

Attached: blumpfh .jpg (1280x720, 56K)

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I hope each and every one of them along with their children and loved ones are ferociously raoed by a pack of delinquent niggers.

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Fuck niggers, gays and kikes

this is your brain on /pol/

>encouraging people to vote is baaaaaaaaaaaad

Woah, guess that's why Trump won.

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>Hey hollywood celebrity, you think you are important
>This is not true


everybody knows whats goin on here. the subtext is clear. "tttheyre hust encouraging people to vote" yeah, right.


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They aren't even pretending. They directly allude to Trump being racist and ruining the country. They literally say don't give the nuclear codes to someone with "fire" in their catchphrase.

It's fear mongering. They were so desperate, haha.

Americans being so dumb, they need celebs to tell them to go vote, holyshit I'm so glad I wasn't born in burgerland....

no, no, no. It's actors telling you WHO to vote for. That's even worse.


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thanks famous actors

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They really are just like us...

what did he mean by this

sequel in 2020?

Jesus Christ. How can an entire nation be this pozzed up the ass?

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This is just as cringey tho. Why not make that same ad with the message "i'm a fucking adult, i know whens election day and i already made up my mind. don't need you to tell me."? Because there are no special interest groups in the middle to fund it, at least nobody who hasn't hitched his wagon to one side.

Remember MTV? Me neither

Yeah, that is all this is. Just a plea to vote.

tfw the evil old hag still lost

do you think these videos are made these for free and all those people are unpaid volunteers? lmao

What is that expression meant to convey?

America has gone down the shitter socially ever since trump won.

why does this trigger me so much?

Would you guys even think its bad if they said vote trump again?

sinking lower than you ever did, even back when you were a drug addict

Yes, because it's still a case of wealthy children who play pretend in capeshit telling people who to vote for
They're actors, who gives a fuck about what they think about anything

If made in that manner then yes. That video is condescending as fuck.

If capeshit actors are trying to get people to vote and who to vote for maybe we shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.

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I didnt vote lol suck my dic iron manlet

Blame the left for devolving into toddlers


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Yeah. The left has gone off the deep end in this country. They have no more sane policies left. It's all open borders, race baiting and socialism. I can't believe people still support them

>full republican rule
>nothing ever gets done
Why even vote?

the same people would call everyone sexist and dangerous to society if they were criticizing Hillary in the timeline that she won the election. Fuck Laci Green.

Voting is a stupid waste of time.

So wait is it serious or not?
There's some actors on the verge of tears and people talking about an apocalyptic hellscape, but then devolves into a joke about mark ruffalo getting naked. So I guess it's not that serious then? Or.. I'm a little confused by the tone here.

>Hollywood doesn’t create propagan-
It was a fine PSA until they all started going “DONT VOTE FOR DRUMPLESTILTSKIN THO REEEEE”. What fucking business do they have telling somebody who to vote for? I’m not even pro-Trump, but I’ve never seen a commercial bash a candidate unless it was paid for by the opposition.

Exactly, the humor downplays the fact that it’s just straight up propaganda.

Drumpf was the biggest wild card you could possible throw at the establishment and even then that ended up being nothing. Might as well not vote, they all think we’re cattle and resources instead of human beings with dreams and voices.

>not a single democrat advocates open borders but simply recognizes that a wall will be wasteful, not meaningfully stop immigration in any way, and is incredibly impractical for our border.

race baiting and socialism are too vague to deserve a response.


The Democrats supported a wall just 8 years ago

>nothing ever gets done
that can be seen as a positive the way people are losing their minds these days

What kind of hashtag is this?

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No they did not


they don't want open borders
But they do want no border security
They do want people who cross the border to be able to live here and not get deported
The do want to abolish the organization that finds illegal immigrants who have outstayed their visa and makes them go back
They do want illegal immigrants to receive all the same benefits that citizens enjoy
But at least they don't want open borders

Why didn't it work bros? Why is that monster in power now :(

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The entire country is a shitfest. Both political sides are full of retarded memers and fire spitting faggots who only exist to oppose the other side.
The left is full of tards, but why did the right become retarded in return?

>uhhh no this is wrong because they supported a different wall that was built and it was really more of a fence than a wall and this is a different wall in a different place so no this is wrong since it's a different wall
politifact is so pathetic

>America has gone down the shitter socially ever since trump won.

How so? Economy is improving, illegal immigration is being throttled, unemployment is down, etc.
Even America's carbon-footprint is down.

Literally the only thing wrong with America are the Liberals who can't stop rioting.

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it's lefty garbage

Trump winning was so fucking funny

Yes. Although that would be slightly less contemptible, since by doing that they would AT LEAST be challenging the Hollywood liberal zeitgeist rather than mindlessly conforming to it, which in the current political climate is outright dangerous.

>we will do it for you
> trust us
>just put a mark against hillary

>This is just as cringey tho.

Mocking something isn't "just as bad" as unironically creating the thing being mocked, leftist.

I didn't say the president was shit. Did you even read the post?
The left and right both went full retard, which one more than the other changes every week. It's like a civil war of bitchfighting

Only the left went full retard though. The right is normal for the most part.

>it’s impractical to defend our border
Even if you pull the “ma planes” out of your ass that’s what ice people are suppose to do. Just doing nothing is quite dumb and the consequent of illegal immigrants is a drain. One article states that “oh they’re already here, nothing seems to stop them!” isn’t offering any solutions, just straight up demoralization.


see look I can pull up le epic fact checks from my think tanks too.

it was already spiraling by 2015. The forces at work go back much further than one election and a couple of years. You can't deny reality for an extended time and suffer no consequences.

The right isn't full retard though. It's made drastic improvements since the Bush era where they were OK with illegal wars and horrible economic policies and the Obama era where they thought he was the anti-fan christ. Now the right is fighting to keep babies alive after they're born and prevent a literal socialist take over of the federal government.

Oh how about that? The second you're proven wrong, you move the goalposts like a snivelling little shit goblin and think you have the right to still act high and mighty when we've already establish that you're either ignorant or a fucking liar. I'll still humor you though.

They've voted several times for bills to increase border security that I've previously cited so no they want border security, but they want border security that actually works. Building a wall is a dumbass solution for a complex problem. It's like trying to solve global warming by building a giant air conditioner. it's fucking retarded.

They want people who come here for certain situations to be able to live here. For instance, if those people are fleeing for their lives, then they don't think its unreasonable for them to live here. I agree with this since many of the people who have made america are great country were refugees fleeing their homes and because its the morally correct thing to do.

They want to abolish or rebuild the agency that is overstepping its boundaries by detaining people with no criminal records and traumatizing children. Nothing wrong with that.

Illegal immigrants do a shit ton of work and don't get to benefit from taxes and have to constantly live in fear. Considering all the work they do, why shouldn't they get a path to citizenship?

Still none of this has anything to do with open border so I want you to type "I am a fucking liar who lies about my opponents and simplifies their arguments then I have the balls to act self rightous when people prove me wrong". do it and i'll keep responding.

They encouraged people to vote for Hilary which was bad and hilariously didn’t work

Cities were literally burning when Obama was in office you idiot

>The left and right both went full retard, which one more than the other changes every week.

Yeah, no. The right doesn't literally riot every month. The right didn't march on Washington wearing pink rubber pussies on their heads. The right didn't literally beat down the doors of a building at the capital to demand an innocent man be thrown in jail for a rape that never happened. The right didn't fake a hate-crime in an attempt to start a race war and then get excused from punishment by corrupt politicians.

You're transparently trying to play the Middle Road Fallacy to feign "centrism" and avoid being accused of bias.
You're clearly an embarrassed leftist running damage-control.
The sides are not currently equal and you're a faggot for trying to deny that. Call a spade a fucking spade.

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RDJ looks as if they have his kids on a Saw trap or something.

Looking forward to the cringe leftists put out next year

It's arguable how retarded the right really is. Tbh it depends on what your standards are. Honestly don't think bullying Shia LaBeouf, having kekistani marches, basing schoolshootings on it or driving your car into a lib crowd is any less retarded than what the left does.