Food you sneak into the cinema

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its like this burger was thrown against the wall

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>what burger would you like sir?
>I'll have the 'I'm ready to settle down' fries

I generally eat pretty healthy but every once and a while something like that looks really good. All that red meat has a way of just triggering craving.

At least the bread looks ok for once.

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I don't sneak food into the kinoplex. I steal other people's food

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I usually eat whatever leftovers I find on the floor

Don't even need to sneak, they are sold at the cafeteria

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i ate some fucking pig ears in barcelona last year. they were tough as balls


They should be crispy on the outside, soft inside, and a bit spicy. Madrid has the best ones imo.

Only greedy fatties bother with that, lol.

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Usually a spinach salad. Lettuce, especially iceberg, is too crunchy.

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Just spaghetti

This nigga eatin sea beans

>I saw sea beans, 12 dollars per pound

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Just looking at that picture gave me stroke goddamit
When will america fucking die of diabetes

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For me it's the American hot dog.

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do nips count as food?