Kinos for this feel?
Kinos for this feel?
incredible how, since them, they tried to make the nazis look bad and end up with something awesome and cool looking.
i mean, look at this badass nazi kaiju.
What could have been...
That's a really fucking cool drawing though. Seriously. Wish I had a print of that because everything about it is just nice.
If you're an edgy kid sure
The Longest Day
They wanted to depict them as a serious threat
>be the eternal *ngloid
>be responsible for more human suffering than every other regime and empire in human history combined
>create conflict by hogging all the world's resources
>pit enemies against each other to further your own goals
>call in other countries to do all the dirty work for you
>paint yourself as the heroic underdog afterwards
I fucking hate *ngloids
the whole aesthetic from star wars dark side - you know, the iconic shit that people enjoy instead of the lame rebels, ewoks and all that shit - comes from... the evil nazis.
recognize that the guys had a cool sense of style doesnt mean you agree with all the rest.
The pink floyd movie
>be anglos
>basically succeed at ethnically cleansing entire races (native australians and native americans)
>invade a quarter of the world
>the people of the countries you invaded all suffered greatly
>no one gives a shit
Meanwhile, germans are forever demonized because of the nazis and hitler
It's so brave how they dropped bombs on those women and children instead of military targets wtf I love the based and good allies
Rule the waves muh empir-
Battle of Britain
They even knew about La Creatura...
>Just imagine if Hitler had won... we'd all be speaking German right now!
As opposed to everyone speaking English? Do Anglos even realize that they are the biggest hyprocrites on Earth, right next to (((them)))?
the use of "freedom" is the saddest part.
freedom today is a drag queen boy dancing like a whore on a gay bar while get money from pedos.
anglos couldn't cope with the nazi bloomers
it's ridiculous, the biggest perversion of history
>fighting for freedom
>whilst we still have half the world as colonies
could they not just be honest and say "we hate germans lets fukin kill them"
Probably burgers.
Where's beady eyed Mosley?
>we'd all be speaking German right now!
Man I wish I knew german
Starting imperialistic war of conquest on Europe was a step too far.
That's basically what they did
Churchill said plenty of shit like this. Like the infamous "we need to roast as many german war refugees in dresden as possible" quote
I never see this total kino talked about on Yea Forums
Yeah and "we need to purge Germans off the internet for good and made their country an agrarian state". What a villain. I cry.
If you switch the Axis and Allies, Downfall is a good fit.
Nice strawman there lefty/pol/ack but the morgenthau plan was actually real
In fact it's being slowly implemented right now
In jail, silly user. Later he went to live in France.
Friendly reminder the allies actually wanted to drop anthrax cakes on germany and poison the whole populace and yet LARPed as the good guys still
Only thing that prevented them from going ahead was the fast collapse of Heeresgruppe mitte
You're a fucking idiot.
Fuck you nazi larper your idols were the saviors of communism and they took part in everything that went wrong later. And Europe would've been better after the war if the German threat of their constant drive to dominate Europe politically was also suppressed.
envy is a horrible thing
is it even worth the effort it takes to point out how it's also a bunch of whiny incels talking up their camp nazi fetishes?
Underrated escapist kino.
Seriously, this movie had a profound impact on me. I wouldn't have spent the last decade trying to make comics if I hadn't seen Sky Captain.
Considering its ability to set people on Yea Forums who'd be killed, sterilized or sent to die with the Volksturm screeching about how wonderful the Nazi period was I'd have to agree.
Came here to say this, cartoon potions in The Wall have the same aesthetic
What uniform is this?
that's a god damn strange film, but visually it's quite glorious
Fuck yes, terribly underrated kino.
probably some chilean uniform
But it doesn't. It's Prussian military dress.
do you understand that there is a difference between talking shit on internet and pimping your own son, in drag, at a gay bar?
No idea. The Stahlhelm was nothing if not influential though.
>tfw no 4k UHD bloomer nazi kino
the thinking man's favourite period of german history and cultire is the 18th - 19th century period
Why is she eating a double stick ice cream
>but I'm specially different!
heard it all before breh
Children of men
That NSDAP brought disaster on Germany (you won't recognize Germany they said) it serves them right. Fucking degenerates. German advocates from the other side of the ocean are the worst because they support foreign imperialism. They can't even claim they like the culture or art because Germans were destroying and sometimes stealing countless historical artifacts and buildings throughout Europe.
ITT:Butt mad krauts spewing their cope in English
following cope tactics
i..its a Germanic language!
i..i..only learned because american media i love it so much
i...i...i..its an easy language to learn anyway
notice me anglo please!, I want to be oppressed like everyone else!
Brainlet post.
Quit trying to appropriate Nat Soc terminology faggot, and quit pretending you care about germans
>germans steal art
>anglos collect art
chile I think
Anglos created the mutt.
Rocketeer is fucking kino indeed
You're quite right. Chile uses them (and the Pickelhaube) for ceremonial occasions.
when they saw that the woman was black they should just give up, its not like we were talking about a future more promissing than extinction anyway.
Unlike far too many of these "it'd all be different if *I* was there" asshats I don't need to be told.
with the help of germans
Everytime I consider the positives of a German victory I have to remember how detestable Germans are
From a empire that conquered a quarter of the world to a cucked island, just pathetic.
they were spooking the anglos with autism, they say hitler magically brain wash them till this very day
>hitler was a good speaker it hypnotised us
watch speeches and its some guy having a flailing tantrum like a kid who told he couldn't have something in a store
your whole entire argument is they wanted to, which is why everyone wants to slap the spoiled kid but don't
I don't care about anglos and your soviet whatabaoutism fallacy. Germans started war, bombed buildings and were pursposefully destroying cultural heritage of Europe. Fucking degenerates and nothing more
They are underrated because pulp period films are not popular - if they are not Indiana Jones films.
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind
Porco Rosso
stormfags want a piece of the oppression pie
Hey now, they have several islands.
Would they have been worse than the Ahmeds?
Reminder Hitler was right
>Nazi kaiju movie
I'd see it
>shortest book ever written was german book of humor
dis mothafucka just rippin off fantasia
>whatabaoutism fallacy
It amazes me that reddit faggots have turned being called out on their double standards and hypocrisy a logical fallacy.
>pursposefully destroying cultural heritage of Europe
But look what they were replacing it with, user!
(Picture shows the least gay work of Arno Breker, Official State Sculptor of the Reich)
The Mummy was a pretty big hit, at least.
The Rocketeer was also one of my favorite movies in this genre.
>germans started the war
Russia disagrees
dat nigga big af
>germans steal art
>anglos preserve art
>french neglect art
>nords burn art
>Italians enjoy art
>trusting russia
O'Brien's War Eagles idea may be ressurected one day. It was created in late 30s even before the war so a story with German Third Reich as unquestionable villains could've been risky at that time but would've been awesome. Later movies didn't touch that period, some took place in the middle ages there was Jackson's Kong.
>trusting western historiography
Sorry my bad I'll go into more details.
Germany AND the USSR both started the war with their alliance and joint invasion on various European countries and similar acts of genocide. The difference is that official Russian propaganda is still in denial not only because of personal beliefs but also because to control the population they need that pride. Turkey uses the same tactic nowadays.
Dunno, Dark Blue World maybe?
(It's about the hassle of being a Czech pilot in the RAF.)
Your day will come cracker. The Turkish man will make sure of it.
The difference is one example is something that is happening en masse and is can be seen happening in this very thread, the other is just something you made up.
>germany asks for road to danzig
>poland says ok
>no war in europe
>france surrenders
>anglos make peace
>end of war
the problem is that the autism of the anglos turned a small local war in poland to the destruction of europe and enabled communism to enslave half of europe and the yanks to be a superpower
kys wehraboo
Battle of Britain comes out later this year I think.
I don't think the Turkish man cares that much desu senpai
"black bull" but also "God's punishment" in slav. Nice double meaning.
Yes yes Freud, tell us more how everything is latently homosexual.
Fortunately the Germans lost and we have had years of brutalism!
I don't understand Germanoboos. If they want to jerk off to Germany why don't they do it to imperial germany. At least it had genuinely competent leader in Otto von Bismarck.
>imagine being this uneducated
Shut up Chaim, he hated you all too.
What kind of shit is this? /pol/ infographics? I know maybe Hearts of Iron made people think that a city-state called "free city" might belong to one country. Btw it was never the issue here. Germans wanted war regardless only the alliance could've been different. So with Poland or against Poland Germany wanted to move east. With France too but the initial goal is pretty vague could've been just Alsace-Lorraine could've been everything.
Daily reminder pilots from eastern europe saved bongs from Luftwaffe
>I don't think the Turkish man cares
WHAT makes YOU think that that Turkish man doesn't care? Do you expect him to just GET OVER IT?
Why is it that the Turkish man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build crackers' fucking empires. Why is it that the TURKISH MAN is expected to just get over CRUSADES and institutional Turkophobia and getting fucking killed in Wien. How about YOU CRACKERS FUCKING GET OVER IT WHEN A TURKISH MAN BREEDS YOUR WOMEN. YOU FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELVES CRACKERS.
The greatest thing the white cracker devils fear is a Turkish man remembering who he is and what he built like Rome. When a Turkish man knows who he is he can topple the cracker system and breed every white bitch in sight inseminating their nubile wombs with black seed until the white demon genes are obliterated from existence. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember your pale cracker evil racist asses when we've bred you out of existence.
i hope you're kidding
might be that people really didn't want fascism or communism and the people who did now claim they were hypnotised by propaganda
anglos don't work like that and knew what was best
the rest of the world is like a garden, we let our chavs play in it with budget holidays
even they are untouchable gods to you as shannah and ryan piss up a spanish bank door while the locals and police force cower in fear
>enters your thread
Another one? Guy Hamilton's classic won't be topped ever. The Czech made one movie some 15 years ago, there are two new movies about the Polish pilots both mediocre I hear. What can they do these planes won't be filmed in flight like in the 60s, there will be no models.
I am asian actually.
>Germany AND the USSR both started the war with their alliance
>forget the Munich agreement of 1938
>Meanwhile Poland, which was relying on German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact, also moved its army units towards its common border with Czechoslovakia after 23 September 1938. Facing the combined force of Germany and Poland alongside most of its border (with the major part of the remaining border being with Hungary), Czechoslovakia yielded to French and British diplomatic pressure and ceded the Sudetenland to Germany in line with the terms of the agreement.
>The Soviet Union announced its willingness to come to Czechoslovakia's assistance, provided that the Soviet Army would be able to cross Polish and Romanian territory. Both countries refused to allow the Soviet army to use their territories
>Łukasiewicz also told Bonnet that Poland would oppose any attempt by Soviet forces to defend Czechoslovakia from Germany
Do you genuinely think Triumph of the Will is rated highly because of the Nazi propaganda? It’s every lefty film school nerd’s favourite film. That’s why it’s a brainlet post.
because the third reich was easthetic and motivated, 2nd reich or 1900s were cultured and pretty but just that, similarly to american in the late 1800s early 1900s in some parts
I wonder how much the polish aces actually had an effect on the battle?
The bongs would still probably win even if goering still bombed london instead, even without foreign aces
>freedom today is a drag queen boy dancing like a whore on a gay bar while get money from pedos.
>dems fuckin raycis nazis and dems purity mane they don't even ethinically replace entire continents and put slaves on them wow and their goddamn purity you must be a mutt if you like the nazis rule the waves muh empire of indians and Africans let's go marry some foreign women lads.
Even more pathetic, you have no horse in this race but still manage to be a faggot.
>more freedom than fascism
>literally el goblino
I'm a burger and this is still hilarious.
God bless.
>turkish holiday
>take £50
>live like a king
yes, i'll have all the tea and tell you mom i've got a shinny penny waiting for her in the hotel room
*flushes toilet paper*
nothing personal kid
Why I can't have an opinion on European leaders LMAO?
There are some qualities that anyone can admire or even learn.
Based and Melpilled
I was drunk trying to watch this kino, and after making my popcorn and everything, it turned out it was the Tom Cruise version. I almost flew into a rage, for some reason.
>poland and germany against czechslovakia
ugh what could have been
Democracy is the tyranny of the mob
Constitutional absolutism > all else
Fuck being able to change laws, why the fuck would you ever want that?
What even is this autism?
Do commie/nazi larpers seriously believe that they can make their shitty murderous regimes seem more sympathetic with a little does of postmodernist relativism? One of the reasons WWII started the way it did was because Poland refused to form any kind of agreement with Germany. Before Czechoslovakia was consumed Polish army claimed a couple towns near its border with sizeable Polish population and it was not coincidence. It was another chapter in the same border conflict that started in 1919 around the same towns. Before the plebiscite to determine its fate could be organized the Czech invaded them and took them for themselves. That was how establishing borders looked like in 1918-19 because of messed up demographics. 1938 was just the same thing in reverse. You are literally trying to compare small time border conflicts (and between countries that feel no ill will anymore anyway and the border city even spreads across both sides) with conspiracy against peace, imperialistinc land grab of entire countries and later genocide you fucking mongoloid dishonest fuck.
Germanboos, Alliedboos both are autistic as fuck jerking each other off over some shit 70 years ago as if they learned nothing from it.
>admire European qualities
But all you do is whine about the Nazis
>but I like Bismark
But you whine about the war damage done in WW2 but ignore the more destructive first world war
Quit lying Avi.
Kek, true.
>Poland refused to form any kind of agreement with Germany
>The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
>muh USSR is da ebil
>The German–Polish Non-Aggression Pact (German: Deutsch-polnischer Nichtangriffspakt; Polish: Polsko-niemiecki pakt o nieagresji) was an international treaty between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic, signed on January 26, 1934.
so i just watched this movie on netflix with new captain kirk, and in the very beginning of it, mel gibsons character is dead and they are still fighting the english. if braveheart didnt defeat the english what was the point of the movie? is it because he wasnt american? cause in the patriot he defeats the english
Unironically Hellsing Ultimate and I don't even like anime one bit. Alternatively Sucker Punch.
Yeah it was when two countries decalred that they don't want to start a war with each other. 1934 is also when Hitler started his pro-Polish campaign to lure them into alliance in contrast to Weimar Republic that was constantly threatning Poland.
In 1932 a non-aggression pact was signed between Poland and USSR though of course the Soviets never stopped dreaming about invading their neighbors. Those pacts don't always mean match.
Now a similar pact between Germany and USSR was interesting because the fact that it was signed between two countries that didn't share a common border should tell us something. And truly it did especially the secret protocols. And unlike those earlier examples it was a started of real cooperation.