I am socializing r-tard. I'm logged to an MMORPG with people from all over the world and getting XP with my party using TeamSpeak.
I am socializing r-tard...
Other urls found in this thread:
>no abilities on his hotbar
I miss when that game actually was about socializing and had a community.
God it was fucking incredible. I'll never forget how helpful people were back then. Sure isn't like today *sip*
Warcraft was alright
but Everquest *sip*
That was a game
...not an r-tard...
Mumble master race
Bros... this summer..
We're going home
I'd love to play an MMORPG. But almost none of them exist, and the ones that do exist charge by the month. I can't afford that.
It still is a heck of a game.
MMO is dead, get with the times gramps
Who has a brighter future, Classic WoW players or City of Heroes players?
Not that guy but what replaced it? I don't play games anymore.
>tfw group of 10 irl friends all hyped for classic and planning together
Project1999, Old school EQ private server.
Ventrillo master race. I've got balls of steel.
MOBAs, mainly League of Legends. These have been replaced already by Battle Royales. Tiresome
Why, what happens this summer?
>WoW is so out of ideas they're pulling a New Coke reversal
Ventrilo is the master race
That's why I said "almost none of them exist." We need to bring them back.
I found a ring in there last night.
I miss when online gaming was like that in general, I feel like very few people even use voice chat anymore outside of those retards who have music blasting in the background as well as their kids screaming.
My fucking nigger
I used to be the real deal during the Burning Crusade. First one on my server to have all the heroic keys and my Guild was the first to kill Illidan. I think I was the first blood elf in the world to gain the conqueror title but I don't know.
This one's completely new to me. I'm just amazed.
Don't be jealous.
someone explain to me why they're doing classic, and not TBC or wrath, which bother improved greatly upon the dull experience classic was?
Because Classic is where the interest is, where private servers were full and what people signed petitions for.
>not enough quests between 40 and 55
>everything costs an obscene amount of gold
>getting raids together takes several days
>end game content is a fucking dragon
>no outland
>no Karazhan
>no Sunwell
>no blood elves
Why are people so retarded? It's pure nostalgia speaking. Both TBC and later Wrath vastly improved upon the game, it first went to absolute dogshit after Wrath.
They probably will at some point but classic WOW is extremely popular among private server players. The last I check there were servers with upwards of 10k people on a single server. Nobody really plays other expansions aside from Wrath but even that doesn't come close.
>no blood elves
>this is a bad thing
That’s how a little kid would play in vanilla.
Wrath was a huge drop from tbc
no bully pls I just wanted to hit stuff with my sword
and there were still more subscribers than for any expansion.
No the first patch was okay, nax was a bit too easy perhaps but ulduar made it fucking amazing again. It started to go to shit when LFD was introduced. That's the clear turning point.
I got permabanned from the game for “manipulating the world economy”
And then again for calling all the black characters my “booty slave niggers”
God damn Ulduar was so fucking good. Peak raid content desu.
Uhm yeah I’m thinking you’re based
Some tbc servers had 10k population but they are plagued by cash shops or shitty buggy scripts. Other than Nostalrius and the other rip off server, Wrath private servers are much more popular.
>manipulating the world economy
Dropped your pants
LFD wasn't a turning point. The point had turned long before. LFD happened long after the slow and long degradation of the community via casualization had successfully killed any community in the game. For if you don't give people a challenge or something to strive for, why would they come together at all?
He was either buying gold or sitting in the AH all day buying up and reselling gems.
>not playing OSRS on two accounts while browsing 4channel
god DAMN there are some casual gamers on this website
Once again normalfags have ruined another thing. Last time I found a decent group for the new raid in Destiny it was some guy who got paid to do raids on other people's accounts. Probably the most insufferable person I've ever raided with.
I was scamming guilds and the auction house
rs was a shit game for poorfags who couldnt play wow
once you graudated to wow as a kid you never looked back and people who still to this day play runescape are the ultimate losers
The unnerfed heroic dungeons were peak WOW for me. They took effort to get access to and everybody had to be competent, at least before tanks and healers start to really get all their raid gear. If you were a DPS you could easily be killed in one hit so you had to respect the game and control mobs.
literally wrong, WoW pop peaked in wrath you retard
Runescaspe already did it. WoW is now so pathetic that they're trying to copy Runescape. Difference is Runescape had soul once, unlike WoW.
Fuck yes man, remember Shattered Halls? The others were great but that one was the fucking best.
false. server populations peaked because they consolidated dead servers. overall subscriptions were down.
blizzard is the grandmaster of phrasing failure as success.
even with 3 mages that place was rough the first few times
I remember at first actually being afraid of that place because there were a bunch of pulls of like 6+ mobs or something like that.
disgusting that there are people who actually think this. i'll give Blizzard a year before they either fuck Classic up with updates that no one wants or they let it go stale by not updating it at all and letting people find out how boring the game actually is.
i've been playing runescape off and on for 15 years and it's still fun. WoW is full of 30 year old boomers who just reminisce about the old days since the current game is absolute piss
I miss the good ol' days
I remember frost trapping two mobs at a time to keep those groups under control. There were some of them that would do some sort of CC on the tank that would wreck him in a second if they weren't CCed until the end. Fuck that place was fun.
do you think people are still going to play retail other than an ever-shrinking niche? do retailfags think this about BfA of all things? holy shit dude if you think this is anything but a de facto reboot of the game for cool people then you're living in a fantasy.
The place definitely wasn't as hard as everyone says it was, but it was a nice challenge, especially if your gear wasn't raid quality, and it required actually communicating a little with your party.
>glorifies the long past days of an MMO in his head
>tells me i'm living in a fantasy
thanks user, i needed that laugh
Blizzard fucked up the game, but honestly the player base is what's really made the game unplayable. WoW Classic isn't gonna fix that you're not 13 anymore.
sweety, blizzard was dead-set on this never happening and if retail weren't an utter and total failure then classic would not be happening. the tone of blizzard in the years leading up to this more than established this fact if you don't want to include their actual words saying "this won't happen. fuck off." but now it IS happening. see? you all lost, and lost hard. really try to grasp just how completely and totally you have lost in not only a spiritual, but also an economic and geopolitical sense since you are the dumbest, gayest fucks on the planet to boot.
Straight from blizzard dumbass
Throne of Thunder = Ulduar > Firelands > Black Temple > Icecrown Citadel > Naxxramas (classic) > Sunwell Plateau > Ahn'Qiraj
>...not an r-tard...
One of my favorite lines in SP
Nothing. Current videogames are uninspired corporate trash. It's fucking depressing.
throne of thunder was really really good but it wasn't better then ulduar or ToC25m
this desu, casualization and pandering to retarded normies ruins every single game.
>"but I have a life, I can't grind for four hours a day so I can get raid geared"
>"no problem, here's LFR"
This kind of mentality removed all of the mystery and awe of seeing someone with great gear or a rare mount. Suddenly no one had worked towards any of the gear they had, they simply clicked a button over and over until they got a group which wasn't 100% mouthbreathing retards and they beat the "end game" content easily.
>playing something that's already been played to death for years
classic fags are on par with retail zoomers
>ask around office
>everyone is hyped
>make a discord channel inviting all our wow playing mates aswell, now are 45 strong and practicing on Northdale
Feels good man, I cant wait to be home
proper rating user
good digits
I think it's because gaming became more accessible to normies. easier to get, install and play
What UI? I like that chat setup.
Hell yeah.
Hey bud go fuck yourself :-)
How much of a fat useless sack of shit were you irl
Fucking Runescape kids will never understand true mmo kino
Where my Ultima boomer bros at?
Here, basically beta tested every good mmo from eq to age of Conan. Im 35.
LFR doesn't affect the game
>I’m 35
I started playing UO Outlands recently, not the same but seeing people all over and discovering a new world is comfy. I'm 27, I used to play with my grandmother and Uncle on Pacific.
Were they not willing to pay the royalties to use the term ventrilo?
Matchmaking and a minority of butthurt retards that don't even like games killed any form of socialising and community-forming in online games. I just stopped playing multiplayer games altogether because they only exist to exploit degenerate gamblers now.
Must be bouncin of the moon or summin.
Because Classic shitiers are a huge vocal minority.
All boomer memes aside why is this? I remember back in the day nearly everyone used voice chat online, Halo 3 was just full of autistic arguments and it was fucking amazing
Kids used voice chat 15 years ago and they still use it. Late teenagers and young adults are the problem.
this image hurts
i remember playing with my dad and getting excited about the crunching snow sounds my gnome made when walking around coldridge
You’re either playing with a chink, Brazilian, pajeet, or some guy trying to “make it” on twitch.
Chinese subscriptions were pay-by-the hour, received free hours regularly, and were never considered canceled no matter how long they went idle until late cataclysm. A cheap chink could easily play for free if they created enough accounts and putting multiple characters on an account was just a waste.
Actual players peaked in vanilla and dropped with every expansion.
Online gaming is full of cheating Chinese, flaming Brazilians, and “sex please” pajeets now.
Have sex
im getting wow classic when it drops, will i be able to experience it like it was in the old days?
i never played during the good times of wow because i didnt have a computer until about 2013 and by then no one i knew played
will it be as good as my friends described?
will i be able to experience it as it was meant to be experienced?
He was like level one or two. He had no abilities to put on the bar.
So with WoW Classic, are they just gonna give us what WoW was like at release? Cause release was terrible.
I'd much prefer to keep the world how it was at release but give us all the quality of life improvements they put in over the years.
I played it at blizzcon and it seems pretty comfy.
Not saying you're wrong, but where's your proof of this?
cool, i have a couple friends who agreed to also play with me
they seem pretty excited for it
Wrath was when shit started to become gay.
Based SP kids using teamspeak.
Burning Crusade was the only expansion worth playing. And it was WoW at its best.
Illidan was literally the best raid boss ever.
>end game content is a fucking dragon
Uh there's four 40 man raid dungeons in the end game.
And only one of them is garbage. I'll let you figure out which one I mean.
cant wait to lurk the brm entrance and dunk nerds with my barman shanker.
Oh man.
Back when 8 dps was considered good.
Asheron's Call >>>>>>powergap>>>WoWshit>>>>>>powergap>>>every other MMORPG
Asheron's Call is shit.
It doesn't even beat Everquest or City of Heroes.
The proof of what? Everything up to the conclusion is easily verified fact.
ultima online shits on all of them
Based and wisdompilled
You're a fucking retard and also incidentally completely wrong, and also fucking retarded. Stop posting.
He was maybe 30 at the end of the episode after grinding.
It was very obvious at the beginning they were 1st or 2nd level just walking around.
so did lineage 2
>only played Horde seriously
>always think of Elwyn Forest when I think of classic WoW
Really makes you think.
>bunch of 20+ years old literal incels who depserately cling to memories of having any sort of social interaction over a decade ago
I only ever played Alliance seriously and when I think of classic wow I think of the toxic Barrens chat.
Warhammer Age of Reckoning was my favourite MMO. I loved how it just threw you straight in at the deep end with public quests, fighting over map territory, castle sieges, city sieges, PvP arenas from the very start. Shame that WoW just stole all of it's great ideas and ultimately people on the losing side of their server would stop playing.
stfu noob
LowIQ faggot. TBC was meh at best and WOTLK ruined WoW. All the dogshit that came after is a direct result of wotlk.
>TBC was meh at best
TBC had the best raid content and was therefore the best WoW ever was.
I'm kind of glad Wrath came out because it made me quit the game. There was a major patch before the expansion which broke paladins and from what I've read it didn't get much better. I was a gladiator hunter getting stomped by paladins wearing nothing but auction house gear.
i remember doing that,man that was great
>be level 60 druid
>get curious about the Plane of Fear
>zone in
>oh man this place is so cool
>every mob in the zone rushes at me to rape my asshole
>lose 5 levels trying to get my corpse back
>fuck it, I wonder what a rogue is like
>This entire thread
What dumbass would pay for classic WoW? Ive been playing it for 6 months already for free.
I remember when chaos bolt would wreck their bubble bullshit but they cried like pussies and it only went through shields.
>easily verified fact
Ragnarok Online >>>>> WoW
LK, Cata and Pandaria had way better raids.
Said no one ever.
Wrath was the expansion that killed raiding.
You need to level up your bait skills
Name one dungeon that was better than Black Temple in TBC.
you're probably talking to a person who was never able to raid until wrath.
your moms vagina
Welfare epics ruined WoW.
he just said it
I'd say all the launch dungeons except molten core. black temple was so nice because it was a huge departure from the "linear corridor with loot pinata at the end" that all content was quickly becoming as early as TBC.
>waaaaaah people got purples that didn't waste their life raiding 40 hours a week like my loser ass did waaaaaaaaaaaah
>I'd say all the launch dungeons except molten core
So none? At launch there was nothing but molten core.
Mobas aren't dead. Not that I care about them.
what are you trying to say?
You probably never raided in any expansion.
Welfare epics were a thing in Burning
nigga can't get shoulders or helm at that level, let alone Stoneform Shoulders or a mail coif, the earliest of which is available at 25, but the one he has looks like a mithril coif. Overlord chest is plate which is at 40, any shield with that model is not available until later and worst of all, Alliance characters can never get the Frostwolf tabard. fucker got all that without learning any new skills and didn't even eat his starter food, even though I'm fairly sure humans start with darnassian bleu and not meat.
All that shit was cosmetic for the show.
Remember they had Kenny as a human hunter which wasn't possible.
I remember Shattrath had that badge of honor vendor where you could get bc/hyjal equivalent gear, they've been around about as long and wow has
imagine actually knowing all of this
what are you some fucking casual?gtfo
Mists bab detected
you said dungeons, not raids.
have sex incel
You know what i meant nigger.
suck my cock
>he hasn't played WoW
feel bad for you
I'm going to pretend I don't remember any of those items.
ubrs was a dungeon at launch
that's not how having sex works incel
Yes it was a dungeon. Not a raid. It just happened to be a dungeon where you could take up to 15 people.
But technically it was not a raid.
polishing my rod is all your good for cocksucker
intentionally or not, you opened the door to dungeons, and very few expansion dungeons, no matter the player count, compare favorably to dungeons like blackrock spire, uldaman, blackrock depths, etc.
can you even reach it through all that gamer fuel created fat on your body incel?
he clearly indicated that would be your job.
Blackrock Depths was a shit zone in every way.
Blackrock Spire was literally a meme dungeon for Leroy Jenkins. Also a dungeon no one liked to run.
War craft looked like the most boring shit imaginable. OI I'M GONNA CLICK ON THIS GUY LOL LOOK AT THAT MY 367 DAMAGE SWORD DID 2000 DAMAGE IT'S ONLY GOT 400000 HIT POINTS LEFT
A faggoty loot box simulator before lootboxes were a thing.
anyone wanna give me 170k gold so i can play? i'll show you my feet
how to spot a normalfag LARPing
Good choice of word, as there was more content in BRD than there is in a lot of regions.
imagine being this much of a retard
>Good choice of word
If you don't recognize the use of zone for an MMO, you are underage b&.
>not that user, but really am that user
I see you have lost the capacity to argue further and are attempting to assert superiority through insults.
If you like BRD so much how come it was like pulling teeth to get a group together to do quests in the zone?
because of how many quests required you to go to different parts of it, with no overlap.
Which is why it was a terrible dungeon that no one liked.
cool inspect element work faggot
clearly edited
it was poorly designed from a gameplay perspective. Whereas the linear corridors with loot pinyatas at the end are well designed from a gameplay perspective. People hated it mostly because it was easy to run it twice as many times as it took to get sick of it, and five times as many times as it was necessary to see every inch of it.
hola, post-WotLK babby!
Vanilla was ventrilo. End of story.
This episode got so many normalfags that I knew into WoW. They all quit before their first month of subscription time was up, went back to playing Gaylo and Gays of War, and immediately messed with me for continuing to play it.
Which is sad cause the actual game is nothing like the episode of South Park.
which is funny because they only wanted to play it so they could be the guy running around instantly killing everyone.
Well I can't speak for people that love pvp.
I've always been a PvE person myself.
>All my Vanilla to Cata Pictures got deleted because I forget to save them after reinstalling windows
I think the game you might be looking for is retail.
>tfw one of the best threads currently up on Yea Forums is talking about video games
This place is kinda cool sometimes. I wonder if the multi-screen multi-poster user is reading this.
How bad are they going to fuck up classic though? I have high hopes they'll pander to oldfags since the stock desperately needs it.
based schizo retard
purely from a pvp perspective wrath was decent and cata was the best xpac.
who even gives a shit about killing ai niggers, i only did pve so i could get off pieces for pvp, was easy as shit
i fucked up and didn't save up for my lvl 40 mounts enough when i reached 40. i'm in kronos III rn
At least we still have Second Life!
How do you fuck up so badly? I was able to save enough when Nostalrius' economy was fucked and stacks of copper were selling for less than 2 or 3 silver.
i feel bad for people who felt for "KLASSIC" wow meme from Acti-Blizz
it's not gonna be the SAME as before
you can't ever bring back whats in the past user
DIABLO 2 community proved that
LFR and cross-realm bullshit is the #1 thing that destroyed any sense of community and etiquette in the game
it was also one of the main things that killed world PVP
can someone post a copypasta of everyone growing up since mmos existed and the people who all loved them are all ""adults"" now its near impossible for them to roleplay in that old way thats nostalgic for them. im sure something like that exists
Not really. Pugs and guilds still exist. No one consider LFR real raiding. Not even normalfags. LFR doesn't even give you good gear. It's just there to allowed casuals to see the raid related plot lines.
>cross-realm bullshit
This is actual cancer.
>it was also one of the main things that killed world PVP
World pvp was dead way before LFR. BC killed it with arenas and flying mounts.
My favorite ones are the animal webms threads
When did blizz remake Diablo 2?
what is dead may never die
LFD and LFR happened because the community was already dead.
the community was killed by gold/item sellers and even when blizzard clamped down on it, the community was still dead.
>tfw only 2 irl friends that are hype
FTS mumble for life
i bet you love CoD though, right?
>doing anything other than auto attacking
lol fucking tryhards
I miss voice chat on GTA IV. Team killing boomers on Hangman's N.O.O.S.E. and listening to their roars was incredible.
TeamSpeak is kino
MT was my least favorite
i love Cock of Duty!
This is so fucking cringe. Big yikes from me BRO
Black rock depths is the best dungeon blizzard has ever made
First toon hit 70 one week before Wrath. Loved it until guild bullshit ran me off right before Icecrown. You can't go home again.
>level 60 warrior
>month 6 trying to get epic
>inna plane of fear
>get teleported in front of mob boss I need for epic drop
>instantly get DT'd
>guild get annihilated
>try again later
>tfw another guild came in and killed the mob I needed and he dropped the item i needed
my first ever playthrough so i wasted a lot o gold constantly upgrading my gear instead of just saving
>open world raiding
>one or two guilds kept the shit on lockdown
>SoE somehow thought this was a good idea
Oh! He's a big boy, isn't he?
is it still sub-based?
yeah, its tied to the retail sub
>guild gets killed to the last man
>tfw Monk and take a nap
I'm in such a fucked in between position of my "original" wow being right around the time Wrath of the Lich King released. That's what a wow classic would be for me.
I hope some of that feeling comes back when vanilla launches, I know it’ll never be the same though
ah, that's a shame
>not also mining an asteroid in EVE
it's like you don't even try
>arenas killed world pvp
Yeah no
I used ventrillo far more and longer but mumble is a superior platform
You can never go home again.
Buddha was all about controlling your internal reality.
People have been trying to crack the essential problem of enjoying video games like a kid for over 5000 years.
I am only a 29 year old boomer but I have really fond memories of playing(or rather watching my older brother play) ultima online.
>he wasn't a S1,S2,S3 and S4 multi-glad as a non-resto druid
get on my fucking level
seriously though the voice acting was kino
>>no blood elves
fuck off spodbrain faggot
Anyone remember when that autistic guy made a full length Warcraft movie?
PvP, r-tard. Also belves are awful
Legacy servers aren't a new concept. Several MMOs have done it over the years. I'm surprised it took Blizzard this long to realize there's demand for an official WoW Classic server. Or maybe they knew all along, and it took them ruining the ongoing version to cater to fans.
>play OSRS for a little bit
>start fishing at some spot
>people are just talking shit with each other about nothing
>join in and have a good time just bantering like the old days hanging out caging lobsters in karamja
Correct. Same with the internet in general.
>Still in touch with 5 former guildmates in Tibia even though we all stopped playing 11-12 years ago
Feels good, man.
You say this as a joke, but its unironically true. I've made more friends on Second Life than any other game combined.