This is the most tense action sequence since Collateral (Mann, 2004).
Prove me wrong.
This is the most tense action sequence since Collateral (Mann, 2004).
Prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
link it
maybe if you posted a link to the video or gave us some context or info we could prove you wrong
>calls police
>friend gets slapped with a felony
Hooo boy. Just punch the guy....
>I'm gonna knock the fuck out of that faggot
20 minutes later
andy is a national treasure
The movie and scene are...?
I’m glad your shit thread failed.
>near gunfight ensues as the text to speech twitch bot starts chanting "i hate niggers"
this word gets thrown out a lot but this was withoutn a doubt pure fucking KINO
The original video got taken down but here's a link to the recap
These guys have seen too many movies.
unironically who was in the wrong here? the buff manlet did assault failure and thrown their camera to the ground. they had the right to defend themselves by whichever means necessary
It doesn't justify pulling a weapon. If you want to do something decking him where he stands.
You will run into douches all the time in nightlife are you going to fuck all of them up? Take it in stride.
They had the right to defend themselves in that moment, but to continually walk towards them over the next 30 minutes and bait them into a confrontation, only to pull a gun when they want to start a fist fight puts Andy and crew squarely in the wrong. There's a reason that faggot with the gun got taken to jail that night.
>stay the fuck back!
>*starts following them*
Basically this. Not anyone can follow the most trendy youtubers through instagram stories or whatever they do now.
>trendy youtubers
Well ahhh, hehehehe...
>pulls a gun 20 min after threatening to kill shoot someone
>twas self-defense, bro
>Directed by Robert B. Weide
Reminder of the peak from whence he tumbled.
The way Jim described it when I watched his stream I didn't know anything about what was going on and I thought andy was going to be shot on stream or something
The Gunt consumed his energy and left him a shell or his former self
He never peaked. He's actually crashed and burned several times. The first major one was his breakup with JF. JF effectively cut Andy off and it was the best thing he ever did. He's found his niche.
Andy is too unstable to hold an audience.
Memes aside, Tonka would have beat him.
t. vamptranny
What a fucking bitch. I watched that shit the othwr day.
They called the police on themselves and got in trouble. Hilarious.
fucking canadians are absolutely disgusting.
The faggots with the gun. He should have shot them when they started assaulting them and they’d have had some justification under Florida’s stand your ground laws. But they are pussies and deserve to be raped in prison
People liking you doesn't translate to winning fights.
can someone give me a quick rundown, I'm not very interested in watching all that
>/pol/-lite e-celeb shit
lads it's the current year, move on already
Get your butler to watch the video and give you a rundown. ffs
this unironically the funniest shit I've seen in the last five months
what a bunch of retards lmfao
>Andy take the white cop's gun and shoot the black cop
Sage and report all /pol/ garbage
>we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers we hate knickers
>Proceed to follow them anyway
>lol u don't wanna watch retards talk shit on youtube for 20 minutes?
kill yourself, retard