How does it make you feel?
How does it make you feel?
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Khaleesi isn't even her name, lol
Not like "Daenerys" would be a better name for a kid.
That is so fucking lame.
I really don’t care
Which country is that?
cant wait to fuck all the strippers named Khaleesi in about 18 years time
Could call your kid Dany. I think it will work out even when the GoT fad dies in a decade's time.
The black negroid and white hipster kids these names are being slapped on could do a hell of a lot worse.
Lot of granddads named Kunta Kinte still around.
My brother and his wife are so retarded that they named my niece Elsa. Only to be different they spelt it ilsa as-in, She-Wolf of the SS.
And how many doggos were named khal ?
Take a wild guess
>mom, dad?
>yeah honey?
>where did my name come from?
>well baby, we named you after a character in a TV show played by someone who can't act
>...but why?
>because mommy and daddy are faggots, honey
450 people shouldn't be parents
could pass for celtic or something
>Dumb beta boys fumbling over themselves calling her Khaleesi like a fucking Mormont
>Your toddler taking a massive shit in the middle of the kitchen and spreading it everywhere
>Not again Khaleesi!
That would be 900 people
That's miniscule
And the more she drank, the more she shat
Mutta already have the dumbest names, this isn't much worse
A risky move when the series isn't finished yet
it's like tatoos. these idiots get darth vader tatooed on their asses or wherever and think it's so fun and geeky, and then 20 years later when they've (hopefully) grown up a little they wonder why they left a semi-permanent stain on their body for something they don't care about anymore.
likewise their children are just accessories to their "geek" habits and their children will hate them once they figure that out.
Each stool looser than the last.
>black people
>naming their kids after GoT characters
>Could call your kid Dany
450 girls are going to call themselves Kelly (C).
I can think of worse
The trick is to not give a fuck, it's an alpha thing
>white names
>pretentious as fuck
>black names
>ghetto as fuck
>asian names
>boring as fuck
It's weird how each list perfectly represents their demographic
>Newport and Propecia
It's not true, but I believe it
Makes me wanna name my son Stannis.
nothing beats the name I heard a negress shout out at mcds 10 years ago ..
White women are fucking pathetic.
>Newport, Propecia, Sinutab
The writers were just seeing if anyone was paying attention.
Fools and Madmen can laugh at the naked emperor but at the end of the day, he's still an emperor and they remain fools and madmen.
What about Airwrecka?
I am black and can confirm that when tasked with naming my children, I really did just open up the medicine cabinet for inspiration.
Ive met girls named Dany before.
>Not naming her Shireen or Sansa
This is nothing new.
>Disney releases The Little Mermaid in 1989.
>Be me in 2009.
>Wonder why so many thots named Ariel are thotting around
nothing surprises me anymore
This is fake right?
Nice try Mark
>naming your kid after a character a neckbeard created
Ayo hol up my nigga LaPrell
Honestly, why the fuck would anyone give a shit???
>KHALEESI! Get down here it's time for dinner!
Someone post her feet
my creation.. will be completed
Ashleigh is the only pretentious one desu
I. . . *huff* can't. . .fly . . . you . . . to . . . Winterfell *wheeze* right. . .now.
>white and asian are very similar and all have historical precedent
>black is run through a fake word generator
I was volunteering for a crisis pregnancy center (alternative to PP because killing babies is evil), and one chick named her daughter this. I hadn't watched GoT yet and just thought it was a weird white trash name. About 2 years later I started watching GoT and had the biggest delayed cringe of my life.
>"I love pop culture! I'm a soulless consumer!"
That's how we left her in the books...ironic.
>That would be 900 people
How embarrassing. All the GoT names are purposely close to a real name, so just defer to that instead.
Danaerys = Danielle
Jon = John
Bran = Brandon
Jorah = Joseph/Geoffrey
I feel genuine resentment to my parents for cursing me for the first 18 years of my life with the name Kenobi. These children have my utmost sympathy.
makes me wonder how popular the names richard and mortimer have been for baby boys in the last few years. although fans of the show are too high iq to have children and instead trade their testicles for a nintendo switch so maybe not.
Only 450?
>the Asian names are more white than the white names
How American
based architect
pol made this 100 % lmfao
More like The Onion in 1999.
Jon is a real name, common in Scandinavia
Why not make something that references your favorite your FAVORITE EPIC character but is still somewhat ambiguous so your child doesn't seem like a total shiteater.
No, because its too fucking difficult to think about apparently
What's wrong with Americans?
Not only blacks, but whites too.
Names like states, names like rivers, names like cities, names like surnames of politicians, names like surnames of leaders of their strange protestant sects.
WTF is dis shit?
based asians
Pretty sure I've got a bottle of that in my medicine cabinet.
Rick or Morty are fairly normal first names to have. tb.h
I know right?
I've got a friend who named his daughter Anna. What a mad lad.
if you think that's something, just wait until you meet your first Aislyn (pronounced Ash-lin)
Jon is just short for Jonathan which is a variation of Nathan
Aisling is a cute name, though.
Irish names are like that. Siobhan for example.
>tfw have name of a popular character and every time i go to starbucks they comment on it
its not even an uncommon or funny name you fools
>Ayo Dacron, you best not be hollerin' at Propecia anymore, you know dat's Newport's bitch
I fucking hate the term "doggos" so fucking much.
And a perfect way to give your kid a complex
>uhm... uh... it's pronounced ashlyn...
Yes, and Roisin, Sinead and Seosamh. That's fine in Ireland, but don't do that in America. Just name your kid Joan, Rose, Jane, or Joseph.
>not naming your son Radmure
I know. It pisses me off too.
Did you know that nobody named their daughter Madison until Splash?
That makes sense. I know it is a popular name for a city or town.
To clarify:
I don't hate DOGS i just hate the term "doggo" and the people who use it.
>literally naming babby kween but in fictional horsenigger language
Y doesn't exist in Irish you stupid mutt
Not the guy you responding to, but after pro-longed exposure to dogowners, I have realized they are mentally subhuman. Catpeople are crazy, but turns out dogpeople are as well. Only insane people sleep in same bed as dog. they cant keep their mutts on a leash which means you will be jumped and harrassed by their dog during walks and training.
They always say the same NPC lines also "He is harmless!" "Are you afraid of dogs?" "Dogs should have the right to run without a leash!"
Anyway I live in legal cannabis state so I just oil up some hotdogs with extreme thc level and throw pieces alongside the trails.
This is what I assume happens to the dogs who eat it, they must be under observation or their tongue gets in the way
If I ever get bitten by unleashed dogs i will start to put glass pieces into the sausages.
What name?
>naming your child Jewish names
I suppose you mutilate your children in the name of YHWH so it's not exactly surprising
It took me months and many concessions to convince my gf to name our dauhter Ylvi.
rate pls Yea Forums
Well, how will you virgins name your kid if you ever manage to reproduce?
>expecting people in the developed world to know or give a shit about a dead language
Retarded potato nigger
Should've named her Daquanda
I know exactly how that dog feels.
imagine how angry & sore at the world one must be to make a meme like this
Normal-sounding Biblical names. So Matthew but not Agamemnon. Mary but not Jezebel.
t.Joseph Jamal Heebstein
real black names are even worse
Dumb semite worshiping cuck
>tfw filled prescriptions for a child named "Loki"
His parents were the typical looking fat retards who maybe base their lives around this shit, so it makes sense.
hey now my daughter percocet turned out just fine
okish. Sad that there are so many idiots out there but statistically 2.450 is lower than expected
Boys should have unusual names, yet not completely made up and easily to be accepted by society, I would name my boy something like Ulisses or Pieter
Girls are trickier, society is at a time of shifting paradigms aboyt what it means to be a woman, I would just go with the flow and give my baby girl a completely insane name, like Krakatoa
this can't be real right?
t. pikey
Doggos still like you user
It's like naming your kid Emperor because you like Star Wars.
My ex-gf called me from her work at a clinic once and said a middle eastern family brought their son, Abad Butt in for a checkup.
Emperor cope
Put some pants on nigger
All of those babies were dogs
I'm seriously curious. Why do niggers use random word generators to name their kids? For every other race of people the names are based on something
historic or the name has a cultural meanining (namesake). Is there any cultural meaning to these names? Where the fuck did they come from and why do they all sound so similar? (read: retarded)
Fuck you
I like puppers.
I want to fuck pig mode Dany so hard
They don't want them to have white names, but don't know enough about African culture to give them African names.
>For circumcision indeed is of value if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision. So, if a man who is uncircumcised keeps the precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the law. For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.
It’s meant to sound profound and regal, which is why many are named things like Julius or Darius. Some of the less educated people just take French morphemes and just mash them up, as if it makes sense, which is why you get the prefix da or la.
>but not Agamemnon
I learned something new today. (If its true)
depends. If I move to japan Im going to give him a normal first name but some edgy middle name like lucifer. If I don't move to japan Im going to give the kid a "normal" name that is also a reference. Im prob gonna die alone so whatever
Oh I see. You're just being a faggot.
Ulisses and Pieter are retarded names. They're not just unusual - they're retarded. If you want unusual, go with something like Anatole or Milo. Those are real names that people recognize, but they're not typical. Making up names is for negroes.
would you rather name your kid some pop culture shit like Sylvanas or some weird 2010 shit like Brycelynn-Paige?
a Norman or Celtic name because I'm English, not a Dothraki khal or really fucking old, in which case it would be an Anglo-Saxon name
subtle, right?
Doggo knows your heart user
He probably meant Absalom. To this day, Jews spit on Absalom's grave. I feel bad for anyone who is given that name.
>Ulisses and Pieter
>made up
>not retard
you the nigger
>post yfw there could be someone posting on here named "Sephiroth" or "Cloud"
>a Norman or Celtic name because I'm English
This is like the irish version conversation. Name your kid Ulysses or Peter if you want, but don't fuck around with "hurr it's unique because it's dutch." Literally all it will do is make your kid explain why his name is spelled in a retarded way his entire life.
>doesn't understand what England is
original mutts, just that they were all white people
Here I thought Sue would be popular with the kikes.
Calling your kids Norman names is the ultimate act of cuckoldry for any Englishman, a foreign population that supplanted your culture and enslaved your people, and enacted genocidal policies upon you to force submission.
a foreign population that supplanted the culture of the previous foreign population that supplanted the culture of the previous foreign population hat supplanted the culture of the previous foreign population hat supplanted the culture of the previous foreign population
perhaps, it it sounds semi normal.
name her sasha.
man some day someone is going to figure you out and will break every bone in your body
im a normalfag, and just regular names
One day I’ll have to call nurse khaleesi from my lunar retirement community to make sure my pills are sent to the right condo.
This timeline is ridiculous.
My girlfriend is Chinese and in keeping with her country's customs, we will throw all of our silverware down the stairs and name our children after the noises it makes.
>tfw last name is norman origin
get cucked faggot
LOL you're a fucking piece of shit
Which group were your ancestors?
Names from my family's history. Perhaps more recent ones like Darryl, James, John, or Arthur. Or I could use older names from before the immigration to burgerland such as Alastair or Rodrick.
Ulysses and Ulisses are equaly wrong, the orinal is closer to Ulixes. I would go with the one with the i simply because we don't use y at all in my country.
Surname is a the name of a town, so I dunno. Probably Anglo-Saxon. Mothers side is an Irish surname.
I like the sentiment you're going for but those names are fucking retarded and I feel bad for your kids for having to deal with your aspergers. If you want a somewhat unique name go with something that's not autistic, like Fletcher or Wyatt or Crosby
americans lol
Well since I'm Greek I'll pick a Greek name.
A classical though not a Christcuck one.
Why, "Nyarlathotep", of course. I myself am Azathoth, so it's only fitting.
I think names like that are better than being one of twelve johns in your class
Peter is fine. Pieter just looks like you had a stroke.
based boomer
holy shit based
Who cares nigger, you're like a black person who still cares about reparations. If you like the name you like the name.
Ulysses is the anglo version. Since we live in a country that speaks English, use the English version.
giving a job description as a name is retarded.
why-yet? like that character in westworld? seemed too outdated
cross be? may as well name the kid crossfit. important side note: don't name your kid something that easily rhymes with an insult.
"Αναξίμανδρε! Το φαΐ είναι έτοιμο!"
Future equivalent of an Instagram handle is gonna be @Anaxxi or some cunt version of that
You try growing up with a name like that.
Are you retarded? You know what happens when you meet 3 or 4 different Johns? You call them by their last names, or give them nicknames. You know what happens when you meet some stupid motherfucker named Kenobi? You bitch him out whenever you want because he's named after a fucking Star Wars character.
you don't want to stand out. Don't jump to another extreme.
Your parents suck. Sorry, bro. Should have just named you Luke, since that's actually a normal name.
Agamemnon is Greek you fucking troglodyte
Confirmed true. I was one of three people with my name in my classes when I first started high school. For the next 4 years, no one called me by my first name.
This. also its 50/50 on naming your kid after someone who has a holiday like saint Nicolas. bonus point is they get gifts on that day and its like a bonus BD but down side is that it can get annoying.
Sean Bean is into CD? Wow.
nah senpai, homer is part of the bible
Keeping tradition alive, I'll name my son Angelo after my father, and if I have a girl, something Italian as well, but pretty. Maybe Este.
This post reeks of autism
They could have nordic ancentry if they live in Minnesota. I met a Thor there once.
>giving a job description as a name is retarded.
Not really.
>cross be? may as well name the kid crossfit
This is a stretch if I've ever seen one.
>don't name your kid something that easily rhymes with an insult.
Or teach your kid to not take kindergarten-tier insults seriously.
Could be worse. My brother named his kid after the singer in a white power band with a white trash name. So now they can look forward to being ashamed of their white trash name and even more ashamed once they find out the cringy reason he picked it.
Normies don't know what a fletcher is, they don't know who Wyatt Earp was, and they don't give a shit if the first syllable of crossfit and Crosby sound the same you fucking sperg.
I'm convinced pug owners just have a sadism kink they're taking out on their dogs.
>not naming them Stannis
I am laughing up a storm.
No.I will just do an example:
> bully says : "John you're a faggot"
3 guys go after bully thinking he insulted them
> bully says : "Kenobi hold my lightsaber"
whole class laughs at you
They might now know but you will, its your kid and you will have to use that name often.
>my name is on there
Fuck you user.
At first I thought you had a bad experience with one of the relatively few bad dog out there.
Now I see you're just a retard.
I have a unique name in my country and it's the only thing about myself I like, so way to assume, fag.
My name is Begu, Farya Begu.
or once movies are more popular they just give you constant references. "I have a bad feeling about this" "its our specialty" "hello there" "you don't have the high ground"
Then why not just go by Ken?
>only thing about myself I like, so way to assume
I was talking about normal people, not losers like you.
chill brandon
like the ken doll? Why not just skip the middle men and go with Ben, like kenobi did in the movie.
Normal people are just closet losers
Isn't that the woman's job? Men in my family are usually named after their mother's brothers.
>when your best friend Brian (who spells it with a y) gets caught doing something bad
"Brian was seduced by the dark side of the force."
Everybody laughs.
means "Im running" in Russian.
I'm sorry, LaPrell
>mom wanted me to have a unique name
>people think I'm named after a lotr character
>tv show has no guns
>tv show has gayass CGI dragons instead of muscle cars and trucks
Why is this elder scrolls shit so popular?
I'm white.
Any name can be made fun of. Every kid will have to deal with some little asshole using their name in a teasing manner. So just get over it, you autistic fags, and just give your kid a name you find meaningful
That just the power trying to keep you from self important by convincing you everyone is garbage so its normal to be garbage, normal to cheat on your lover, normal to be dangerously fat,etc.
Boy or girl, I'm naming it Batman.
Just go by Ken or Kenny.
r8 my name
I ended up changing my name to Steve once I hit 18. It was a lot of hassle and paperwork but well worth it. The fucked up thing is my parents claimed me changing my name was disrespectful to them. I countered with the fact that calling me Kenobi was disrespectful to me. We didn't talk for three years after that.
Man Americans are wild
The fuck are you talking about
same reason capeshit is making billions
That's fair. But for whar it's worth, I like the name Kenobi despite Star Wars. But people could call you Steve the Pirate now. I know I would.
God I remember back when my brother was born in 2003 my parents did want to name him Ben because they didn't want people to think they named him after ben affleck (they named him Benjamin). What changed?
>Steve the Pirate
I haven't heard this one. What's it from?
>American-Asians have stereotypically English names
what is this?
But I'm not autistic user, I don't care about any of that stupid shit you posted.
What do the Jews have against this ship?
Did some give it a generic 90s bully twist like "the dork side of the force" or keep quotes shallow to avoid showing their knowledge of the movies?
are you stupid? naming the kid has been big part of the patriarchy for a long time. often man picked the name for their first son and if their wife did not like it they would just say "you can name the second one". in a boring family there are only like 3 names and each you name your son after your father and your son names his son after you and so it goes until maybe your first born is a daughter so she names her son after you (because her husband is a loser so as a superior male you or your daughter gets to chose) while you pick a dif name for your second kid. its all part of the immortality illusion.
Zergs/Tyranids love infiltrate before invasion desu.
because you can see Trucks and guns in daily life.
They should have their children taken away from them
based user literally triggering d*g """people"""
some are clearly weak insults you can shrug off easy but some are primed for it. Had a fool start shit with me but his name rhymed with pedo.
>have an extremely ugly anglicized Polish surname
>don’t even have a single drop of Polish blood in me
just fuck my shit up
Based black people using Warhammer tier names
well your parents are retarded so what do they know? Its the same with last names, a kid in my class had a last name that was "son of dung". If change last name was fine for post ww2 Jews and Germans who move to US for new life it should be done in any case where its logical.
>all these manchilds watching dragons and high fantasy bullshit CGI battles
>not watching MANLY shows with GUNS and TRUCKS like better call saul and narcos
Yeah I'll go for a nice Anglo-Saxon name like Wilfred, Mildred, Harold, Edith, Edmund, Aethelstan, or Chad. Edward is basically the only Anglo-Saxon name that doesn't sound shit.
except no one has seen that movie and no one is going to go for an obscure reference insult. Its more likely to end up a cool nickname
I shit you not a girl i went to high school with named her kid "Kylo"
that's pretty bad. At least it wasn't dooku
They want to fit in. Even in chine, they pick normal English names for kids that will be working on an international level. Despite how "we are all the same" strange names do put peoples guard up
>Horsenigger language
made me kek
Absalom was a son of David who tried to usurp the Kingdom of Israel in the Bible. David is revered as the greatest king to ever live, and Absolom fucked it up.
Dany sounds like a boy's name
Name em after my grandparents. Dad named me after him so naming him after my dad would be stretching it.
only in America
Good enough
Imagine being as miserable as most of you are. I cant.
I don't watch Narcos because I don't speak spanish and can't be bothered to read subtitles instead of watching the actual cinematography
Insectoids prepping their invasions.
AH CAM ON NOW THEN DARGON YA WOULDN'T LET YA MOTHER STARVE WOUDYE *takes huge bite out of chicken leg* YER BREAKIN YE OLD MUMS HEART YOU KNOW *slaps belly* *burps* *farts*
It really chaps my ass how a lot of Gen X parents are giving their kids last names as first names. For example: Presley, Bowie, Jagger
good pic
Try 3 months
well all the muh gun and trucks shows are very America so if you are obsessed with them then you are a cultural cuck
Are Americans really like this?
>dog owners are subhuman
>turns out to be an unhinged psychopath
every single time
Herman if guy, Erika if girl.
Doesn't matter anyways, cause the mother picks the names.
Reminder that Dovahkiin is now 8 years old
Yes. Same reason why normalfags tend to not watch foreign movies/cartoons.
>the patriarchy
Opinion discarded.
orion is prob 25
>Not naming your kid after based Alfred.
if I see an interesting new movie on netflix and watch the trailer in some foreign language, I instantly shut it off
>muh cinematography
>doesnt want to watch shows and movies involving GUNS AND TRUCKS cause hes artfagging
yep. Zoomer hiding behind proxy excuses spotted. Get some movies with GUNS and TRUCKS and you'll put down the latest star wars/game of thrones/comic book tv shows/movies.
why? I mean minus The if you want but that has been the case across board
watch movies and shows in ENGLISH you foreign fuck
Rex, Roy, Regina
Seek help.
What are some normal names that are ALWAYS linked to the same trope in movies?
a badass
a virgin or a queer
the popular girl
The frat bro
Could we go on with the list?
I know what I like, and choose not to waste my time on something I will not enjoy.
Eugene is an obvious one
Who would that be? The hick?
John, Chad, Drake, Brad, Mark, Conor, Scott, Joe
Scarlett, Victoria, Elizabeth, Delilah, Rachel
you obviously aren't named luke. i'm 27 and i physically cringe and want to murder people when they make star wars references at me. they aren't even good or accurate references either.
Stannis is a legitimately cool sounding name, but God help you if he turns out to be a soft cunt.
Whatever. I just hate normal names. I was mercilessly teased for being ugly, but sure, being teased for your name is way worse.
Our school had lots of kids named Alexander but only one black kid. For years he was known by everyone as Negro Alex. Not American, so it wasn't a racial slur thing and so not even teachers questioned the logic.
just say you're named after the Apostle Luke
at least it's a real name, unlike Kenobi
common dog name.
all characters named Roy are asshats.
all characters named Regina are evil. likely to end up just being called reggie
Literal retard can’t into math
My 4-year old niece is named Daenerys. We called her Dany until recently when she told us that she likes to be called Daenerys more than Dany. Daenerys sounds regal. It is a big name for a little person. I have a feeling she is going to become a great person some day.
i haven't touched the show since it ended but i still remember the specific context of that screencap
"can't into"????
Wow, look at this guy.
Calling me a retard when he can't even speak English.
I mean come on.
nobody names their son regina you retard
aw don't be an asshole, everyone deserves at least one (You) a day no matter their annoying disposition
The new Dune has changed the name of one of its charactesrs from Chani to Chaniqua, for diversity.
i was named after the apostle cause my mom isnn't a fucking brainless pleb. but most people are and don't know it's a biblical name.
>family history is one step up from gypsies, even today most of the extended family are trailer trash
>but every generation has had one kid named Roy, normally the firstborn
There's always hope that a royal name will finally propel the family into good standards, right?
>naming your child “Brood Mare” in a fictional language from a fantasy book series
Don't think it's just Americans
I'm a eurofag and two of my nieces also have crazy names
Her mother told me once, becuase she wanted to be unique
If you're going to name your name after kid after a character, at least choose someone more obscure.
Billy-Bob. Basically the same case with any two first names like that.
>summerfag cannot into Yea Forums
lurk moar
Something normal
Elizabeth if it's a girl (male)
Willem if it's a boy (female)
How many of those people that named their kid after her jacked off to her nude scenes?
Having a special snowflake name wouldn't have stopped being from seeing how fuckugly you are, user. That's just who you are, no matter the name.
actually it was Edward. everyone called him edick (in Russian) Eдик which rhymes with пéдик • (pédik) which is short for pederast
>400 people out of almost 8 billion did thing
I don't care, since you asked. And of all the things people did in 2017, naming your kid something stupid isn't even near the most offensive. As long as they vaccinate, or send their children to a remote island where they won't risk the well being of other people, I do not care what the shit you name your baby.
Isn't everyone named Luke named after the apostle, when you think about it? Same with John.
I will call him Antonio something, im the 6th antonio in my line and in not going to shit it up, i got the end of the stick tho, my mother called me Omar Antonio, because a friend of the family suggested the name
or they know but go for low hanging fruit.
I was talking about a girl its that or she will go by gina like some italinan whore
>calls an obvious troll a summerfag
>in April
There was a teenager in my country (UK) that made made huge amounts of money helping Chinese parents pick out suitable English names for their children.
I for one feel bad for parents who named their daughters Isis after the ancient Egyptian goddess.
>implying it's not single moms who name their kids that
Stay away from my children Calvin, Luther, Wesley and Cotton
I already have two kids.
>David is revered as the greatest king
Israel was not an independent nation until 1948 A.D.
Throughout it's entire history, it has never been more than an occasionally rebellious province of one of the surrounding and historically proven kingdoms and empires in the region.
"King" David (assuming he even existed) was nothing more then the mayor of Jerusalem.
>Well, how will you virgins name your kid if you ever manage to reproduce?
When my wife and I got married, we made a deal that she would get to choose the first name or any daughters and I'd get to pick the middle name, and visa versa with any sons.
Our daughter's name is Elizabeth Siona user and our son is Robert John user.
Those are honestly not bad names. Could you imagine if JaTavious went into the marines and did well enough to go for an officers commission?
That's a name worthy of a Joint Chiefs general.
General JaTavious Warner.
It's got some gravitas. Kid would have had to work hard to live up to it but if he did...
>hey now my daughter percocet turned out just fine
She sounds dreamy
>They don't want them to have white names, but don't know enough about African culture to give them African names.
>It’s meant to sound profound and regal, which is why many are named things like Julius or Darius. Some of the less educated people just take French morphemes and just mash them up, as if it makes sense, which is why you get the prefix da or la.
Holy shit, I was expecting a /pol/-tier sperg out but those are actually reasoned posts.
There's serious study about these names and how the children cope.
Good. More nerds for my kids to bully.
right, because the riches of Solomon aren't referenced around the region
Wait, is this real? Are niggers really naming their daughters after hair loss and enlarged prostate medication?
Turbo yikes
first name Chad, middle names Charles Sneed Bane