Sauron is one of the best villains in fiction and you cannot dispute this, a real fucking Dark Lord

Sauron is one of the best villains in fiction and you cannot dispute this, a real fucking Dark Lord
>b-but he's just evil
brainlets and lorelets need not apply

Attached: sauron.jpg (800x453, 45K)

but he is just evil even if its to create an 'ordered' world hes become completely corrupted. Tolkien said as much.

I know, I was referring to people who say he has no character and that he is just evil for the sake of being evil

You're right

Who will play sauron in the amazon tv Series

hugo weaving or viggo mortensen

The visual designs in the original films were so fucking good. What happened to Hollyweed?

Attached: a93cd849ea71477406cd8865a8d22852--lord-of-the-rings-the-lord.jpg (640x802, 63K)

I think nazgul were my favourite design.
Faceless is so cool

What about benedict cumberbatch

some white dude with maga hat

Mordor looks so fucking comfy. Imagine just living in Barad-Dur all day chilling out.
>awesome volcano near you
>always dark so light won't hurt your eyes
>army of fearsome orcs at your disposal
>badass fucking tower

Would unironically move there in a heartbeat

Attached: Mordor.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

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I heard some beachfront property on the shores of the Sea of Nurn just opened up.

>>b-but he's just evil

The brainlets that are saying this are just confused. It's Morgoth, Sauron's master who was evil just for the sake of being evil.

Sauron wanted to dominate middle earth, so he was more competent in the ways of being a dark lord.

Whereas Morgoth literally wanted to unmake creation, Sauron wanted absolute control over it.

Morgoth may have been the original dark lord, but Sauron fits the role best. He IS the dark lord.

Just play Morrowind

Morgoth and evil are one and the same. He's isn't just 'evil for the sake of evil', he literally is the force of evil. No Morgoth = no evil in the World.

>scenes in LOTR that always make your eyes swell in tears

>It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents.
>music swells
I get choked up everytime

Grey Havens, sailing off to Valinor.

jackson straight up copied him from star wars

shame the ents are fucking retarded in the movies and nowhere near as based as the books

I know. I'm saying the people who claim Sauron is just for the evulz may be confusing him with Morgoth, who fits that description better even though he was is evil as in the concept.

I really need to get around to reading the books
pls no bully

Tolkien is the wen on the arse of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagious - you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislike - his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichés - elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic rings - have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

book treebeard is in my top 3 of the saga, he was aware of what saruman was doing to the forest and the entmoot decided to attack, he didn't need to be tricked. He came off as wise sad and a force of DOOM

Keeping him mysterious by not showing him much is genius. You "see" him mostly through Gandalf's exposition, and he makes it clear he's guessing most of it.
Actually the only time Sauron is "shown" is when frodo is right at the door to sammath naur and has a direct line of sight to the topmost windiw of barad due. Tolkien was a genius.

Attached: shadowofsauron.jpg (1221x929, 225K)

>"I can't carry it for you. But I can carry you!"
Every damn time.

boromirs death



Damn! Sauron looks like THAT?

>Uses stupid, convoluted plans.
>Gets beaten by some fucking hobbits...

So much for your Dark Lord.

Does Sauron support a flat tax?

I've read appendices A, B and C do I really need to read about the hobbit calendar and different languages?

he pretty much destroyed the second age kingdoms though and got revenge for Morgoth's banishment.

He was winning the war of the ring pretty easily too

Do Orcs get audited ?

The Sauron-armor, like so many other practical effects in the first triology, was commisioned as a handcraft. Wouldn´t suprise me if it was auctioned of to some high-bidder who refused to buy it back and the studio wanted all their movies at a significant phase


Its not a Hollywood movie


Basically it probably took some smith the better part of a year to make that armor only for it to be used for a few seconds. Seeing as they had no plans to have Sauron come back in future films at the time, it could´ve been sold off to a collector

Ah I see thanks. Do we know where it is right now? I mean while it was only used for a few seconds its generally regarded as the image for Sauron and is pretty iconic

Too make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs first. Sauron's making a biiig omelette, so he's breaking the whole carton.

I don´t know if it got sold. For all one could know it might be hoarded in PJ´s private hobbiton home, as he seems to use it as his private storage facility.
I went on the WB-tour where you get to see their most famous movie-props, but i went there pre-merger so i didn´t see it

Its pretty common that movie props get sold off though. I once heard some no-name has Eastwoods Dollars-triology poncho that he bought for pennies

every time he speaks

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>Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack! Can't fret over every egg.


>gets BTFO by a broken sword
>forced to stay in his little eye tower
>minions are so shitty they can't even take out two hobbits
Yeah, real badass right here.

And what have you done with your life