Game Show Kino

Game Show Kino

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Are all women really like this?

Beta male chooses split.
Woman chooses steal.

What exactly KINO here? Most cliché thing possible.

It portrays the true nature of women. By default they are untrustworthy, selfish and deceitful. They only look out for themselves and will do what they can without caring about those they trample on to get what they want. This is kino because this reality is caught on camera for all to see

Is it obvious fact?
And beta should know this, but preferred to be used again.

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This guy completely figured the game out. The only option is to convince the other person they have no option.

This tactics not gonna work with a woman.

If she doesn't get money it's still a pyrrhic victory.

I think the show banned this strategy afterwards.

this was so fucking obvious from her forced facial expression, how could this bald idiot fall for this ?

Why would anyone ever choose split, given that you'll do better in every scenario by choosing steal.

If they both choose steal, they both go home with nothing.

Which is less bad than your opponent getting everything.

which is why everyone should just do Just admit straight up that you'll steal it. They can agree to you splitting the money later or steal back and lose. By assuring them you'll steal and then split after the show it just repeats the split/steal option but in a safer court.

because hes bald user, balding betas are the worst

Yep, that's a great strategy.

>tell Person that you're going to choose steal and that you'd split the winnings if they let you win, using the audience, host and camera as witnesses


Why the fuck should I care about what others think?. If I ''stole'' that shit from him, the people who know me would say I fucked him up real good.

Pride of the Isles of Texas

Because in actuality you're a little pussy, user. You're afraid of what people in real life would think about you, and you'll do whatever you can to avoid confrontation. So even if you somehow, off of a grace of magic from a full moon even, managed to get the guts to stutter out the idea of this plan which he agreed to- you would follow through completely. No point in trying to sound edgy and aloof on the internet because your wrists are small, bro.

Pretty much.

Women are hypergamous, they only see men as tools. If your not a tool for a woman she wouldn't get her pussy wet, therefore useless.

>the people who know me would say I fucked him up real good.

Your prize is to be just as expendable to "the people who know you" one day

>not already coming onto the show with a legal contract agreeing that the moneys won will be divided equally among the two parties in your back pocket, just waiting for their signature and to fill in the correct purse amount.

holy fuck this game is disgusting. Really show's how fucking awful people are.

>trusting women

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Just split the money you fucking kikes, holy shit.

This isn't some incel shit, but I KNOW I would be able to talk it out with another guy that we'd agree to just go ahead and split it, whereas I would never, ever trust a woman at her word to agree to something that is not contractually or legally binding. I would have to assume that a woman would pick steal and therefore I am already in a losing position and would just pick steal as well out of spite.

there's something about trusting a guy than you can't apply to a woman. it's like you know a dude will ultimately side with logic but a chick will side with feelings either feeling like she deserves it more or if she feels she can get one over you. a dude will just see a optimal side unless he'd a dingbat. it's a lot easier to see if a dude it out to get you than a chick

get sex, incels.
do you sperg out when a woman beats a guy at poker as well?