Under the skin

Wew lad

Attached: anigif_enhanced-19772-1418863614-2.gif (500x280, 487K)

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scariest scene of the decade

What should I expect from this?

what is this from?

Was she a real alien or was it an allegory for women?

My Stepmother is an Alien

Attached: (JamieR)__MyStepmotherIsAnAlien(teaser)1.jpg (1050x795, 553K)

scariest movie I've ever seen

Great movie, some of the scenes will stick with you due to how disturbing they are.

Don't you want to be surprised by a movie? I cant believe you are actually asking to be told what to expect.

its not even scary, kind of pretentious but i liked it.

Women are not human. Under the Skin understands this. They are grotesque abominations whose humanity is only skin deep. They utilize their sexuality to manipulate, control and ultimately destroy men. Without their weaponized sexuality they have absolutely no ability to navigate the world, control their environment or even understand their surroundings. Women are NOT human.

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I'm just asking if it's some pretentious shit.

Did scarscar have a body double in this film?

Giving them voting rights and treating them as equals and as creatures capable of rational logical thinking was the doom of society.

Scarlett Johansson is kinda sexy, isn't she?

Have sex

Nope, 100% plump ScarJo

Attached: Under The Skin_1.webm (1200x648, 2.63M)

Trips and I get a perfect girlfriend.

The sound is what sells it.

Holy shit

Sad indeed.

I believe so, her body in front of the mirror looks different from the rest of the movie

>on a board populated by people who supposedly takes film serious
>use the word "pretentious"
go back to your capeshit thread, faggot. Based on that reply alone, no, you will not enjoy it

t. man murdering alien

Attached: scarlett-under-the-skin.jpg (580x323, 18K)

oh nonono HAHAHAHAHA

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I don't watch capeshit

Filmed in a different timeframe, also completely different lighting

then why do you like to come off as one?
that's the favorite word of capeshitters to describe a slow movie in which not much happens, with almost 0 dialogue

the beach scene with the drowning couple, surfer and baby makes me feel weird

worst scene for me too

incels btfo: the movie.

What’s the sound like in this scene?

Absolute vacuum silence followed by a underwater implosion thud.
The soundtrack before and after is fantastic aswell


Women just emotional wrecks. Almost rare occasions when they implement not emotions but reason. And its in anything they do. Imaging acting like that all your life. That's just it. They are under hormons all their life until menopause.
They are more animalistic then men in their behaviour and not so intelligent.
That's actually a good thing for them.
Although there are unfortunate exceptions - see feminists
There are just weak men who idolize or demonize women depending on how mother raise them

Attached: women vs men.jpg (1534x895, 362K)

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Love/hate when roasties get old and decide to go nude because their career is drying up rather than taking advantage of their prime.

the director asked her to put on weight. perhaps because she was playing an alien in a skin suit and it would be difficult for an alien to look thin

Nope, also some of the scenes where she's picking up guys in the van are real, the dudes where random people in the street.
>For the role, director Jonathan Glazer had the actress go undercover, donning a brunette wig and a British accent; hidden cameras were used so Johannson could pick up ordinary blokes who didn’t realize they were speaking to one of Hollywood’s most famous actresses — or even that they were being filmed. The men were only clued in about the movie set into which they had stumbled after the actress had successfully lured them into her white van. (Some of the men then went on to continue shooting scenes, knowingly, for the film.)


Why do you believe these PR claims


is under the skin incel kino?


In a way, you could say it is, but not really

>attacking his tone
Have sex

ScarJo full frontal nudity that is too blurry to satisfyingly masturbate to

Dubs and we all do.

So close, no matter how far...

The score gives this a rather unique feel. I'm not sure it would have worked in another setting. Imagine something as eerie as this in a "feel good" movie. And there's not a ton of characters all needing to be defined; there's mostly just ScarJo, whose English accent is more authentic than a sizeable fraction of the UK, and our van full of shrieking lambs. There were some striking visual images: cinematic and mental; Scan is the Siren. She's cold blooded and miscalculating, as not much thought seems to have gone into this alien invasion if that's what it was; for I've watched UTC multiple times and I'm still not sure exactly what to make of all the events depicted. And that for me is part of its longevity and its charm. This must also have snagged a few of the "Reptilians are among us!" brigade. But, to me, it's just escapist fun that can lay claim to *not* having a big, pretentious budget.

Hundert precent b

Aliens want man meat. It's not a big industry, I suspect it's sonething like poaching on our world. Scarjo is some slave alien that the other aliens (men on motorbikes) use as bait. She tries to run away from the aliens and be one of us, but ends up getting burned alive by a rapist. The entire movie is a metaphor for the sex trade, people trafficking and the exploitation of women.