Flicks about self-improvement?

Flicks about self-improvement?

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This cannot possibly work.

but i will do it


tfw manlet with strong jaw

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Where do I find rich chicks who like hot guys? All the rich girls I know are rich because of their parents, which is impractical.

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Is it the chin? Not sure what im looking at

its a jaw enlargement surgery

How tall tho?

back to lookism/r3ddit with your "brutal" blackpills, incel

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have sex

Fake jaws look different from different angles

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It's true though. Women only want Chad. Average guys can't get laid.

Pretty much everyone that's into lookmaxxing does all those things though.
Also what's with showers? Everybody takes showers. Such a weak, retarded strawman tbqh.



One hard punch and its all gone

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How to short the sexual marketplace fellas

a cyber bogdanoff clone?


What about somebody who does all that with height face and frame how do they compare with one who doesn't? Oh wait everybody who can't get laid is fat and ugly and doesn't know how to shower. Welcome to capitalist clown world.

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Imagine literally believing women don't have height prejudices.
Imagine actually thinking people are talking about 5'9" guys when we talk about short men being fucked, because they know us who are like 5'5" and lower are fucked but don't want to admit it.
I don't understand these people.

>tfw lanklet with nochinz

Have you tried any of those things before loathing yourself in self-pity? Have you maybe try and date below average girls if you're that desperate?

>tfw lanklet with nochinz
I'll trade you inches for jaw


>tfw handsome manlet
making me short was some sort of cruel karmic joke

tfw white but living in 2019

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I'm a 5'7" guy in a relationship with a cute 5'3" girl who has no height prejudice. I'm saying to deny women are prejudice in terms of height is literal insanity as its denial of reality. Using average height men in your strawman against people talking about heightism is insane.
And no, there is no such thing as "height preference", it's a socialized prejudice that doesn't have the right to exist. Women are not entitled to not want to date a guy just because he's under a certain height.

>tfw ugly 187 cm tall guy
life is full of ironies

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Shut up manlet real men are talking

Sad that people really fall for this and destroy their knees for a few inches desu, "doctors" who perform this surgery should be imprisoned

huh... actually im okay with not being tall now that i've seen this

That won't fix my brain.

I would hurt you really badly if we fought

see bogdanoffs

Damn city slickers and their Gucci loafers voting democrat

at least they'll get to fuck pussy

People wouldn't perform this surgery if they weren't discriminated against due to their height in the first place. The problem isn't the surgery.

>tfw Lanklet with strong jaw

Dudes should have known they shouldn't praise the prequels right in Mike's face.

Nice LARP retard, back to the pits.

Haha okay manlet that's cute. Having a little napoleon outburst?

That's right Jay!

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No larp, I would seriously hurt you.

Is this what happens when someone with minimum boxing training goes up against normies?

I weigh 225 pounds at about 22% bodyfat and I'm a purple belt in BJJ.
Short men dominate every weight class in the UFC for a reason. We're superior fighters, we are physically better built for combat. Hide behind the monitor though, where you're safe

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You're dead, kiddo.

>tfw still taller than him post-surgery
Better crack those bones again, manlet.

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You know body dysmorphia is a disease because only someone mentally ill would think this looks good.

Woah haha easy there little guy. Do you need me to put you down for your nap? you sound a little angry.

>Knocks out two guys
>Guy steps to without even putting up his hands
What was he thinking? How did he expect that to end?

To be quite honest you need to have a very high iq to take the bogpill

i don't think they do it to look good naked, i think they do it to earn like a million extra dollars over their lifetime due to automatically being offered more for the same job etc

Lefort 3 is the only real looksmax
Everything else is huge cope

I bet you weight like 180 pounds lol. I'd morote gari you so easily

Anyway it's hilarious that people deny height prejudices and then themselves go on to mock short dudes. I don't get it.

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Based Mike

Cosmetic surgery should be illegal.

Humans don't have a right to change their bodies for superficial desires and trained doctors shouldn't be allowed to provide such deplorable service for any price.

There's something deeply wrong with this morally and ethically

your children will still have that chinletism

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so what are they doing that to this guy for?


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Nice spacing.

What am I looking at?

>Average guys can't get laid.
you're not average, you're below average

how does he run

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He's getting a lefort 3 because his skull got smashed in a car accident iirc

people run after him now

Looksmaxers know their genetics are trash and don't have kids so you're wrong.

> bayonetta surgery
