Make a movie wih this plot
Make a movie wih this plot
It's already been made
I tried to make a thread on Yea Forums with this exact picture a while back and got banned instantly
How about a movie where OP dosent sock cocks for once, it would be top sci-fi kino
Daddy's Home already exists
Sverige vegan video i think it was manchester. Roidhead on the left supports the assault that just occurred against sverige and is saying its fine to assault antivegans, pajeet is defending sverige saying you cant just assault antivegans. Roidhead is energetic and assertive when shouting at pajeet then his tone and body language completely shift as he shits himself whem sveriges lankmore friend challenges him
me in the red
what am I looking at
You need to learn to disguise your shitposts with 'kinos for this feel?' Or like op did
she looks like a dumpy salma hayek
considering its being posted on Yea Forums its most likely a confrontation at a political protest
what i’m understanding is manlet gets mogged by chad but -plot twist- chad gets turbomogged by gigachad
imo complete waste of time
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
>Keit-Ai! Because, you know, they can communicate only through cell phones and it's a love story. Get it, get it?
What is this?
Fake and photoshopped
Kek at the Deano manlet.
every person in this video is cringe as fuck. even the anti vegans like the soiboi in the white tanktop with his absolute brainlet sign about "plants" not having vitamin b
There’s always a bigger guy
It's ironic how muh meat eater tough guys yeah! Are the most sensitive people on earth. How dare you eat veg I hate your lifesstyle eat some meat yo usoyboys!!!
Fucking pathetic meatcucks.
>then his tone and body language completely shift as he shits himself whem sveriges lankmore friend challenges him
that really doesnt happen. he still acts like a roidhead
Deepest meme.
Is that Will McKenzie?
4 you
You literally just quoted the vegans lol. The meat eaters are just calmly existing and the vegans are all WAAAHHH WAAA WAAAAHH DO AS I SAY WHHHAAA BOOOHOOOOO
So what am I supposed to be watching here? Looks like they're all faggots to me.
>boy I can't wait to btfo some dumb vegans with FACTS and knowledge because I drink milk as an adult man.
is this guy huge or they all small
>5'10 vs 5'11 vs 6'0
how much of a discordtranny can one be
The other girl is literally better looking than the uggo he's paying attention to.
What a fucking disappointment. He doesn't back down or anything, he continues to talk. Fuck antivegans and vegans.
Kek, thought that, thought it was some kinda inbetweeners reunion
*raw milk
I eat steak from an animal i bought at the super market yeah I am tough and badass triggered yet vegans heh I am such a hardcore badass I ate a steak yeah whatchu gonna do about it veggie boy!
meatcucks are so fucking cringe it hurts.
Why are paprika and angels egg so low on the list
Whats wrong with drinking milk as an adult male?
what does his neck and head jut out from his shoulders like that
why are white people always concerned about what other white people eat?
imagine how much of a faggot a vegan is, now imagine how even more of a faggot you have to be to call yourself 'anti-vegan' and purposely start conflict and antagonize people because they dont eat meat or whatever
He's a nigger and it makes him shit himself.
Calm down and stop crying, soiboi.
*chugs milk he bought from super store* oh yeah bitch I am so *chugs* manly you triggered yet veggie boy I drink milk yeah I'm still trying to grow a little hehe fuckin veg cuck little girly man you aren't a real man unless you eat steak and drink milk like a little kid.
You sound triggered.
fucking basedboys don't even eat steaks like a real man hehe, I am real man cause I eat steak if you couldn't tell, that's about as deep as my masculinity goes you triggered yet veg cucks waste my weekened to go eat meat on the street sooooo hardcore and f'ing badass....
>only point he’s getting across is that he’s a FUCKIN idiot
Based manc lad showing faggot anti-vegans the door
Okay, watched a bunch of this to see what the big deal was and I'm having a lot of trouble understanding.
Do these people have so little going on in their lives, so little concern, so little lives that arguing about whether or not veganism is healthy is truly important to them? How can they care they fucking much?
Just stop, you're making the antivegans look like reasonable people.
Because if you don't eat meat you are a fuckin cuck basedboy. Seeing me eat this steak? That mean's I am a real MAN because I eat MEAT that's all that matters about being a man...
Pretty sure it's in reference to people who force their cat or dog to be vegan.
>Do these people have so little going on in their lives, so little concern, so little lives that arguing about X is truly important to them
that's 90% of Yea Forums
Because they all were vegans before and it nearly killed them. Then you see others pushing that new age death diet onto their kids and naturally people respond
Enjoy your titties you fucking pussy.
Hey vegans explain this
Vegans are one of the most delusional two-faced mentally ill people you could encounter.
Fighting till death against the horrible conditions of chickens while at the same time pretending like the horrible conditions of underage underfed preteen little kids who make their shirts and assemble their iphones don't exist at all. Pretending like mass market land draining monoculture vegetable growing is "natural" and "organic", acting like Pedro gives a single fuck about veganism and isn't killing and spraying thousands of insects, rodents and birds that get near his crops. Or that your precious avocado wasn't the product of mexican cartels extorting hundreds of mexican families. Applying their arguments only for one side, for example all the fuckload of ex vegans who stopped being vegan their strong argument is that's because "they didn't do it properly", but they don't apply the same "eat properly" argument when talking about meat eaters and will frequently sell studies about obese amerilards eating nothing but pizza, ice cream and soda as standard meat eaters and yell CANCER HEART DISEASE YOU'LL DIE yeah no shit if you're shoving processed meats and sugar on the daily.
In short, champions of never ending confirmation bias mental gymnastics
I agree that we all got nothing going on as well, but we're shitposting anonymously, not driving to a public place carrying signs about how dogs are meat too. There's a difference, right? Or am I crazy.
She's a titlett though, and she wouldn't survive child birth with those hips
They are reasonable
no i see what you mean
i shitpost here to fuck around and for having nothing better to do but some people really do take everything posted on Yea Forums very seriously, especially politics, which is what i meant in the previous post
some people have empty lives and just choose to get triggerd by any mundane shit
Wtf? Based chad destroys these anti-vegan losers and doesn't even back down.
>That's right vegans I eat meat are you triggered yet
>Because they all were vegans before and it nearly killed them
maybe they're just fucking retarded. if veganism killed there wouldnt be any vegans
im not even vegetarian but i really think people should stick to not being huge faggots and meddling with other people's lives
you really do seem triggered though, otherwise you wouldn’t brainfart five times in a row now
>you see vegans! babys need milk just like me I'm a real man!!
seek help
>yeah you fucking vegan you are sooooo triggered I eat meat that's right keep posting I think I'll have a nice tall glass of milk to epic troll you more! I like already btfo dumb vegan cuck! haha I love meat!!!!
>if veganism killed there wouldnt be any vegans
Too soon to know that.
There literally wasn't a single person or civilization on this planet that lived it's entire life completely plant based, not a single one. This is entirely a new age gimmick, long term consenquences are yet to be seen
>Goes to epic troll vegans and eat meat like a caveman to epic troll the vegans! on my day off
>ugh seek help the meatcucks are sooooo based btfo them liberals with facts and knowledge!
Wait wait wait wait. Vegans don't let their babies drink breast milk? Cause that's all infants eat. Mommy's free titty milk. Where is the ethical dilemma in letting your child drink his mom's breast milk?
You gain nothing from it. Milk is for children during their growing phase, after puberty there is really no reason to ever touch it again.
They drink soy formula.
>gfs sperm
What did he mean by this
>You gain nothing from it
American education lads
I quote this shit all the time
George was truly a wise man
What a facebook mom meme statement. It's food like any other, not like it stops being food once you reach puberty. Vitamin D and Calcium is benefitial for you no matter the age
>tfw you eat meat
stay btfo vegan cuckolds. trolled epic gangnam style. Seethe more veggie cucks u mad I came here to eat raw meat u mad? I am so fuckin badass I like go to the vegan rally and eat eat yeah I'm such a fuckin badass. I eat meat deal with it! I'm tired of being oppressed for being a meatcuck, enough with the basedboy zeigeist oppressing us rise up meat cuck gamers 420!
Adults don't need to drink milk, dumb ass.
Why would somebody post a pictures of nobodies with no explanation. How the fuck are we supposed to know the plot?
Is OP just a little drunk, or full-blown retarded?
You don't "need" to eat broccoli either, but you can.
Adults don't need a proper education to survive too, they can be a janitor all their lives. Whats your point?
>Adults don't need a proper education to survive too
as your analogy shows
Hey vegans explain this
You don't actually need this as an adult unless you have some bodily defect which makes your bones unnaturally brittle.
>vitamin d
There are far better sources for this
Well, I'm British so I need it for my teeth.
Is this the best comeback a vegan has?
I don't know, it looked about right to me.
Honestly I don't know what you're mumbling about now, are those your only rebuttal of why you should not drink milk?
Jesus, everyone in that video is an embarrassing retard. If you support any side of that """"debate"""" you should probably kill yourself.
>Calcium also plays an important role in muscle contraction, transmitting messages through the nerves, and the release of hormones. If people aren't getting enough calcium in their diet, the body takes calcium from the bones to ensure normal cell function, which can lead to weakened bones.
Have fun getting your soi bones snapped by a mild gust of wind Mr. Glass
i'm not a vegan i'm an anti-retard
It tastes good, and it's refreshing.
Funny your stupidity is showing
He cucks to the lanklet in typical manlet fashion
Do you eat meat?
milk is like soothing or something but not refreshing
Vegans are food.
Especially chocolate milk. Delicious.
It's pretty embarrassing you drink milk and then come up wit ha non-sequitur like that. Meat cucks even know drinking milk is embarrassing if they don't want to admit it. No grown adult orders milk from a restaurant.
>antagonize people because they dont eat meat
More like antagonize vegans for being obnoxious cunts who can't spend 5 minutes without telling the world about their diet and more colorful stuff like burning down butcher shops and being a vandal nuisance
Fucking pricks
I do, and I put some vodka in it too.
Because milk is for breakfast.
>so retarded that he has problem comprehending simple sentences
I feel sorry for you.
>No grown adult orders milk from a restaurant.
And no grown adult leaves their house with only a pair of underwears
Retarded analogy.
You can bypass this by just having a healthy diet. I'm not even a vegan retard like you think I am. I eat meat. I was just making the argument that you don't need milk as an adult. Hell, milk isn't even the best source for calcium or vitamin d. You could just drop milk for Cheese, which has a much higher concentration of calcium and only slightly less vitamin d. You really don't gain much from drinking milk as an adult, its general benefits are basically lost on you after reaching adulthood.
Holy mother of god
So I've been seeing this for so many fucking years and I only just realized the pun. Keit ai is cellphone, but Ai also means "love"
Bravo, truly 10/10
>i'll show these obnoxious cunts i can be an obnoxious cunt too
doing the world a great service there
I'm 99% sure that these people only care about this because they needed an excuse to be seen outside.
you got it backwards, retard
Milk tastes disgusting, who are you trying to fool?
Meme cooking buzzword.
i don't understand anything they say
>Retarded analogy
t. high school diploma
There's no reason not to drink it either, it's a source of nutrition that some people had to rely on in the past when food wasn't as reliable so that's why some people have lactose tolerance now and even if we don't have a need to rely on it nowadays there's no reason why the people who drink it shouldn't go ahead and drink it
Milk is mostly protein, fat and water. Its actually an excellent post workout drink
I unironically define myself as anti vegan because veganism is a political movement, with political goals and means to achieve them, that I don't like and want to actively oppose
If that makes you want to cry, too bad I guess
that pic is so retarded i'm actually upset about it
>tfw you eat le bacon
t. lactoselets
Sorry your shitskin genetics mean you get explosive diarrhea when you try to eat food that actual humans can process without a problem.
why do meat cucks only care about nutrition as far as protein goes? Gotta eat 12 eggs a day muh protein
>If that makes you want to cry, too bad I guess
unlike you i dont get triggered at people wasting their time on this planet doing dumb shit, so i dont really care
im still going to make fun of you though
>I was just making the argument that you don't need milk as an adult
What argument?
Imagine being such a self centered butch that you take all attacks against your retarded ideology as personal attacks anfthen proceed to spend an afternoon spamming a retarded thread with ironic memes that a mentally stunted 12 years old would hardly find fun
The things eating tofu and soi will make you do I swear to me mom lmao
That another man that is taking female hormones still has more potent sperm than he does.
u don't drink milk you are le shitskin maga kek le milk boys woooot!!!!
Meatcucks stop embarrassing yourselves.
>meatcucks never died on everest
>muh shitskin
I eat cheese all the time.
lactose intolerants on suicide watch
milk is great
>look at me, the nihilistic centrist who doesn't care about anything
Sure showed us all pal, keep on tipping that fedora.
>if you eat meat you should kill yourself
>if you don't meat meat you should kill yourself
??? fucking radical centerists are moronic
>There's no reason not to drink it either
You can get more concentrated calcium and vitamin d sources from other food items and at a cheaper cost. I feel like you just think you have to drink milk because people tell you to.
There really is a pepe for every occasion, isn't there?
Is that Johnclout Fandame?
There's no other explanation for why you would hate milk so vehemently. Spoiler alert: it's not just right wingers who like meat and milk. It's not a political thing except to the most braindead of mongoloids like you.
Did anyone tell her that non-vegans have died climbing Everest? That it's just a dangerous thing to do and not the benchmark for healthiness?
Lol, a gallon is 1.50 a pop here, and a gallon of milk has about 1600 calories in it. That's almost a days worth of food, no way you're getting a better deal than that.
Cheese >>>> milk, get fucked.
i will
have fun at your rallies while i eat 2 eggs for breakfast while talking shit about many different groups of people online
Make up should be banned.
Newsflash: most people don't eat or drink things only based on their nutritional value.
Why do you think people drink Coke
Uh what happens if I’m unironically the tall guy in the bottom right?
Thanks for telling us that vegans are retarded.
but... cheese is made from milk
Where the fuck do you live? Also no one just drinks milk, so bringing up the caloric intake is pointless.
>talking shit about many different groups of people online
But I thought you weren't triggered, though, so why would you do this? It's really confusing talking to a redditor.
Lol, replied to the wrong guy? That's okay
Actually, I DO drink a shit ton of milk because it's cheap and I can handle it. Stay salty, vegan. If you can handle salt, that is.
Your average vegans people.
for fun?
does the concept of fun alienate you?
I don't understand why anyone would be anti-vegan, what does it actually achieve? Vegan activists are trying to get people to eat less meat for either ethical or environmental reasons, so I can understand why they'd be trying to convert people. What do these anti-vegans have to gain?
>hey you should be eating meat because I like to eat meat
no, I'm not a vegan
>Also no one just drinks milk
Agreed, we drink soy.
The b12 deficiency caused her hair to thin and grey the poor girl
I fancy a glass of milk now, thanks.
stop raping the bees!
based pusy poster
But what kind of person would have fin berating others for nothing, and then proceeed to criticize others for berating others for good reasons?
Hypocrites and morons, that's who.
>the queen bees wings are cut off
>they are raped
Hentai adaptation when?
Yes, it's not like Vegans are now forcing their beliefs on others, and prepping to force them on society via legislation.
You know, there's this ancient word that, uh, people used to use here. It's called a "troll". A troll is someone who instigates arguments and says really, really stupid shit to derail threads just for fun.
I'm not a vegan.
You can eat meat or be a vegan without being an absolute militant retard, pouring pink shit on people's heads or protesting what other people eat. You know, the crazy idea of minding your own fucking business.
Vegtard meltdown, literally NOBODY died on the Everest trying to prove eating meat is superior.
>notices bulge
based chad carnivore herbivores
right now
This but unironically
Made from doesn't mean it is.
>plant protein is the same as animal protein
I don't understand, do you think of yourself as a troll, and how would that make your criticism of my attitude justified compared to yours?
Really, really confusing talking to redditors, again.
>muh violence
plants feel pain too, y'know
A lot of people are asking 'what's the point?' and criticising the idea of an anti-vegan rally.
To give it context, in the UK vegans frequently rally outside supermarkets and accost anyone who buys meat. The anti-vegan rallies are a response to that. Eating raw meat at vegan events to tell them to fuck off.
No one would give a shit about vegans if they didn't constantly try and force their shitty views on the rest of society
This is the best retarded baitpic out there. A true (You) farmer
How the fuck is eating meat being militant? Your ancestors ate meat before the whole internet meme of being a vegan. Meat is natural and it taste great.
did you know that a lot of plants are aware theyre being eaten
You're just as stupid as a vegan despite not even being one? RIP
This doesn't mention that 100 calories of meat is about two bites while 100 calories of broccoli is an entire bowlful and is calorically inefficient for omnivorous adapted creatures to consume.
>forcing their beliefs on others
it's called trying to persuade people, just ignore them you absolute manchild
When will people realize that being pescatarian is the only way
>No one would give a shit about vegans if
but no one does
you're just obsessed
What are you even replying against? I have nothing against eating meat. Did you even read my post?
>actually being mentally handicapped
militant about their views, obviously
>unlike you i dont get triggered at people wasting their time on this planet doing dumb shit, so i dont really care
OK but will you care when their agenda starts affecting legislation and that legislation affects how you get to live?
That's why people oppose agendas, retard.
It's baffling to me how you think NOT opposing retarded authoritarian agendas makes you smarter and not dumber.
Man wtf that guy is some uber chad aryan hero.
No no, I'm not him. Just making an observation that people do indeed exist who find it fun to lure others into frustrating arguments. Damn it, I shouldn't have replied to you.
No I did not. My cat is blocking the screen.
When will people realize that being an obnoxious moron wanting to force his lifestyle on others is really fucking retarded?
vegan chad is right though
there are better ways to get your point across than larping as ozzy osbourne
>I drink milk as an adult man
>this is the kind of thing vegan leftists give people shit over now
Fucking what?
Is this some new meme I don't know about?
There is nothing militant about eating meat.
>lived in the UK my whole life
>never experienced, or heard of anyone experiencing this
>that video is at old trafford, there's nothing else there except for the stadium
jesus christ who gives a shit about vegans
>OK but will you care when this thing that will never happen happens?
i'll start opposing extraterrestrial invasions now you never know when they'll do the final push and enslave us
I recognize those balls.
Eggs are so delicious and useful though. Cooking is genuinely soulless without eggs.
But I don't understand, what do these people get from luring unsuspecting idiots into lengthy useless arguments and how can thet be stopped?
>now imagine how even more of a faggot you have to be to call yourself 'anti-vegan' and purposely start conflict and antagonize people because they dont eat meat or whatever
People oppose vegans because they are a moon-howler political movement that is currently trying to affect legislation, you brainlet.
Stop strawmanning.
*sigh* this meme again......
silly vegans............ lol
That's why you eat varied. Something you should do matter what
Eggs are a legitimate superfood.
Anti-vegans exist solely to cause vegan butthurt. A group without a solid logical base.
Anti-vegans are just cucks who are mad a certain group deviates from the norm and over acts on it.
>Stop strawmanning
says the dude barking at imaginary monsters
lol, are people really this pathetic and desperate for things to be mad at?
Or better yet, don't shitpost at all, you stupid redditors who need to bring your ebin as fug Twitter memes here.
Who eats a T-bone with a fork and knife. The whole point of bone-in steak is to use the bone as a handle.
>it's called trying to persuade people
Laws don't "persuade" people. They force people to do things and buy/not buy certain things, fag.
Also, the kids they kill don't get any choice in the matter, either.
how does he get out
Good, vegans are obnoxious scum.
Shame he didn't beat the shit out of him.
>vegan couple sentenced to life
He has to cook all the eggs.
>being a vegan
Are people really this pathetic to begin with?
>standing in front of vegans eating raw squirrels
>coherent beliefs
it's important to be moderate in all things and sample from a wide pool of ideas, or else you'll just be blinded by excess. there's no inherent value in having "firm beliefs".
pic related, it's you from a timeline where you agreed with me
Commando boy is shitting all over lanky swede
Bit disappointed
No, I don't want retarded vegans forcing or advertising their retarded lifestyles on minors and other vulnerable people
I don't want them to shit up any debate about dietetics with their un sourced claims and shitty understanding of the topic and biology in general
And I don't want their political activism to translate into any kind of legislation whatsoever anywhere.
But yeah, you're right, it's only because they don't eat meat I guess
what anti meat law is this? This same story has been posted at least 3 times in this thread
They get entertainment, somehow. Don't ask me why, I don't know why.
>how can thet be stopped?
By people not replying to obvious bait, not engaging in retarded internet wars, etc. Seriously, just avoid these kinds of threads. You know what they look like, you know who makes them. Stop replying to them and tell other people to stop as well.
is that why people evolved to be able to drink milk over time?
Because its an evolutionary unsucceslful trait?
>injecting acid into an unborn baby's brain through its face
>not "murder"
>eating a hamburger
Leftists, please explain this.
He eats all the eggs
Can't you stick to avoiding meat in silence?
Trolling really is a art