What's the male equivalent of Handmaid's Tale?
That is, a show designed as a masturbatory strawman for a certain demographic, especially if it ordains to be a reflection of current society.
What's the male equivalent of Handmaid's Tale?
That is, a show designed as a masturbatory strawman for a certain demographic, especially if it ordains to be a reflection of current society.
new one coming out called Shots Fired
white cop kills black kid
children of men?
the closest I can think is Fight Club
Who's the demographic in that scenario? Pregnant women?
dudes that want to be able to bang chicks without worrying about getting them pregnant I guess
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
bladerunner 2049
Banshee (I'm a tough dude that can MMA fight anyone ever and I'm mysterious and bang all the hottest babes)
Dexter (I'm a secret total genius that murders but only murders the bad guys and I get away with it because I'm smarter than everyone else who are all idiots but I'm a good guy)
Honestly a lot of shows are jerk off fodder for the male ego. House MD. NCIS. There's a metric shit ton of them.
Ordain, as in to order (something) officially. to establish, to legislate, to dictate, to pronounce.
"The show's vision ordains to be a reflection of society"
The show is decreeing that it is a reflection of society.
Is that enough for you? Do we need to discuss this further?
No, "ordains to be" clearly doesn't mean "decreeing that it is". You misused the word.
do non-feminists watch this shit?
I am literally quoting the definition
Disgusting, I'm not breeding with her my baby deserves 2 eyes.
it's about islam i had to read the book thanks for fucking nothing canada
>"New Sheriff Ruins Everything: The show"
Sopreddits and Wireddit
Nah lad, ordains means to make an official order.
The show didn't order anything.
Pertains would have worked
Not at all what OP asked for.
Yes, and you're so illiterate that you haven't noticed that it confirms your misuse of the word. "Ordains to be" isn't "decreeing that it is", and neither mean "claims" or "declares itself to be", which is what you mean.
No, pertains wouldn't have worked either. You mean purports.
Decree is literally a synonym of ordain you pseudeointellectual turd
That's legit some of the worst and most lazy make-up i have EVER seen. No wonder only women enjoy this absolute trash.
Resident evil 3 lets plays.
As I suspected, you're using a thesaurus without knowing to use the language. The sentence would only have worked grammatically if you've said "ordains itself to be", but it would still be nonsense. Synonyms aren't exact equivalents - coming up with a sentence and then replacing one of the words with a fancier-sounding synonym will usually trip you up and expose the ignorance you're trying to conceal. You meant "purports to be", so just say that.
The action genre.
*how to use the language. See how easy it is to just admit that you made a mistake? Try it.
Conan the Barbarian, literally the ultimate male power fantasy created by an incel who lived with his mom.
That's the one
haven't read the book, nor watched the show
but damn, how stupid are feminists...
the main actress in this show is really uhh homely
bet Margaret Atwood knows how to use "ordain" correctly doe
Feels bad that we'll never get another movie like this. Ever.
New Conan will be a woman with a tranny sidekick.
Mad Max or Dirty Harry? A man on revenge killing bad guys for his understanding of justice.
Mad Men if you see John as mainrole. Maybe Breaking bad, a man has to fight for his family at all odds? Sopranos, men have to survive a dog eat dog world?
Nah my girlfriend really liked bladerunner 2049.
That new joker movie/falling down/fight club/american psycho probably a bunch more
Fight club and American psycho are both very popular with female demographics.
James Bond movies, especially up to The Man with the Golden Gun.
After that, it got milder.
ok, what has that to do with priests?
This is the correct answer
>oh, I'm a mediocre male between 20 and 40 years old and I'm not happy
>It must be society's fault
Handmaid's Tale is basically God's Not Dead for liberals. They get angry when you point this out for some reason.
>That is, a show designed as a masturbatory strawman for a certain demographic, especially if it ordains to be a reflection
are triggered?
They're angry because your face is unpleasant to look upon, it's nothing to do with your argument.
Handsmaids tale is popular among men as well
Any hot fuck scenes?
I didn't get it as being societies fault, but that men were trying to be something they were not. The fight club served as a way to free them. Later it evolved more like a religion than a revolution.
The entire premise of the film is that a guy feeling inauthentic because he gets buyer's remorse = widespread social malaise. The element of masturbation fantasy kicks in when you realize that all the guys who participate in Fight Club would be terrible at fighting. The idea that white-collar workers are primeval alpha bareknuckle boxers kept from their masculine potential by a feminized society is pure wank.
I'm not OP but ordains was correct and you're a faggot
SJW feminists
That wasn't explicitly targeted it's just that the characters and themes resonated with men a lot more. The handmaids tail is a chick flick.
Honestly there isn't really a male targeted movie. There are movies targeted at things guys tend to like, but I can't think of one targeted at base sexual characteristics of guy.
why is she winking at me?
But it's still just a self insert power fantasy. Handmaids tail is self insert masterbation for the entire female sex, where as Conan is a self insert for an individual.
The first four deal with individual men, not males as a whole. Plus mad men has a pretty black narrative on wheter it's characters are good people or not. I get where you're coming from but they don't count.
Sopranos could be a better fit, but it's still all about the "family" not men specifically.
It wasn't.
The lack of self-awareness is off the scale.
>Honestly there isn't really a male targeted movie. There are movies targeted at things guys tend to like, but I can't think of one targeted at base sexual characteristics of guy.
If they made a Red Sonja movie where she has a sassy tranny sidekick I'd pay money to see it.
Good answer
You shut up. Robert had a hard life.
Your favourite show.
>The idea that white-collar workers are primeval alpha bareknuckle boxers kept from their masculine potential by a feminized society is pure wank.
I don't know about the bareknuckle boxing bit but tell any doctor what you should do if you feel yourself being weak and depressed and not really being excited about your office job anymore even when it pays well. I will bet you a thousand dollars that he'll tell you to start working out and pick up a sport.
Sedentary jobs like what we see with office work is actually damaging to your physical and mental health. The people that are alive today are genetically identical to the peolpe who hunted large game with bows, spears and traps. The male body and mind has literally been shaped by evolution to be team based apex predators. This isn't wankery, its literally a biological fact. We literally do stuff all the time to trick our brains into thinking we're still living that life. Even when we're just playing video games online we're creating an artificial competative environment where we can fight other people for hours on end.
i love how mad this show makes Yea Forums, but i like it
Slaves of the vaginocracy? well, life.
>check thread
>Yea Forums trying to compare male power fantasies to Handmaid’s Tale in a desperate attempt to make men seem just as bad
>Yet none of the things they bring up try to tout there’s some oppression of men in society, unlike Handmaid’s Tale for women
You're not understanding me.
Handmaids tail is masturbatory fantasy for the idea of being a female itself. It's literally the we live in a society meme. Action can't account for that because they tend to just focus on a single character to self insert into.
It's like this, commando is to sex in the city, as handmaids tail is to ?
>Yet none of the things they bring up try to tout there’s some oppression of men in society,
because there isnt. its about time men realize this fact
I don't think any of the shows you mentioned have a heavily male audience. either 50/50, or majority female audience (women watch more tv though, so that skews it...).
And women aren’t oppressed either. Yet they have Handmaid’s Tale and a million other things telling them they are
imagine actually believing this.
Mr Robot
but isnt the ultimate point that tyler's wrong and his extremism went too far?
Peggy gets raped early on
Breaking Bad
>meek middle aged loser becomes a badass drug dealer action hero
>The people that are alive today are genetically identical to the peolpe who hunted large game with bows, spears and traps
And those are genetically identical to the people who spent most of their day laing around trees gathering berries and fruit.
This weird idea that humans are an innate predator that just needs the adrenaline rush doens't hold water when compared to the actual evolutive process of people. Eating meat
and hunting was something we begrudgingly did out of necessity until we found out ways to preserve and have direct access to vegetables, fruits and seed, not an instinct developed over millions years of evolution aiming towards it.
>Imagine pretending to be a feminist for (You)'s on a mongolian dubstep forum
there isn't a clear parallel because (incels aside) men don't view themselves as victims and make fiction about every man being oppressed
I'll watch just about anything post apocalypse/dystopian future. First season had interesting world building. Second was complete shit. Like they were afraid to progress the story past the one household so they just keep repeating things.
The men and the women in Handmaid's Tale are both uniquely oppressed, though.
There's an entire scene of a politician having his arm amputated as a punishment for a moral wrongdoing. Everyone in the show's world is put into a limited box and is maimed for stepping outside it.
Then op is right and there is no movie.
Yea, I did. The show is more anti-religious extremism than anything else.
Turner Diaries or maybe Camp of the Saints is the right equivalent
patriarchies that systematically oppress women do exists, just not in the west. when western women show up outside of congress in these red outfits to protest the patriarchy they are making fools of themselves.
OP just asked a question, he didn't make any claims about being right or wrong
You obviously haven't seen Die Hard, or any Clint Eastwood movie from Sudden Impact onwards. The whole "society frowns on male characteristics, but they need us!" wank is the male equivalent of what you're finding in A Handmaid's Tale.
>And women aren't oppressed either.
And this is where your butthurt makes interesting discussion impossible, you tendies-eating, crotch-funk-stinking, soaking-neckbeard-ruffed motherfucker.
Prison films?
>I don't know about the bareknuckle boxing bit but tell any doctor what you should do if you feel yourself being weak and depressed and not really being excited about your office job anymore even when it pays well. I will bet you a thousand dollars that he'll tell you to start working out and pick up a sport.
That's not what happens though, what happens is that they strip off to reveal hard, tough bodies.
The rest of what you're writing is the usual evopsych pseudoscience, complete with the assumption that everyone plays video games.
I haven't kept up with post western Clint Eastwood but where the fuck are you getting that interpretation of die hard from?
Nobody cares what you think, dude.
>Calls someone out for being butthurt
>Is a million times more butthurt
Really jogging my noggin with this one.
Married...With Children.
No one cares that your mother fucked enough sailors to be a navy health crisis, that still makes her a whore.
>The Expendables
I bonded with my father-in-law over these movies by polishing off a case of beer with the man and just laughing at all the ridiculous shit going on.
Of course they do. I'm a male.
Sudden Impact wasn't post Western. If you're going to say "where is the male version of A Handmaid's Tale" you should probably have some knowledge of film.
It's not even an interpretation, it's what the film's about.
tell me. this image. who do you see? who's in the doorway? who hurt you?
Nobody's listening. Yea Forums is all you have left.
>not really being excited about your office job anymore even when it pays well.
Ask me how I know you've never worked for a living.
The exact contrary.
The right wing dominates everywhere.
The left is constantly losing battles and shrinking.
Some {not very successful} MSM pander to the left and they are rapidly shrinking too.
>The people that are alive today are genetically identical to the peolpe who hunted large game with bows, spears and traps.
no they're not. cultural evolution has sped up genetic evolution in a positive feedback loop, not slowed it down.
agriculture, for example, spread with genetics, not culture. people who were genetically predisposed to live in agricultural societies genetically replaced the hunter-gatherer populations. modern and prehistoric man being the same is a meme
>And those are genetically identical to the people who spent most of their day laing around trees gathering berries and fruit.
yes, but they could only do that because hunting provided them with enough food to give them that time to not constantly be involved in acquiring food.
Even today you can go out into the woods and hunt game for a a day or two and have meat to last your family the rest of the week or even month if you manage to kill a big animal. Its an insanely efficient method of finding food. Most hunters genuinely find the act of hunting to be an enjoyable activity.
That doesn't mean that the best life is to literally be in a state of constant adrenaline rush. The stress of that is extremely negative. But this notion that we don't need to engage in regular physical activity to actually stay physically and mentally healthy is absurd. Literally ask any doctor about it, they'll tell you quite bluntly that physical activity is key to physical and mental health. Its been proven in literally hundreds of studies over several decades now.
>hunting was something we begrudgingly did out of necessity
Hardly. Even most animals classified as herbivores are actually opportunistic carnivores. Meaning they will eat meat but not hunt.
Meat is extremely rich in everything an animal needs to survive and hunting is the most time efficient method of finding meat. The introduction of agriculture has literally been shown to have had a negative impact on the health of humans because of the massive increase in time spent aquiring the small amount of food needed to keep us from starving to death. We reduced the diversity of our food which meant we were constantly dealing with malnutrition. Throughout the agricultural period, meat has been considered a luxury that you ate sparingly because of the amount of work it takes to tend cattle until recently when we industrialized our farming and saw a 25-50 fold increase in our ability to grow crops and tend cattle.
>What's the male equivalent of Handmaid's Tale?
>modern and prehistoric man being the same is a meme
Is this just a pet theory of yours or did you actually read about it somewhere? Genuinely curious about it.
24 or strike back, or any other tough man against terrorists of the world
Turner diaries
Accurate answer. Fight Club is such wank shit.
Real life
married with children
This. Dude was incel mgtow before that was even a thing.
What exactly is your point? Its literally just a hypothetical description of the symptoms of depression in a fairly blunt manner. Do you think that office jobs don't pay well? Because there are tons of office jobs that pay very well, especially when compared to manual labor jobs.
haha you're retarded and pathetic my dude.
roasties gonna roast
1: that is society's fault
2: you entirely missed the fucking point. The problem with Fight Club is that it's masculinity fetishism. Which has run rampant since the early 2000s. It's basically anti-vaxxer soccer mom tier shit now that's all over the internet.
I love how Tucker Carlson show make libtards on Yea Forums mad.
those people have always been around. tons of them ended up joining the clergy and took vows of celibacy.
>it’s mens fault that living a sedentary lifestyle in a restrictively “progressive” society fueled by virtue signaling rather than right/wrong is frustrating and unfulfilling
Get a load of this guy.
>literally most (if not all) things in the show have already happened in real life in different parts of the world
Doesn't Fight Club show the end result of that masculinity as being dangerous and socially destructive? It's like saying Taxi Driver is fetishizing masculinity, when it's just showing how deranged it can make a man in its extreme.
Lol have you literally never visited a doctor in your life? They don't do this. Generally they ask about your home life and your hobbies and the next step is to recommend treatment with a psychological facility.
>bob bitch tits
>hard, tough bodies
How and why does sex somehow equate into this? The show is looked upon positively now a days due to how disproportionately punishing it is to work hard, deal with your problems and overcome the odds.
But no, the only thing you think of is just sex.
You hedonistic pieces of shit are amazing in your stupidity.
The strawman is painted specifically to be one subset of faith in the world. And in only one place.
Wouldn't Taxi Driver perhaps count? Although it's set in the real world and is a character study of Travis, you do get the sense that all of the men in the film's world are cucked by society to some extent, that being said, it isn't necessarily about muh power struggles as Handmaid's Tale is, just that society as a whole causes alienation and despair.
The legal system in America is a complete and utter fucking circus. There is literally no justice in it. The rich get away with literal murder and child rape, the poor are locked away for life for minimal crimes. Women are allowed to fuck up their children, kill them, eat them, claim men rape them when they didn't and face almost no repercussions. Child Protective Services is basically a child sex slavery ring. The cops are all criminals who literally just steal people's property and set them up for crimes that never happened. This country is completely fucking insane.
It’s totally cucked
All these thirsty simps are going to keep perpetuating it despite the injustice becuase they “want to get laid”. Absolute works of art those guys.
Funniest thing is, is that the women their trying to impress are most likely only willing to have sex with guys who don’t give two shits about them or their “empowerment”
>actually, unironically believes women are oppressed
Ok, Yea Forums has officially jumped the shark.
That's a good take - both films show how masculinity taken to its most logical extreme isn't condusive to the society we live in. However, seeBoth portray it as somewhat inevitable for the characters involved - they're clearly antiheroes and ego-fantasies (albeit through a replacement of the ego with the id), but they reach said point through having become jaded by the faults of society.
How did people actually accept the film? Men to this day worship Fight Club as though it's some kind of scientific treatise about how the man is being kept down and he needs to start punching shit because that's real hot man shit. Men have become such utter pussies that every moment of their waking life is devoted to making sure everyone thinks that there are as macho as possible. It's fucking pathetic
We have more and more people from reddit coming here
I dont mind, it keeps me challenged and lets me do more research to see if my belief system is justified while I see how stupid and emotional they are.
>The legal system in America is a complete and utter fucking circus.
It's everywhere* like this, user.
*everywhere = where women are allowed to vote
I'm not just talking about the women shit. The entire American so-called justice system is completely fucking corrupt and evil.
>All these thirsty simps are going to keep perpetuating it despite the injustice becuase they “want to get laid”
Nope. These laws even harm guys who aren't thirsty
>Men to this day worship Fight Club
Get out, socialize with people and have sex because its clear that you're a retarded feminist incel.
What’s an inkel?
But can you really base a film's message on how it's received? The macho thing is lame as fuck, but that's because it's not really being masculine in the sense that matters in a developed society. Responsibility and reliability are much more important, but they're also far harder and more abstract, so of course people want to orient masculinity in something as physical as who can punch the hardest or some gay shit.
Yeah but that's fundamentally misunderstanding the point of the film. As I've already posted, the point is to show how unchallenged masculinity isn't condusive to our society and as such leads to destruction at worst and malaise at best (although in the case of Taxi Driver, Travis is heralded as a hero, but in the end his lot didn't change).
>The entire American so-called justice system is completely fucking corrupt and evil.
Shawshank Redemption
It's not society's fault, it's how they respond to it. It's natural that people get left behind, but you can't blame society for not working in the case of the minority 1%. I know for a fact in Taxi Driver, you do see guys that are well adjusted and are making the most of their lives, like the nerd in the political campaign office. For men like Travis, they're not 'cucked' so much as they want to lead lives that just aren't workable anymore. I've heard him be compared to the idealized cowboy a lot before, because he essentially wants to kill the bad guys, clean up the city with brutality, and get the girl. But it's not a modern way of life, if it ever was one at all.
There isn't one.
A show that demonized women, or non-Christian religions for that matter, the same way The Handmaid's Tale transparently demonizes men and Christianity would never, ever be allowed to be made. At least not these days.
Have you never visited this place called the internet before?
To a large degree, yes. I mean Fight Club pretty obviously glorifies the message that's being sold. A cop-out at the last minute doesn't really erase that from the film. Lots of movies do that shit. Where they spend the entire movie selling a message, but then at the end give a PSA that's half-hearted. People don't hear that shit though, because they can sense its garbage when they just got done watching an hour and a half of the opposite message, especially if they agreed with it
This. Glad you mentioned it.
I was starting to worry I was going crazy or TV was just getting overpopulated with leftist Redditor transplants.
Maybe not. But he's hardly the only one that thinks that.
Yeah the civil asset forfeiture is the scary part. I'm literally afraid to move because I'm afraid that cops will just pulled me over and steal all my shit. America's an old fat dying whore. It no longer cares about even the appearance of Justice at this point.
There's barely a cross in the show.
The point is about religious extremism, not the kind of religion it's implemented with. Stop being a sensitive bitch
>The rich get away with literal murder and child rape
Not all rich people. Democrat ones do. Most other rich people get fucked if they get caught.
Thought I saved it but I guess not. But,
>collage of movies women will never understand
Watched until Alexis Bledel was muzzled, had her lover executed and got her clit snipped. I fapped furiously and then watched something else.
It is societies fault inherently, that is to say, the faults of society pushed Travis to the edge, but the film clearly displays that such a reaction isn't ideal. Ergo, at its core its a lesson of having to make peace with the broken world we live in, because trying to fight back (like, say, the good guy in a western would) isn't feasible. I would disagree that the nerd in the office isn't cucked by society, he clearly falls inline with the paradigms set by society (he sees Travis as a threat but instead of confronting him head on, he threatens to call the police; his entire job is to ensure the acquisition of power of Palantine, someone whom he likely doesn't know on a personal level, nor would he receive personal gain from Palantine's election; he is in close proximity to Travis' love interest and likely would have a lot more in common with her than Travis, yet he doesn't try and court her). Again, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it shows that, for a man to function in society, he has to fundamentally limit his 'manliness'.
Go fuck yourself, you lying stupid piece of shit. The corruption at the top crosses all lines. I have no more patience for you fucking stupid frog shitting neonazis.
South park already did it with the Women + Mars plot
This system is being perpetuated by men who have liberal tendencies due to opportunistic ulterior motives (white knighting to women, even if they are not innocent, etc)
>Child Protective Services is basically a child sex slavery ring. The cops are all criminals who literally just steal people's property and set them up for crimes that never happened.
They’re being victimized due to these thirsty betas making and passing laws that let a woman’s accusation mean more than presumed innocence
In the case of Fight Club, though, i think it comes down to 'feels vs reals'. If you watch it without your head grounded in reality, the actions seem like they'd be fantastic and fun - 'the protagonist is finally breaking away from his monotony, epic!'. But if you look at it critically, he isn't achieving anything positive, he's indulging his hedonism and that's it. I don't think it's as much the film's fault for sending mixed messages as it is the audience for misinterpreting the messages being sent.
>you fucking stupid frog shitting neonazis.
Preach it, sister.
We don't really see why Travis is the way he is though. I mean, he was formerly a soldier, it could be a number of things including war experiences that have given him his fucked up outlook on things. But because it isn't explicitly shown, I think you have to conclude that the reasons why aren't necessarily important.
The nerd in the office is 'cucked' by society only when viewed from a perspective of masculinity that aligns with Travis'. There's nothing inherently wrong about working for the benefit of someone else, especially if you believe in them and their cause. Also, he does seem to be friendly to her and he might be working up toward asking her out. Travis doesn't really get that far either, because his view of how a man should be has warped his behavior to such an extent that it's off-putting. He's cucking himself more than anything.
All men are being harmed due to the cucks that want to get laid and keep giving women free passes
They’re the same type of people who think a woman is so important for simply existing that it’s ok if they cheat/don’t work hard, etc. they fear being labeled as “lonely” and it’s tragic
Not going to fucking engage with your nonsense. If there's one thing I've come to understand about right-wing opinions it's that they never fucking change regardless of how much information or proof is presented that contradicts them. It's all sportsball fucking team rivalry bullshit with you low IQ morons. Nothing is ever your team's fault. Everything is always the other team's fault. That's just how you are. You'll have to live with yourself like that.
And how do most Americans watch movies?
>giving women free passes
Yes, just look at all the right-wing equivalents of Jussie Smollet and Eric Clanton and Harvey Winestein.
Oh wait; they don't exist. Because the right-wing equivalent of their crimes would get people unrelentingly fucked.
Democrats own the majority of the justice system and give each other favors. It's just a fact.
Democrats sometimes get fucked and Right-Wingers sometimes get away with shit, but it's transparently biased, especially with high-profile crimes where they want to make an example out of somebody.
People on the left do this plenty
t. leftist
>when it’s about men it’s a joke
>when it’s about women it’s serious business
>right wing somehow means pointing out flaws in our “equal” system
If you think the court systems disproportionately allowing women free passes, and cucks like you being ok with it and simply writing it off as “right wing” you are literal scum that’s too stupid to even function beyond letting your wife’s boyfriend make all your decisions in life.
Leftcucks are degenerates that honestly think everything in life revolves around sex and is subordinate to it.
They're basically animals.
Almost like one show is a cartoon funny show and the other is a drama O.o
I don't disagree that there could be external factors that warped Travis' psyche, but we're going by what is presented in the film - which implies that it's wholly Travis' environment that pushed him to the edge. Again I agree that in the real world, the office nerd would be the hero, but through the film's lense, he is cucked. He may be working up to ask her out, he may just enjoy working for Palantine, all of these things could be true and in fact likely would be true in the real world, but in the context of the film, he is a beta compared to Travis. But that's what makes the film so interesting and eternal - it raises the question of what the idealised mode of being is given the society we live in and although it shows that Travis' actions are ultimately self-destructive, in the end he, just as the office nerd, is stuck in an endless malaise (meandering on, but never truly affecting real world change).
amaaaaazing graaaaaace how sweeeet the souuuuuund
>baseless ad-homs
>no actual argument
Please list and detail specific and certifiably/provably real ways that specifically women in modern Western nations are "oppressed", please. By all means, educate us.
Similar with A Clockwork Orange but people just see the edginess and not the point that's made of it.
Ok, so it’s totally fine if they do something that’s “not serious”, and is in no way a sign of them getting a free pass right?
Fucking retard
Here’s your (You), spend it wisely chum
Nobody's reading your bullshit. Every single branch of the government is right-wing right now. You can't make any more excuses. You can only propagandize and lie, but nobody's listening anymore.
It honestly baffles me how people are ok with this. Society is disintegrating and all people want to do is one-up each other due to being politically correct/identity politics.
What a bunch of disgusting people
>Everyone else only thinks about sex!
>Literally like six people now have ignored the fact that I named a wide range of issues with the criminal justice system in America
o.O Honk O.o
>every single branch of the government is right wing now
Is that why trump faces opposition regardless of what he does? Is that why the media is constantly firing all pistons to support left wing ideologies, even if they cause more human suffering than happiness? Can you people please stop being retarded just for once?
I’m not even right-wing, but all the inequality in reality that’s being perpetuated is by left-leaning politicians
>all the copes and cogdis itt
You really can't criticize whamyn anywhere afterall.
If you use the word “incel” you are a retarded pervert who can’t formulate why you have an opposing view
The lens that you're looking through is the warped perspective of Travis, which becomes exceedingly unhinged as the film goes on, though. I don't think the idea of the real world can be left out, in fact it's more likely that you're meant to bring these assumptions of morality and masculinity to the picture at large. It's just a quirk of cinema that movies about bad people, even when demonizing their actions, often inspire the audience to root for them anyhow.
All that aside, even by his own perspective, Travis is as great a beta as the other guy. At least for the majority of the movie. He's stuck doing something he doesn't enjoy either, to empower someone he probably doesn't know. He loathes his environment but does nothing to change it until the very end. Even then, he doesn't even make a dent in the situation and he's still in a dangerous mental state.
If you have to be a beta, it's better to be happy and productive, rather than raging against the status quo to no end.
Those kinds of people don't worship Fight Club, they worship Tyler Durden. They are just like the characters who end up joining Fight Club.
Yes you can. I don’t give a shit what the redditors/white knights say. I have my right to point out shitty behavior and inequality and nothing is going to stop me; and you for that matter
>The Handmaid's Tale isn't a hit-piece on Christianity
How delusional do you have to be to believe this?
Fucking look up the author's vocal beliefs if you're going to feign skepticism. She's an outspoken aging leftist roastie that hates Christianity and has states that she wants white Canadian and American Christians replaced with brown Islamists.
As a centrist I just see two groups of people throwing dog shit and each other. Then one calls the other side "Poo slingers" while the others are crying "Crap throwers".
Miss me with that shit.
>Yes you can.
I wanted oryx and crake live action instead.
My old red pilled Arab professor told me that before Islam become a thing, all of the pussy whipped city-States of old Arabia was uber feminist and let women cheat, get better jobs, accuse men and get away with it by virtue of being women (sound chillingly familiar?) all the white knight simps allowed it
Meanwhile, the patriarchal tribes that all worshipped Islam trampled them all in less than 30 years
Becuase of how privledged and disloyal women were, they ultimately were treated like cattle. Men had to accompany them to prevent them from being raped, you need more than 3 witnesses when a rape accusation occurred, etc.
It’s fucked, and its happening again
Well I suppose that's the fundamental aspect of it all, as I said prior, it's about contrasring different modes of being, but reaching the conclusion that, in the end, its all the same.
>Every single branch of the government is right-wing right now.
What fucking planet are you posting from?
>stands in the middle of a shit throwing contest
>miss me with that shit
I see what you did there, but you're still coming out covered in shit.
Based whitepillanon.
Based blackpillanon.
>sound chillingly familiar
Well she's more delusional as the show has never quoted the new testament. She's literally slamming jews and calling them Christians.
I’m about the same, but to fight inequality you get called a “right wing” bigot for not worshipping a women’s presence even when they destroy a guys life for petty selfish reasons
>Becuase of how privledged and disloyal women were, they ultimately were treated like cattle
>What's the male equivalent of Handmaid's Tale?
real life
>As a centrist I just see two groups of people throwing dog shit and each other.
Of course you do. Because people who loudly declare themselves to be """"""centrists"""""" are rarely, if ever, ACTUALLY anything like a "centrist".
Typically they're an embarrassed Democrat, running damage-control by constantly trying to tell people "b-b-but both sides are the same!!!...", because that's contrary to observable reality but it's better than people acknowledging right-wingers as being LESS cancerous to society.
Depends who you talk to. I don't live in a city, so I don't experience that much.
>What fucking planet are you posting from?
The one where the judiciary, the legislator and executive branch is controlled by the republican party. Are you completely unaware of what's happening in the real world or something?
>Every single branch of the government is right-wing right now.
Because I actually watched the show you nigger.
The show is clearly inspired by the revolution in Iran more than anything, where free women suddenly found themselves subject to gross religious restrictions. The fact that they barely show crosses, the scripture is vague and unspecific, and that their morality is 'Christian' only in the most distorted fucking sense, should show you that it's far more to do with religious extremism as a whole than one particular faith. I mean you could replace it with a Jewish take over and the scenes would be the same.
They don't mention Jesus, Moses, the Holy Spirit, or anything that's normally Christian.
Yeah, and natural selection made guys want to fuck everything and anything without a second thought. We don’t do that. Why? Becuase it’s wrong.
They know it’s wrong, but people will make a million and one excuses for them, and natural selection is not one of them
>Every single branch of the government is right-wing right now.
Obama appointed a literal fucking Communist as head of the CIA during his first term. I somehow doubt that has all been undone.
You only say that because you're right wing. The left say the exact opposite that centrists are just "embarrased Republicans, running damage-control by constantly trying to tell people but both sides are the same"
Political extremism can be arguably worst than religious extremism for your mental health my dude.
>natural selection made guys want to fuck everything and anything without a second thought
Indeed. Because women are unpredictable crazies and only impregnable during only a few days per month, men must be always willing and able.
I wonder how this guy would have distorted the rule of Victoria and Elizabeth I to make his point.
>Every single branch of the government is right-wing right now.
Yes, that's why literally every branch of it is allied together to either blockade everything Trump does or outright frame him for some conspiracy-theory tier crime he never committed, and there are members of the government anonymously declaring that they are "sabotaging" Trump at every step of the way.
Why are leftists obsessed and insistent on being the "underdogs", even when it's provably contradictory to reality?
Last time I checked, humans are better than their basic animal instincts. The way we treat women, they’re reverting back to their monkey tendencies
Baywatch? Charlie's Angels?
I don't think such shows exist anymore. Because feminists have deemed male sexuality as pure evil.
I don't think there is one.
>rightists must be on Trump's side or their not right wing
Males are a bit more self conscious about these things and even edgelords largely do it for the lulz. Back to OP, the current system is indeed targeting males for oppression in non insignificant ways so at least a small part of them live indeed in a society. Thinking of people getting their children taken away from them.
>Yes you can.
Not for long. Leftists are trying to make America like Canada, where you can literally get arrested for arguing with a feminist woman on social-media.
Spartacus, the show.
just another excuse to blame men. it's ironical because people who say this treat women like they're literal retards. "no no women don't know any better, you see, the way we men treat them defines how they behave".
>but my Emperors and Kings did everything themselves!
>humans are better than their basic animal instincts
Only with enough testosterone
>like Canada, where you can literally get arrested for arguing with a feminist woman on social-media
>She's literally slamming jews and calling them Christians.
Actually she's literally slamming Muslims and calling them Christians.
Literally everything wrong with her fictional representation of Christianity is provably present and nearly ubiquitous in modern Islam. Not even fundamentalist Islam, but pretty much any region where Islam is dominant. Her book was even openly inspired by the events of the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
That's what makes her hatred of Christianity and her love of Islam so baffling.
>the modern Republican Party
This is especially hilarious in the Trump-age. Republicans have literally sided with Democrats over siding with improving America.
Why is it so common for guys to hook up with single moms now? Is it because it makes it easy to be with a hot woman that way?
A friend from college is very good looking and has an excellent personality, I admire him a lot. He's very happily together with a single mom who had one kid before meeting him. To be fair she's quite pretty, though, but still nothing special.
A coworker is also very cool and great to hang out with and not bad looking at all. He's been together with a single mom for 10 years now and when they met she had a 10 year old kid.
Queen Victoria was notoriously "anti-Feminist".
Women themselves aren't necessarily the problem. Feminism is.
Every cop action movie ever
Handmaid's Tale isn't a power fantasy.
It's a self-serving "You have it so hard" narrative.
The right answer to OP's question was Fight Club.
>hook up with single moms now
Because they will clean your house (to impress you and show how valuable you are) before you dump them for good.
unlike crazy cat ladies and anitas alike say, men are more empathetic than women, and we don't blame the little ones for their mother's horrible life decisions, so we take care of them
>two sides say different things
>therefore both must be equally untrue
>the truth is always in le middle
If you like someone, you like someone. It's hard enough to find someone good these days, who gives a shit if she's got a kid?
Well that's a pretty common meme, isn't it? The demonisation of Christianity by strawmanning it as being the equivalent of Islam, whilst defending Islam. It takes a certain type of lens to justify such mental incongruity. Either that, or willful ignorance of reality.
(sorry I didn't mean hook up I meant be in a relationship)
You're not a black woman and you never will be, Redditor.
Trump has done little to nothing not in line with rational right-wing policy-making.
So yes, in general, if you're savagely "resisting" Trump's policies to help improve America, you're probably not right-wing.
Never said truth had to be in the middle. I just find both political parties abhorrent, so I don't support either of them.
I support my political views, not these hypocritical rich fags.
There are plenty of rational right-wing reasons to oppose the wall or pulling troops out of Syria.
Seems like a correct answer.
>The demonisation of Christianity by strawmanning it as being the equivalent of Islam, whilst defending Islam.
>It takes a certain type of lens to justify such mental incongruity.
It is the natural and inevitable conclusion of the current zeitgeist (the one pushed by institutions and the media).
Don’t give up
>It takes a certain type of lens to justify such mental incongruity. Either that, or willful ignorance of reality.
There's a name for that. Orwell came up with it.
Not really. Not ones that actually hold water in a debate.
I think it's more "men are looking for something more than what they are" turns into "they think they found it and turn it into a fetish / religion". FC is a major bluepill hidden under a hard redpill veneer.
If I ever watch this crap is going to be to see Alexis. I learnt in some other thread that she was a sex slave on this show and now I really want to see this
>tfw she looks like she hit the wall hard in the GG revival but I’m still in denial
Double think is a very superficial thing.
The whole argument is very coherent and efficient. It's 'what could diminish the structure and culture that we want to replace'.
Even in 1984 the government merely wants to canalize the plebs frustration and attack different enemies in different ways which gives the whole double think, bu there is a clear idea behind.
>the poor are locked away for life for minimal crimes.
And that's a good thing. I wish Europe would lock away the immigrants we can't send back. Ideally in American-style prisons instead of the Norwegian prison resorts.
He pulled it out of his ass, pre history was only 6000 years ago. Evolution doesn't work that fast.
woman get off on being victims. Handmaidens Tale is perfect because it scratches the victimhood itch they crave while simultaneously letting them peotest against it and feel like strong heros. Some men also feel this way, but they are broken.
I am not aware of an equivalent for Men since most male power fantasies tend to be more individualistic or team based, it isn't about the entire gender being oppressed.
Yeah, I got a thing for gagged women. Here is the clip.
fugg :DDDD
Those gags look like they don't do anything, I mean they aren't even pressing hard against their mouth. How do they work?
>raising and spending money on another man's kid
Gags work by stuffing a mouth and then holding the stuffed material inside by wrapping around. Here is an example of the process done correctly albeit in fetish art + meme. It's the only source material I had on hand to explain it, but this is how you gag some one correctly for both illicit and fetishistic purposes.
Alexis’s character in the show is probably one few suppose ‘good’ guys I feel sorry for. She should have been the lead not mrs scientology
It was co-opted by lonely sentimental virgins, not made for them.
There's a foreign culture in the Game of Thrones universe where women control society and geld all the beta men to be slaves who don't get to reproduce. But the most beautiful of alpha males are worshipped and made to fuck all the women.
Its a terrifying anti-culture that could never succeed in the real world.
>Double think is a very superficial thing.
I don't think that is true.
Being able to deny facts on command based on what those in authority tell you is a fundamentally dangerous concept. It's an outright attack on the philosophical concept of truth and reality.
>It's the only source material I had on hand to explain it
Dude, acquaint yourself with some Jam-Orbital.
Wouldn't all that stuff kill the person?
>nobody mentions this
you're all a bunch of fags or I'm somehow on reddit
huh? I get hating religion but why the fuck would you make an exception for islam? Pretty sure even most hardcore leftists don't like it, at least if they are lgbt
Muh dick. She still is beautiful when she isn’t caked in makeup
>but why the fuck would you make an exception for islam?
Because Islam is foreign and primarily brown. According to the Marxist paradigm that makes Islamists a "Victim Class".
>what is air-permeable fabric?
Travis is a pretty fundamentally deranged character. You can't blame him on society, he just grows to hate it because of social isolation. He's at best a bad case of post-Vietnam PTSD and at worst a cold, dangerous sociopath.
Fuck yes, my nigga
way to out yourself as a woman
Birth of a nation.
Just a white male equivalent, but pretty much the same shit. Overly simplified, and it's the ethnicity and gender of the good guys deeming them the good guys.
Breaking Bad too. Every one with a college degree secretly thinks they could be such a criminal mastermind because they think they’re so much smarter than actual criminals.
The Sopranos does a good job showing how Tony spent his entire life looking at every situation from the angle of how it could be exploited to the point where it was just second nature to him.
Even the guy that went undercover as Donnie Darko said that most of life in the Mafia was sitting around trying to think of ways to score
Some people are only looking for stuff that validates their thinking which means ignoring the underlying message if all you wanted was the surface level stuff. But that says a lot about you if you do that.