call each other niggers every single day.

French fags eternally btfo by based Caesar.

>The first 20 years of his life people were calling him racial slurs.

A bloo bloo bloo bloo.
Believe me, I'm crying.
Nobody should ever have to hear naughty no-no words that are offensive.


>still doesn't understand what reddit spacing is
T_D has been an active measures platform being entirely managed and moderated by the Internet Research Agency. It never wasn't a radicalization tool being used by antagonist bad actor shills motivating people towards self-destruction. Everything you care is about is astroturphed and you're going to die alone because the people you trust want you to kill yourself.

Attached: Russian-Social-Media-Capabilities.png (837x634, 627K)

Then how about you leave, boy

No one called it “reddit spacing” until 2016 when you faggot election tourists showed up and started trying to fit in

Kys you fucking underage retard

>even my kids hate drumph!!
Christ that image infuriates me. How do they not realize that the kids just pick up on shit adults say around them? If a kid is traumatized that trump won it’s because they heard their retarded parents talking about him like he’s a supervillain.

That’s a lot of schizophrenia

>just figured out what reddit spacing is
and people started using rubbit and rubbit spacing as a tribalism moderation meme in 2014 and 2015, by 2016 it was normalized.

Happens to be when Russian shills started taking over the massaging on Yea Forums after it became a matter of active measures psychological warfare. Easier to just call someone a thing than actually try to translate what you're sang.

Attached: depression memes.png (1907x770, 79K)

Online doesn't count. If this was the case than white people experience the most by far. Look at twitter its basically storm front for blacks


dum ass gooks don't actually know English good lol if it can't be ez translated they just say shit like have sex or whatever.

Like they started SJW and cuck as messaging strategy in 2014, for instance, with Gamergate, which was them lol. They did the same thing that they do to their own people, and people in the middle east, and their satellites, etc.

They're just paying people to be buzzkills and self-policing faggots and agents of influence and agitors and stuff. Anything that rewards and reinforces the "gamer demo" embracing increasingly more extreme ideas and justifying increasingly more extreme behavior, so they radicalize out into disaffected, media-addicted chaos.

Attached: feminazi propaganda.jpg (880x4276, 1.13M)

>russian bots
bait or retarded.

That isn't another tuesday for most american blacks unless it's other black people calling them that. I doubt Sammy Jackson has been called a nigger outside of a movie role in 30 years.

>My daughter is only 7 and she has already been called the N word by a white neighbor.
No she wasn't.

It's been the same strategy since the 70s. During Vietnam they were boosting and financing hippies and black nationalists and extremist feminists AND AT THE SAME TIME they were funding the KKK doing door-to-door pamphleting in whit neighborhoods, propping up neo-nazi groups, etc. It's just about making everyone hate everyone else in the country, by filling everyone's life experience and media exposure with the most extreme, sensational assholes making everything suck.
Everyone lives online. It absolutely does count. And someone like Jackson is seeing himself being called a nigger every day in his life experience. Like how you see "SJWS" everywhere you look on your socials, or on your literal propaganda platforms like Yea Forums or T_D, THEYRE EVERYWHERE!!! Same like that for black people, but instead it's every instance of a cop shooting someone and every white on black crime or racism shit or whatever the fuck else. You can look at a lot of the IRA-identified shill accounts that reddit had released. They'd be posting propaganda in BLM subreddits, then T_D, then Libertarian then latestagecapitalism. EVERYONE that can be radicalized into something, is. And everyone else is just bombarded with depression memes lol.

Attached: how russian active measuresworks.jpg (720x1440, 434K)

this, you can bet the house that not a single person on /pol/ has A) ever had sex, and B) ever called anyone a racial slur to their face

I browse /pol/ and call my minority friends their respective racial slurs to their faces. Although i suppose i myself am the minority in /pol/ as i do not consider myself a racist.

largely isn't bots necessarily. They'll use bots to boost posts on IG and twitter and reddit and shit but it's a billions dollar industry employing tens of thousands of people.

They used to have to pay people to deliver hate-baiting propaganda door-to-door to get it in someone's life experience for a minute. Now people are actively wiling to seek it out and fill their life experience with it ALL DAY.

We in the dystopia bb

Attached: seven-strategies-russian domestic.jpg (1200x728, 257K)

Is this the thread where white kids try to explain what it's like being black in America?

I want to email this to Paul Mooney and see what he has to say.

Didn't this whole argument start when you made fun of someone for Reddit spacing lol?

Lived in a few states, never been called a nigger

Racial slurs don't exist.

Not the other guy, but having gone to a liberal arts college I can say that "SJWs" on here are nowhere near as bad as on leftbook or even in real life. They're not "everywhere," just the cultural generating institutions like art, academia, and entertainment. They've only recently invaded video games because it's proven itself to be a worthy artistic and commercial medium.

Leonardo was just virtue signalling like usual. What a cuck.

>Not the other guy, but having gone to a liberal arts college
>muh anecdotez
tits or gtfo shill

They'll definitely have been called it because you niggers love to insult and degrade your race by calling each other by such an insulting word. Also
>Nigger still there after your child is born
Cool story, bro

>To which Leo replied "shut up nigger" and did the scene in one final take. That take was used in the final cut.

>Everything you care is about is astroturphed and you're going to die alone because the people you trust want you to kill yourself.

Yeah, but not you, though. Everything you believe is righteous and good and can't possibly come from the same sources, right?

>dude it's all a giant russian conspiracy literally everyone that doesn't agree with me is a pawn

You need to loosen the tinfoil-hat. Your brain's circulation is being cut off.

Attached: Alex Jones Shock.png (261x238, 89K)

>Is this the thread where white kids try to explain what it's like being black in America?

You don't have to be black to know when race-baiting black retards are full of shit.

Attached: BLM Tardo.jpg (600x520, 34K)

Seeing leftists accuse anyone else of "using propaganda" fucking amazes me.

You cucks own the Mass Media, Social Media, all the big tech companies, Academia, etc.
And you use them all to constantly machine out propaganda.
But someone posts a pro-Trump opinion on Facebook or Yea Forums? Obviously a Russian disinfo campaign.

>dude it's all a giant russian conspiracy literally everyone that doesn't agree with me is a pawn
nope. you're trained to do this btw
>You need to loosen the tinfoil-hat.
just turn off your brain bro
>reddit spacing lol
you're being manipulated hah
>Yeah, but not you, though.
no pretty much every platform and every group is being targeted.

But notice what you're doing right now. You're trained to REFLEXIVELY whatabout away from self-critical thought with appeals to hypocrisy and NO U.
>Everything you believe is righteous
nope idek what righteous really means tbphwyf. Seems like projecting.
>and can't possibly come from the same sources, right?
If you're consuming a lot of media designed to agitate you against The Other, whoever that may be, you're going to be consuming a lot of Russian shit. But there's also Arabs and Brazilians and a whole bunch of other bad actor agencies that are, ironically, all working to train Americans to reject "Globalism." Most of the loudest shills for white nationalism on the internet, aren't white LOL.

Anyway back to whataboutism:

Does the existence of assholes justify being an asshole?

Attached: whataboutism meme.png (500x522, 122K)


Attached: Ms.Classic.jpg (1200x630, 52K)

>Seeing leftists accuse anyone else of "using propaganda" fucking amazes me.
Not a leftist. Everything you consume is propaganda m800. Keep reflexively lapsing to your boogiemen instead of engaging with reality.
>You cucks own the Mass Media, Social Media, all the big tech companies, Academia, etc.
And you spend all your time being kept isolated and afraid of all those things. Like what cults do. Everyone is a suppressive person!
>And you use them all to constantly machine out propaganda.
Nope. "Mainstream" actual American companies are at least held to journalistic industrial standards. If they get caught printing "fake news" they lose value.

But when it comes to all the Russian shit you're consuming ALL DAY, they don't care about ethics or industrial standards. They don't care about truth. Their only goal is to fill your life experience with things that make you upset at people and concepts in your society.

Like propping up the "incel movement" after Eliot Rodgers. Gamergate too. It's all about training disaffected virgins against society and women and any chance of having a normal life, so they become more likely to act against their country.
>But someone posts a pro-Trump opinion on Facebook or Yea Forums? Obviously a Russian disinfo campaign.
Yeah if it's coming from the IRA or one of the literal Russian propaganda outlets. If you're following a lot of generic-sounding AMERICA USA MEMES shit, or really if you were regularly posting trump memes in 2014-present, you almost certain are having most of your life experience shaped by people that hate you.

Trump has been a Russian shill since 1987. He's been laundering their money since he lost all his daddy's money in the 90s. Abandon ship.

Attached: Trump Russian propaganda .jpg (800x1048, 216K)

>you niggers love to insult and degrade your race by calling each other by such an insulting word
What word? Nigga?

>Like propping up the "incel movement" after Eliot Rodgers. Gamergate too. It's all about training disaffected virgins against society and women and any chance of having a normal life, so they become more likely to act against their country.

Fucking BASED. I hope this campaign continues until am*rican society starts tearing each other apart and the great satan is too crippled to ruin the rest of the world.

Attached: 4384898-3x2-600x400.jpg (600x400, 57K)

happening to your country too lol

Tell me again how affluent black people are never called nigger. That's a great one.

>any response people give that doesn't confirm my views is a result of them being "trained"

Lotta' irony in this post here.

Attached: NPC Head.png (500x500, 61K)

>And you spend all your time being kept isolated and afraid of all those things

But you just said they were all "propaganda" in the sentence before that.

Is it good or bad to consume propaganda constantly, retard?

Have sex but not with your female relatives.

Attached: 001FC7A9-8298-4C52-93ED-94054658F626.jpg (640x452, 98K)

Tell me again about how you know what it's like to be white, but I don't know what it's like to be black, and why that double-standard makes sense to your dumb ass.


>The absolute state of Americans
Imagine being hurt by saying a word lmao negronegronegronegro

Attached: acmbsdvgoc321.png (1200x772, 334K)

>any response people give that doesn't confirm my views is a result of them being "trained"
If you use whataboutism and NO U reflexively, yes you have literally been trained. This is cult messaging strategy. It's not what honest people do.
>Lotta' irony in this post here.
Yeah appeals to hypocrisy are TRAINED. You were taught this messaging strategy.
>all this reddit spacing lol
you're being abused hah
>But you just said they were all "propaganda" in the sentence before that.
Yeah all you trust is papa approved sources. Academia and mainstream thought are the enemy! Only consume approved sources! Ignore and block and self-censor away from any sources that cause cognitive dissonance! They are fake! Etc etc etc.

And again this is all just whataboutism. You're talking like a Stalinist to avoid having to think critically.
>Is it good or bad to consume propaganda constantly,
Yeah it's bad. All this content aggregation of sensational people and events designed to trigger you that you consume and circlejerk about is bad actor propaganda designed to make you radicalize into being an unfuckable disaffected faggot.

It's how muslims make suicide bombers.

Attached: radicalization factors.jpg (1060x466, 138K)

>randomly references Street Fighter The Movie

sure okay

>being this much of a schizoid

Attached: Russia Obsession Trump Derangement Syndrome Cartoon Ben Garrison.png (474x422, 323K)

Please explain how Russians gained exclusive control over America's Media and Tech Industries, and did it in total secret, only to JUST NOW be discovered by Democrat internet sleuth conspiritards.

>posted from st petersburg

Attached: here's your clinton card.jpg (1024x580, 302K)

It is literally national news when a white person gets caught calling people niggers in public

>t doesn't watch or trust anything that isn't on the internet
only trust your screenshots of "national news" that you see here comrade. We are your friends.

Attached: radicalization.jpg (1024x643, 119K)

>Please explain how Russians gained exclusive control over America's Media and Tech Industries
they didn't they just use the infrastructure in place for advertisers in our social media platforms. And they just target agents of influence and manipulate them, and then they manipulate all their followers, etc.

And like with gamergate, tech companies were happy to have virgins reeeeing at girls and journalists, instead of at the tech companies. They were fellow travelers on that. And reminder that Russia bought into twitter and facebook and probably reddit, and there are Russian jannies all over Yea Forums.
>and did it in total secret
they didn't. It's just not part of your media experience so you never see it. Like the Republicans leaked the psychographic data of literally every American with a computer to them. They have ALL of your information. They know what you jerk off to. Because they're working with the people you trust.
>, only to JUST NOW be discovered by Democrat internet sleuth conspiritards.
I've been talking about them doing this, on this board, since they started in 2014. It was a clear and pretty dramatic shift.

You noticed it was happening too, but you're just a dumb nigger consumer and you have no media literacy so you probably just felt agitated and that "everyone is going crazy" and shit.

Reminder that Republicans were sounding the goddamn alarm about Russian active measures in 2012. But then they lost and started working with Russians and suddenly Putin a good boy.

Reminder that the NRA sold all their userdata to Russia for $10 million btw

Attached: How-putin-coordinates.jpg (600x653, 104K)

based neighbor

Since I am white I can tell you all about how nice and easy it is.

What you can't do is tell me what it's like to be black and what life is like as a black person on a daily basis.

He wasn't crying about it though, he was literally telling someone it was okay to call him racial slurs you actual retard.

Attached: D4iLjFIXkAI4Bjx.jpg (219x239, 7K)

I read the MSN front page daily because it's the homepage at work and yes, if a spade somewhere in the country gets called a nigger in public it will show up there

imagine losing the 2016 election while owning all the msm, hollywood, 90 percent of internet. 2 and a half years later and you are still screeching.

>get script weeks before shooting starts
>plenty of time to talk to the director about the dialogue
>no, I'll wait until I can disrupt filming so I can have the most eyes on me possible when I suddenly realize my character says nigger too much and vocally proclaim my disgust

Leo is such a caricature of the Hollywood limousine liberal that I have no trouble at all believing this is completely true.