Italians led by a Spaniard fighting in Germany

>Italians led by a Spaniard fighting in Germany
>everybody everywhere has an English accent
Even Game of Thrones was better with this shit

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Shut up Fagotrus Maximus.

You're literally the nostalgic critic lmfao

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>implying America would watch it if it was jn Latin with subtitles

If it wasn't for Gladiator probably half of your favourite movies and series in the last 20 years wouldn't have been made. Big epic movies, especially historical epics were a huge no-no for most production companies for decades but Gladiator changed everything.

>it's a northern europeans with british accents playing roman and/or greek characters in ancient times episodes
This is fucking disgusting and should never been allowed. Stop appropriating our culture and history, you northern monkeys.

>it's a germans wearing animal skins like cavemen and wielding axes like vikings episode

Prove that Romans didn't have British accents. Pro-tip: You can't.

Latin wasn't a strong influence on the English language and thus accent

Braveheart was better

you mean like the Passion of the Christ?

Except that he was a Roman living in Roman Iberia???

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You actually can since they explain how their language is pronounced

OP is clearly a woman.

are you fucking retarded? the japanese have been making built-in translators in tvs since the 70s you dumb shit, thats why you hear it in english and if you're german youd hear it in german etc
jesus christ your stupidity knows no bounds

That was Aramaic, moron.

Imagine that movie wasn't about Jesus. Wouldn't have drawn a cent, unfortunately.

Acting like a huge portion of the upper class and even several emperors weren't Spanish.

Proper pronunciation =/= actual pronunciation


Braveheart has aged like absolute shit though and domestically only made $3 million in profit, Gladiator made nearly $100 million in profit domestically and immediately after there was a tidal wave of swashbuckling epics like Troy, Lord of The Rings, Kingdom of Heaven, The Last Samurai, Alexander, Pirates of the Caribbean to name a few.

>There was never, in all of Roman history, a Roman family who moved to one of their provinces

Are you a retard? The issue is that it'd be a foreign language film with subtitles, not what fucking language they were speaking.

LOTR was well into production before Gladiator ever came out

That's just the right way to mispronounce Latin