What is some desert island / survival kino?

What is some desert island / survival kino?

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Black girls are ugly.


the 2 darker bikini girls look east african. easily the most attractive women in africa

newsflash: ugly women of any race are ugly

just search up the men vs women bear grylls one and watch the women crumble, also have sex

I liked
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by Sam raimi

I'm a white nationalist, but L A D S

Cast Away up until the part where he gets off of the island and back into civilization. It's also just one long FedEx commercial.

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I'd still take them over white girls

You are super gay

They look like they fuck white and Jewish guys.

t. Jewish guy

Swept Away 74 version, Mysterious Island 61 version, Lord of the Flies 63 version

They cute

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It would be one thing to say "I would never be with a black woman". But saying that these black women are ugly is a straight up lie. Wars have been fought over less.

the girls in your webm have no ass

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Because they are traditional models and designers hate asses.

Fine, here.

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I have a white blonde friend, and both him and his brother exclusively date very dark latinas and black girls. What might’ve caused this? They both say they find white women aesthetically boring and that white women are uncool, but what would cause them to BOTH be like this? Keep in mind they’re not very close.
Every white guy seems to be into curvy instagram brown girls now. Skinny white women are completely ignored.

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>both him and his brother exclusively date very dark latinas and black girls
Unironically, their relationship to their mother probably would say a lot.

have sex

Very nice

I wish we could get some actresses that look like this in big mainstream films.

The appeal is economic disparity, which white men no longer have with white women. White women don't need white men anymore and need has been the basis of courtship and marriage for most of human existence. When women know that their social/economic/ security is externally contingent on a man they generally put a greater effort in to being pleasing to be around.

It is literally the same dynamic that has traditionally sent ugly middle aged bachelors to Thailand and the Philippines to get wives half their age, only it is now starting to be felt by men who would have been solid normies a generation or two ago.

Black guy here. My sister has kids with a white blonde guy. It makes me happy because it destroys his white heritage. I don't hate him btw. I just hate white supremacy.

Like 98% of white men they have mommy issues.
White men mostly hate their mothers. There is no culture in which disrespecting, neglecting, and abusing your mother is as respected as among white men (in fact, many even consider such behavior cool).

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Swiss Army Man

those are awful ass for black chicks

Is this like MOGGED but for women?

>disrespecting, neglecting, and abusing
>white culture
Nice try

Because white women are spoiled vapid cunts

One day Bria Myles will sit on my face

i've only been with white women and i want to fuck some chocolate so bad


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Some of them are not that ugly but the weird smell puts off white men away anyway.

Anya Ivy is my favorite black pornstar.

>have jungle fever
>watch Shazam!
>last part of the film starts
>loli Darla turns into adult Darla
>holy fuck she's hot

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Ana Foxx = Jezabel Vessir > Maserati

fuck she's perfect

Nice, dude.

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Because they're probably both half white

I wish she were more active. We get one scene a year from her if we're lucky.

I'd fuck any race desu

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i like brittney white, too bad she quit

stop watching porn

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make me

based and redpilled

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>tfw will never be the poor little white boy in a Jada Fire & Vanessa Blue threesome

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>all that work just so incels can complain about chads fucking all the white women and all the coloured women while they get nothing

How do I eat pussy without gagging on the smell even when she’s clean

Also remember 90% of them are victims of abuse(by their uncle/dad that just got out of jail), but don't tell because muh snitches get stitches

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dont do it nigger

But I like black asses

just jack off to pictures of women user, watching porn is watching a man fuck a woman, which is being a cuck

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I literally can’t fap if I see a guys face.
Strictly lesbian/solo for me.

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Compare the way whites treat family to how any other culture treats family.


Get these shitskins off my Yea Forums

Do we have to start posting the wembs of niggers beating their children?

the survivalist

/pol/tards are just virgins with literally zero self-awareness

Uh men can fuck whoever they want sweaty

Imagine she sound it would make to spank that ass

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If my parents didn't beat me growing up I would have turned up a total failure instead of a partial failure.

A hapa made this post

>>blacks act like thugs to their wives, their kids, society at large, their fathers?, pffft right.
But yeah, they love the lady that has seven kids from seven different guys.

You're black so your nothing but a failure.


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triggered, nig?

>the weird smell
describe so I can imagine it?

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Lacey Duvalle
Jada Fire
Skin Diamond
Nyomi Banxxx

This is the official ebony goddess list, dont @ me

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Cocoa butter

Their asses are perfect. You just like fat, which is fine, but I'm not into it.

That's too much. Cartoonish and sloppy.


They smell like cookies because of cocoa butter. Soooo off putting, right?

>76 replies
>Hell in the Pacific
>0 (zero) results

absolute state of Yea Forums

Is that Warwick Davis next to the chick in yellow

No I just like objective 10/10 fashion models while you like 6/10 Miami beach wannabes.