I'm going to kill myself tomorrow.
I'm going to kill myself tomorrow
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What happens in it ?
Based. Same.
>im going to kill myself tomorrow
>tries to kill himself like 5 seconds later
what did he mean by this
Decided to take action and stop putting things off.
Just do it
Wes Anderson is a bad writer
it is your chance to direct, produce and stare in a kino. Livestream it
Yeah, it's probably something he said to himself all the time.
I want to too.
Singles and this happens
Kill yourself today.
Stream it, give us a taste of the good old days again
Elliot Smith who is the artist of the song in this scene died in a bathroom after "supposedly" stabbing himself in the chest with a knife. His gf did it tho.
Guys please don't do it, you have so much to live for
Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Bungie employees and forum moderators are not trained to handle those in a suicidal crisis; please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
You may also wish to contact any of the following crisis prevention resources: US: www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org www.spanusa.org UK: nhs.uk
Will I be in trouble if I call these guys?
Stabbing yourself in the chest would be an ineffective way to an hero. Youd need some good force to get through the bone, even then it would be slow and painful.
No user
>you have so much to live for
Like? Being a wageslave? Support people with my taxes? Feeding pets?
Quads and I get a perfect girlfriend.
To me it feels that suicide is admitting defeat
You let the others win, you let the world win, you admit you are weaker than the rest, that's still something I cant get over. Tho the drudgery of my current life isnt all that to begin with so...yeah
tough call
why put off tomorrow that you can do today?
Honestly, as a guy who has been fighting it over 8 years, I really don't get the "you have so much to live for" argument.
Could someone tell me exactly what I have to live for
you know what? that's not funny
Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
Scripts don't count
they have the ability to send police
I just want it to stop. They say it gets better? well it doesn't it's only gotten worse. I wish I had the balls to just kill myself. Fuck life, the game was rigged from the start anyway
How old are you?
If you say the magic words, you get sent to the looney bin
y'a got any squad for ya boy ? I'd need that perfect girlfriend
Not him, but I'm 27. Yeah I've had some ups but they damn sure don't make up for my downs. I also have bipolar 1 so it's tough regulating
I'm sure if you got the right angle you could stab it between the ribs. Still pretty low on the list of best ways to kill yourself though.
28, 29 this year and nothing to show for it
Are you going to be wizard or did you give up your powers?
how long would it have taken to have done the entire shaving process quickly, as a single shot, without any cuts? I don't have a beard, so I don't know. 4 minutes? 10?
It would have been impressive to do it in a way that isn't boring. and impressive if he does it all without breaking character.
it's a homage to this you filthy plebs.
I went to a prostitute at 25 because I got tired of waiting for something that would never come. It was a shitty experience but at least I'm not a virgin I guess
You know they don't actually shave for real in movies right?
Pop out kids with a wife who doesn't love you and visit Disneyland World once every year.
The sad truth is most of us have nothing to live for.Idk where you are from but for people like me living in 3rd world countries with a skewed gender ratio it's almost a mathematical certainty that I'll always be alone unless I can achieve a certain degree of financial success .And not having good looks doesn't help either. Fact is once I realized that I'll never be able to get to that level financially , the only thing that keeps me going is my inability to end it all.In other words I'm scared and I'm hoping that someday things will get bad enough that I won't be scared anymore .
hello going to kill myself tomorrow
Consider this:
>you can't rape if you're dead
All the taxes you're going to pay.
I am weaker than the rest user. Otherwise I'd be a functioning member of society and not on Yea Forums
So if we tell a pregnant woman she shouldn’t abort a baby because it has so much to live for, we’re douchebags
But people telling grown adults who are capable of thinking, and thus know their life is fucked, shouldn’t choose to end their own life, because some asshole feels righteous when he tells them they have stuff to live for?
> I'd be a functioning member of society
No hope for you then.
the only thing I look forward to is that day when things get bad enough to make me kill myself. Just waiting until I'm thirty at this point. If anyone is interested I am willing to sign a contract for you to kill me, I am dead serious about this. I have no reason or desire to live, but I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself :(
nice thanks
still his best movie
Went to a different timezone
I also want to kill myself. 33 here, Philadelphia. The thing is I obsess over hurting people for disrespecting me in the past and it consumes me so much I just think about over the top revenge every day, except I can’t do that right? Hurt other people? So the only option if I’m going to think about it every day is kill my self, so only I get hurt and it’s fair and I don’t have to think about it any more. I know that’s really letting them win but I’m way beyond obsessed and don’t want to go over the top and hurt anyone that doesent deserve to be hurt that badly. So I think suicide but I have siblings who would be sad, it’s frustrating. I feel like saying “but everyone would be sad” is egotistical itself so that’s bad right? But my sisters would be sad. But if I’m thinking about killing people every day when do I say fuck it about their feelings and just jump off a building, it’s my life anyway isn’t it? And I don’t want to hurt anyone. Life is a curse, the people who weren’t born don’t have to have these thoughts and make these decisions, being born means one day you’ll have to violently die by sickness or force. Being born is a death sentence
kys fag
Godzilla King of the monsters is coming out soon and Dune
Cant kill yourself before seeing those user
hm yeah, but you kind of are in a way
>life is precious
don't fucking lie, it's unbearable
I can't stand the argument of "think about the people you'll leave behind" if they felt how I felt they would be in the exact same mindset
You need Jesus. No matter how many blood vendettas you collected heads on, no amount of blood would equal the blood of the Savior, spilled into infinity and eternity for all. Even if it's just a mental idea for you, imagine having that as the focus of your spirit instead of impotent rage.
I've at least gotten over the part of worrying about how it might affect the people around me. I'm just sick to death of having to pretend like I enjoy living. I don't and I haven't since I was a kid. And the prospect of having to bear this shit for 50 or whatever more years is grimm as fuck. I want to die, and I want everyone to know how miserable I was in life. not everybody gets a happy ending, I'm one of them aparantly
yeah I'd have to prefered to lose it to a girl I love, but that wasn't/isn't ever gonna happen so I just gave up and took the easy route
give me 5 more years and I will join you
>owen wilson cowrote this movie
>owen tries to kill himself almost the exact same way he wrote his brother killing himself
What did he mean by this?
Probably been telling himself he would do it tomorrow since he was in his 20s.
what movie is this
Im taking a huge shit
based no purpose poster
>needle in the haaaay needle in the haaay
Honestly if I was ready for death, I'd just take out as big a loan as I can, get a car, load it with drugs, booze and a gun or two and just go on a death run. Odds are that experience alone would be enough to change my mind.
Yes you actually will, I called them once and then my work somehow found out and fired me for being mentally unstable. Then my family and friends found out and acted really werid around me. Don't trust them
he's been saying it every day but finally decided to just do it
If you're a Russian nobody will miss you. Do it today.
literally me
Why do you want everyone to know how miserable you were? Just curious. What’s truly be fastest most painless way to do it? Gunshot in the mouth? I have a fear of being one of those people who accidentally survive
You need to be the one to suicide desu
I’ve heard overdose has got quite a good percentage of success. I’ve got years of SSRIs for my way out, all of them varying in dosage.
>Chris Farley
>t. never had intrusive suicidal thoughts
lmao little baby
A kid will change your life. For the better or for the worse. If your scared it will be for the worse may as well just kys. Life is a fucking prison
Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday you said tomorrow so just do it. Make your dreams come true. Just do it.
>he doesn't leave it too close to call for a last minute midnight shave
very shaveful
"Life becomes awesome as soon as you decide it is"
Don't give up, guys
ITT: narcissists masturbate to their twisted fantasies of martyrdom to cope with being losers. their 'suffering' is so unique, unbearable and out of their control that they are special for obsessively deprecating themselves - when at the end of the day all they're still doing is thinking about themselves obsessively and being a self-pitying douche bag. (at the bottom of this faggotry is vanity and a bruised ego too weak to honestly examine itself)
Not that you can tell but I’m well aware of being way too obsessed with myself, I’m tired of thinking about myself. Helping people all day doesent magically stop this and a journey through therapists doesent sound fun or very impactful anyway. I would prefer to have not been born, but I was so now I have to deal with it. I would love to truly kill myself anonymously without hurting my family. I’m not special, I just know my family would be sad. I wish they wouldn’t be, I mean they would move on eventually but I have no idea how it could affect their own lives that aren’t suicidal, I’m damned if I do damned if I don’t