Attached: zqjss29nv4t21.jpg (640x1138, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based Trump

Attached: 1546007139805.png (600x600, 45K)

Do Americans frame everything within the context of mass media consumerist entertainment?

How embarrassing for this to be your personality

My mom showed me one of him walking away from the camera, and his shadow was shopped to be the silhouette of Batman. I’ve never literally cringes that hard in my life. She thinks this dude is the second coming of Christ.

American leftists do

If you think that is bad, you should see

Everyone does.

It's a trump meme you fucking weapon

>trump discord shill appears

The melding of politics and entertainment is an inherently bad thing.

Leftists still cant get over the fact Trump was cleared. I love watching him trigger tlibs.
You will never be a real woman, tranny

I honestly can’t tell if this is from legit trump supporters or people trying to make supporting trump look as cringe as possible.

Seek psychiatrist

shut up snowflake

Post ironic anti discord neo/tv/ retro memetic proto-false flag

Got it - parody. Thanks.

> muh cringe
You gotta go.back. Yea Forums(nel) is a republican, christian site. Why not go dilate over on plebbit and invent a pronoun, faggot?


Attached: Arry-Pottah.jpg (628x614, 67K)

The absolute SEETHING in this thread

why are americans so cringe?

Boomer cringe is the highest form of cringe

Attached: Fuck_Boomers.png (720x591, 626K)