My god

Endgame is gonna make all the money

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its gonna break $3 billion
Avatarfags are shitting bricks

I don't speak wingdings what am I looking at?

There is time travel and Tony Star dies.

this chart is outdated

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not like this not like this not like this

>implying that wasn't intentional
Got the hype back after the game of thrones episode

remind when Marvelfags said infinity war would beat Avatar and then it didn't even beat Titanic
they never learn

That's a joke, right? It'll make as much as the fan base will let it because unlike Avatar you need to go back and watch around 15 movies to fully get to where it's at now.

And the casual normie isn't gonna do that shit.

no that was Star Wars fags

>3 hours long
Not happening. Fans will start to be get tired after a second watch. It'll make slightly more than IW at most. Reason why Avatar got the $$$ was the 3D gimmick.

> It'll make slightly more than IW at most.
Russians actually believe this

Friendly reminder Return of the King was 200 minutes long, and was the highest grossing movie of 2003

If the Russos kept captain fungus from ruining everything, I'll be happy.

To be fair, RotK marked the end of a great trilogy. At least, most of it feels justified since 2003 didn't have many good movies that came out.

yeah and it made 1.12 billion not fucking 2.8 billion
what's your point?

In some Asian markets the number of endgame tickets sold is triple or even quadruple the number of tickets sold for infinity war now either that means it’s the most front loaded presale for a film in the history of cinema or it’s going to obliterate any previously held records in terms of opening weekend etc. Avatar is in reach but still difficult due to how long that film managed to stay in cinemas and how leggy it was whereas endgame has competition in the form of Godzilla, detective pikachu etc.

The power of Carol!

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You could not live with your own failure, DCucks.
Where did that bring you?
Back to me.

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prepare to cope once again

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>he brags about box office numbers
Avatarfags truly are the saddest people.

I did the same exact false flag last year with infinity war


>tfw nobody even considers how the quality of the movie will influence the box office anymore
What if Endgame is shit?

>implying all Marvelfags won't be crying when endgame even fails to pass Titanic
look in what thread you are
are you lost?
do all Marvelfags have the same lack of self-awareness?

Change literally the first week to literally the first weekend.

You know pre sales are strictly for the opening weekend, right? Even with 1 billion global opening and the same legs as Infinity War will get it to 2.3 billion. More than likely it will have worse legs than IW because of more upfront demand and do 2.2 billion at most. Far cry from Avatar

The whole of the first column should be "Literally the first weekend", because that's what this movie is tracking towards

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It's sad to know DCucks can't make these anymore after Shitzam killed it

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What am I looking at here?

I unironically believe that Endgame will beat Avatar to become the highest-grossing film of all time ONLY if Captain Marvel does NOT singlehandedly defeat Thanos. If Captain Marvel singlehandedly defeats Thanos, then Endgame will NOT become the highest-grossing film of all time but will instead become the TLJ of the MCU.

>won't even get out of DAWN OF JUST

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What retard though Shazam would make more than 300-400 million? It clearly has no appeal in Asia and the release date is shit sandwiched between CM and Endgame

It won't even get to the last box of Dawn of Just

Most DCucks did. In fact they also thought it would make more than Captain Marvel.

Some of them even bet blu-rays on it which is why "eat the disk" has suddenly disappeared


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Reminder that Avatar, Titanic, and RotK did not have the Chinese market like this movie has. It's not comparable.

You people don't understand the staying power Avatar had.
It's like the "opening week" lasted an entire month, and then some more. Absolutely everyone was going to see the new technology, from old farts to children all across the globe.

And all of those screenings in 3D, non stop. Today the 3D meme screenings end at about week two already and people just get their fix and move on to the next thing, while going to Avatar was like going on a brand new rollercoaster ride for people.

The only thing Endgame can achieve is better opening numbers, but the drop off after 10 days or so is inevitable.

yes, and this will be the highest grossing of 2019, but not of all time

Eh Avatar made 200 million in China. Most Hollywood movies even today don't make that much.

is this a pasta? ive seen this exact same reply multiple times now

Avatar, Titanic, and RotK also didn't have Youtube, Netflix, $100 billion gaming industry and the golden generation of TV to compete against. It's like comparing Gone With The Wind with Avatar. Media landscape is much different now

All of them had the benefit of a much weaker dollar combined with completely free boxoffice runs devoid of any competition too.

What this user said. Also, people went to watch Avatar as though they're going to some carnival to watch some novelt y show. Nobody really gave a shit about it evidenced by the fact that it has zero cultural impact. If you really want to compare financial like that then compare them in terms of ancillary revenues too. MCU is fastest growing media franchise in the world and in just 10 years it's already one of the biggest media franchise. MCU merchandise is actually getting close to Star Wars' and will soon overtake. Do you seen anyone buying Avatar merch?

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The country was about 20% whiter in 2003.

what are we even comparing now? MCU is based on a brand that predates WWII, of course it has more "cultural impact". Avatar is just one movie released 10 years ago. Doesn't change the fact it created a cinematic experience that the MCU cannot match

shut up nerd

You said that about Infinity War and then couldn't beat Titanic and has been completely forgotten by now

Waiting for the true king to release and unexpectedly btfo everyone.

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But RotK was great and this is capetrash

So this is What, like a $250m opening in China?

Around there yeah +-
plus potential 300 million in the US, though 275 is more realistic

this is off-scale high
basically just guess a number over 200 and below 300

You are not allowed to hate on Avatar because they are now part of the Disney family.

looks like a log instead of an exponential i.e. will continue tapering off (though will likely be somewhat higher than infinity war

It's a 5 day weekend in China, so maybe close to 300M even

unlikely because sunday will be a work day that weekend there

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Yeah I know. I'm counting that too
Captain Marvel s about to outgross Aquaman, and that too without the help of China (where studios only get 25% of the revenue)

Captain Marvel made a billion and it was shit, capefags love marvel flavored shit

You realize that MCU will have 8 billion dollar movies by the end of the year right? Two of them will be 2 billion dollar movies. Heck, the average of 23 MCU movies will be close to a billion by the end of the year.

Baby's first billion eh?

>this amount of cope to try and avoid eating a disc
lol at the utter state of mcufags

Aquaman makes a billion due to lack of competition for over a month
Shazam bombs
>W-Who cares about box office mousecucks

Based Marvel will have 3 billion dollar movies this year alone

>Baby's first billion eh?
First and last

Thanks just bought 100k

Capped for laffs later

So Shazam didn't bomb and Aquaman made more than Captain Cringe huh? Really makes you think

Wow endgame is doing terribly compared to infinity war! Marvel cucks on suicide watch

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They beat Thanos and collected all the stones, but everyone is still dead. They need to "wish" everyone back still. Stark made an infinity gauntlet to hold the stones, and Hulk was the only one strong enough to use it. But he still failed.
